Identity in Christ 2020: Day 2, Morning Session

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good morning everybody anybody ready to worship this morning on this beautiful friday morning for identity conference come on let's do it [Music] praise [Music] is [Music] god has given me [Music] is i know who i am i know who god says i am what he says i know who i am i know who i am i know who i am [Music] god has given me and i know who i am god has given me [Music] [Music] i know who i [Music] i know who am am i know who i who i am [Music] i am so rich i am right [Music] cause i know who i am cause i know who i am [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i know who i am [Music] [Music] thank you jesus how many know who the sun is set free is [Music] truly [Music] step out of the grave don't be afraid [Music] let's run into wide open spaces grace is [Applause] [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] bring all of these let's run into wide open spaces waiting for you and dance like the weight has been lifted his grace is [Music] made is free indeed jesus thank you jesus [Music] of jesus of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is dance like the weight has been lifted the bible says that he has taken off the garment of heaviness and put on a garment of praise he's turned our mourning into dancing and we have much much much to rejoice over today don't we church amen has god been good to you come on let's worship him some more [Music] for he has [Music] for he has done things he has done many things [Music] oh [Music] forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you've done great things [Music] [Music] you and break every chain oh god see your dreams oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you jesus [Music] one day [Music] is [Music] [Music] the greatest his face [Music] his wings [Applause] [Music] lift up our eyes [Music] there is [Music] the jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] christ [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the mountains [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the name of jesus [Music] the earth will shake and tremble before him chains will break as heaven and earth sing holy is the name holy is the name of jesus jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] reaching out for us [Music] [Music] there is [Music] no other day [Music] jesus [Music] we worship you jesus the king of kings jesus no other names [Music] jesus [Music] lord we're so grateful for the name of jesus that you've given us authority in this earth in that name and god that your name is the name above every name the name of jesus and you've exalted your word even above your name that's above every name lord you're so amazing and we're so grateful thank you jesus amazing love that welcomes me the kindness of mercy that bought with blood wholeheartedly [Music] my soul undeserving god you're so good oh yes yes god you're so good god you're so good you're so good too [Music] hour [Music] the work of your power god you're so [Music] good [Music] you're so good you're so good too [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] to be [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] and when this life brings challenges lord i will remember what calvary has bought for me [Music] both now and forever so grateful jesus god you're so good you're so good [Music] [Music] yours [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] god you're so good come on let's sing [Music] we declare it today lord god [Music] we love you jesus [Music] [Music] so good to me [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus you're so good to us lord god we're so grateful we're so grateful god we lift up holy hands raising up our praise raising up our thanksgiving learning how each day to in everything give you thanks god you are greater in us than he that's in the world and we declare your greatness in our life today great is the lord and greatly to be praised great is the lord and greatly to be praised no name is higher than your name lord god and we magnify you in our lives today in our thoughts in our decisions in what we say yes to [Music] even in our emotions jesus we declare that you are the lord of every part of our hearts every part of our lives we present ourselves as a living sacrifice today and all of our members everything about us jesus come on one more time let's just tell jesus how much we love them as we begin this beautiful friday morning in september god we're so grateful for even the seasons in the natural but also the seasons in the supernatural how the times are in your hand and in the fullness of time lord you call us into your purpose and your plan and we declare today is the fullness of time and your purpose your destiny your plan is being fulfilled even right now god we thank you for the kingdom of god that dwells in us and we declare god that you are worthy and we give you thanks and praise and everybody said in jesus name amen and amen man i don't know about you but it's so good being back together again come on somebody and being able to worship god together hallelujah we love you so much thank you for worshiping with us those of you who are joining us via live stream wherever you're joining us from all around the world we're just so grateful to all of our partners and friends that have made this possible and thank you for being a part of our live even today i know you're going to be super blessed so we're going to break away to a video and then we'll be right back here in just a couple minutes i am beginning a brand new series that i've entitled a biblical worldview and i really believe that this is going to be one of the most important things that i've ever shared there is a very small percentage of even christians that have a biblical worldview the only hope that we have is to return to the word of god we need to go back to a biblical worldview sometimes a gift once upon a time many years ago in the ancient land of persia can change your life forever [Music] [Music] come and cheers [Music] from generation to generation one family searching for the heart of christmas [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] times hallelujah praise god man isn't god good you know god's god he could be any way he wants to be but he wants to be good he is a gracious merciful god what a blessing welcome back you know we've got our bible college students here today they are over in the other building for all of you in the top floor of the barn down in the bottom section and stuff we have i think a little over 700 students and we're trying our best not to rub the city the wrong way but it's not doing too well but at least we have all of our bible college students separated that's the reason we've asked you to use these restrooms that are here because the building is uh separated worst case if something happened you know the school could still continue to function so anyway welcome to all of our students and also welcome to all of the people who are watching online last night i think we had 7 900 and something people just under 8 000 that were watching and man it was awesome i know what this truth has done for my life and i know it's changing other people's lives i'm just really excited and we're looking forward to hearing pastor dwayne but right before we do that let's have matt come up here we've got some giveaways that we're going to do and i've been told matt's much better at this than i am which is true so we're gonna let him do it amen yeah this is the social media winners um so if you have been on our social media site and you have posted uh let me just give you a quick instruction about it just in case uh we'd like you to take a selfie if you're watching online uh hi everybody online uh take a selfie of yourself watching online and if you know if you have an identity in christ and you're just trying to get out the self of jesus that's not so ungodly right it's right depends which selfie that's good so when you do that uh put in the hashtag which is a pound sign if you remember your old uh you know push button phones or even the old rotary phones i had one of those ones uh identity in christ conference so hashtag identity in cro christ conference and then mention andrew womack ministries or karis bible college and just so you know the way that you do that is use the at sign at keras bible college or at andrew womack ministries that mention will let us know that you're watching and you're participating with us so we'd like to know how many people are engaged and how many people are being blessed and impacted by this so our two winners we have two winners and they both are here supposedly so we'll see jodie marie deal are you here hi hi joanie this is your prize packy we had a wonderful little bag here from kerris bible college and oh andrew's gonna be the runner [Applause] oh how the tables have turned uh and our second winner is carol edwards carol edwards are you here you're up there i'll run up there i'll give the oh wait yeah i'm through so we can yeah yeah i'll go run all right i'll let him run up there praise the lord also we're giving away uh dwayne sheriff's book identity thief i'm sure he'll mention this and give more explanation but i tell you this is awesome i've read it and i'm really excited to hear what dwayne has to say today so hey mike would you mind giving this away to somebody or here comes matt whichever praise the lord for those of you that have not heard pastor dwayne sheriff what a blessing he's been in my life he's been in ministry a long time he pastors a church in durant oklahoma that's one church but it has many different locations i think even some of them are overseas and they have a location here in colorado springs or in the woodland park area and he's on my board of directors and i tell you he's just a tremendous brother and i've been looking forward to this and and i may have used some of his stuff he may say some of the same stuff and i guarantee you if he says what i'm gonna say in the next hour i'm gonna say it again we're just gonna overlap each other and share these things and hopefully it will saturate you with these truths about who you are in christ so let's welcome pastor dwayne sheriff as he comes thank you thank you so much oh you're too kind thank you thank you thank you thank you well let's give a proper shout out to all of those that are watching online and again in our other facilities so let's welcome them properly would you give them a round of applause thank you god i love you guys appreciate you being a being a part well i am blessed beyond measure to be with you and to be a part of this conference andrew and i've discussed these things over the years and i've been just so looking forward to this so let's pray i'm ready to go father in the name of jesus i just thank you for opening the eyes of our understanding i thank you for enlarging our hearts to contain the fullness of all you have in our in our lives again thank you for this opportunity to share in jesus name amen well let's go ahead and turn in our bibles to second corinthians chapter five i guess that's no surprise but i will be there in in a moment but i want to lay a good foundation we have a couple of challenges when we talk about identity in christ and one of them is that that people think they've heard it and you'll you'll hear people say to you or some of you may even hear in your mind well i've heard this before faith doesn't come by having heard faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so these are things we need to be in relationship with the lord over and receiving wisdom and understanding in deeper dimensions as the holy spirit peels back your true identity it's like an onion you you peel one part of the onion and you're not finished there's another layer there's another level and you have to keep peeling the onion and so do not allow your brain to tell you well i've heard this i'm familiar with the terms one of the challenges of church culture is people just get familiar with the terms and they just unplug when you're trying to communicate life to them i've been to mexico five times and that doesn't make me a missionary but thank you for that response i recognize spanish i'm familiar with spanish we could have an altar call today and people get filled with the holy spirit and i may not understand that tongue or or that language of the spirit or whatever's going on over here but buddy when i hear spanish i recognize it i'm familiar with that but i don't have any idea what they're saying i guarantee you there are people within the sound of my voice or even here that you're familiar with certain terms but i wonder if you understand what the holy spirit is trying to impart and communicate to your whole your whole heart so i want to encourage you to open up your heart the other challenge is just the foundations i need to lay some simple foundations in my first session and then i'm going to build from there and get into some heavier weightier matters toward the end but most of us i have found over the years are missing it in the simple things it's the simple things that we haven't laid a proper foundation in and so we're struggling in our lives and so please do not miss the simplicity of what god is trying to communicate in your heart and in your life let me do this before i look at second corinthians chapter five why am i really excited about this well there's a number of reasons even personal reasons but why is andrew excited about this why do we feel like this is so important and why are we so confident that you have an encounter with jesus and the holy spirit shows you jesus and your identity in him your identification with him we know that we know that we know that's going to transform your life see your identity dear ones it's your identity that connects you to your purpose to your purpose in life why do we see a generation that is living without hope and and no goals and don't know why they're here or or why they are the way they are and