Ice Farm. Redstoneless. AFKable. 16-18k/h [Fun Farms 21] Minecraft 1.13

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okay so let's build a ridiculously large infinity FK wise farm what do we have rest on bitter wines should be enough [Music] hi guys and welcome them on here good news with 1:13 we are getting sustainable packed ice and blue ice but the recipe especially for blue eyes got really expensive you likely need 81 eyes to make one blue eyes and to make fast ice roads like this one that's 1,000 blocks long you need 500 blue eyes you can rip it off the ice burst or crafted yourself using a whopping 14.5 mm regular ice which is almost 12 double chests obviously this is much better option than the stripping of the iceberg don't you think and for that we need a good ice firm and the one that's behind me has a few interesting characteristics first of all this one is fully f cable you can just stand here the pickup in your main hand some food you often have both right and left mouse button pressed using your keyboard and just walk away from the computer the fan will also recycle your pickaxes before they break so you're not losing on that front as well also from restaurant components all you need is right here the actual farm portion uses no redstone like nothing really absolute zero and the farm itself could be made doesn't have to but just can pretty much entirely out of ice which is interesting and there are few slabs here and there a lot of water streams and science but other than that it's all ice I mean these parts can be made of any material these walls here as well but for example all the player paths item streams and the blocks below where the ice forms need to be made out of ice blocks so I thought because most of it was supposed to be made of ice anyways and just fun farms let's make it fun and make everything out of ice just because it's nice from made out of ice ice ception so let's talk how it's made ice forms randomly from water sources providing the location is cold enough water block is touching from any side some other block that is not worn or air and it's absolutely nothing above it what is cold enough depends on the altitude so the wild level and the biome in icy and snowy biomes that's anyway level and extreme hills and taiga biomes it has to be on a specific height for ice to form and for example in place and may sells deserts etc it won't form at all in general if it's a rainy weather but instead you see snow falling and snow layers forming around you this also means you can build a nice farm here there are couple of modem who are we can use for the ice farm one approach would be to make a big cube or system like this one on Cyclops sever that would work quite well but it's not an F cable design I mean it still requires effort to harvest the ice once it's cubed but you get lots of it at once another thought I had was to do some sort of a conveyor system to bring eyes to the player while they FK with pigs in their hands similar to the cobblestone generator idea but ice forms very slowly requires full sky access so it wouldn't be a compact machine and likely be very laggy and complex still it might be a good option because since the player is stationary you can get the ice and repair their pickaxes mending at the same time so having like hundred percent of cable and then is this approach where players moved along the farm via water streams and harvest ice in place where ice forms so instead of moving the ice we move the player with this we can go afk to get the ice but it will deter costs of diamond pigs or we can recycle fix later and mend them afterwards which is not highly presented cable but at least the ice part is half cable and mending of pigs is actually fast and cheap process the excess remaining eyes don't need to be super enchanted if you find one of these in your world that might set you forever in terms of the pickaxes to the point that you may decide not to recycle them at all just throw them away when you're done so this would be an interesting starting point concept but it made it much simpler and much more space effective using some nice tricks the challenge with ice farms is that requires a lot of space because of the sky access requirement and the game checks actually the full column of air so even transparent blocks like glass will obstruct it and because of the slow ice growth we need a large area to grow a lot of it so how far away from the player ice can form let's device a small test I'm staying here on this bedrock block with all the area flooded around us and because that's the only blog that touches the water ice can only start around me to speed up the process I'll speed up the game ice forming is not part of random tics it has its own face its own routine so to speed it up you have to speed up the entire game not just random takes a lot is an important part of our demonstration I have purposely chosen a block in the chunk corner to show a couple of things so let's wet it up as you can see ice formed around the player for up to eight chunks out radially even though we have a render distance of 12 here it is also important to notice that it doesn't go with the exact distance from the player so it's rather based on the chunk itself so doesn't matter where have you been in this chunk ice have spread evenly across entire chunks one of the features of FK both ice farms is the fact that I should freeze as the player is moving along the farm so making sure that the ice freezes in other parts of the farm is very important so if you are in any place in this center child given in this very corner we can see that we are guaranteed to have a 6x6 square area of chunks actively keeping freezing the water but even if you leave for a moment it would mean that only one chunk on the very opposite edge of the farm is not freezing would also be fine so that's why in this case I stick with a 6x6 chunk area for the farm but there's not a reason for that as well which is pickaxe durability with the design I showed and 6x6 harvestable chunk area we get about five and a half thousand I'll box to harvest and and breaking three diamond pickaxe and harvest up to 6000 blocks so finishing one round means is the best moment to safely exchange player pickaxes the module itself is very simplistic first of all Clara can pick up blocks up to five blocks away from them if they're pressed against a block if you are at the back of the block that's four