Icing Concerns Instrument Flight~Annual Inspection Drop-Off

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howdy guys out at the airport just fixing to take one bravo charlie to defiance ohio at tas to get the annual inspection done been waiting on the icing it's finally uh gone away a bit just clouds here about 1700 foot deck should be into it about a thousand agl and on top somewhere around twenty seven hundred so a little ifr flight up to defiance come along we're over information papa one seven five two zulu weather win two four zero at one three plus one seven visibility one zero feeling one thousand overcast temperature minus three dew point minus six altimeter three zero two four all right now two seven approaching use landing and departing only two seven bfr departures device ground control is the direction of flight no stearman runway one eight three six closed takes away charlie close use cash way for snow base along the ramp advised on initial contact you have information papa we got papa ifr departure should be on top by three but i'll probably ask when we get our ifr release to do an unrestricted climb to five just to make sure we get right on top should be smooth sailing seven thousand's the final altitude excited to get her dropped off get the annual inspection a few upgrades which we'll talk about but for now all ground better clearance get going crown twin cessna 771 bravo charlie at sky haven with papa request taxi and pick up ifr clearance november 771 bravo charlie aurora ground cleared to delta foxtrot india airport being rated vector he has home that has fouled that maintained three thousand expect seven thousand one seven minutes after departure frequency one three three point five glock six two six five seven seven one bravo charlie's cleared to defiance via radar vector's pia tone as filed initially to maintain three thousand expect seven and ten departure frequency one three three point five squawk six two six five hello everyone bravo charlie rebecca is correct the best will be coming up soon two four zero one shift that's two one altimeter three zero two one one bravo chili's try after reported uh 3 100. okay thanks and for one bravo charlie we're ready to go can you coordinate with sector 3 to just get us an unrestricted climb up to 5 000 off the ground please uh one bravo charlie roger hold short runway 27 i'll work on that request thank you much and if we need to delay for that weekend transition on one bravo charlie turn left heading one six zero come and maintain five thousand runway two seven clear for takeoff heading one six zero five thousand clever takeoff on bravo charlie thank [Music] you all right trolls coming up fixtures going full rich all right things look good release the bricks [Music] gauges look good fuel flow's good airspeed's alive 80 90 100 rotate [Music] tap the brakes here coming up the dampers on [Music] autopilot is on [Music] departure day [Music] departure to incest new seven seven one bravo charlie's with you climbing through two thousand for five thousand twin system seven seven one bravo charlie chicago departure radar contact tops around three and a half midway altimeter three zero two zero three zero two zero one three six captain tops location two papa julia turn left direct kogi [Music] [Music] four zero one bc approach all right [Music] contact chicago center one three two point five see you kevin thirty two pounds two run by chicago center twin cessna seven seven one bravo charlie seven thousand heading one two zero seven seven one probably charlie chicago center under the kingfield tennis three zero two seven three zero two seven one bc it shows us being there in about 45 minutes in defiance ohio i'm excited to get the plane there it's the best known twins twin cessna specialty shop in the country or world for that matter so it'll be it'll be nice to get the plane there and have them go through this with a fine-tooth comb and i've got a huge list we'll go over the list on the ground there the short flight i was mildly concerned about ice even though the clouds are relatively thin in nature but i'm a georgia boy i don't fly a lot in the ice but we did get a midwest equipped airplane with full the ice in case we needed it my buddy john in the cessna 340 he was excited to get down here and check out tas as well so he offered to fly and pick me up so that's nice so john is gonna be on the way very shortly but 205 knot ground speed hard to argue that in center for one bravo charlie if we could get direct elton whenever it works for you that's about a 90 heading that starts the initial approach for us there in defiance ohio hey one bro with charlie roswell i was up for you in uh about four minutes one bravo jelly thank you sir when i took off it said the weather was better than it is now 250 at one eight or 250 is the winds at eight knots gusting one eight they've got a one two three zero so we'll break out and we'll circle the land 1700 foot overcast we'll be able to circle at a thousand feet hl pattern