they're just not connected to purpose and when you're not connected if connected to purpose you just lose your passion for life god created you on purpose for a specific purpose and your identity is directly connected to that and the devil knows it when you don't know it so he wants to impose a false identity on you he wants to create a a fallen identity or identity confusion anything he can do to mess up your identity will affect your purpose in this life and so we know we connect you to your identity you're going to fulfill your purpose in this life you're going to be filled with joy you're going to be fruitful you're going to be happy you're going to be fun to be around you're going to go to a church and people are going to light up when you walk in instead of lighting out when you walk in it's going to change everything so your identity connects you to your to your purpose and that is vital in our walk with god number two your identity connects you with your course of life your course of life who you are or who you believe you are will affect the quality or kind of life you live see god created us to live out of who we are and that's why the devil wants to confuse you on who you are so he can mess up your entire quality of life we were created to live out from being we're called human beings not human doings all of our doing has to come out of our being and once you understand who you are in christ and how god has created you in a very unique way then that affects all of your doing i'm not doing anything in life anymore to become something i've seen who i am now in christ and all of my doing comes out of that see a cow doesn't move to become a cow dogs don't bark trying to become a dog cats don't meow trying to become a cat no what they do is the overflow of who and what they are and let me tell you something if a cow barked that wouldn't make it a dog it'd make you a millionaire sorry that just came to me but anyway it wouldn't change who it is it would just be confused in its identity and so god wants you to discover and then have the full recovery in who you are in christ your true identity because it'll affect now the entire course of your life and then number three the reason this is important and we believe it's powerful is our our identity affects our wholeness and personhood we are born into a fallen world with a fallen identity and we've not understood it and the brokenness that man experiences today i believe is directly connected to a broken identity all of the inferiority complex i suffered with all of the many inferiority things that i wrestled with and low self-esteem and again on and on i could go with how messed up my life was it all came back to not understanding my identity in jesus and the wholeness that jesus has brought to my to my personhood again you are awesome in christ and in the eyes of god and god's plan is a beautiful plan for you and we're connecting you now to that plan all right let's look at second corinthians chapter chapter five because this is where everything pretty well began for me and being transformed by this man we call jesus in may of 1980 i was in college on a tennis scholarship and really felt like i was headed for a career in tennis and i had fallen so far away from god my life was so broken i had in my eyes failed god so miserably that i had finally just gave up on any attempt to serve him any attempt to please him and my life was just spiraling out of control and i practice every day at this at this uh apartment complex and a lady named sue walcott moved in to that apartment complex and her apartment was right over the tennis courts and she would hear me teaching tennis and hear me and watch me playing tennis and god spoke to her and said that she was going to witness to me and that it would be a powerful thing in her life and in my life and so she was just waiting for the opportunity and sure enough our paths crossed and it's too long of a story i give all the details in that book identity theft i spent an entire hour on the vision because there's just so much backfill that is important to it but i don't have the time it would take an hour to explain how she witnessed to me there's a story in there of a streaker in the middle of of of the situation that god literally used to to change my life and so if god can use a naked crazy person he can use anybody and i just don't have time to tell all that story so that that's in the book but the bottom line is sue had the opportunity god opened the door for her to witness to me and i just would not have anything to do with it i wouldn't hear it she would try to witness to me and i would just just push back and she'd talk about how how forgiving i am and i'm going on and on with there's no way god can forgive me i have failed him miserably i was called at nine years of age and i knew the voice of god and i heard god and at nine years of age i packed my bag and was leaving home crying not even knowing where i was going freaked my parents out i feel bad about it in one way to this day they weren't serving god they didn't understand god i didn't know what had happened to me just something big talked to me and i'm called and i'm i'm walking out with this little suitcase crying because i don't want to leave home my dad's going what's wrong with you boy and i'm going i don't know just one word i don't know you figure that one out i'm crying where are you going i don't know what happened to you i don't know that's how real it was though that's how powerful it was i mean i didn't even have any peanut butter i would have died in three days and i wouldn't even be here today it was terrible and yet it was that real and from nine years of age i sought god by myself without any help and i mean in a powerful way a profound way but i failed and i failed and i failed and i failed and i tried harder and tried harder and tried harder i'd go to a church and just ask the preacher what do i got to do to please god they give me a list of rules i'd do all those rules and still didn't feel like i was pleasing to the lord so it gave me a new set of rules it was just terrible and i just failed so many times i just flat gave up i know to this day and knew then god didn't give up on me but i gave up totally on him and i can identify with people struggling after the flesh trying to live this life for god instead of learning how to live this life from god trying to live your whole life for god instead of living your life with god in your new identity with christ and so i'm pushing back and sue is telling me you don't understand he's already forgiven you he forgave you 2 000 years ago at the cross what do you mean he can't forgive you now he's already forgiven well he can't love me there's no way he can love me i've failed him so bad i've and i went on and went on i fought for hours she must have witnessed to me from about eight o'clock to five o'clock in the morning three o'clock in the morning four o'clock in the morning get your story right hallelujah i'm trying to get you to bail me out anyway from about eight o'clock to four o'clock in the morning and i'm just fighting and fighting and saying it can't be there's no way god can love me and i had an open vision of the cross it just broke me i just wept before the lord with uncontrollable tears and i had an open vision of the cross and it wasn't the traditional thing you hear about the cross and jesus on the cross i saw jesus on the cross but i saw me inside of him and i saw the wrath of god come on him for me and for all of my sins and i saw him die on the cross and in that death i saw i died and then i saw him buried supernaturally and in that i saw me identified i saw my identification i saw i was hooked up with him and when he was buried i saw me buried i saw him go into the lower parts of the earth and in the book i have to describe it's as if god put his hand over my spiritual eyes i was seeing with the eyes of my heart i was seeing with my inner eyes and i'm seeing me die with him buried with him descend with him but there's this hand that went over my eyes it's just it's it's as if the lord said i could not bear the sufferings that christ did for me on on my behalf and he just put his hand over me and i don't know what happened there it just went stealth and then i saw him come out of a grave i saw the tomb i saw him come out i saw him walking out and i saw me supernaturally on the inside of him but it was a different me it was not the same me i saw on the cross that died it was a different me and then i saw him ascend into the heavens and that new me that i saw in him ascended with him then he was seated on the throne and i was on the inside of him a new me seated on the throne with him and i heard him speak we will rule and reign together for eternity for eternity you can't imagine the impact that had on me now i want to say something here that is huge while that vision had a profound impact on me it simply arrested me to pursue god for understanding what did i just see i was so on fire for god i couldn't play tennis anymore i gave up my my scholarship uh not knowing where i was going not knowing what i was gonna do and i didn't even have any peanut butter but i was ready to to to serve god with everything within me and i i began to get in the word god gave me a supernatural hunger for the word of god and i kept asking him what did i just see what does that mean i've never heard anything like what i just saw and that's when the lord began to teach me my identification with christ that's when he began to teach me what the bible calls the gospel that's when he began to teach me what many of us have not been taught the power of the cross and this is where it started was in second corinthians chapter five in my pursuit of what did i just see what happened to me what does this mean how does this apply what are you saying to me and this is where i started in second corinthians chapter five is where the lord took me and then just like with with andrew whom i'd never met or heard of first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and everything began to come alive the entire bible began to come alive i for a couple of years read the bible for hours and hours and hours every single day in second corinthians chapter 5 look at verse 13 for whether we be beside ourselves it is to god or whether we be sober it is for your sakes one translation says hey if i seem a little crazy it's for jesus hallelujah i love that for the love of christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all that's jesus then we're all dead jesus isn't dying anymore he died and there was something that happened to me that the bible has affirmed that i saw in a vision that i died that when he died we died we were there we were all at the cross we were all in christ at the cross just like we were all in adam in the garden and i'll explain some of those things as we go on he says we're all dead not dying we're dead and that he and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again wherefore henceforth know we know man after the flesh yea though we have known christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more therefore because there was a death of something and because you're not to know any man after the flesh any longer even though they knew jesus after the flesh they didn't know him any longer after the flesh therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creation a new creature old things have passed away behold take a long hard look behold be held by it behold all things are become new and verse 18 says and all things are of god who hath reconciled us unto himself by jesus christ and now has given unto us all new creations a ministry of reconciliation so that just exploded on the inside of me that after all of these years i discovered there's more to me than my flesh and the confusion i can identify with my brother 110 because of the confusion going to church my whole life and the bible would say one thing and i would sit there and feel and think i was the opposite i struggled with maybe i'm not saved for so many years because the bible would talk about you're a new creation and old things have passed away behold all things have become new and i'd look at my body and i made a commitment in 1965 to jesus and my body didn't pass away my body didn't change i made a commitment again in 1965 and my stinking thinking didn't change and pass away i'd sit there all things are of god all things are not of god in my flesh all things are not of god in my carnal unrenewed mind and yet how can i go to church nearly my whole life and no one introduced me to the new me in christ jesus how can i go to church and no one explained to me you are three parts you are spirit soul and body first thessalonians 5 23 i pray the god of peace sanctify you holy w-h-o-l-l-y completely i pray your whole spirit soul and body be preserved unto the coming of our lord jesus christ the next verse says faithful is he who promised who will also do it god has begun a good work on the inside of me and my spirit man he's working daily on my solo command and he's given me a a promise of my outer man my body being redeemed at the appearing of jesus and his count and his coming how can i go to church and no one not explain to me a i'm three parts b i am saved i'm being saved and i will be saved how can i go to church and no one explained to me the confusion i had that the bible says by grace i am saved through faith right now but romans chapter 8 says i'm saved by hope which is future tense that didn't make sense anybody besides me been confused over the years oh come on you're a mess because you're confused and don't know it [Applause] that's not a good place to be just confused i am saved in my spirit man right now by the blood of jesus and it's sealed and it's sanctified and it's holy and it's righteous and it's pure and it's complete and it's whole i am saved right now by faith in the blood of jesus my soul my mind will and emotions is being saved daily by the renewing of my mind and the word of god and