Ice cream made with two bowls — no machine needed

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This might be the first time I've seen an instructional video where the guy gives the measurements in both metric and imperial. Pretty neat

👍︎︎ 345 👤︎︎ u/TheGoobKid 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

What a fucking concise ass video. Great narrator.

👍︎︎ 481 👤︎︎ u/velour_manure 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really wasn't expecting to watch the whole thing but wow what a good video

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/andrei59 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

He's gotten a lot better with his narrating personality. His earlier videos used to be condescending and it's definitely turned off here. Great video.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/mykneemo 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Looks great will try it sometime

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/qOJOb 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I always upvote Ragusea. Long live the empire.

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/8BitOfTheWestCoast 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve been following Adams channel for a while now. Seems like a good, hard working guy with a family making a living while trying to help others get just a bit better and more confident in the kitchen. Glad to see this trending on my front page.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/tRacer4201 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Could you do this with a whisk? Sure, go for it popeye!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dedokta 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am a professional creamsman. Proof:

Opening up my ice cream store edit to a song I made :p

AMAAIC (Ask Me Anything About Iced Cream)

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/HandHoldingClub 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
this homemade ice cream recipe is sponsored by Squarespace get 10% off a website or domain name registration by using my link and code in the description there's a lot of good methods for making ice cream without an ice cream maker I've tried many of them but this is my favorite the two bowls method it's pretty easy it requires no special equipment and it yields at least a couple pints of fantastic ice cream we're gonna start with an ice cream and it's easiest purest form just sugar cream and milk no eggs no pre cooking here in the u.s. we call this a Philadelphia style ice cream I do think you can significantly improve it by trading in the milk for evaporated milk the higher protein content and this gets you a smoother texture some people add dried milk powder to their ice cream mix that's just a different route to the same destination here's a big 10 quart metal bowl nine and a half liters I don't think the material really matters it can be anything it's just going to be big inside is a 4 quart metal bowl just under 4 liters and I do think metal is best for the inner bowl it needs to be something thermally conductive you can do this with lots of different bowl sizes but I think the outer Bowl should be at least twice as big as the inner bowl I don't think this next thing is essential but it helps if you chuck these bowls and your ingredients into the freezer for like 10 or 15 minutes before you start okay outer Bowl comes out and we need to fill it halfway up with ice people say it has to be crushed ice I have not found that to be the case I think normal ice cubes work just fine into this ice we need to stir a bunch of salt salt lowers the melting point of the ice which will result in supercooled water wrapping around our inner bowl chilling our ice cream I'm just using normal kosher salt because that's what I have and I'm eyeballing roughly one part salt to four parts ice there is a product called ice cream salt you can buy some say it works better because the grains are bigger which helps them disperse more evenly in the ice I don't really understand that I just know that this works too I think the main reason to use ice cream salt is that it's cheaper because it's not intended for human consumption it's full of impurities which is fine because we're not putting it in the actual ice cream hence cheaper but I'm not making ice cream everyday I'm just doing this for fun so I'm just stirring in the salt that I have I'll nest the inner bowl into the ice and then pour in this whole pint of cream that's 2 cups for 75 mils we'll follow that with 1 cup to 35 mils of evaporated milk or regular milk any mixture of some kind of cream in some kind of milk will generally get you into the range of fat to water ratios that work well for ice cream then sugar 3/4 of a cup or 150 grams would be pretty standard amount for this much dairy you could stop there that's sweet cream ice cream but I'm gonna give it a huge glug of vanilla if you're adding chocolate or any other flavorings you would do that now if you have chunks you want to put in you generally wait until right at the end after you've turned it now we'll put a hand mixer in there and beat on the lowest setting for maybe eight or ten minutes it's a long time this is the tedious part but it's not so bad it's certainly nothing compared to old fashioned hand churning try to work the edges with the beaters after a while some of the mixture might want to stick and freeze to the walls of the bowl we need to make sure we get it off could you do this with a whisk sure go for it Popeye after a few minutes this will start to get really fluffy like whipped cream in fact it is whipped cream a traditional ice cream churn spins much slower and therefore does not incorporate nearly as much air upfront as this method does indeed if you were to taste this now and it tastes like Cool Whip but don't worry this is just phase one after upwards of 10 minutes I can feel the ice has melted a lot and my mixture doesn't seem to be getting any stiffer or colder or aerated it's done all it can do for now now comes the genius step that I learned from faith durant at the kitchen the whole rig goes in the freezer the whole thing if it doesn't fit in your freezer you can just put in the inner Bowl and then recharge the outer bowl with fresh ice before phase 2 which is to take this out of the freezer after about an hour in there and then beat it again for just a few minutes you'll see it immediately deflate into something that actually looks like ice cream no this is not how ice cream is normally made but again different routes to the same destination you might need to use a spoon to scrape any frozen stuff off the walls of the bowl we want to spread that cold evenly through the whole mixture I suspect what we're doing here is using the ice crystals that have formed in the freezer to pop all of the excess bubbles that we had in there while at the same time we're breaking those big crystals