blocks whatever at the front that's five so in this design we need to make sure that the planer is pushed to front bits of the block they are also travels in the water streams that moves the items away which saves a lot of space for us interestingly there are some blind spots in the world streams which is fine if a player is not wearing any depth rather gear they all have enough momentum to jump from one water stream to the other and just we post on the ice and the same for the items it's interesting because wearing Deb Stratton boots are actually decreasing our studying moment which will cause us to stall an interesting fact for you so know Deb strata in this farm obviously there are some dead spots for the items as well but you know what just don't worry about it most items because we are on ice will have some linear momentum on the axis of the water seem so even if they land on this block here it'll typically slide a little bit here and there and catch either this water or this water which would send them further so don't stress about it the loss is included in the philosophy of this farm here we are treading a little bit of loss for a very simple design now there are two ways to get the broken items out if you for example place a sun block here we're pushing it from the bottom with a piston for example this will prevent water from creating this cascading flat effect which means that water won't be reforming and this will create those water streams that will put rocky knives towards us we have here science on the other side behind our facts so those were estimates ones makes up but we'll be getting the items back the other way of achieving the same thing instead of putting a block here is to leave a hole below the same location which would mean that water from these two crucial sources won't fill up that place they fall into and the water won't be reforming as well and once you're done with the water harvesting we just need to cover that hole or just lower the block you can simply do it by just running a player over these pressure plates once they are in the next module very simple redstone but there's one issue with that solution if you have any spots that are not frozen and this will happen if you're continuously going through the farm there's high chance water will start to swirl around and create water sources in the entire platform anyways we could make the platform smaller like two or three water streams long and just rely on player crossing in the next section to form the water back but if we look closer at what happens when you have water chasing us as we break the ice it actually works magically by itself so what happens is since we have water sources here all the time at the back of the Train when a player blake's all the blocks here in one swoop war will start rushing from the back and from the side pressing the harvested ice blocks to the side and to the front so what you can see here is water reforming in this kind of a diagonal wave by merging from these two positions all items in that particle block will get some momentum towards this direction and because we are all on ice they'll keep their momentum and end up in the worst unit and as we progress this wave will be rushing from the back here and from the side and that is a little bit of extra momentum to all the items in all these five positions pushing them down towards a player and even if there are some items left they should be swooped with the next batch obviously there will be some loss involved but frankly it's not that huge it's about three percent according to my tests for 112 including icebergs that get caught in between the world channels in 113 watery flowing is handled differently not vaginal block updates and happens much quicker so we get about 10% block left on the platform so it seems that in one sitting having shorter path runs with occasional Pistons and corners might be a better way to do it but the simplicity and the rest on land design and the wow factor of the fact that how it's magically pulls items towards the player I think you're winning here even with 10% losses but in general this is the approach you can use in both versions without the need of using in redstone at all so let's look how it can be put together in our big farm here we have 12 of these modules it turned out likely that the width of each modules 8 blocks so we have exactly 2 per chunk and ma the paths make 91 blocks long so they also spawned six chunks as you can see in this corner everything is chunky lines so we stay in this chunk to load the entire farm pretty much all the time and on the other end I kept the water streams the same max length so the player path sticks out the tiny little bit outside of the 6x6 area as I said it's not a biggie it only affects the very corner of the chunk and owned in two positions in the farm and only for a few seconds so it's not a big deal items are conveniently separated from the player on the turns and thrown in the main collection stream which goes all around the farm to collect items from both sides all the blog's that we'll see in the reach of the players of five walks in front of them would need to be cleared so he can swing their pickups breaking them for example here to blocked waters are used slams which are just below the player aim position also the water sources in the water streams have this extra science above them and this is to prevent them from freezing but you can cover the water streams just by itself here the ends where the player finishes the round we need to transfer them back to the beginning then I continue the water streams but if you really have to put some sort of a fast break on very system that will technically up the average yield of the farm up to 20,000 per hour but I don't think it's really necessary and it will break the hour no redstone vibe we have here when the player arrived for the station does pretty much the only bit of wrestling we have here we exchanged his pickaxe the player holds left and right click on the mouse not only for food but also to place the pickaxe on either frame which we there smash with snowball and then this vendor when you pick a new piece of food we hold the player for a brief moment in case there's some lag and they have to pick up the items and then we send them back for a new right as you can see all the pigs have right about 200 durability left after the round so it's the best time to get a mirror to repair and