my body is saved future tense by the appearing of jesus and his kingdom i am saved i'm being saved and i will be saved your bodies are not even redeemed thank you it's so good just to be somewhere where i don't feel like it's a a prize fight trying to preach just every now and then a nod to god really feels good because your bodies have been purchased they've been bought they belong to god but they've not been redeemed they've not been changed he said wherefore as the love of god is now constraining us wherefore henceforth we know no man after the flesh yea though we have known christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more watch this no we him no more what none of us know jesus after the flesh none of us walk the shores of galilee with him none of us saw him raise the dead none of us saw him heal blind eyes none of us saw him walk on water we do not know jesus after the flesh but how many of you know jesus it doesn't get any easier than that question how many of you know jesus about 100 people just got saved that's awesome so we all know jesus but how do we know jesus get this get this how do we know jesus we know jesus after the word and after the spirit so he said no no man after the flesh one of the no men we're to no longer know after the flesh is ourselves well how am i supposed to know myself if i don't know myself after the flesh because all i've ever known of me until 1980 was after the flesh and i was on some improved my flesh tour for 15 years and i found out the hard way you can't improve flesh you can't fix flesh paul says in romans 7 18 there's there's no good thing in me that is to say my flesh why did he have to say it that way because there is a good thing in you and in paul in your spirit christ is in you the hope of glory but there's no good thing in your flesh your flesh isn't getting any better it's decaying it's fading some of you fast right in front of me right now and i've had people fight me over that look at your high school picture saints you're on a bad path after the flesh i didn't even know what flesh was how can i go to church and no one tell me what flesh is i was limited to even thinking flesh was my body but romans chapter 8. verse 5 says to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace for the carnal mind is an enmity against god is not subject to god and neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh can't please god so your unrenewed carnal mind is part of flesh and you're not supposed to know yourself after that anymore you're supposed to know yourself after the word and after the spirit if i'm to know jesus not after the flesh but after the word and after the spirit how am i supposed to know my new self now that i saw in a vision i'm supposed to know myself after the word and after the spirit see you discover who you are in the word and your full recovery to all god intended you to be is by the holy spirit do you know it takes the holy spirit to show you who who you are in jesus you'll recall in matthew 16 jesus said who do men say that i the son of man am i just love that i'm the only one that ever brings this up but it's like who do men say that i the son of man m it's almost like he gave them the answer and they still missed it who do men say that i the son of a m well some say you're john the baptist elijah one of the prophets well who do you say that i am and peter for one of the few times in recorded scripture got it right i'm not being mean he's in heaven he's he's okay thou art the christ the son of the living god you're the messiah you're the promised one you're what the scriptures have been prophesying of for thousands of years you're the subject of the entire old scriptures you're you're the messiah the christ the son the living god blessed are you simon bar jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you but my father which is in heaven watch this it takes god to reveal to you who jesus is so it takes god to reveal to you who you are in jesus in jesus and again i had a vision of it but had i not got in the word and had i not yielded to the holy spirit i wouldn't be where i'm at today that vision wouldn't have lasted it wouldn't have sustained me it was unsustainable it was a moment in my life it was an encounter with god it was god shaking me to my core to draw me unto himself and once i got in the word of god i began to discover the guy i saw in jesus after the re that's who he is that's me that's me that's me that's me and so let's look at the new living translation here real quick before i get into some foundational again things the new living translation of second corinthians 5 verse 13. so we have stopped we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view can you imagine a company of people in the earth that just decide we're not going to evaluate one another from a human point of view we're not going to see one another after the flesh any longer we're not going to glory in our flesh anymore we're not going to exalt our flesh anymore we're going to see ourselves after christ and we're going to see one another after christ that would be a lovely community wouldn't it at one time we thought of christ merely from a human point of view how differently we know him now this means that anyone who belongs to christ has become a new person anyone who belongs to christ has become a new person a new creation the old life is gone a new life has begun and yet again how many people get saved and have no idea something radical has happened to you something has changed on the inside of you that has affected your personhood at its core your very spirit part of you is radically changed and now learning to renew your mind your solocal part of your heart to what god did in the spirit part of your heart is what releases this new life into every arena of our lives so let's talk about identity here real quick and lay this foundation because i'll be referring to your identity over the next few sessions and we need to have understandable verbiage we need to know what are we talking about when we say identity this is an identity conference so what does the word identity mean in the dictionary the distinguishing character or personality of a person the distinguishing character or personality of a person individuality personhood we are all wonderfully mystically created by a creator god and are unique as an individual you are different than any human being that has ever been on this planet or is on this planet now everything within you screams of your individuality screams of your uniqueness and that god has a purpose and he made you on purpose to match an identity your dna no one on this planet has your dna think about that billions of people and no one has your dna you have a fingerprint that screams you are unique you're an individual and that you're created in a special way for a special purpose on purpose see once i once i discovered my new me in christ once i discovered my identity i finally came to peace and at peace with my individuality and being different that i can be who god made me to be because he made me the way he made me i'm not talking about the sinful me i'm not talking about the old me united dad and we'll talk about that i'm talking about the new me the original me god intended before the foundations of the world before sin blessed and blighted the image of god and the human race god made me a certain way a certain kind of personality individual for a specific cause a specific purpose god's purpose for birds is that they fly so he designed them with feathers and light bones they couldn't fly if they weren't designed by god and their divine design match their divine purpose fish were created by god to be an aquatic creature and live underwater so their design by god is guilds and scales and their divine design matches their purpose so so they can live on purpose like god created them to be god made you a certain way on purpose quit allowing the world to discredit your divine design quit allowing the world to define you i'm more excited about the next session than this session that i'm about to get into it but the world will try to impose an identity on you families will try to impose an identity on you the culture will try to impose an identity on you and it'll ruin your life it'll ruin your your purpose you have facial recognition that even a stupid phone can recognize y'all caught that i'm impressed how can you make something so simple as a face and billions of them and no to be alike that's god screaming at you that i made you the way you are don't let the world conform you into some image that you won't even recognize but be transformed now by the renewing of your mind and let god define you and no one else define you because if you'll let god define you in who you are you will live life and the abundance that god has provided in this life amen it means a relation the relation established now listen by psychological identifications we all have psychological identifications that form our identity i'm going to say it again we all have identifications in this life we all identify with with certain things good or bad i'm not trying to make those points i'm trying to show you that your identity is shaped by your identifications and so part of the christian life is teaching people their identification with christ that will now shape their identity or who they are so what's an identification because identifications are who or what we identify with that affects our identity identification means to treat or consider the same when you're identified with something you treat it or consider it the same to make identical or similar to join or associate with closely sameness or oneness scriptures are full of us being cautious of what we identify with because it'll affect our character it'll affect our personality it'll affect our identity first corinthians 15 verse 33 in the new living translation says bad company corrupts good character you have to teach your children this we love everybody but we can't hang out with certain characters or they can shape and conform your character proverbs chapter 14 or 13 verse 20 says that we need to walk with wise men the new living translation says associate with fools and get into trouble do you have any parents in here that's all people just had a bunch of kids now that's amazing well the most difficult thing as a parent was having to to get over to my children's psyche that we love drug addicts we love them god loves them but you can't hang out with them god loves perverts don't make me say it but there's a point where you can't be hanging out identifying with this kind of a crowd and not and it not affect your identity your character your personality etc etc i'm going to do something quickly here and i need your cooperation i'm going to i'm gonna ask a question and then i'm gonna give the answers it just works better that way and so i'm gonna say something but i want you to think now that's a novel idea for some christians i want you to think what's the first thought that comes to your mind when i say something now don't say it out loud be cool but process what's the first thought you have if i say martin luther king jr there's an identification that pops into your mind instantly that shaped his identity martin luther king jr civil rights you cannot separate martin luther king jr from the civil rights movement he was so identified with that movement it shaped his identity if i say martin luther there's a there's a word that pops into your mind that you can't separate martin luther from reformation and the reformation movement if i say john knox you may not have a thought on that presbyterian church would be the answer here's one john and charles wesley there's a there's a thing that comes into your mind that's an identification the methodist church you can't separate john and charles wesley from the methodist church there's an identification that shaped their their identity let's try something natural ronald reagan if i say ronald reagan there's an identification that pops into everyone's mind now with him there's a dominant identification and a secondary identification the first thought that comes to your mind when i say ronald reagan is the gop the republican party if you're chronologically challenged you may have thought actor young people just google it just google it if i say bill clinton i'll let that go just let that go let that go cast that thought down cast it down cast it down see how quick identifications [Applause] if i say michael jordan there's a word that pops into your mind instantly an identification that shaped his identity and that's basketball you can't separate basketball from the great and mighty and awesome michael jordan now here's the real test watch what happens now though when i say jesus do you know what just happened a thousand things just happened first thought many people had immediately that's not incorrect son of god other son of david others messiah others healer others great teacher i just proved to you that the church has not properly been discipled in her identification with jesus because you can't separate jesus from his church and you can't separate his church from him and yet i'm not putting anybody down but those of you that are watching thank god by the thousands i wonder how many people when i said jesus your first thought was identification with jesus the church that jesus is the head of the church which is his body and you cannot separate jesus from his church or his church from him yet most of our assemblies put jesus way over there and us way over here and the whole service is trying to get jesus to show up or trying to get jesus to bless us or trying to get jesus to heal us or get jesus to hear us not realizing jesus has for eternity joined himself to your spirit where you are no longer two but you are one spirit with the lord we don't have to convince jesus to assemble with us wherever two or three are gathered together there he is in the midst of them we even think out here he's in the midst of them to be the same