Making 500 Pounds Of Stretchy Ice Cream A Day • Tasty

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buza is not just about scooping ice cream into a cup and eating it there's also the theatrical aspect and and creating that experience for the customer to see we do it at the start of the day throughout the day and i'd be lying if i said it wasn't tough but really every customer deserves and needs the full buddha experience sometimes it's fast sometimes it's slow and sometimes you have no idea what you're going to get but ultimately it all works out in the end my name is jill bear elsmida my name is michael sadler and we make 500 pounds of buza a day you get in about 7 a.m and first thing that we do out in front is get everything ready for service for the day booze is the original form of ice cream that was first developed about 500 years ago in the eastern part of the mediterranean and it's distinguished from other forms of ice cream by a soft elastic-like consistency we have 17 flavors at any one time on rotation and they split out across classic global and experimental flavor categories so that means there's a lot of stuff we need to do before the door's open for customers a lot of work to be done a lot of buza to be made in a in a very short period of time so once we receive the milk delivery we normally take things straight into the back and bowser starts with the base and milk and cream obviously form a very large percentage of the product followed after that by obviously sugar everyone's favorite sweetener and a little bit of skim milk powder because it helps with the mouth feel of the actual end product using a specific type of milk and a specific type of cream means we don't have to use as much sugar just due to the natural sweetness that we get from the actual milk itself now we pasteurized because we think that's the best way to get a great product starting from scratch with pure ingredients once we start the pasteurization process we normally take the product to about 155 degrees fahrenheit and hold it there for 30 minutes we then bring it back down to a refrigeration temperature booza is very similar to conventional forms of ice cream but instead of using egg yolks or corn starch it uses two ancient all-natural plant-based ingredients known as sahib and mastic sahab is a flower traditionally made from ground orchid root and mastic is a resin that comes by sun drying the sap of a tree in greece together the two ingredients contain the elastic potential holes that you see with the product yesterday i started soaking some chufa nuts and they will go into our horchata base along with a little bit of the sugar and cinnamon and then we'll also be preparing some of the the bark that we put into the peanut butter crunch which is you know some lightly salted potato chips along with a blend of milk and white chocolate we let that set and then we chop that up into lots of little pieces that get thrown into the mix i'll prepare some of the vanilla so we're using the halal vanilla beans that come straight from tonga for about a two kilogram bucket you're talking about three thousand dollars and that's what it costs but adds a great floral note to the flavor of our vanilla and now that the product's been prepared it's time to actually churn it so we use a a freezer drum here that has refrigeration coils what we do is we pour in the base into there and essentially splash the base onto the side so it can actually freeze we scrape it down the sides and reintegrate the frozen product into the non-frozen product it's quite a labor-intensive process and splashing it against the sides it helps us get it to the right texture and consistency it can just sit there and freeze overnight you end up with a hard rock once we've done scraping down the sides and and buzzer has reached a specific consistency that's when we start to use the wooden pestle when i'm doing this it kind of feels like being part of an improv band everyone brings a different piece the booze is doing something the pestle's doing something i'm doing something and we're all working in unison to ultimately come up with this amazing symphony of awesomeness and flavor because it's made by hand it's impossible to predict the texture at any one point in time there's no fixed formula and we like saying it's more of an art than a science because it has to be done by feel so really getting it to that money stage where you can see that extremely elastic visual and get the full wingspan is the result of a constant back and forth balancing it's almost like sex sometimes it's fast sometimes it's slow and sometimes you have no idea what you're gonna get but ultimately it all works out in the end [Music] the first customer for the day sets the tone for the day we're always thinking about how to improve the customer experience more friendly more accessible to present our product in the best way possible so everything that we've been thinking about for the last 24 hours first comes into play when that first customer comes in the door get to taste as many flavors as possible hopefully pick a flavor that works for them or hopefully discover something new that they've never tried before buza is not just about scooping ice cream into a cup and eating it there's also the theatrical aspect and creating that experience for the customer to see [Music] we love when we see excitement and customers faces return to that childhood level or state of excitement at going to the ice cream shop ice cream is nostalgic for many many people around the world there's a lot of happy memories around that and i think happy memories give us a great opportunity to have classic flavors to help people kind of step in the door and know the familiar but also have other things like global and experimental things that they've never tried and weren't really aware you could actually put into something like boozer and actually deliver an amazing product towards the end of the afternoon we see a lull and foot traffic and customers today's an r d day so we're going to find some new things to play around with experimenting is a huge thing for us that we do today mike and i are planning to go visit a lot supermarket and seeing how we can integrate that into one of our newest flavors definitely [Music] oh yeah here we go definitely make sure we get the whole one try and focus on some seasonal ingredients um today we're thinking of introducing a new sorbet flavor and bring together a few ingredients and see if they work together we're going to take a few different directions with what we try from a flavour combination perspective probably try something with potentially with dairy something without a little bit of dairy is it perfect every time probably not sometimes when you step out of your comfort zone though you come up with something truly amazing [Music] all right so things can sometimes get a little bit crazy so as we're actually making boozer from scratch the team are also serving customers and we're also interacting with customers and talking to them about the process it's very interactive but obviously as you can imagine it is quite intense part of our daily routines are consistent agitating the the buza manually in the display case we do it at the start of the day throughout the day and even every time before we serve a customer and even a sample you'll see steph sort of give it a light little swirl activates the elastic potential of the sahab and the mastic and really make sure that every mouthful is superlatively smooth and when it gets busy it can become easy to lose focus but really every customer deserves and needs the full buza experience and that focus on the quality of the product the quality of the experience it makes us feel a sense of accomplishment of having achieved our goal [Music] the store closes at midnight usually we begin the cleanup and closing routine around 12 15 12 30. we love ice cream we love buza but i'd be lying if i said it wasn't tough you know manning the day-to-day getting home at 1am sometimes later but ultimately you know feeling like i'm a part of building something republic of buza is centered around bringing people together and introducing them to all sorts of new flavors and tastes and it gives me that extra kick to keep going every day today we made 500 pounds of buza and tomorrow we're gonna do it all over again [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 8,751,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bake, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, Cook, Cooking, Easy Recipes, How To Cook, How to bake, K_fe, PL8zglt-LDl-gAuIu4NcbpARr5SEIyyIp1, Recipes, Tasty, booza, day in the life, homemade ice cream, how stretchy ice cream is made, how to make booza, how to make ice cream, how to make stretchy ice cream, ice cream recipe, making 500 pounds of ice cream, making 500 pounds of ice cream in a day, republic of booza, stretchy ice cream
Id: v7Hpqov_Src
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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