Iconic New Orleans Buffet | Creole Seafood Prime Rib Jazz Brunch at The Court of Two Sisters

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[Music] the good morning everyone this is Tim and I hope you're doing well this is a beautiful day and a sunny day in New Orleans and uh I'm actually here in the French Quarter area and uh I've been hearing uh people have been warning that uh the food in the uh French quor is a little bit hit and miss and uh they're pretty much right uh so a lot more misses than hits but we had an amazing dinner in fact right over here the other night with Albert and Mish and myself this is Antoine's uh since 19 or 1840 and uh I think it's the oldest restaurant here in New Orleans and uh I must say the service and the food was exceptional Albert Mish and I ordered up a storm from the cocktails to the Oysters Rockefeller where it originated we had a wonderful meal and of course the obligatory pictures and as good as a food was it was the service and the drink and the desserts and Leticia was phenomenal and here we have something called a cafe buo set on fire flamb bade and even though Leticia spilled some on the table it was still quite a show and you might have noticed mish's complexion before the drink and this is her after a few cups so a really fantastic evening and uh Albert and M are actually right now sleeping it off and uh so I guess it's just you and me today and I'm pretty excited because I heard there was a nice uh breakfast lunch uh I guess it's a brunch buffet here in uh the French Quarter it's called the CT of Two Sisters and I'm just approaching it now so uh really grateful uh that uh while I'm by myself you can join me so uh pretty grateful for that and also really grateful to vessie for sponsoring this video vessie is a West Coast company that makes amazing waterproof breathable sneakers that keeps you warm and dry when it's cold and wet outside and keeps you cool cool and dry when it's hot and wet outside as well and here in New Orleans it does rain a lot this is Bourbon Street pouring down and while I love to show you how waterproof they are the other day at the swamp tour with all those alligators it just wasn't feeling safe but here we are at the Mississippi River about to take a paddle booat tour and while I love to show you in the water of the Mississippi it was just a little too deep but here it is fully submerged all drenched and completely dry so no more wet socks here so give them a try visit Bessie online and there you'll find many styles and colors to choose from not only do they have amazing Footwear but they have apparel and accessories as well from the waterproof stylish overcast jacket to my favorite the shoreline belt bag that keeps you valuable safe dry and secure lots of items to choose from and they ship to many countries and if you happen to miss one of their sales vessie was kind enough to offer a promotion just visit vessie online online and use promo code Tim Lee to save 15% off your next purchase that again is vessie online and use promo code Tim Lee to save 15% off your purchase and with that I think I'm getting a little bit hungry and we are just here at the Court of Two Sisters and while it does not look very impressive outside I think the inside would be quite amazing it's a little bit dark in here and I can see a beautiful Courtyard and before that there is the buffet hey Ivy oh this looks amazing um can I get a table yes just for one just for one right yeah my friends are sleeping off uh the night before okay no problem all right thank you and that's the buffet over there oh thank you so much hi Gilda hey how are you not too bad thank you so much where you from I'm from Vancouver Canada right thank you welcome to New Orleans actually oh thank you been here before first time okay we got some good stuff on that Buffet line I I I've my favorite thing over there is red beans and rice red beans and rice sounds simple but I'm sure it's it's I have not okay well you ready for a treat okay we got some good turtle soup over there I like that I have a chicken and sauce gumo that's pretty good yeah and I've got some cream spand that's another one of my favorite oh my favorite veggies uhhuh and I've got some sweet potatoes over that are very good now there are a few things in between but the last two things that I like on that hot side is a bread pudding and the banana sauce oh you got to save room for that Gilda thank you so much okay now did you want anything else to drink besides water what would you recommend Bloody Mary that's my favorite drink okay can I go for a bloody mary you all right thanks ma'am all right so pretty nice here and uh certainly really beautiful in the courtyard and uh even coming in before sitting down Ivy and Gilda very kind so uh I had a chance to take a peek at the buffet and it looks pretty impressive so uh I'm not going to wait until the Bloody Mary comes uh I think I'm going to start on with the buffet and thanks to Gilda for the recommendations uh come on let's go so pretty spectacular outside and even more spectacular is inside so from ship toore sure there is food everywhere and I think that is the egg station starting off they have the salad station which is on ship number one and I can't wait to see what ship number two down there has but let's take a look and uh this is a type of salad I like a little bit of crawfish pasta nothing wrong with that a little bit of curry chicken pasta with pans right over here some tuna salad this is chicken of the sea and this is chicken salad this is tuna of the land let's go for a little bit more and I think this is the most I've taken from a salad station and a salad station would not be complete without a bit of potato salad wonderful Mounds all around all right some greens and some more veggies and now we move on to the bread station and this is my favorite type of bread cornbread and that is French bread think I'm going to go for a little bit of cornbread maybe the small piece here right in the center all right and moving on wo I think this is literally a boatload of shrimp okay let's go for a little bit of this a little bit of patience involves a bit of peeling that's okay right around