yesterday today and forever and most of my teaching over the years there's been pushback because i know we have an identification with jesus god looks at us and he sees us united to christ he doesn't see us as victims any longer he doesn't see us as failures any longer he doesn't see us as inadequate he doesn't see us as just trying to do better and get along and try a little harder he sees us united to the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah and yet many of us do not see ourselves united to christ we don't see that we're similar that his very righteousness is your righteousness his victory is your victory him overcoming i'll admit this it's embarrassing but you know you need a real relationship with the lord i think he loves us just being honest even in our ignorance but i can remember years ago i would read john 13 33 in this world you're going to have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world and i would say out loud good for you jesus i'm happy for you but i'm suffering i literally did not see he did not understand what he was saying don't you understand you have an identification with me don't you understand that he had no death of his own his death was your death he had no sin of his own the sin he bore on the cross was yours his resurrection wasn't even his it was yours it was your justification you have an identification that you cannot be separated from this man now and understanding your new identity understanding who you are in christ is what's going to bring about so much change and so much power in your life look down at second corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 that same chapter in the king james bible for he hath made him to be sin for who jesus wasn't made sin for jesus and jesus wasn't and didn't die for jesus and jesus wasn't raised for jesus and jesus wasn't seated for jesus for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him now watch this jesus was made sin without sinning i need an amen on this jesus was made sin without sinning what was that he identified with our human condition he god entered into humanity became a man and identified with our weaknesses identified with our humanity identified with our pains yet had no sin i need to keep making that clear because there's so much confusion in our culture today even about jesus he was made sin by identifying with me at the cross with whose sin my sin and again get this jesus was made sin without sinning how did he do that by identifying with me and god made him that how do i become righteous now not by doing works of righteousness not by trying to do better not by trying to be holy i am made righteous by identifying now with him it was my sin he was made sin with he had no sin of his own it's his very righteousness i've been made righteous with i have no righteousness of my own and yet you're doing pretty good it wasn't it wasn't as good as it could have been might have been me on that but most of you agree with that be you identify with sin quicker than you do with righteousness many people still today make confessions of identification i'm just a sinner saved by grace see that's a confused identity if you still believe you're a sinner saved by grace that's why it's so easy for you to keep going out and sinning because sin are sin dogs bark cows believe it or not almost said meow they move cats meow if you still think you're a loser no wonder you're acting like you're acting if you think you're a victim that's a false identity that's a cultural imposed identity that's the devil because if you're a victim and you you accept that as your identity you're gonna blame everybody else for a a miserable life that you'll never crawl out of barring the grace of god but see our new identity is we're not a victim we we can't blame anybody else and defend being defeated we are victors if you have faith in jesus the bible says you're a world overcomer first john chapter 5. you've overcome the world well if you've overcome the world don't you think you can overcome poverty don't you don't you think you can overcome prejudice [Applause] amen i gotta close three short three identities we all have to deal with that god put me on this journey and uh so grateful real quick three identities that everybody has to deal with number one is short-term identity all of us have a short-term identity that's your immediate family you came from a family and you inherited some genetic identity and in the family unit many of us inherited psychological identities if you're white it's because your parents were white that was easy if you have a big old nose you didn't ask for that that's that's that's immediate family identity we can search your family tree all the way back to the mayflower and we have pictures of people getting off of it and the one with the big honker is related to you it's just genetic it's our it's our flesh it's identity short-term identity psychological identities are developed in the short-term identity mine the biggest one was poverty defeat negativity it was so bad in my family i love my family and they they they're not to fault they didn't know any better but i picked up all these psychological identities that after i got married we would visit my family and sue would notice i would fall back into that old identity and she would have to honey are you okay come back come back poverty you can look at my family tree and basically it's the charlie brown tree it does not look well and in that family tree with my immediate family everybody was poor poverty was their identity they were proud of being poor they weren't like those rich snobs they embraced poverty they believed that the sheriff family came from the shallow end of the gene pool and we're just all poor it's who we are and i can remember when i got a scholarship to go to college first one in my family to go to college as far back as you could go nobody most didn't graduate high school i'm going to college on a tennis scholarship and i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna have a career and i'm i'm gonna break out of this poverty you'd think the whole family would cheer our they did not they made fun of me they name-called if i break out of this psychological identity of poverty i'm going to make the whole family look bad amen i could go on till story after story and everybody has their story if they'll think so we have an immediate family we have to overcome those identities the second major identity that we all have to deal with i'll be talking about this is long-term identity in adam in adam if you trace your roots back far enough you're going to come to a drunken sailor and then adam come on now i'm in a hurry we all go back to noah and those three boys jim hammond japheth and and we all came out of noah but if you go back before the flood first creation creation after the flood was with noah but first creation was adam we all came out of adam saints i can fix all the race issues in a millisecond we're all of the human race we all came from the same guy and we had an identification with that guy and it was sin we were all born into sin it was condemnation it was judgment it was losers and we were born into it and there was an identity we had with that man when he fell we fell where he went we went and it wasn't a good place and then the third identity that we want to spend time on that fixes the other two that eradicates the other two that overcomes and trumps yeah trumps [Applause] and even when i mess up it's so awesome that's so cool it trumps it trumps your other identities see the only way you can overcome genetic identity is through your new identity in christ the only way you can overcome your identity that you were born into from adam and in adam is to get out of adam see there's the immediate family that you've got some identity issues there's the long-term family the family of man then there's the family of god that we've all been born again into and today i want to tell you you're either in the family of god or the adams family [Applause] you remember them guys they thought everybody else was weird they thought everybody else was so ugly do you realize the world we live in because of man's fallen identity imposed identities identity confusion they think it's weird that there's a company of people in the earth that want to live holy lives they think it's we you're weird if you want to be sexually pure you're you're weird if you believe you're a world overcomer and that there is nothing in this world that's going to push me down because god's already lifted me up hallelujah you're weird well if i'm weird leave me alone amen welcome to good weirdo father in the name of the holy child jesus i thank you for the sessions from this point on we're going to build we're going to see lives transformed by jesus in his name i pray amen and amen hallelujah and that was awesome dwayne man i'm loving this we're going to take a break here and be back in about 20 minutes five minutes till 11 so take a break remember that all of you that are in this auditorium please use these restrooms that are underneath these stairs we've got our students that uh are separated and they've been assigned certain restrooms so if you would accommodate that we'd appreciate it remember first time guest out here you can get a special gift remember we got ecaris a desk about our charis bible school we've got uh our biblical worldview our healing university a lot of things out there our bookstore so please take advantage of those things and we'll be back at five minutes till 11. i just want to see it take two or three minutes for people to come in so i started early it's kind of like herding cats praise the lord man didn't you enjoy dwayne isn't he a blessing man i just love the truth and um it's awesome what a blessing praise god all right we're going to receive an offer and give you an opportunity to give again right before i do that we've got another one of those partnership promos that our media department put together i'm going to start using these on television i'm going to start teaching on financial stewardship on november the 9th and it'll go through the second week of december and so we made some special promos to encourage people to become partners and so we got another one we played one last night i'd like you to see another one this morning so if they'd roll that partnership promo that'd be good you say in the name of jesus i'm not going by what i see i go by what the word of god says there's more than just this physical realm there's also a spiritual realm i don't care what this looks like i know what god's word says i was told that i would always have severe asthma and food allergies i was born missing the left side of my heart with a very small chance of living the doctors indicated that i had a permanent brain injury and that i would never function in mainstream society again i'm tim mcdermott my brother and i were told that we would never recover from autism from a young age i had several diagnoses including asperger's syndrome disexecutive syndrome and communication disorders my brother james was diagnosed with autism before he turned three for years it seemed like we would never be normal but then my parents stumbled across the healing journey of hannah teredes a few weeks later we went to andrew's free grace and faith conference where we were healed of autism today ten years later i'm still walking in my complete healing and i'm not alone i haven't needed my inhaler in years and now i eat whatever i want my heart grew back its missing peace and the doctors cannot explain it today i am completely healed and i get to teach god's truth about healing because people like you partnered with andrew mcministries we have all been given our lives back we cannot thank you enough for your generosity but there are still millions of lives out there looking for the same truth that set us free will you help us bring this message to them the word needs to get out to change people's lives please consider a partnership please partner with this ministry it's amazing please consider being a partner with this ministry you know you may not know these people but i know every one of these people that you just saw them give a testimony and i tell you jesus changed their life because of our partners if you've not yet joined with us and become a partner i ask you to pray about it and join with us today man those are awesome aren't they we've got a lot of those people that were featured here let's see are the mcdermotts here we've now got timothy deborah and james here are they here anywhere they're probably in one of the other rooms because two of them are students but timothy is the one who plays god in our david musical and also uh in our in god we trust he's uh uh i'm not sure he's god but he's at least an angel that just appears in different places and man what a deal to go from being autistic to playing god that's just pretty good and i think we've got michael here michael shuntz stand up michael so everybody can see you he was the one that was healed of the asthma that's great and donna jones is probably here she may be over in one of the other buildings who else was on that one oh audrey scott of course she was born with missing half of her heart and some ribs and arteries to her lungs and she's been totally healed and she was just here last month and it was the first time i'd ever really got to visit with her she's now i think 15 or something like that and of course she doesn't even remember the healing but boy it was just so neat to get to talk to her and and see this girl she's won a beauty pageant and uh now she's just living such a full life and she she had no hope of living and and that's awesome real quickly we're going to receive an offering but let me just share this with you out of philippians chapter one in verses three through five paul was thanking god for the philippians and he says i thank god every time i remember you in every prayer of mine making requests for you with joy and you know i travel a lot i know pastor