IELTS vs CELPIP for Canada PR 🇨🇦 | Which is easier? Which one should you choose?
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Channel: In The North - Canada
Views: 155,184
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Keywords: life in canada, moving to canada, immigrate to canada, canada couple, move to canada, canada immigration, ielts, ielts for pr in canada, ielts for canada immigration, ielts for canada, ielts vs celpip, ielts vs celpip which is easy, ielts vs celpip difficulty, celpip speaking, celpip, celpip format, in the north - canada, ielts tips and tricks for general training, how to get canada pr without ielts, canada pr without ielts, celpip vs ielts, celpip vs ielts for canada pr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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