here and I think we're transitioning to the sweets these are the fruits some grape jelly and some fruit salad and yogurt and further on I believe this is the dessert and we'll get back to this shortly but on the other side that's that's the hot food all the way down and normally I'll save the hot food for the next round but uh I think Gilda's recommendation of uh some of the dishes I can't resist I see freshly steamed rice thank you all right some fresh rice a little of it here and that is chicken and Dewey gumbo which I will go for later but this is the red beans and it's not just red beans there's so much in it let's give this a try but I think I'm going to give the turtle soup a try so a little bit of the turtle soup a little bit little bit of the Cherry just a pad a little bit more and I think that would be good for round one it's always nice to come back to the table with something new this is a Bloody Mary that Gilda recommended to a very good morning to you oh very nice this is a little bit spicy very mild very delicate perfect for the morning and let me show you the courtyard around here very beautiful and a perfect day oh and I think we have some fresh biscuits coming thank you Kiron let me know I'll thank you so much so I'm glad I didn't get too much because the table's already getting full from the appetizers to the biscuits to the turtle soup with the cherry and the red bean and rice I think I got to try the turtle soup first time ever having turtle soup and the gentleman was saying that the Sherry takes the edge or the bite off the turtle soup let's give that a try very smooth a little bit Smoky lots of flavor and the lots of meat and if that is turttle meat tastes just like chicken very good and since it's right next to it let's try the red bean and rice oh big mountainful it sounds simple but it is so delicate and flavorful I think a little bit of ham lots of flavor some smokiness and I can taste the bay leaves I know not a lot of people can taste that but you can taste a wonderful earthy flavor magnificent textures m I think I'm going to dig in to some of these appies and salads using the biscuits and I think the only way to do it is with our hands oh this is nice and warm and toasty just breaks apart and I think I can see little Flex of butter but to gild the Lily some more some more butter there we go all right just a whole slab let's give it a try looks good and it is good but we got to try it with a little bit of potato salad and maybe a little bit of the chicken salad all together a wonderfully loaded biscuit M all right that biscuit is nice and Flaky and the potato salad is rich and creamy lightens everything up really delicious I think I got to try the Crawfish pasta salad little bit of crawfish little bit of pasta okay that is delicious a little bit of spice to give it a bit of a kick and uh it actually has loads of crawfish in there very meaty so I think I'm going to finish up this first round of appetizers and I'm glad I'm glad I kept it small and uh we'll take you back for some more but look at this beautiful Courtyard oh so that was a good first round and hits the spot the best part of the biscuit is on the top and dunking it in the turtle soup makes it all the better and those shrimp nice and succulent and they're not just boiled they are boiled and seasoned to Perfection and to gild the Lily some more a little little bit of shrimp in the turtle soup making this into a wonderful Turtle seafood soup very nice and uh when I was coming out for the first round they were just setting up for lunch so breakfast is over and I saw them setting up the prime rib station and all the roast so I can't wait to go for round two lunch time now let's go thank you okay so now it is getting busy look at the lineup all the way down there to here all right right so I'm going to take a peek first oh is it okay certainly oh looks lovely nice and fatty oh and perfectly cooked close thank you okay so after seeing that prime rib I'm going to stand in line I won't check out the rest but looking absolutely gorgeous so it feels like I'm all the way back at Bourbon Street but uh I think uh we're at the end of the line and as good as the eggs benedict looks and the omelet I think I'm going to skip that uh and uh definitely go for the prime rib I think they even have duck alange so going to give that a try if they have it and as we stand in line we got a tutorial on the proper cookery of a poach IG and a little joke as well look how come come a little 3 minutes for so F foro you all right that's all it take Bab now if you want to run it you can have it run if you don't want to run it you don't have to have it run you can have it hard all right I tried you sure real I like it hard oh give me Str he all right a bit of entertainment there so the line goes through goes by pretty quickly oh and we're up next IQ how are you good oh that looks so good can I get a fatty piece of the prime rib this is R wow thank you so much oh little bit of juice do you want some juice as well no thank and a little bit of horseradish all right now we are back to the hot food and I don't think I'm going to make it all the way cu cuz uh I don't want the prime rib to wait so just like everything in the French Quarter this is packed lots of good things squished together think uh rice and beans the chicken and Dewey gumbo I had the red beans some more rice and grits and I remember Gilda was saying that the cream spinach is something you don't want to miss and we will not miss and we'll give this a try not taking too much time and uh a little bit of mashed potatoes right here or a lot and lots more and that is the duck but I think I'm going to come back for that because this is best eaten while it's hot that was a quick trip to the buffet and I didn't want it to didn't want to wait too long let's give this a try I'm kind of glad with the spinach and the potatoes I still have a biscuit left oh and this is like the perfect piece nice and succulent this is a rib cap you don't really have to chew it just melts in your mouth so succulent and tender nice fatty marbling throughout and I think we need to add add a little bit of the cream spinach for a perfect bite and