dwayne travels there's others here that travel and you know i love all people but i don't thank god for all people and there's some places i've been that i say thank god i'm never going back there but when you thank god every time you think of people it's because there was a supernatural connection it's because you know god just knit your hearts together and this is what the apostle paul was saying and then he said in verse 5 for your fellowship in the gospel this is what he was thanking god for for their fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now and did you know that word fellowship is the greek word koinonia and it literally means partnership and if you read over in the fourth chapter of the book of philippians paul said in verses 14 and 15 he said you you uh thessalonians you are the are you philippians you are the only ones that gave to me and supported me after i left the local area and he also said that they had sent to him in prison and he had received their gift in verses 10 and 11. and if you read acts chapter 28 the very next to last verse in the whole book of acts it says that paul dwelt for two whole years in prison in a hired house they gave him favor and they let him rent a house and that's the way he was in prison was in his own house now let me ask you this how does a prisoner pay for his house it was partners and it was these philippians because they had just sent unto him and he was writing the book of philippians from prison these people were partners with him a partner can be defined in a lot of different ways but it's a person i believe who gives on a regular basis as consistent as they can to a ministry and more than what it takes for the materials that you get you know i praise god for the people that like they get something and then they send in five or ten bucks or whatever it is and i praise god for that and probably that's the majority of our finances come that way but did you know partners are what makes this ministry work we have 50 000 partners and they provide over two million dollars a month and that's our base income and i'm believing god now for ten thousand new partners god's really been stirring me lately and uh i just i've got over a hundred million dollars worth of buildings still in my heart that god has already shown me and everything is on paul's until we get this parking garage paid off and i need to get 17 million dollars paid off i've been sitting down and figuring out if i had 10 10 000 new partners that averaged a minimum of 30 dollars a month a dollar a day we could get that thing paid off in less than two years and during that time we could start building and stuff so anyway that's what i'm believing for if you aren't yet a partner i'd like to take these things that paul was talking about and maybe tonight i'll mention this in more detail but all of these promises in here philippians 4 19 that we use a lot about my god will supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus and we just apply that to everybody did you know if you take that in context and i made this point last night if you take the text out of the context all you got left's a con if you take it in context he is saying that you philippians are the only people that gave to me after i left this local area and my god shall supply all of your needs it is true that god loves every one of us and god wants to bless every single person but it takes participation on our part and one of the ways that you participate and release the power of god is by giving and partnership is just something special so if you haven't been a partner with us i'd like to encourage you to do so i'd like to encourage you to give today also i didn't mention this last night but those of you watching you can call seven one nine six three five eleven eleven or if you don't have an eleven on your phone it's seven one nine six three five one one one one y'all are laughing but we had a person call in and they were they threatened to sue me because i said they could get a free tape if that caught if they call that number and they said i don't have an 11 on my phone i'm turning you into the better business bureau so for those of you don't have an 11 at 719 635 eleven eleven or they have a text to give and they'll put that on the screen so that you can participate also our students that are in the other buildings and in all these different places will have a way for you to give and uh so that will be a blessing so if you would like to give and participate this morning i just invite you to come and put your offerings here in here did we pass out any envelopes we did while i was talking good you guys are awesome praise god so if you would like to give just come forward right now i don't think we have any special music or anything i could sing but i'd rather keep you here that might drive everybody off but we welcome your gifts and praise god it'll be awesome let me just explain that the way that we've been running our school they don't have a restriction on how many people can be in a school matter of fact our universities here in colorado have already been meeting and they have thousands of people coming we are following their guidelines and so what we've done with our school we have broken them into what they call cohorts are teams and i think our largest group is maybe 50 people and we've got everybody separated we got enough toilets in these buildings that all of these different groups have their own toilet that they go to they have their own uh you know food service they have their own areas and things and so if something was to happen and if somebody did get sick at the most we would send home one group and we've already had that happen a couple of times where somebody got sick and we sent home the whole group and we they went and got tested found out it wasn't covered and they were able to come back but but at the reason we're doing it this way is because if something does happen and the health department considers two people that get coveted an outbreak that's amazing but two people and so anyway by doing it this way if if we do have anybody that tests positive we're able to keep school going so we're doing everything that we can to comply except they have a limit of 175 people and i've just decided that that's not gonna work so anyway [Applause] we have yet to hear the response but i know we win praise god amen all right so i loved what pastor dwayne was sharing and man it just excites me to hear this um man i've been over these things as dwayne has millions of times i mean this is what i constantly focus on you have to you have to deal with everything from who you are in christ and not in your flesh you don't have to respond to things based on your natural feelings and emotions and stuff i just want to highlight one thing before i get right into what i'm going to be sharing this morning i guess i've got a wireless mic how about i use that i'll give that one to you so uh one thing i wanted to point out dwayne said this but i just wanted to emphasize it that you know i had this miraculous encounter where i didn't have a vision or something but i had a revelation somehow i just knew that god was in the room and i saw the glory of god not with my eyes but i had a revelation like he was talking about uh peter saying you are the christ and jesus said blessed are you because it wasn't flesh and blood it came from god and i just had a revelation from god of his holiness his awesomeness and my relative unworthiness and it dealt a death blow to my uh pride and to my self-righteousness and man i humbled myself and so i had this great encounter that just like dwayne it arrested me it got my attention but as dwayne says if he hadn't have gotten hold of these truths and gotten hold of the word you can't live often an experience and i would have lost it matter of fact i nearly did lose it during my time in vietnam because i was just so desperate praying that god would somehow or another touch me and i could feel these things again and it nearly ruined me and so i want to just point this out that even though you may not have had the same encounter that dwayne did or that i did both of us are saying that got our attention but it did not set us free it's the truth that sets you free and if we hadn't gotten hold of the word of god neither one of us would have been in ministry neither one of us would have been ministering to people so we're sharing with you the revelation that changed our life and if you get that that is greater than having some kind of an experience you aren't missing a thing if you let the holy spirit show you this revelation and we've got other people here we were visiting back in the green room last night and this morning and there's a lot of my staff and people that have gotten this by revelation and they didn't have some kind of a dramatic encounter it's just god revealed these truths to them and so it doesn't matter how you get there you just have to get to the place that you have a revelation from god about who you are in christ and that's what we've been talking about so dwayne and i both shared from second corinthians 5 17 that if you're in christ you're a new creature old things have passed away all things have become new that's not true in your physical body and that's not true in your soul but it is true in your spirit and unless you understand that there is a part of you that cannot be seen or felt it has to be revealed to you through the word of god and i use that verse last night john 6 63 the word jesus said it the it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profited nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are alive john chapter 6 verse 63 god's word is literally spirit it tells you what's going on you know this building right now we don't have any access to the outside right here you don't know if it's raining snowing sunshine cloudy you can't tell but if you had a big window or something you could look out that wind and that could be your window to the outside and give you access to see something that you can't see right now well this is your window into the spirit world this is what allows you to see into the spirit this is what allows you to see who you are and so you just have to take what the word of god says about you and you have to believe it and so once i saw these verses and and dwayne again mentioned first thessalonians 5 23 where it mentioned spirit soul and body once i got this concept that there was a spirit part of me and it was the spirit that was changed not my body my body's not saved you know i often say it this way if you're fat before you get saved you're still going to be fat after you get saved old things didn't pass away all things become new and if you were ugly before you got saved you're still going to be ugly after you get saved unless you go get some plastic surgery or paint the barn or do something but i'm saying your physical body didn't change and did you know what your mental part didn't change either you know dwayne grew up in uh florida and he was talking about poverty and i've heard him talk about that when we ministered down in florida and stuff and dwayne still has his memories he has his family he doesn't have my memories your mental part doesn't instantly change when you get saved your soul's not saved your soul's being saved dwayne made a point of that but it's not saved yet it's not complete and so this verse second corinthians 5 17 is not true about your body or your soul but it is true about your spirit your spirit is completely brand new and you've got to find out what happened in your spirit so i want to share with you scriptures that once i saw this and i figured out it had to be talking about my spirit because my body hadn't changed and my soul didn't change so what happened to my spirit these are some of the scriptures that god began to use to to give me revelation on what happened in the spirit so the first one here is in ephesians chapter 4. and i could quote this individual verse to you but i want to give you the context here in ephesians chapter 4 you know i actually this has been maybe 10 years ago but i actually spent an entire year studying nothing but ephesians chapter 4 verses 17 through the end of the chapter i spent a whole year doing this and the only other scriptures that i ever studied were things that you know the lord reminded me of or pointed me too as i was studying this and so i've got probably at least a dozen maybe 15 of my series are based on these verses this is some powerful stuff right here and i'm hesitating to read them i'll preach on it i've got some other things i want to say let me just jump down to verse 24. look at this in verse 24 it says and that ye put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness now this is not true about your body your body isn't righteous some of you think well yes i am i'm living better than i ever have you might be better at it than you were you might be better than i am but the bible says all of your righteousness talking about your self-righteousness is like filthy rags isaiah chapter i believe that's chapter 64 verse 6. and if you look that up it's actually that filthy rag is a menstrual cloth your righteousness is like a menstrual claw something that you don't hang on the wall and frame and brag about man it's something you throw away it's something you get rid of and our self-righteousness is not good in the sight of god i tell you if you understand that like this verse says you were created righteous and truly holy it's not something you are growing into it's not something that you are seeking to become it's not something you're getting better at the moment you got born again you were made righteous and truly holy if you understand that that would stop so much stuff it would help us tremendously with satan because satan's always saying well you aren't holy enough what makes you think god's gonna use you see the only way he can condemn you over your actions and your self-righteousness is if you are approaching god in what you have done