IELTS Speaking Tutorial - The Best Tips To Get 7.0 Band By Asad Yaqub

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okay let's make a start this is IELTS speaking part one and I'll ask you some questions you got to answer and remember you have to be a bit talkative enjoy this little conversation with the examiner and show good gestures and show interest in every question okay let's start how often do you uh you can say almost I eat chocolate daily because I love it uh but mostly I like to eat it after lunch all right so to answer your question I usually love to eat chocolate conclusion okay now let's go on what's chocolate my favorite chocolate is dairy milk so so sometimes I like it with the uh nuts and raisins flavor okay now you can elaborate for example what's your favorite chocolate my favorite chocolate is dairy milk and I've always liked this chocolate since my childhood there are different flavors in that sometimes I like nuts otherwise I like raisin flavor so I would say I love dairy milk very much see your answer your ideas I expanded on that right let's go on is chocolate expensive in your country uh yes it is expensive uh but uh the local brands are not too much expensive these are affordable price in affordable prices okay so uh if you want some important chocolates these are definitely costly you see that I mean your answers are okay English is okay but because I'm asking you these questions and you are answering such type of questions for the first time that's why you're having hesitation important Point try to be familiar with all these topics if you are familiar like today I'll talk to you about chocolate next time anyone talks to you about you can answer like this because you have already talked about it so be familiar with cue cards be familiar with speaking part one questions so that when you go there I just call this thing answers are readily available readily available means you ask me about chocolate I know dairy milk yeah you talk about this thing I'll talk about that thing so answers should be really available and you'll be fine English is okay it's just like these topics which creating some hesitation for you all right let's start here scared no all right let's see so do you like weekends yes I like it very much uh it's I said weekends so I like them very much I like them very much because a whole weekend I have one day to spend my family that's why I like okay now listen uh for weekends what are the other other words Saturday and Sunday end of the week right end of the week so do you like weekends yes I love weekends especially this is the time when I spend a lot of time with my family or anything like that okay let's go on do you usually spend your weekends with family or with friends I usually spend my weekend with my family because my family is important than my friends so I always prefer my we can spend my family okay now you know what is happening in your answer there is a repetition the last sentence and the second last sentence they are almost same or the first sentence and the last they are same so try to use different ideas and different wording and different structure okay now let's go on what is your favorite day of the week my favorite day of the week is uh Saturday because it is my weekend so uh I like them um because I have an opportunity to to shop to shop shopping um something uh like clothes and shoes um because a whole weekend uh I am too okay so you need to organize your answer and don't use because too much because can be used in the middle of compound sentence but not in the beginning like that okay so if the question is what's your favorite day of the week don't repeat the question what's your favorite day of the week Friday is my favorite day of the week repetition what's your favorite day of the week I like Friday very much because it's a holy day according to my religion then you can go on right so try not to repeat everything try not to be a parrot what do you do in your free time in my free time I do how often do you go for shopping I often go for shopping right what is your favorite color my favorite color is not not like this okay try to change this thing and then examiner will reach you at a better band score right okay thank you so much
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS Official
Views: 43,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking cambridge, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band, Mock test, How to get a band 8 in IELTS speaking, Speaking for IELTS, Speaking part 2, IELTS Speaking Test Sample, best tips for ielts speaking, tips and tricks for ielts, speaking ielts test 2020
Id: v6tsTFc6lV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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