down into smaller ones that'll be smoother on the tongue if you didn't do this inside the ice bowl the ice cream would melt way too fast and indeed it is starting to visibly melt after about 3 minutes of beating so we've done all we can do in there time to act fast pour this into some little freezer safe container I've got a little over a liter or a quart of ice cream and this is a 1 quart container so I'm just going to eat extra soft-serve right now give this into the freezer as fast as possible and let it harden some people say overnight I say 24 hours is better if you don't let it harden long enough it might look and feel frozen but it'll melt really fast in the bowl this is harden for 24 hours and it's perfect one reason to make ice cream at home is that it's so rare to buy a product this pure it's just three or four ingredients and it tastes just so simple and good I think the texture is right up there with any traditionally churned ice cream got to get some sprinkles because I am a child now that basic procedure should work with any ice cream base recipe you want to use and let's do another one right now let's do a French style ice cream which is actually a frozen custard I'm separating out six egg yolks that's enough whites for me to actually use for something so I'll save those now other than the yolks our ingredients are the same 3/4 cup of sugar but split I'll whisk like half of that into the eggs the sugar helps break them up and get them smooth and it probably helps on a chemical level to keep them from curdling later on alright in a little pot I'll dump my remaining sugar and my pint of cream and I will bring that to a simmer oh and a pinch of salt really improves just about any ice cream when this is simmering I'll slowly drizzle it into my eggs whisking to keep them from curdling and now back into the pot everything goes to simmer a few more minutes until it seems to thicken a bit off the heat it comes and I'll put in my vanilla and my cup of cold milk yes just regular milk we got plenty of protein from the yolks some people would cook the milk with the custard but I think putting cold milk in now helps to cool this down faster well strain this into another Bowl straining is not necessary but you can see all the little chunkies in there will need to cool this all the way down before we turn it you got to cook your custard many hours in advance which is why French style ice cream is a bigger deal to make as I said I think the main reason to make ice cream at home is just for fun but another reason is if you have something really special to put inside your ice cream and I have these beautiful peaches these are from a tree my friends Heidi and Chris planted at their house absolutely beautiful I'm gonna peel those peaches you don't have to peel them but peach skins kind of taste papery in ice cream and I'll just fillet the meat off the pits this would be like three or four and normal grocery store sized peaches worth you could puree all that but I want perceivable chunks so I will chop it up and then scatter on some sugar and a little lime juice the we'll keep the fruit from turning brown as we just let this sit here and let the sugar break everything down after maybe an hour I can smash that with a fork and that looks really good chunks of fruit any bigger than a coarse grind like this will freeze solid and hard inside ice cream like little pebbles and that goes to chill and some time before we churn we need to take that peach pulp and squeeze as much juice as we can into the ice cream mix we need to churn it with most of the water already inside it otherwise this peach juice could freeze hard and crunchy all righty again we'll chill that whole rig for 10 or 15 minutes time to fill up the big bowl with ice and look at that my refrigerator can crush it so nice crushed ice has more surface area so it makes better contact with the salt and the inner Bowl but I don't think it makes that big of a difference stir in roughly one part salt to four parts ice nest in the inner bowl and get beating for about ten minutes I should say my recipe here is calibrated to the size of my bowls this is the maximum quantity I can make with bowls this size if your bowls are smaller you would need to scale down the recipe accordingly all right that seems as cold and fluffy as it's gonna get the whole rig goes in the freezer again an hour later we'll beat it again for a few minutes and deflate it when it seems like it's starting to melt stop and this is when you can stir in any chunks without interfering with the freezing or aerating processes I'm stirring in my peach solids but you could go with chocolate chips cookie crumbs go nuts I'm getting like three pints there because of the extra mass of the peaches I'll let those harden in the freezer for a day and there it is a Georgia June in a bowl straight from the tree to my mouth absolutely delicious a little cherry on top and a party foul that French style ice cream base is noticeably denser and smoother than the Philadelphia style but it's a lot more work and I'm not even sure if I prefer the result again you can sure in any kind of ice cream you want using this method that is almost as simple and easy as Squarespace you need to make a website there's no reason to freeze with apprehension Squarespace has 10 million templates you can choose from and they're adding more all the time that template is your turnin rig and all you need to put in are a couple of simple ingredients a picture or two and some words if the words aren't popping off the picture you can darken or blur the picture using the built in image editor you can customize this to your heart's content and anything else you could need you can add via the system they call blocks a product block for selling item a newsletter block for collecting people's emails or maybe an open table block for taking reservations if you want a custom domain for your site you can register that through Squarespace and Squarespace will host your site for you you can get building for free but when it's time to take it live or to register your domain you can save 10% by using my link and code in the description thank you Squarespace and Thank You Heidi and Christopher those beautiful peaches let's look at that tree one more time
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 2,590,557
Rating: 4.9501538 out of 5
Keywords: homemade ice cream, ice cream, homemade ice cream recipe, how to make ice cream, ice cream recipe, how to make homemade ice cream, no ice cream machine, how to make ice cream at home, easy ice cream, homemade vanilla ice cream recipe, diy ice cream, home made ice cream, vanilla ice cream recipe, icecream no machine, no machine, vanilla ice cream, no machine recipe icecream, easy ice cream recipe at home, easy ice cream recipe, easy ice cream at home, peach ice cream recipe
Id: p-SikBqk2PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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