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bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalamualaikum my name  is Asad yaqoob and I am from Lahore Pakistan and   I teach aisles here in Lahore once again I welcome  you all to my ion speaking video in this video I   am giving you some tips how to improve your band  score in IELTS speaking this is the second video   of this series the first video you may have  watched if you didn't watch just go to the   playlist and there you can watch the previous  video as well in this video I'm going to share   some golden ideas with you let me tell you as far  as Eyal speaking is concerned there is no right or   wrong answer for IELTS speaking test you cannot  say that this is the wrong answer unless the   answer is irrelevant that can be wrong but if it  is relevant you can give any answer so you need to   check the most appropriate answers underline the  key words I mean there are some question answers   which are solved you can underline the key words  there and try to keep the ideas in your mind that   if they ask me my favorite color I will talk  like this if they ask me my leisure activity   my free time activity I will talk like that if  they ask me about my hometown I will talk like   that so you can keep in mind these type of things  and then allow the examiner to ask you a question   and then you answer now let's see there are some  common questions and how to answer those questions   that's what we are going to discuss examiner can  ask you I am Asad yaqoob you're speaking examiner   could you tell me your name please now here simply  you can say well my full name is Mohammad Asad   yaku well my full name is Mohammad Asad yaku okay  so when it comes to telling your name you can say   my first name is Mohammad assert what I can say my  first name is assert it is a very common name in   my country and my family name is Jakub by the way  you know they will ask you your name and there is   no marking criteria for that but still it's a good  idea to cast a first impression on the examiner or   you can say my first name is a surd which means  lion I'm telling you now how acid means lion and   my surname is Jakub I would appreciate you call  me acid okay next what would you like to call me   or what would you like me to call you actually  so then you can say please call me acid or you   can say I said please or anything like that you  can say is that clear alright next could you give   me your identification please when examiner says  could you give me your identification please you   can simply say oh sure here it is oh sure here  it is like this you can answer right you can   also say here you are or you can say yes here  you go here you go here you are sure here it   is this is how you can just say otherwise it's  another way the examiner asks you could you give   me your identification please without saying  anything okay but you should say hey you are   next how did you get your name now sometimes they  ask you questions about your name if they ask you   more questions about your name it means the test  has started if they only ask you your name then   the test will start later they'll ask you more  questions because sometimes the questions about   name they are the part of the test so how did you  get your name say I was named after my grandfather   or I can say I was named after my uncle or I was  named after my great-grandfather right well I was   named by my mother you know acid is my mother's  favorite name that's why she named me Assam and   Yaqoob is my father's name okay next question  does your name have a special meaning now you   should know the meaning of your name and even if  you don't know don't panic just say yes there is   a special meaning of my name but unfortunately I  don't know that I never thought about it like that   okay don't get panic I'm telling you in speaking  even if you don't know the answer just answer but   don't get panic so does your name have a special  meaning yes it does the English equivalent of my   first name would be something like Lyon okay and  also my family name means right it's the name of   a prophet yaqoob is actually jacob so it's the  name of a prophet next examiner's question is   your name important to you say yes why not my  name is the most important for me or yes it is   names can make unconscious impressions on people  that is why my name is very important or my name   is quite significant for me like they I try to  use alternative words is that clear or you can   say no I don't think it can do anything for  me I believe that I myself should determine   my future irrespective of what my name is actually  I try to do this by acquiring more qualifications   and working hard you can answer like this as well  next if question is asked how old are you and the   ladies they say behave yourself okay or don't be  too personal but you have to answer because your   ID card is already there so examiner will not ask  you these type of questions even if they asked you   can say like I can say I am 30 years old in other  words I was born in 1980 or I was born in 1990 on   the 3rd of March 1982 be accept whatever right  so I can say I am 30 years old in other words   I was born in 1990 huh on the 10th of July 1990  to be exact something like that I'm not I'm not   telling you my real age by the way okay so don't  predict anything about me all right next question   examiner might ask you could you tell me where you  are from now where you are from means where do you   come from or where do you - you can give a simple  answer like I can say I was born in Karachi you   know one of the largest cities in Pakistan I moved  to the whole city just after my birth something   like there okay so you can answer like this so you  can add some more answers and by the way this is   just one way to answer there are 10 different ways  to answer the same questions like I was born in   Karachi a small town in the south of my country  but I grew up in Lahore city or I hail from a   coastal city with lovely weather in the north of  my country called Karachi I come from Karachi city   you know a beautiful city with a great climate  my parents have been living there for the past   20 years or so I grew up there so there can be  many other answers to the same question and you   need to come up with your own answer don't try  to copy my answer it's just you know just to tell   you next how long have you lived in Karachi or how  long have you lived there they might use this word   so you can answer since I was born or since I was  5 or since I was whatever you want to say after   then you can give in any other answer like when  I was a child at the age of 10 my parents moved   to Lahore because of my father's job we have been  living here since 2000 or since 2005 or anything   like that ok so this is how you can answer if they  ask you how long have you lived in that very city   the next question is what is your goal or what  are your ambitions for the future what is your   goal for the future or what are your ambitions  for the future now you can come up with foreign   education or immigration or anything like that for  example I hope I'll have made a career move and   taken a management position by the time I am 35 I  think it's prison studying management is the right   thing to do I think going abroad is the right  thing to do I think getting the immigration of   Canada is the right thing to do for me right now  so my goal is to get Canadian immigration you can   give any answer okay don't try to copy my answers  come up with your own answer and you can just do   it easily if examiner is going to ask you further  about your hobbies and all that so whatever the   question is just remember one thing you need to  give one sentence answer first and then after that   you can use a connecting word like because and  then give the reasons and you can make 2-3 more   sentences that's all that's the end of this part  in the next part I am going to come with another   topic or some more questions which are asked in  speaking part one and I'm going to tell you how   to answer those questions don't forget to watch  the next video as well if you liked this video hit   the like button and you must comment this video  so that I get to know how I'm doing or what sort   of further improvements you want from me and I'll  make videos on that also I teach I also online if   you want to join my online IELTS classes you can  contact me for there I also offer IELTS writing   correction service if you want to subscribe  IELTS writing correction service you can send   me a message and I'll send you all the details  for that as well I said yaqoob wishes you all   the best I wish you all the best with your IELTS  speaking take good care of yourselves Allah Hafiz
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 200,775
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking cambridge, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band, Mock test, How to get a band 8 in IELTS speaking, Speaking for IELTS, Speaking part 2, IELTS Speaking Test Sample, best tips for ielts speaking, tips and tricks for ielts, speaking ielts test 2020
Id: Ugl2ahpBLx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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