How To Turn Flat Engineered Roof Truss System into Cathedral Ceiling – Small Buildings

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in this video I will try to explain how you can remove certain sections of an engineered roof truss system and turn it into a cathedral roof by using conventional roof framing methods standard practices used today so basically what you would be doing would be removing the engineered roof truss system completely and rebuilding a conventionally framed ceiling and I've done this a couple of times with a good result but I need to point this out I'm only going to say it once even though I should probably mention it over and over again throughout the video but something like this will definitely require a structural engineer I wouldn't do anything like this without one even myself so just keep that in mind now first thing you're going to need to do will be to figure out and cut a roof rafter how you do that I'm going to leave that up to you you could do it by making a couple of patterns one for the top one for the bottom if you do need further clarification on that feel free to leave a comment in the comment area and I will see what I can do you will cut a notch out of the bottom of the roof rafter and it will probably end up something like this most roof rafters are going to be a little larger you're probably going to end up using two by tens or two by twelves verses your standard 2x4 or 2x6 as the top cord of a roof truss and the top of the roof rafter will look something like this they will get another raptor on the other side these raptors will nail to the existing trusses and here's a another view of that one Raptor on each side of the truss and of course opposing each other as in conventional roof framing the next picture should give you a better idea what I'm talking about and again I didn't do the entire roof I wanted to give you an idea of what you were actually looking at what you're working with so I only did a section of building the last picture I believe shows it completely done but I wanted to use this to give you a good idea what we were doing and here's a very important point most of the rafters that the seat cuts on the lower end where butts up against the wall will make the ceiling a little lower so if you already have an 8-foot tall ceiling don't be surprised if you end up with seven foot six seven foot eight in the corner here because the Raptors the new rafters are going to be larger then the other red then the roof trusses in most cases the next illustration provides you with a section of the roof trusses starting to be removed you will simply remove the roof trusses that are or any part of the roof trusses that are below the new conventional framing so that you can actually dry wall the ceiling flat now that should make sense and these are just a few more pictures of what you're going to end up with kind of what you're going to be doing it through more pictures in there like always to provide you with a better idea just in case you're not really understanding what what's going on here again there's the existing trusses in the back and the trusses that have been cut and are now nailed to the existing rafter another view of it now I will be providing you with another video and this one's going to be actually how to use a ridge beam to support something like this the moment that you remove the bottom cord or the ceiling joist part that the ceiling actually fastens to any drywall of the roof truss you will be severely weakening the structure of the building if you were just to build something like this without any additional support you just went ahead and framed something like this there's a good chance over time the rather roof the load of the roof will put pressure on the center of the wall and actually start to bow the wall so it'll actually push the walls out and the ridge instead of being nice and straight will actually start to sag it will start to sink in the center so the next video like I said will provide you with a solution for that but like I said in the very beginning something like this even the next video that I'm going to provide you with might not work all of the time that is why a structural engineer will need to be contacted for something like this this is definitely something I would not attempt without understanding a lot maybe maybe as an advanced master carpenter kind of a thing you know someone like myself I could probably tackle a project like this with a pretty good understanding of what's going to go on but I wouldn't want the liability you know if structural engineer comes up it might be a little over built but at least you don't have to worry about it falling down one day while you and your family are and they're watching TV so off to the next video
Channel: gregvancom
Views: 270,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Improvement (Interest), Engineered roof truss system, cathedral ceiling, flat ceiling, angled ceiling, home remodeling, framing, building, carpentry, contractor, construction, education, engineering, structural engineering, architecture
Id: g78Tl9Om-h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 28 2014
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