altitude there 1700 actually didn't even have to file an alternate for this particular lake because the forecast for the hour before hour after two thousand foot sailing three mile visibility is a rule whether or not you need to follow an alternate was not needed for the forecast at the time and then fighting [Music] one brother charlie thank you [Music] go ahead and load the approach while we're here asking about the rnav runway one two which we like we'll select off of hilton which we're already going to anyway oh we'll take a look so it's got elton direct in there across galaxy at three guys it's been downright bloomy overcast cold in chicago for weeks i haven't seen the sun in weeks and look at the office view up there there she is i've said this before but one of my favorite views in an airplane is when you break through the cloud to clear above especially around here in the wintertime where it stays gloomy for so long and as far as you can see all around it's just beautiful it's just clouds down low so here we are on the flight plan route you can see we're 74 minutes or 74 miles 22 minutes away we're doing 200 knots number one bravo charlie descend and maintain five thousand for one bravo charlie that's gonna maintain five thousand all right we briefed the approach we're going into hilton then direct gaskey gas sexy whatever that is we'll cross the gas taxi at about 200 hours across elton after above 3 000 cleared are not going to approach the defense building that are above 3 000 cleared our nav runway 1-2-1 bravo charlie thank you this approach has climbed to three straight out and since the tops are right around three we're not gonna descend straight away we'll we'll do the continuous descent approach because of the chance of ice and the fact that i'm gonna break out and circle the land i am not gonna put the gear down for this approach or the flash just charlie contact toledo approach one three four point three five with you thirty four thirty five one bravo charlie we'll see you thanks [Music] toledo twin cessna seven seven one bravo charlie is with you on the rnav runway one two at defiance we do have the weather number seven seven one bravo charlie's fluid approach so it's gonna three zero one step three zero one seven one bc all right we're on the inbound lake now lnf plus b so it will give us a glide slope an artificially type of glide slope all righty pedo heat is on temperature is 40 degrees should be a little cooler in the clouds our mixture is pumped up as we've been descending the sun is shining off the wing of one bravo charlie quite a bit altitude 200 to go [Music] roger [Music] the number one bravo charlie change your advisor frequency approved report cancellation ifr this frequency or via telephone on the ground i'm pretty much how i changed the advisory and we're still on top of 3100 looks like the tops are at round three thank you defense traffic twin session seven seven one bravo trolley is on a 10 mile final runway one two on the approach defiance wait for the glide slope to come in and then we're good down to 1100. [Music] we're in approach mode gps v is armed and we're starting now [Music] looking for 1100 [Music] a little bumpy two thousand for eleven hundred got ground contact runway's inside gonna disconnect the autopilot [Music] well not the best landing but considering all the single pilot approach and everything we had going on i will take it i will i will i will almost forgot to turn the heat off in the air so what we're going to do now is we turn it off and then turn it to fan there's a lot going on single pilot ifr is no joke defiance traffic twin cessna 771 bravo charlie is clearing runway 3-0 at alpha defines but we're home of t-a-s i'm so excited one bravo charlie is going to be better than ever when we get her back as always we appreciate all the support we got some really cool trips planned for 2021 by the way i get asked all the time it's january right now sometimes get behind on editing january 2021 so stay tuned for that and i'll try to shoot some cool footage of the annual inspection and the different process on all the things they're gonna do to the airplane here hopefully i can get them to film some stuff that'll be really cool but until next time see you guys later [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 56,321
Rating: 4.9891734 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, TAS, flying, flight, pilot, 310 Pilot, Cessna 310, takeoff, landing, airport, ice, icing, clouds, freezing, IFR, instrument, ATC, air traffic control, Sun n Fun, Chicago, Illinois, Defiance, Ohio, Chicago Approach, GPS, RNAV, fast, de-ice, rime, instrument approach, flight instruction, educational, fun, exciting, sunny, travel, airplane, plane, aircraft, AOPA, EAA, steveo1kinevo, Captain Joe, control tower, heater, alcohol, windshield, camera, annual inspection, scary, A&P, mechanic, shop, Twin Cessna, Cessna 340
Id: 2ZTj-9GJVkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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