CELPIP 2024 - Hardest Practice with Answers

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sell pip it can be tricky especially when you progress through the test because as you might know the questions get more and more difficult when you reach the end of each section the problem is these final questions of the test the harder ones they're worth more points so if you're trying to get a high score in the cell pip exam you're going to need to be ready to correctly answer those challenging questions luckily that's what we're going to be doing in this video we're going to practice answering some of the hardest questions in the cell pip exam so get a pen and paper and prepare yourself for some brain Busters as we take a look at two of the hardest tasks in cell pip listening part six and Reading part 4 we'll start with the listening section the most difficult part is part six listening for viewpoints what I will mention though is that the most difficult section for Reading part four is also about viewpoints so you could argue that being able to listen and read for viewpoints is the most challenging skill required for a high score in cell pip so what are viewpoints or points of view basically they opinions which in many cases can simply mean to agree or disagree or it means you either like something or you don't so for these tasks you need to focus on the people and their opinions are they for or against something are they in favor of it or opposed to it before we get into it you can download this hardest question practice booklet for free it includes all the questions from this video it also includes a few bonus practice questions download it by clicking the link in the description let's now have a deeper look at listening part six like all cell pip listening Parts the questions come after the listening and they are multiple choice questions in listening part six there are six multiple choice questions each with with four options to choose from you just click to see the four drop- down options to get a high score you need to get at least four out of six correct in this part so what specifically makes this task hard well one factor that makes this hard is how long the audio is usually around 3 minutes or more and that's a long time for anyone to pay attention another factor is that you can only listen once to the audio and you won't know what the questions are so you must take good notes also since you need to know different people's viewpoints you need to listen for and note down opinions but you also need to keep note of who thinks what so have your pen ready to take down notes and try to keep your focus because these questions will be tough let's see what this question looks like at the top is some general information about what you need to do hear a report see six questions check choose the best answer you will also see some instructions before the audio plays take a moment to think about the topic and consider what the different viewpoints could be in this case we read you will hear a story about taking a gap Year from studying what is the topic if you don't know what the word gap means could you guess it means taking a year off from college or university to travel or work try to think of what could be good and bad about this so we know the topic taking a year off from studying you've thought about some possible viewpoints so next you're ready to listen and note down the names and viewpoints so for example if the listening mentions Jack Harland then you can write JS or J har and then listen for the position either for or against and some details why one of the potential questions could be what did Haron think about the proposal and you might hear several people's opinions on it so it's crucial you note not only the opinions but who they belong to sometimes there could be groups that are mentioned as well like professors or students so note their opinions as well okay let's have a go at this one are you ready all of the options are on the screen now try to complete each statement with the best option while the audio plays okay ready listen closely after finishing High School Julie Matthews planned to begin University early in the new year and the hope of gaining a bachelor of graphic design degree in what was a last minute decision Julie deferred her course and left for a gap year abroad traveling solo to countries throughout Europe the Middle East and Asia not previously seen as a positive Endeavor more are beginning to recognize its potential now 34 years old and a medical graduate Julie spends 3 months a year providing humanitarian assistance as a part of Doctors Without Borders she attributes her Gap year as the Catalyst for what was to be a lifechanging decision after witnessing firsthand the changes she could make as a doctor Julie was fortunate as the choice of whether to Stay or Leave was completely her own she admits that having her parents blessing was an added bonus but still believes she would have left regardless many students however feel they are simply pushed into University by parents who are afraid their children will somehow be left behind if they don't continue on a strict study pathway making it harder for them down the line Ben Jacobs an architect and entrepreneur says that this is precisely what he went through his parents believed that if he followed his dream of taking a year off he would struggle to get back into academic life they insisted he continued directly to University with the justification of having at that point spent a near fortune on his education he was told that his friends would go on with their lives without him and that employers would be wary of a resume with a vacant year to this day even with all the success he has accumulated there lingers strong doubt in his mind that the right choice was made parents are often looked back upon as the sole rejectors who held up the stop sign to a year of fun and freedom however schools also need to take more accountability some see schools early indoctrination of the need to pursue an academic career at all costs as the main hurdle to a more open minded point of view one that potentially has many rewards Melissa Monroe career counselor and CEO of total potential Advocates taking a gap year if one has the means but making it a structured year that any future employer would see the Merit of as she points out it does not need to be a year of unfocused debauchery with some planning and motivation Melissa sees it as an opportunity to fill a resume with with unique experience whether paid or voluntary in her professional opinion experience is what truly sets people apart how was that were you able to catch the names and what they thought about taking a gap Year from studies who was for it and who