Ielts reading tips

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hello friends welcome back to toppers world this video is about reading questions like matching the headings with the paragraph many students often face problem regarding how to solve matching the headings and nearly 90% students don't know the exact way in this video I'm going to solve questions later to matching the heading by using a technique called paraphrasing paraphrasing is a very important technique paraphrasing means having the same sense in different words like having the meaning or sense or ideology in different words by using this in our names or by changing the structure of the sentences so this technique is a very important it is it works throughout the different modules of eyes and here I am using the same technique for solving headings matching the headings with the paragraph so let's see professors that I have chosen here to show you how to do matching the headings is about substance abuse in teens substance means a kind of drugs tobacco or heroine smell alcohol etcetera and there are different paths paragraphs ABC or visible to you and I have D that is not visible to you now then here paragraphs like he have and G so here I'm having a list of questions like 14 to 20 and first of all we should see headings the first heading is experts reveal the reasons so it can be paraphrased like as experts can be here like doctors engineers counselors psychologists something like there would be in that paragraph who are telling us the various reasons of or drug abuse second is example of an errand parent so example is can be paraphrased like for instance or any hints dent of incident where parents are ignorant or they are not accepting their fault team drug abuse 13 means here 13 14 15 years children who are consuming drugs and this is a white separate phenomena means separated all around ill effect of drug use it can be paraphrased like bad effects or negative effects of consumption of drugs accepting the reality accepting mean admitting or acknowledging the reality or real or truth of the bitter truth of something how to control the problem here we will find some words like how to overcome our majors or steps that can be taken to solve this problem what makes children turn to drug abuse so what makes children means what induces the children what attracts the children that they are taking drugs relieving tension through drugs so that could be like they have stress-related issues and they want to overcome stress by taking drugs so some something related will be like this mention in the paragraph frightening figures there will it make it mimic means that there will be some data percentages figures that can be quite stressful or the terrible for us so serious metal would be their life so these kind of situations might be mentioned in the paragraph and the technique that I am using here like we have to find out the key words but the key words would would never be as same like as given you in the front front of you in the screen I suggest you that you should take a screenshot of these list of headings and then do paraphrasing and matching with paragraph with me so now I'm going to read the paragraphs then we will decide which paragraph having which heading now let's read the first paragraph it would be surprising for many people to know that a considerable proportion proportion in percentage of youth ranging from 13 years to 16 years old drink and smoke so 13 years and 16 years mean teenagers who smoke so I think this is sufficient in front of an information for us and 13 years in 16 years means teenagers and considerable proportion means large percentage so heading is Tila drug abuse number three a wide separate phenomena teen drug abuse 13 to 16 and percentages given over there that it's a white supremacist clearly match with a you can see it again look at the first line it would be surprising for many people to know that a considerable proportion here means widespread phenomenon and the ranging from 13 years to 16 years shows that teenagers now look at paragraph P exposure and addiction to alcohol and tobacco sedatives and sold over medical centers so mathematical counters despite regulations and sniffing of inhalants such as glue they are discussing different types according to World Health Organization report titled the pact we use and control efforts 99.7% teenage girls in India use some form of tobacco similarly 17.3% teenage boys so figures are given here you can see nine point seven seven two point three and fourteen point one these are the figures so we have to see the heading which contains figures now here the number nine heading is clearly match with matches with paragraph B frightening figures now let's read a paragraph C they are various reasons why children take up drug and overuse to kill boredom how to be accepted by peers to escape from family problems are we the tension of not performing well academically so this paragraph shows the reasons why children indulge in drugs so heading number seven what makes children turn to drug to drug abuse means what make here means reasons C is the right answer for sorry for C paragraph 16 paragraph C is what makes children turn to drug is the right answers so 16 question number having answer C now paragraph D Wilson hey counselor counsel means expert with daily base T rehabiliation Center revealed that children as young as 13 years are coming to treatment and counseling for alcohol and tobacco addiction who Wilson a counselor this is a view given by an expert expert who deals with drug addicts so for Part D paragraph a word choice over here is one D paragraph is question number 17 expert reveals revealed the reasons now look at paragraph e Taneatua and event manager and mother of two children sees no problem when her teenage son occasionally indulges with peer so this is an example over given over here of Everman who is manager event manager so example of an erring parent to daddy number two matches with e paragraph paragraph we all know that drug abuse of any kind is harmful and addiction is an unpredictable event so this paragraph telling us about the effects since a dull sense is a period of transition and growing up children bount experiment children are bound to experiment means that this is the age where that say when the children start taking risk and so on to try new things so paragraph says that the children in this age are very young and inventive and they want to experiment they want to take new risk or try to check it out most exciting things around so number five is a clear answer of paragraph F means accepting the reality reality over here is that children are bound to experiment check the bar again children are bound to experiment let us admit it let us admit uni accept this reality that teenagers are likely to experiment with sex drugs alcohol even clothes and makeup on the fast-track to adulthood in this age they do experiment and we have to admit this accept this reality so we are sorry number five accepting the rarity matches with that paragraph F paragraphs G the big question is that what are what are we as parents teachers or concerned citizens going to do about it means what should we do about it how can we control this problem means banning drugs brushing this subject or even keeping children away from them is definitely not a solution so this paragraph is working on what should be done to control this control the children from none not consuming drugs number six how to control the problem matches with paragraph G so in this way we are able to solve all the questions and we have simply used the technique of paraphrasing by trying to find out what other words are used in the passages or in the paragraphs which relate to the words in these sentences or in the headings or statements so in this way you can also do number of exercises here I have chosen a bit moderate kind of example so that you can have better understanding I hope that you understood it well thank you very much
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Keywords: Ielts reading tips, ielts reading tricks, toppers world, world, toppers, paraphrasing, how to get 7 band
Id: SHrJtBl4tTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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