Ideas for Remodeling Small Section of Roof Trusses With Flat Ceiling to Vaulted Ceiling in Garage

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here's another question that was sent to me the individual was going to put some type of a car lift system in his garage and wanted to know if he could vault the ceiling somehow or raise it by adding a scissor truss and I think that's what he was thinking about doing now the scissor truss will be difficult to get into a building that's already has sheathing on it and really there's only two ways you're going to be able to do it take the sheathing off and in a certain area or remove a section of the wall to where you can get the truss in there so it is possible but the amount of damage required to the building might be extensive so here's an idea that I thought of I think he could simply put some rafters in there and remember conventional rafters with rafter ties and collar ties can replace roof trusses you would just need to know what size lumber to use and I can't really provide you with that because these videos are seen all over the world if you just have a regular 4 and 12 5 and 12 pitch roof and you're not dealing with a snow load then a 2 by 8 might work just fine and the reason why I'm saying that is because I've seen plenty of buildings like this with 2 by 6 so in the video I have here I'm gonna use 2 by 8 so instead of going on top of the wall the rafters will actually sit on a ledger you'll see that in a second so with these cuts the cuts going up and down the plumb cuts I think you'll be able to slide the rafters up into position without any problems here's a view of a 2x4 that I put underneath the ridge and this can be continuous or blocks you can use but the main thing would be to have some type of a support underneath the roof rafters and if you are going to use a ridge you might need to notch around the webbing for the trusses and again blocks would probably be fine also just make sure you have something in this area here and this can be toe nailed or ends nailed and here's some stager nailing 16 these 16 inches on center and I believe I have other videos on that but this would basically be nails at in an upper section about an inch and a quarter away from the end or the edge 16 inches apart and then you would come in the center drop it down to the other side so we'd basically have a 8 inches 8 inches 8 inches but it would give us a 16 inch staggered nailing so you're not gonna want to go 16 inches from here to the nail and then 16 inches that would be 32 inch on center staggered nailing and if you need more information feel free to put a or ask put a comment in the video comment area and I will see if I can find the video but it's always nice if you can actually look for it first yourself try to find the videos before contacting me and and again I understand some people difficult to find it I do have a video on how to use the website I'll put a link in it here so that you can do it if you need more information about how to find stuff on the website so here are some bolts simply bolting instead of nailing the Raptors together maybe a 5/16 or a 3/8 inch bolt something like that I wouldn't put too big of a bolt there take away from the strength of the lumber and of course here's our ledger and it's I kind of have staggered lag screws or using staggered leg screws here and maybe a 3/8 inch or 5/16 lag screw here again remember I am NOT an engineer I'm just providing you with ideas that might work and of course you can see how it is supporting the rafter here an inch and a half is usually the minimum that a raptor needs to sit on top of a wall so I'd imagine it could sit on top of a Ledge or no problem like this and since it's attached to the roof truss I don't think you'll have problems with any movement because the roof truss is going to be fastened to the wall and to and the trust itself will create its own Ridge but you're looking for a little more support you can always put use some hardware like this and maybe even something like this if you're looking for a nether connection there and of course you could always toenail it into the framing plate and the ledger also okay the next thing would be did be to cut the trusses so that you could vault the ceiling but once you do this I want to point out you're usually going to need rafter ties 48 inches on center so if you have to put on Center trusses like we have here you're going to need a rafter tie every four foot so here's one of the where this trust would still have its raptor tied connection but we wouldn't have one here so and I am going to put a link here explaining a little more information about Raptor ties so that you can see it and for those of you who already have a pretty good idea what a rafter tie does you won't need to watch the video but I don't need to put a lot of information in here that I have already made so here would be the vaulted ceiling and of course you wouldn't have any collar ties in here to create the vaulted ceiling so you might need to strap the top of it and another view of it there oh here i was showing where the any of the bracing might need to be removed in this area a view of it from the bottom and again we can see the brace here on the top of the top of the bottom cord another view of the nailing and the cut truss and that is it for the video I wouldn't recommend doing something like this you cut out three or four of them that might be okay you might not have a problem with it but any more than that you could be in for a problem so especially if you haven't had any engineering on it and again I hate to say this you know engineers some of the stuff if you don't know enough about building then an engineer might benefit you a lot if you understand a lot you've seen a building built before a certain way or some type of modifications done to a building like this then you might not need an engineer especially if the building has had engineering one of the biggest problems I find out is the do-it-yourselfer goes in and they look at something and then they go oh that buildings been standing up for a while I'm gonna do it myself and or they see a picture of something done in California but this isn't gonna work in Michigan so a big problem you know so that's why I kind of stress in these videos an engineer or someone who knows what they're doing a little more information is going to benefit you you
Channel: gregvancom
Views: 57,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ideas, how to, remodeling, small section, roof truss, vaulted ceiling, conventional framing, rafters, engineering, building design, garage, car lift, learning, do-it-yourself
Id: xM0tseOS2MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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