was against it let's look at our questions there are six questions to answer and you have three minutes to complete them so on average you want to spend about 30 seconds per question that said said you should always take your time to select your answer eliminate what you think is incorrect look at your notes and if you're not sure make your best guess of what seems most logical let's look at the answers together here's number one this story is about and our four options are how a gap Year from study can be a positive Choice the consequences of making poor decisions how young people are influenced by their parents and the growing trend of taking a gap Year from study what's the answer let's begin by eliminating what seems false the second option is about the consequences of poor decisions and the third is about how young people are influenced by their parents these don't seem to be about the main topic which is taking a gap year so let's rule them out how about the first and last options you can see they're both about a gap year but what do they focus on the first is the positive side of Gap years and the last is the the growing Trend what did the speaker say she said not previously seen as a positive Endeavor more are beginning to recognize its potential and if it has potential which means it could be good in the future then it can be a positive Choice also most of the other people mentioned explain the advantages of the Gap here so the first option is the correct answer okay let's keep going number two says Julie's decision to take a gap influenced her friends to do the same was Guided by her parents advice led her to pursue a career in medicine was cut short due to study commitments let's check our notes beside JM for Julie Matthews I wrote some notes using shorthand to make it easier and faster to take notes you can use whatever short form you can understand I wrote life-changing decision and Doc meaning doctor so this may give us a clue let's let's look at the question again what do you think the answer is it's the third option led her to pursue a career in medicine let's look at what was said about Julie it said that she attributes her Gap year as the Catalyst for what was to be a lifechanging decision after witnessing firsthand the changes she could make as a doctor let's look at number three it says parents often feel that a gap year is the right decision for their child can lead to hard ship later in life should be the child's decision needs to be discussed at school were you able to note down parents and the Viewpoint if not can you use logic to eliminate incorrect answers and identify the best option how would most parents feel about taking a gap year the answer is the second option a gap year can lead to hardship later in life it makes sense that parents would see the negative side and it was said in the listening that many many students however feel they are simply pushed into University by parents who are afraid their children will somehow be left behind if they don't continue on a strict study pathway making it harder for them down the line notice the paraphrasing going on here that is when they use different words to express the same idea the speaker said making it harder for them down the line which means hardships later in life down the line is a common idiom that means sometime in the future okay let's see number four it says Ben Jacobs believes that taking a year off from study should be left to parents to decide has negatively affected his career needs to be mandatory for all students or could have been the right decision to make let's check our notes for Ben Jacobs my notes read BJ architect parents insisted continue study doubt right choice this tells me that Ben's parents did not want him to take a gap year but he doubts that decision was the right choice so what is the answer it's the last option it could have been the right decision as it was said that to this day even with all the success he has accumulated there lingers strong doubt in his mind that he made the right choice therefore it could have been the right decision all right next one number five it says schools teach students that they must follow a traditional study pathway it is possible to defer University there are various paths to a career or it is dangerous to travel alone let's check our notes I wrote schools need to pursue academic career equals a hurdle to open-minded point of view this tells me something that schools see the need for academics and that is a hurdle to open-mindedness if you're not sure what that means what do you think most schools would say about taking a gap year the answer is option one they must follow a traditional study pathway and more specifically it was said in the listening some see schools early indoctrination of the need to pursue an academic career at all costs as the main hurdle to a more open-minded point of view one that potentially has many rewards here the need to pursue an academic career is another way to say follow a traditional study pathway okay last one number six it says Melissa Monroe believes that taking a gap year should be encouraged by all parents must be organized to be fully beneficial needs to include some voluntary work or can be detrimental to one's education what did you write down for mm I wrote Gap year tick so I know she agrees with taking gapur and I added but structured future employer see Merit let's look at the answers the last option says detrimental which is negative but Melissa was the positive side so we can eliminate that option how about the third option there was some mention of voluntary work but not that it needs to be included in a gap year so probably not the third option is it the first or second when the speaker mentioned Melissa there was no no mention of parents so we have one option left the second one is correct because it was said that Melissa Advocates taking a gap year if one has the means but making it a structured year that any future employer would see the Merit of so here structured is a synonym of organized and Merit is similar to beneficial those were not easy questions but you can do well if you remember to listen for the names and groups of people and what side of the issue they're on then when you get to the questions compare with your notes eliminate incorrect options look at the options left and choose what fits best and seems logical let's go on to Reading part four reading for viewpoints in Reading part four there's one long text on a website page followed by five multiple choice questions each with four options after that there's a comment on the page with five blanks that you have to fill from four multiple choice options so what is hard about this Reading part well one big challenge is the time