and you're approaching him in the flesh boy a verse i'm going to probably refer to this a bunch but john chapter 4 verse 24 jesus was speaking to the woman at the well and he said god is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth he didn't say that that's the best way to worship him you get better results if you do it no this is how you must worship him you can't come before god in yourself when you come before god and you say oh god i failed again god how could you love me and all of the things that we say did you know that you are in your flesh you are approaching god on the basis of your personal righteousness your physical actions are the way you're thinking in your soul but the truth is when you got born again your spirit was instantly changed it became a new creation old things had passed away all things have become new and that new spirit was created righteous and truly holy and that verse that dwayne used at the end of his session second corinthians 5 21 that he made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that you might be made the righteousness of god your born-again spirit doesn't have a little bit of righteousness in it but it's growing and increasing you became instantly righteous you were created that way it's not something you were working towards and growing in you were born again righteous you are the righteousness of god and did you know that man when the lord first showed this to me it was so radical that i felt like i was blaspheming nearly and i remember this one lady who was kind of like a mentor to me like a spiritual mother i got in an argument with her because i said something about i am the righteousness of god and boy she just exploded because she was looking at the flesh and in the flesh my self-righteousness no i'm not righteous no i'm not holy but in the spirit i'm as righteous and holy and pure as jesus is because it's his righteousness he became sin for me so that i could be made righteous and it's not self-righteous it's his righteousness i was created that way i was born again righteous it says over in first corinthians chapter 1 beginning with verse 26 it talks about you see your calling brethren that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty and it lists all of these things god has chosen the poor the weak the bastify the base things of this world to defy those that are mighty but then in the 30th verse and it says jesus is made unto us wisdom and righteousness sanctification and redemption so if you say oh man my righteousness i'm just not living you know i'm not righteous the way i should be you're either talking about your flesh like again wayne said paul said that in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing you're either talking about yourself your old self without who you are in christ and that part of you isn't righteous but if you're talking about your born-again self jesus has been made unto wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption and if you say that your righteousness is no good you're calling jesus no good he is your righteousness he's made unto you righteous so remember that god is a spirit and god is looking at you in the spirit now jesus is aware of your physical flesh your actions he's aware of your soul your thoughts and emotions but god is a spirit and for you to connect with god you've got to connect spirit to spirit so god is looking at you in the spirit and when god sees you in the spirit he sees you as righteous and holy and pure as jesus is because your spirit is totally his workmanship ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works how were you created ephesians 4 24 we were created righteous and truly holy your spirit is as righteous and holy as jesus is and that's awesome and i think i mentioned this last night i don't know if i'll get to it i don't know if dwayne will get to it but some people say well i can believe that it was that way i'm created that way but it's like a baby a baby may have all 10 fingers and 10 toes but it's incomplete and i'm growing and stuff i know that dwayne and i and i've never heard i might have heard one other person preach on this but dwayne and i both came to this conclusion separate from each other because we read the same bible so you should come to some of the same conclusions without influencing each other but did you know your spirit's not growing it's not becoming better you aren't getting holier you aren't getting stronger you aren't getting more faith more power more joy in your spirit it's complete it's as perfect right this moment as it will ever be in eternity your spirit salvation is over one third of your salvation is through your spirit is identical to jesus i'm trying to pace myself but it's hard man i could just unload on you quoting scriptures as fast as i could go because man there's just there's so many things that go along with all this another verse i want you to look at is first john chapter 4 and verse 17. and that verse says herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is speaking of jesus so are we in this world it didn't say so are we going to be in the next world it says so are we in this world now see if you don't understand what i call spirit soul and body or identity in christ whatever you want to name it if you don't understand that that's talking about your spirit you will just i mean it'll just there'll be a disconnect like you'll go look in the mirror and you'll think this is as jesus is and you see gray hairs and ugly and wrinkles and you think this is as good as it's gonna get and then you search your mental emotional parts your your soulish realm and you know that you've got thoughts that you shouldn't have you've got fears that you shouldn't have worries and different things and you think this is like jesus and see this is why so many people they just disconnect when they read something as jesus is so in this world because they think that it's talking about that i'm acting and thinking and being just like jesus in my flesh in my physical actions or in my body that's not so you aren't you at your very best are not like jesus in your physical body or in your soulish realm i don't care how much you've improved i've improved a lot i've seen dead raised i've seen blind eyes open i've walked through things that in the past would have destroyed me i'm improving in my flesh i'm not my flesh is not improving me but i'm improving learning how to walk in the spirit instead of in the flesh i'm learning i'm improving learning how to get out of my flesh so my physical actions and thoughts and stuff are improving but i can guarantee there's no way that anybody could look at me and think boy you are exactly like jesus it just isn't true but in my spirit i am identical to jesus as jesus is so am i in this world in this world man that's awesome see when i began to see this it just immediately my expectation rose my faith rose because before i was facing problems and thinking you know as pastor dwayne was saying early my identity was in myself and i was never good and anything i was never the best at anything i was always mediocre i was never the worst i was never the best i remember our division playoffs in football i was the center on the football team and we got stuck right up against the goal line on the one yard line and so we had to punt and so normally the punter stands back 15 yards he was only 10 yards back because we were so close so i centered the ball high it went right through his hands they got it and we lost the division playoffs by two points based on my center there was 2500 people in my high school that hated me and that's just the way my whole life went i never was the best at anything i was always having problems with this or something and so when problems confronted me that's the way i approached it my identity was in my flesh and in all of my things that i had done and i was an introvert i was insecure and all of these kind of things but when i began to see that as jesus is so am i how do you think jesus is do you think jesus is an introvert do you think jesus is insecure do you think jesus uh as twain was i mean this is one of the things i love is that that there's people that go around and they limp through life because they've been abused and because they've been a victim and that justifies them just limping through life and always living best less than god's best it's because you don't know who you are you are in the spirit as jesus is do you think jesus is still grieving over hurts and pains do you think that he still has a victim mentality and is going around with all this and yet i guarantee there's people right here in this auditorium there's people watching online there's students that are watching and you still have your failures and stuff and that's your identity when i began to start seeing that the new me was identical to jesus then i started expecting to start seeing jesus results and i began to understand scriptures like john chapter 14 verse 12 where jesus said verily verily i say unto you that word verily verily means truly truly everything jesus said was true but when he had to start out by saying look this is the truth it's the truth anytime jesus had to emphasize i'm telling you the truth it's because it was going to be so overwhelming that people would think that couldn't be true but he says verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because i go unto my father all of a sudden i begin to understand that not in myself not because i have any power i don't have the power to heal a net i can't do anything by myself but through christ i have the same power on the inside of me that raised jesus christ from the dead and immediately when i started identifying with that and seeing who i was in christ my expectation my faith just went through the roof i started believing god for miracles i started expecting miracles to happen i was still in the baptist church when all of this happened and they would let me teach a sunday school class they thought i was radical and so they'd give me they gave me this youth group that there was only two people in the youth group and they didn't give me a room they put me in a bus that had been stripped it was a greyhound bus and it had been stripped there was no carpet there was no seats in it and it was in the winter in texas and they put me out there with two kids well i went and got some carpet and put in and put in some folding chairs and within a month we had we had to move out of there and eventually i wound up moving a house onto the property next door that was propped up on things it was four feet high on stuff and we had 300 kids coming within a short period of time and anyway i was still in the baptist church and they they loved the people coming so they would let me preach but they were always every week what are you going to say they wanted me to turn in an outline and i just don't do that so uh but anyway my point is i was still in the baptist church and i was learning these things and learning who i was in christ and i remember telling them i turn over to mark chapter 16. these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they'll lay hands on the sick they shall recover and all these things so i told them i said if you get sick don't you dare stay home you come here you let me lay hands on you and you shall recover and so one day we had this girl come in i still remember her name diane jacoby and she came in and i mean she was green looking she was a white girl but she was green and she looked terrible and i looked at her and i said diane what's wrong with you and she says oh man i'm sick and i said well then why did you come and she says well you told me if we were sick that you were supposed to come and you're gonna lay hands on me and i said oh i did do that didn't so anyway we just set a chair out there and we had her sit down and i laid hands on her and i prayed the best i knew how i had all of the other young people get around and we just prayed and she got she felt so bad she ran out of the room and threw up and went home and i thought well that was awesome [Applause] and so anyway we went into the church service and i was just sitting there thinking about god to the best of my ability i did what you said and i believe i lay hands on the sick and they recover but man that wasn't what i was expecting to happen and i was thinking about it and somebody tapped me on the shoulder and it was diane and by the time she got home she was totally well and she got in front of the baptist church and told them what happened and they invited me to leave but see i did you know that when i first saw people heal i had never heard of another person being healed in the last 2000 years i don't know if this is the way it was with you dwayne or not but i didn't know that anybody else had ever done i thought that nobody else understood this and uh when i started seeing people heal we saw blind eyes open we started seeing demons cast out and stuff i didn't know that anybody else had done this in 2000 years but i was just basing it on what i had seen in the word and we started praying for people and it was amazing you know an old blind squirrel would get a nut every once in a while if he doesn't quit and i didn't understand much but i just believed that i had the same spirit on the inside of me that raised jesus christ from the dead that i was identical to him in the spirit and i started praying for everything and we started seeing miracles happen and it was awesome and it all came out of this revelation that i quit trying to approach people and my situations based on me on my flesh on my physical mental emotional part and i started basing it on what the word of god said about me and there was lots of times i'd lay hands on people and my knees would be knocking in the spirit in the flesh i was weak thinking god this this is impossible but i wouldn't speak what i felt i'd speak what i was believing what the word said on and some of the greatest miracles that i've ever seen happen when my flesh was weak when i was weak