if you really want to make this farm slightly bigger going into the 7x7 area you can slightly increase the use of the pickaxes spring is a bit lower it also takes a tiny bit more than one chicken of saturation to break all the blocks here in the area so if you want to FK for a few days we can do it just start with another full stack of chicken and you should stay balanced for many many hours dropping one chicken in each round we go so option for no food option just use some good saturation food items like steaks or golden carrots and a stack of these should get you going for more than 20 hours at a time so that should be plenty thing is you don't want to eat too often because when player decides to eat it they will skip a row of ice but thanks to our Joule side water flushing reserves that should not prevent water from forming back in most cases each round around the farm takes exactly 17 minutes and 15 seconds in the first harvest so the entire farm fully frozen we should be getting about 5,300 ice around so eighteen point five thousand items per hour and this will drop to 17.5 thousand per hour which each continuous harvest because not all the ice will be frozen so that will be it in terms of 112 so now let's check what happens in 113 so I just loaded the farm as it was in 112 and already we can see some issues one small change that this corner water block doesn't pull us out anymore and that's not that big the little reorganization here and we should be fine what's a bigger deal is that there is a bug that even the flowing water can freeze so all our water streams are just pooped at this point this also affects the path through flooding as the ice can now form in wet places but this actually turns out to be fine and this is a proper bug so I'll try not to forget and leave your link in the back tracker with it in the description thing is we can work around it and in this case by just giving the water stream some roof some protection but this is technically a water duplication issue because we're getting an ice from a block that shouldn't turn into water source at the first place this could be exploited to get for example moveable water sources for God's sake and this fact alone would make this bug fixed before one thirteen comes out for sure just kidding also we need a similar cover of daylight blocking blocks all around the farm as well for the player to prevent phantoms from spawning this now that's the thing but there's a bigger issue that I would like to talk about so in this farm you would want to afk by holding your mouse buttons left and right click and then walk away from the keyboard and this has been done in the past conveniently by rebinding piece from the mouse to the keyboard which are easier to press or kept pressed and won't risk moving the mouse so let's check how it works if I aim at the sky and press and hold mouse button the pickaxe will do one swing and now it's technically pressed so I can just run around and mine Bob stronger now let me rebind it to the keyboard and now I'm pressing again using the keyboard now instead of a continuous action when I'm getting in this herky-jerky animation it can't really instant mine blocks anymore I mean I do instant mine them is just mining action is sent out just a few times per second not spontaneously it's like in this case you can't really use it to mind blocks in the farm so how does the fact certain types of afk farms where you rely on the mouse being pressed I don't you tell us kinda nasty how it was an accidental change and it will be fixed because this at least creates an inconsistent gameplay experience for players that can only afford the Minecraft and the computer but cannot afford the mouse for example laughs set so here we have a modified 113 version of the farm all the water streams are properly protected player pass is also a phantom spawn proofed as I said I slightly redid the pickaxe exchange station because the corn water streams from 112 wasn't pushing players as we would expect it to do so the ice paths due to the water freezing black is a little bit on a sporty side but it turns out that is as a minor effects on this farm in terms of the results it's not that we have a slight dip in the output due to the water flushing change but turns out that the random spots on the paths and some random unfrozen pockets may have a positive impact in meeting this proper small water streams to push the items out because the loss comparing to the first harvest with the old paths fully frozen is actually a little bit less I mean this wasn't any scientific test I just run the farm twice first with all the paths frozen and then as I go whatever was left cookies switching the output in between partially due to the lack of proper tools to measure stuff but mainly to the mouse attack bug that I just described but in general we can expect this from with the continuous harvest to have about 16 to 17,000 ice blocks per hour which is pretty decent it's not all what I have guys for you today for those who wonder where the episode 20 is I was planning to use it for the new Guardian farm but now with 115 cough I decided to skip 20 and we'll be back to it at some point nobody said that numbering of the episodes in the series has to be in order check the Star Wars saga for example and stop complaining but there you have it guys an almost redstone s AF cable ice firm that you can build pretty much out of ice and science and a few slabs and if your restaurant components okay but you get the gist she'll probably ask can I make the farm smaller and so f carrot don't say yes you can but you still need to wait some time in between the harvest to let the world free so I don't think it's worth it on this bumps understand to end Kewell downloads for both versions are in the dead escapes the only also the links to the bug tracker are there as well so check them out if you want if you've enjoyed it don't forget to leave me like subscribe if you're new leave me a comment in the comment section below and see you in the next one bye bye [Music] you
Channel: gnembon
Views: 159,462
Rating: 4.9234915 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, mob farms, mob farm, ice farm, minecraft 1.13, minecraf 1.13 ice farm, packed ice farm, minecraft packed ice, no redstone, redstoneless, simple, easy, cheap, minecraft farm
Id: d8A06bX2f3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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