limit of only 13 minutes and in that time not only do you need to read a long text but you also need to answer the 10 questions and as with listening part six you need to understand opinions and need to know who thinks what remember you can download this practice booklet for free from the link in the description it includes the question we'll be answering in this part of the video okay let's take a look at an example task for Reading part 4 as you can see you have the reading passage on the left the first thing to do when you see the reading passage is to work out what the topic is you can usually work this out from the first sentence in this case it says the complexity of individual personalities is evident in all forms of professional sports so we can guess it's about person alities and Sports on the right here you can see the five multiple choice questions but there's also another task which has five blanks to fill we'll complete this task second so since you have the issue of the tight time limit you'll need good time management to be able to do this question well I recommend spending about 3 minutes skimming the text then you'll be left with 10 minutes for answering the questions what is skimming well it's reading quickly to get the main idea in this particular question type you need to get the main idea of each paragraph often from the first and maybe also the last sentence of each paragraph and also look for the names mentioned and their points of view you don't need to read too carefully just enough to determine the general idea and the Viewpoint of each person feel free to pause the video now and take 3 minutes to skim through the text you can also take brief notes if you want okay how did you go did you manage to find the main ideas and the viewpoints of each person let's look it over together we already identified the topic of personalities and sports here you can see that it's about how personality traits impact the type of sport goal setting and the performance let's continue and keep an eye out for the first name I see gra Hitchcock and then we can see that he says I see it all the time where an introverted person chooses a sport that they can practice on their own such as golf or swimming while an extrovert will prefer a team or high contact sport what is Graeme Hitchcock's Viewpoint he thinks that introverts like individual sports while extroverts like team sports okay let's skip ahead a bit the next paragraph begins Mr Hitchcock so we know it continues with his viewpoint let's skip to the last line that says I know it's a generalization but for particular Sports you need a particular personality the next paragraph begins in contrast so we know there's going to be a different Viewpoint here I see the name Michelle Chen and read there are many occasions where a child is pressured into a certain sport by his or her parents then I skip ahead until I see another name Andre Agassi and it reads who who has admitted to hating tennis at various points in his life I believe his father was the one who chose tennis for Andre all right I think we have the idea Michelle is saying parents influence what sports kids play and Agy is an example of that let's look briefly at the last paragraph This is about grahaman it says then there are the split personalities says gra this is when a player might be shy and quiet outside the game but suddenly changes into to a competitive outspoken player okay we have the main idea now it's time to answer the questions feel free to pause the video now and answer the first five questions okay here are the next five questions again feel free to pause and find the correct answers how did you go did you manage to answer all the questions let's go through them together now number one says what can be reasonably concluded from this article parents have a vested interest in their child's success certain personality traits often match particular Sports tennis players are less aggressive than other athletes athletes often begin playing early in their life let's look closely at the question what can be reasonably concluded about the article this is an inference question which means the answer is something that can be inferred based on the main idea but it's likely not to be stated directly at this point some people would want to go back to the text and find the answer but that isn't necessary we've read enough to get the main idea why don't you try to eliminate the options and make a choice parents are mentioned in the fourth paragraph but only that paragraph so that can't be the main idea of the article it's a distractor and we can rule out that option tennis and playing sport as a child are also mentioned in the fourth paragraph but there's nothing about a link with aggression or athletes often beginning early in life so these can also be ruled out so the answer is the second one certain personality traits often match particular Sports we read this idea in the first paragraph and it's the only answer that contains the key Concepts we identified personality and sports so that's what you have to do for each question eliminate the distractor and check the correct answers let's keep going how about number two it says who is most likely to be interested in reading this article professional sports people parents of gifted children sports psychology students followers of Andre Agy if we focus on the question it says most likely which is also an inference question this means we don't really need to read anything in the text we should be able to to get the answer based on what we've already read who would want to read about personality types and sports the answer is the third one sports psychology students they would be most likely to read an article about personality traits influencing Sports remember the other options like Andre Agassi may be mentioned in the article but these are distractors because they don't quite fit what the question is asking let's try another number three says gra uses examples of personality types to point out that Michelle Chen is incorrect demonstrate his expertise in the matter show the similarities between them prove his own observations are accurate in this case we need to take some key words from this question and scan the reading text for them to find the answer scanning means looking for specific words Let's scan for the name Graham and him giving examples of personality types in the text Graham is mentioned in the second paragraph but we don't have time to read everything so let's scan for examples of personality types I see the phrases introverted and extrovert in the middle so that's where I stop and read that sentence it says I see it all the time where an introverted person chooses a sport that they can practice on their