in the flesh and i was just actually standing on what the word says see again a lot of people if you don't understand these things you will feel reservations you will have thoughts of doubts and fear and you will sit there and think well that's just the way that it is and i don't want to be a hypocrite i'm just going to be honest the truth is i just don't have faith for this and stuff what you're being is carnal because your spirit man is full of faith again i don't know if i'll get to this but that's the very first teaching i ever put out was the faith of god that god revealed to me you have the same faith that jesus has it's not human faith you have the faith of god in your spirit you have perfect faith that doesn't mean that you don't feel or think anything that's contrary man everything i'm saying could use a lot more explanation and i just hadn't got time to do it but uh just because you feel something you know paul said when i'm weak then i'm strong actually when you feel like oh god this is greater than me god i can't handle this there's no way i can do this that's a great place to be because when you're weak that makes you depend upon god you say god this has got to be you i love it when people come to me and they say the doctors have given up on me they say that there's nothing else they can do there's no hope and they come to me for prayer i love that because they don't have any other recourse they aren't looking for some holistic answer they aren't looking for surgery or something and i'm not against doctors or any of these things but i'm saying sometimes people are actually depending upon other things they aren't completely focused on god i love it when people come and there is no hope except in god that's a great place to be when you come to the end of yourself that's the beginning of god as long as you are thinking that you can still do it man you you pollute it we need to get to where like solomon he you know the lord says what do you want solomon and he says lord i'm like a child i don't even know how to go out or to come in and yet you've made me a ruler over such a great people you know what that is that's humility that's recognizing his limitations and when you get to the end of yourself that's the beginning of god and so he says i need your power i need your wisdom i need your ability and man that's when the power of god began to manifest in his life we pollute the power of god when you think that god is anointing you because of some virtue in your flesh because of some good thing that you've got i tell you i've seen a lot of people come and go who like maybe for instance they had a beautiful voice but they were really aware that they had a beautiful voice and they were really pleased with who they were and they were thinking god you just get me introduced you put me on the stage and i can handle it from here god will not share his glory with another he doesn't anoint your flesh now there's nothing wrong with having a beautiful voice and a great talent but if you are trusting in that it pollutes it you know i heard a pastor one time talk about that his son called him out uh at church and the and his friends wanted to go see this movie and so the son came to the pastor and asked if he could go to this movie and he says well watch it rated and he says well it's an r-rated movie but really there's just one little tiny bit in there that has his sexual content there's just there's some minor things all of the other preachers kids you know the elders their kids they're letting them go and anyway the pastor said no i'm not gonna let you go and the kid got really upset over it and so he says i tell you what i'll let you invite all of your friends over to our house so he invited the friends over and they were all out in you know the backyard and they were playing and doing things and so he went in and made some brownies for him and he called them in and he they were hot out of the oven and he called him in he says hey i made some brownies for you and all these kids were really excited but right before they put it in their mouth he said now let me tell you that i put just a little bit of dog poop in there i didn't put much and you probably won't even be able to taste it it won't affect it at all it'll be fine i can promise you you won't get sick there's just a little bit of poop in there it's not going to hurt anybody and he made his point really well but see there's some people that honestly they think well i'm not i'm not depending a hundred percent on god but god has blessed me i'm so smart i'm so well educated i'm awesome god looks at it as you got a little bit of your poop in there he doesn't want to anoint your flesh he wants you to get to where paul said that in me that is in my flesh there's no good thing to where you totally turn from yourself and you're completely dependent upon him if you look at things from god's standpoint you at your very best are still a mess you're representing god how do any of us represent god correctly you know one of the things that i appreciate i appreciate about jesus was that he had 12 guys that he trained one of them he said was a devil judas iscariot but out of the 12 11 he was leaving and he says all authority and heaven and earth is given unto me now go ye basically he commissioned them and he gave them his authority and power and he made them these 11 guys responsible for carrying on his work and he went back to heaven i can just imagine those angels as he's going up into heaven looking at this group and there you know there's a reason they were called disciples it was like right before he left lord are you going to establish the kingdom now they didn't have a clue matter of fact it says in matthew chapter 28 that right before he ascended and he gave this command you know about going to all the world it says that they saw him but some doubted some who some of the eleven some of the eleven as he was you know getting caught up in heaven doubted that this was really jesus raised from the dead and yet jesus turned it over to them i'm amazed that god almighty has set up the kingdom so that it's the foolishness of preaching that leads me into repentance he uses us if i'd have been god somehow or another i'd have set it up so i could have ministered to people directly or something because who's representing him properly but that's not the way that god does it but for us to really reflect him you've got to get to the end of yourself to where you quit trusting in yourself and you start seeing who you are in christ first corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 says he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit and the greek word for one there is hess h-e-i-s and it means a singular one to the exclusion of another in other words it's not like we're one in the sense that here's god up here but we're down here we're parallel to him we're like him but we're babies compared to him no we are one a singular one in the spirit realm if there is such a thing as molecules and atoms and stuff you are ounce for ounce molecule for molecule adam for adam identical to jesus in your heart in your spirit man that is awesome and if you were to meditate on these things and think of this you know what if you would approach life differently when they come up with a virus and they everybody's fearful man you'd recognize i got the same power that raised christ from the dead living on the inside of me and i've got promises that no plague will even come nigh my dwelling we've got a statement around here that you know no germ can touch my body and live we are a germ graveyard i got that from donna's husband she was talking about he was talking about her one time and said that woman is a germ graveyard that's what i say man no germs going to touch me and lives and people sit there and think well that's arrogant because you are thinking i'm saying this based on my flesh on my physical body or my mental emotional part that's not what i'm saying but in christ it's impossible for my spirit man to submit to these things because it's identical to the lord jesus christ as he is so am i in this world amen we are one spirit we're identical if you really believe that you wouldn't put up with the stuff that we put up with but the reason we put up with a lot of stuff is because we don't see ourself in christ we have an identity crisis and we as dwayne was pointing out our family taught us that this is who you are you're poor or you're nobody or that you're inferior or our society puts all of these things on you but man once you start understanding who you are in christ it just changes everything if you are living from your spirit man then you ought to have the same mind that is in christ jesus there's a number of scriptures that say that philippians chapter 2 over in first peter chapter 4 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus or excuse me that's philippians chapter two but that's a good one too uh first first peter chapter four says arm yourselves with the same mind that's in christ you need to get this mind in agreement you know hopefully they've got some of these diagrams that i use when i teach here in school but i use these diagrams to kind of just give you a physical picture of some things to help you to understand this but i've got these three circles one inside of another and the outer one being your body and then your soul and then your spirit now this is just a functional diagram you aren't three circles some of us are closer to being three circles than others but the truth is this is just to illustrate that your body is the outermost part and then you have this mental part and the core of you is your spirit again i know that dwayne and i there's just so much we've meditated on this for decades there's so much we could share i haven't got time to go into it but your spirit is the life-giving part of you james chapter 2 verse 26 says as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also that's saying that works is what really makes faith come alive your spirit is what makes you come alive god breathed and demanded the breath of life and that word for breath there is ruach in the hebrew and he's talking he blew into him and it's spirit he put the spirit in him god formed a physical body and a soul but it didn't have any life until the spirit entered into it and then going back to james chapter 2 verse 26 when your spirit leaves that's what constitutes death your spirit is the life giving part of you so that's the reason i put it in the center it's the core of you you know i've got another uh man i hesitate to bring this up i'll let dwayne explain this he'll probably deal with this sometime during the deal but let me just show you there i've got these two circles that intersect and this is an illustration about your heart the part that is shaded the spirit and the soul is your heart your heart is not your spirit alone because the scripture says out of your heart proceeds evil thoughts adulteries fornication he also said you have to believe with all of your heart it's because your heart is more than just your spirit your heart is your spirit and soul combination when god breathed into man he became a living soul that's describing the heart and so your heart is that spirit soul combination you're really two parts the body and then the heart but that heart is comprised of two parts it says over in first peter chapter 3 about the hidden man of the heart talking about the spirit so your heart can be divided into the soul and into the spirit and the reason i drew this little diagram is to show you that your soul is unique that which is spirit is spirit and that which is flesh is flesh but your soul can be spirit or flesh your soul can operate in the spirit realm or can operate in the flesh realm you can be totally carnally minded or you can be spiritually minded the soul is really amazing because it can be renewed in the spirit of your mind and there's just so many other scriptures i could bring up but your soul is the pivotal part your three parts spirit soul and body and if your soul gets in agreement with your body over here if it's controlled by what you feel the doctor said this here's a doctor's report and it says you're going to die and if your soul is dominated and controlled by your body you'll die even though you've got the spirit of god living on the inside of you but you can get your bot your soul renewed to where you are so dominated by who you are in christ and you're spiritually minded romans chapter 8 verse 6 says to be spiritually minded is life and peace but to be carnally minded is death when your spirit controls your thinking that's just a simple majority two against one and your the life that is in your spirit will come out and it'll dominate your physical body it's really that simple you know another way of doing this i got another drawing that shows like a pipe up here and over on one side you've got the spirit on one side and you've got the sole on the other side and you're or excuse me your body on the other side and your soul is like the valve you've got this supernatural life of god that's in your spirit enough power to raise the dead you got more than enough power your hangnail your headache your cold this virus is nothing for the spirit that dwells on the inside of you but it has to flow through your mind through your soul and if you've got an unrenewed mind and if you value what the doctor says what the lawyer says what your family said as you were raised by your own thoughts and feelings if you value those things more than you value the word of god it's just like a valve on a pipe you can shut off the flow did you know that you could be dying of thirst and you could be right in front of a sink that has water piped in right there but if that valve is shut you could die of thirst if you can't un open that valve and and take advantage of it and this is what's happening to the body of christ they don't know their mind is more focused on what they see taste hear smell and feel than they are by what the word of god