maybe while we're at it a little bit of potatoes so flavorful I'm going to try the potato on its own nice and creamy little bit of horseradish so much flavor and I think maybe we'll try a little bit more of the biscuit the top half cream spinach a little bit of the prime rib and again I don't even need a knife again a loaded biscuit very nice so I know this is a quick a quick round but I'm going to finish this really really quickly while it's hot and we'll take it back for some of the New Orleans goodies another a quick round two and let's check out the rest of the food and I can't wait to try out the duck come on let's go all right nice to see things uh settling down let's grab a plate that prime rib was something else so again everything is nice and compact a little bit of rice chicken and Dewey gumbo the red beans Gilda's wonderful recommendation I'm going to skip the wild rice I think I'm going to go for a little bit of the Corn right over here and another recommendation the sweet potatoes with some peans or pecans right over here oh my goodness and look at this wonderful sticky barbecue ribs I'm just going to go for one cuz they will fill you up right down here all right a little bit of duck think I'm just going to go for one I think the problem with duck at a buffet is that they sometimes dry out but hopefully this will not be the case in fact let's go for two just to be sure a little bit of jumbal right in the center some shrimp e to Faith a little bit of pasta and some lemon pepper fish let's go for a little bit of that and uh I got to go for the shrimpy toothpaste a little bit here a little bit more and of course a little bit of rice and that looks good good for a third round all right little bits of plates here and there really fills you up and uh I think I went a little softer on uh this round here hey Gilda thank you so much so I got the uh pean pean sweet potatoes can't wait to give it a try yeah you got good stuff you got the good du going on the barbecue yeah yeah all right thank you so everyone's uh incredibly kind here and I think I got got to go for this fish right here I'm going to move these off to the side let give that a try oh so tender W that is nice and succulent perfectly seasoned nice and Lemony and uh nice and Flaky perfectly cooked and with a fish being so tender I got to try the duck and see how it is all right M it looks a bit dry but it cuts easily a little bit of sauce it's actually White tender a tad little bit dry but the meat is generally tender and that nice fat adds to it plus the Tangy orange sauce I'm going to try as Gilda recommended the sweet potato and pecans or peans when you're here oh fantastic thanks Karen people are quite attentive here but when you're here listen to Gilda and go for the sweet potato PE can not very sweet very flavorful so good don't want to get my hands too dirty knife and fork for the ribs see oh Cuts very easily nice sweet and Smoky and to counteract that sweetness a little bit of the jambalaya that is some intense seasoning very flavorful a little bit of kick but not too much very good so all this is starting to add up so I'm going to finish this up and I think it's going to be time for dessert May me a little drink [Music] first all right so it's time for dessert I think uh you just saw Gilda there and uh she was kind enough to recommend a couple of things and the first thing is right down here this is the bread pudding and she also highly recommended the bananas Fosters but uh bananas aren't my thing so a Banana Foster is out but the bread pudding is definitely in a little bit of this [Music] right over here oh and look at this this is the king cake and uh that's looking just a little heavy at the moment but let's see so this is a front of the ship with all the desserts uh pecan pie see chocolate cake and this is interesting this I think it's a lemon cake and it looks quite luscious I think I'm going to skip the pecan pie will go for a little bit of chocolate give it a wiggle there we go and Gilda also mentions some ice cream right over here oh that's a big scoop and with the ice cream I think we better make it back to our table and just in time because the ice cream is already starting to melt and I I love the fact that when you come back Gilda already has a nice hot cup of coffee waiting a little bit of cream or a lot very nice so let's go for a little bit of cake and a little bit ice cream before it all melts away oh and while we're eating this we can hear the celebratory songs of birthdays very nice and very cold cake is nice and light and soft and the ice cream adds extra richness and I'm really getting full but I do need to go for the bread pudding and now that the ice cream has melted a bit this becomes a cremon glaze for the bread pudding there we go very nice lots of cinnamon flavor and light as well so this is the Court of Two Sisters in the French Quarter really enjoyable place and really good food and even better people here like uh Ivy and Kiron and uh filda with all the recommendations really enjoyable in a beautiful Courtyard so I'm going to put this here but take your time okay oh thank you Gilda again this is wonderful all right we'll do we'll do thank you again uh great folks here so if you're in the New Orleans area give it a try um I leave the details in the video description but I think this is about $35 for the Jazz uh Buffet again lots of great way a great way to sample all the nice foods of the New Orleans and to enjoy the great outdoors with a jazz band right over there which hopefully you can see through the posts and the awnings so again thank you so much for joining and until we see each other again I hope you're keeping well I hope you're eating well and I hope you're traveling well just a little bit of coffee and God bless to you and yours cheers oh very nice
Channel: Tim Lee
Views: 104,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Buffet in New Orleans, Jazz Brunch Buffet, Jazz Brunch Buffet in New Orleans, Southern Buffet in New Orleans, Best Creole Buffet in New Orleans, Seafood Prime Rib Buffet
Id: ZTfLabjgcQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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