own such as golf or swimming while an extrovert will prefer a team or high contact sport now let's look at our options again what do you think the answer is it's the last one prove his own observations are accurate because he's giving examples of things he's seen to back up what he's saying all right number four says the example of a famous tennis player highlights that a person can adapt to a particular sport coaches are undervalued in some sports parents play a significant role in choosing Sports motivated people navigate towards team sports now how can we scan for the answer we need to look for a famous tennis player if you don't know any famous tennis players don't worry we can scan for tennis and find the name the fourth paragraph mentions tennis and Andre agasse so now let's look at the end of the paragraph where it says children are often pushed unwillingly into a sport where they have to adopt a personality that fits the game if we look at the question again what seems to be a paraphrase of what we just read it's the first option A person can adapt to a particular sport because we learned that Andre Agy didn't necessarily have a personality that suited tennis but he had to adapt to the sport and the last question for this part number five says according to the article people who are reserved in nature often shy away from competitive Sports can change abruptly once the game begins tend to choose a team based sport to play focus more on the structure of the game to get this answer let's look at the keyword reserved what does that mean it's like shy or introverted so we need to look in the text for mention of shy or introverted people I think I remember something about that in that last paragraph a quick scan and I see the word shy let's read in more detail it says a player might be shy and quiet outside the game but suddenly changes into a competitive outspoken player the moment the whistle blows what do you think is the right answer yes it's the second one can change abruptly once the game begins now for the last five questions that are part of a second text which is a comment in response to the first text the instructions say the following is a comment by a visitor to the website page complete the comment by choosing the best option to fill in each blank this comment will have its own viewpoint keep that in mind as we read it says after years of watching my son try out for numerous Sports I have little doubt that a person's personality has nothing to do with sports can turn them away from Sports dictates their chosen sport drives them to cheat in sports we should be able to get this one without scanning what seems to be the logical Choice based on the topic it's the third one dictates their chosen sport let's continue it's as though Graham is speaking about my son when he discusses this on the other hand like Michelle I have seen my share of controlling parents who thrive on the achievements of their child as a kind of compensation for their own inabilities reward for their efforts and support competition with other sporting families representation of their wealth and Status here we can go back and scan for what Michelle said about parents in the fourth paragraph we see there are many other examples where a parent has done similarly whether it be for financial gains or to fulfill a loss stream of their own children are often pushed unwillingly into a sport what answer do you think is correct based on what we just read it is the first one compensation for their own inabilities which is a paraphrase of fulfill a lost dream now we read my husband a former footballer admits to being of similar character to the latter mentioned personality traits as he often regretted playing judged his competition questioned his motivation changed dramatically right before a game in this question we need to understand the latter mentioned personality traits and latter means the ones mentioned last so let's look at the last paragraph it says this is when a player might be shy and quiet outside the game but suddenly changes into competitive outspoken player the moment the whistle blows it's a complete transformation let's go back to our question now and look for a paraphrase of what we just read what is the correct answer here it's the last one changed dramatically let's continue number nine says he tells of competitors who lacked motivation because they simply weren't good enough to play passionate about the game encouraged by their parents paid what they were worth it then says I empathize with Mr Agy in this respect why would some competitors lack motivation think about what we've read what seems to make the most sense it's the second one they weren't passionate about the game like Andre Agy who the passage says hated tennis at times all right now our last question the last part reads ultimately I believe as does Graham that only the person themselves can choose their sport as it is only they that really know their own physicality the training they need what makes them tick who will support them for this last question let's scan the text for what Graham says about the person themselves at the end of the second paragraph it reads I guess in the end Nobody Knows the mindset of an athlete as well as themselves so what do you think is the final answer it's the third one what makes them tick which is a phrase that means what motiv Ates them or as the tech said their mindset so that's it well done you've completed two of the hardest questions on the cell pip test how did you go remember if you want to practice more of these challenging questions you can get more sell pip practice materials at E2 test prep.com also don't forget to download the hardest questions practice booklet where we have included some bonus questions so those were some difficult questions the hardest on the cell pip test but if you're able to use logic eliminate wrong answers and identify the correct answers in the way I've shown today then you'll be able to really do well and get a high score on the cell pip exam good luck and keep practicing
Channel: E2 CELPIP
Views: 17,799
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Keywords: #celpip, CELPIP, celpip, celpip ls, celpip general ls, celpip general, celpip 2024, celpip reading, celpip speaking, celpip writing, celpip listening, celpip canada, celpip tips, celpip exam, celpip exam dates, celpip results, celpip result, the celpip speaking test, celpip listening part 4, celpip reading part 6, celpip hardest questions, celpip difficult questions, the celpip reading test, celpip strategy, celpip answers, celpip practice, celpip practise, e2 celpip, tips
Id: Oo5Npqkvnfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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