says or another way of saying that is they're more controlled and identified with the physical natural realm more than they do the spiritual realm and because of it you have this supernatural power of god on the inside of you and not a drop gets out because it's got to go through your soul this is the reason that romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service this isn't just for the super saints this is reasonable this is normal christian duty and then verse 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god the word transformed is the greek word metamorpho it's a word we get metamorphosis from where a caterpillar spins a cocoon and comes out a butterfly if you want to change from a caterpillar to a butterfly you do it through the renewing of your mind when you got born again you've already got everything in your spirit your spirit is perfect and complete right this moment as it will ever be in eternity and all you got to do is renew your mind and you will be transformed you will literally experience a metamorphosis you'll become this brand new person you know dwayne and i both can't we both were not candidates for what we're doing dwayne talked about he had this inferiority thing man i was so inferior i couldn't look at a person and talk to him i couldn't look at a person in the face when i was a senior in high school somebody said hi to me as i was walking down the street and they were two blocks down the street and i was sitting in my car and i finally go hi that's how introverted i was and now i minister to millions of people every single day i'm doing what i can't do because i changed my identity i found out who i was in christ and i'm now living out of who i am in christ in my flesh i still have some of those same things you know i still have some of the same tendencies i would love to just melt into the background and not be the one that's up here i know some of you that know me find this hard to believe but it's because i'm living out of my spirit but in my flesh i'm telling you how sometimes i feel those things i still my flesh you know dwayne was talking about your flesh isn't getting better it's just getting more rotten and some of you think oh no i'm getting better what you're doing is you're getting better at getting out of the flesh not letting your flesh dominate you're learning more how to walk in who you are in christ like i called a woman in denver one time and she answered the phone and i said how are you doing and she says oh i'm weak in him and i thought what does that mean and you know that's what paul was talking about when you learn that man it's not me it's christ in me and you you quit trusting in yourself actually the victory in the christian life is for you to become weaker and weaker and more and more dependent upon god and you stand in his strength not your strength and so anyway dwayne and i both are some of the least likely people i i've often said it this way if i was god i wouldn't have chosen me but you know the scripture says i i went through those verses real quickly but over in first corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 the scripture tells you the people that god is looking for let me just read this to you first corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 it says you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but god hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and god has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath god chosen yea and things which are not to bring to naught things that are and here's the reason he did it this way that no flesh should glory in his presence god has chosen weak people people with flaws not because he's a lowbrow and he's against anybody who's got great talents and ability but it's because again at our very best we are not a good representation for jesus there's nobody that can represent god almighty in just yourself with your natural talents and abilities and so god has to choose people who know that they're nothing but when god called me i said god you got the wrong person i can't do this and he says that's exactly who i'm looking for somebody who won't trust in themselves somebody who will let me live through them you know when we opened up our australian office we i went over and we held a meeting and we were announcing that night that we were opening up our australian office in an australian bible school and the guy who was leading it came to me 30 minutes before the service started and he says i can't do this i can't do it this is bigger than me i'm not going to be able to do this and he panicked and he says don't announce it don't announce it we're starting this thing i've got to back out and i said oh man that's great and he looked at me and says what do you mean i said that's exactly the person i want as long as you can get past the fact that you aren't good enough and if you will look to god and let him live through you you're exactly the person i want and so anyway we opened it and it was one of the best openings that we ever had and it grew and great things were happening in australia because somebody realized he was weak and based and despised and compared to the job he was inadequate the sad fact is most of the body of christ is doing stuff in their own steam under their own power it's not christ living through them it's them living and asking god to bless it and that'll that's a recipe for disaster your flesh might be better than my flesh it doesn't matter if you have usda choice flesh it's still flesh and god's not going to bless your flesh and the good news is he doesn't have to because every one of us are identical to jesus in our spirit we're a brand new person and remember that god is a spirit god is looking at you in the spirit he's wanting to relate to you spirit to spirit when you come before the lord saying oh god i'm so unworthy god i don't deserve anything you're approaching god in your flesh your flesh is unworthy and that's true and you need to recognize that but you're supposed to worship him in spirit and in truth you should come boldly into the throne of grace saying father in myself i'm nothing but because of you i am the righteousness of god and i can come boldly into the throne of god did you know in the old testament they had this curtain that separated the holy place from the holy of holies and if you went in there man you could be struck dead the high priest mike was talking about these things this morning mike pickett and this is this is how he got the revelation of the power of god on the inside of him because he said that that curtain separated this and even the high priest when he went in once a year he had to go through all these ritual cleansings he had to wash himself he had to offer sacrifices and he went in with fear and trembling and they actually josephus says that they tied a rope around his ankle and let it dangle out into the holy place because if he went in and if everything wasn't perfect instantly he was struck dead and nobody could go in and get him so they kept this rope around man how would that make you feel you go in there and you got a rope around you just in case god kills you and anyway this was the way it was but when jesus died that curtain was rent from top to the bottom and that holy spirit this holy power of god was released and and that's now in us you have this holy power of god living on the inside of you if you understand that it changes everything you are a brand new person and instead of approaching life as an old sinner saved by grace you approach it as i was a sinner but i got saved by grace i am now the righteousness of god i was created in righteousness and true holiness as jesus is that's the way i am right now we are ounce for ounce molecule for molecule identity identical in my spirit therefore the works that he did i can do also if i'm walking in the spirit if i am letting him live through me and it just gives you a superiority attitude not in your flesh but in christ in you you know the apostle paul this was the key to his life he said in galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified with christ yet not i i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me and the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god he didn't say i live by faith in the son of god but he was living by the faith of the son of god but he says it's not me i'm crucified i'm alive but it's really not me it's christ in me this ought to be our our total thing but for me i can't even understand how a person can live this verse and the things that the scripture is talking about unless you understand this truth about your identity spirit soul and body in my flesh i'm not like christ i'm not i'm not capable of representing him just with my mental understanding i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer i can't do it through my own flesh through my own wisdom but in the spirit i'm identical to jesus and all i've got to do is renew my mind through the word of god and i get transformed into that same image at one time i saw myself inferior to people into other situations and everything and through studying the word i've changed my identity and i see things differently i don't see my flesh myself better than other people but i see christ in me greater than any person who comes against me we had a meeting right here in this room and we i was sitting here and we had some of the leaders in this community here and they were telling me what i could and couldn't do and criticizing me and saying some things and people are going to say bad things about you and anyway i just looked at them and i said look i've been criticized by a lot more important people than you and uh probably didn't go over very well but you know what i i've just got this attitude now that man is christ in me and even though i value you and i value other people and i don't want people to dislike me i know that i'm accepted in the beloved not my flesh and i still make mistakes and make wrong decisions and stuff but in the spirit god has accepted me i'm as loved as jesus is loved because it's not just me living it's christ living through me and because of that love and acceptance it has set me free from what other people have to say about me i'm telling you there's very few christians that actually walk in this we are so dependent up co-dependent upon people's approval and everything going right and it just affects us and and it's because you don't know how much god loves you i had a man walk up after one of my messages and he just started reading me the riot and saying you said this and that criticizing me and i just stopped him right in the middle and i said who died and made you god and he just looked at me he says what do you mean i said you aren't god why do i care what you think about me well you should care i said i don't i said i don't care what you think you compared to god or nobody now i may not be correct you know dwayne is a lot more what polite than i am he's a pastor he has to live with people i just come in and preach and blast them and leave and let the pastor fix it later so dwayne's nicer than i am but you know i may not be totally right but the principle is correct that you need to get to where the only person you're out to please is god and once you know that you are accepted in the beloved and that your spirit is in right standing and that nothing can separate you from the love of god it just gives you a confidence that other people interpret as arrogance they misunderstand it but i tell you it gives you a boldness it says in isaiah chapter man i'd have to look this up i think it's chapter 59 verse 1. it says the wicked flee when there's no man without but the righteous or bold is a lie that may not even be isaiah proverbs there you go proverbs 28 1 the wicked flee when no man pursues but the righteous or bold is aligned once you understand who you are in christ righteous it just gives you a confidence and i tell you this is what we need so man this is awesome it's been a great time i know that people are getting set free so thank you for being a part of this so father we thank you we receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our soul which is able to change the way we think and father dwayne and i both just offer to you the things that we've said we asked the holy spirit to take these things to make them real to write them on the heart of people that this would be burned into their heart that they'd never forget this holy spirit you are welcome to teach us all things and to lead us into these truths and so father we thank you for and believe that miracles are taking place that people are receiving these things by revelation and it'll make a difference in their life so we agree and we thank you for it in the name of jesus amen i'm going to ask our prayer ministers if they would to come down here if any of you need prayer let me mention that we have three food trucks out in the parking lot we have german food thai food and gelato that's dessert plus we have our food service open and so you're welcome to that and it will also be open from 11 30 to 1 and then 4 30 to 6 p.m if you'd like to come back here and get anything to eat remember that we have all of these uh things out there healing university biblical worldview charis e-caris different things our bookstore is open if you need prayer please come down here and let one of our prayer ministers pray for you praise god god bless those of you who've been watching my live stream remember we'll be back tonight at 7 pm and it's going to be an awesome time pastor dwayne will be missing 1 30. today is oh are we having meetings this afternoon awesome i'm ready so we'll be back at 1 30. that's the reason they asked matt to do this so come back and join us you're dismissed you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 14,868
Rating: 4.9359269 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 10sec (10030 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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