ICE CREAM CHALLENGE *Disgusting & Funny*

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guys look at this I should be eating this right now look how real that looks remember that time actually ate one and then I was pooping plastic oh we didn't see you okay everyone what's up today we are doing the ice cream challenge as you see we have some good things and some bad things the rules are simple we will be asked a question about ice cream and if we get it right we get to choose a delicious topping to sprinkle on top of our ice cream but if we get it wrong our opponent gets to sprinkle a gross topping on two floors and guys play along in the comments and let us know if you've got the questions right or if you got them wrong okay guys seriously you got to see how gross these things huh ancho gusting crickets sriracha sauce hot dogs onions ketchup and lastly pickle you guys ever walk into an ice-cream parlor here like hey can I have an anchovy cricket hotdog to the pic pickle shot cheese onion ice cream you guys do that I do that all the time who needs strawberry chocolate fudge when you have cricket anchovy hotdog ketchup sir I just house pickle onion ice cream yeah come either okay and the first question is for shy though the world record for most amount of ice creamy and in six minutes was how many pints nine 12 o or 16 I maybe can do like nine pints in six minutes maybe it was just someone who accidentally went through a breakup like we went through a breakup and then it went through like 12 pints more like wait is this a record cuz I don't know who like who discovered then go through like 16 pints of ice cream is that your final answer and it is answer is 16 pints of ice cream that was definitely a breakup I don't know if you got there that yeah right kit so since she got it wrong I the opponent got to pick something disgusting from the delicacies of disgusting that's our way up Vic I'm not gonna do an choker it's cuz like I just really mean to like cut yeah Joey's two crickets can you guys okay so they're kinda like moist but you can see that it's like a half the cricket there's like its body now let's no that's good all right thanks question me this one is actually for Elijah okay which flavor was invented first hmm chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream Oh guys chocolate just seems more old-timey like when you think like oh you think just like Jack alright Oh final answer chocolate chocolate was first and that is we are the champion I'm such a sucker for gummy worms here you have real bugs and here you have gummy bugs Kelly bugs are worried about it are worms bugs worms alright it erupts bugs does anyone know okay comment down below if you think that there are bugs it's just like it's just like delicious ice cream now like look how good that is look how good that is why not I've got like like Ben Jerry's or whatever ice cream oh that's so good okay Shilo your your question okay which is the most popular flavor in the USA vanilla chocolate or strawberry okay I'm sorry I'm really sorry oh man what do I do is what goes good with crickets does anyone does anyone know what goes good with crickets I'll let these sriracha sauce we're doing sriracha sauce spicy cricket all right here we go you guys eat it Oh your question is the longest ice cream cone ever was how tall three feet six feet or ten Oh guys keep in mind six feet is taller than Elijah thank you thank you I'm a small person uh I'm gonna say ten feet to go for record you go big the answer is I am sorry I'm really sorry sure I thought I thought okay I thought going into this thing it wasn't me like okay it's like a girl's eyes from whatever this is look this is like what she got and then I'm gonna get des and like something delicious okay um I'm a sucker for strawberries an ice cream like strawberry isn't like fresh fruit and ice cream so let's like good that looks what's that sound I didn't hear anything okay what's that down sounds like the final round okay for the final round you both will have to answer one question and whoever gets closest to the actual answer gets through swamp ice creams with their opponent and then add an ingredient no pressure it's twisting it's very twisty I feel like if I give this right after you redemption for my taste buds they could actually live to see another day okay we have paper right now okay the world record for the most amount of flavors in an ice-cream shop is I'll be like oh man I know I know I'm gonna be so off I did so bad these questions uh I guess 106 cuz like I feel like your ice cream shops that are like 60 and I I don't know I kind of know that a lot people want to go like would the most flavors so I want to go really huge 500 me answer is nine hundred and eighty-five flavors and a single ice cream shop are you kidding me then okay this is a long cut they have little boats are like battling around there ice cream in you see over here we have the dice cream Brachiosaurus alright Shiloh yep yep okay 13 a affordable cherry on top uh not not literally imperious sprinkles on top sprinkle those out the first okay here we go oh that looks nice you're let's do another ingredient for me let's do another one let's do it look there are dogs in there cuz why not okay so for the final set is you have to rule your ice cream into ice cream burritos ice cream burritos and you like oh my and mine looks amazing okay so melted a little bit let me let me get a good bite I wanna get a bite of everything oh right I go let me get good oh yeah fine remember me that is really something that is really something I mean this tastes about as good as I look which is trash oh I'm giving one more bite al oh my god all right all right thank you guys so much for watching let us know if you like this if you want to see more of it what flavors you guys have done um yeah and if you did like it please make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe make sure you hit that Bell notification and have an awesome week you amazing people thank you so much guys
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 559,898
Rating: 4.8660402 out of 5
Keywords: Ice cream challenge, ice cream kids, smoothie challenge, ice cream, funny, gross, ice cream game, shiloh to judah, shiloh and bros, disgusting
Id: vokIj6qVEIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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