My Brothers Try to Do a MakeUp Tutorial *HILARIOUS FAIL* -|- Bros Vid

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hey guys welcome back shiloh Imbros we're the pros oh we know absolutely Zippity zip none of makeup Shiloh's trying to learn a lot about me but she's still not that good at it so the other day she FaceTime to us and her face looked like this and we were all like hey Shiloh why does your face look like that you just put that face and she was all like cuz makeup is hard like no it's not it's just like you gotta draw it on your face with the brushes and the pens you don't get a hang of it so boys we naturally know that we must learn makeup to inspire that if we can do makeup really well she definitely can do makeup well isn't that right shadow exactly makeup is hard I don't know why the boys don't believe me but I mean I'm a good sign this is gonna be interesting wait what happen we look prettier than you at the end of this you sure that won't happen but hey I mean you could surprise me well haha rare to get surprised surprising whoa look super like awesome and attractive and beautiful and glamorous at the end this makeup video what let's do this and if you think we're gonna do a great job hit the subscribe button if you're think we're gonna do a bad job subscribe to my channel but Nelson boy no subscribe them all because you never know okay imagine this you're in the wilderness a traveler comes to you he's like I have your ticket to freedom but only if you liked commented and subscribe to the Shilin Bros during their makeup video do you want to be in that situation and say I hate subscribe I don't actually know if this video is good I found it it looked good so you should know I don't actually like I don't know if these products are good so we're going with it yeah primer primer I see all the tutorials like the whole stuff up to the camera so I'm holding something up the camera we take this very seriously oh we should not talk about the brand this is Elmo this is actually based off of Elijah's Heights okay so you start by like spritzing it oh wow you okay here we go oh oh I did this way wrong you know I'll write that in I wonder if this wasn't vague because a bird actually pooped on someone's face I like wait that's fire bro let's rub this in my drew look you're like okay okay how dare you yes smack it in your face you're not smacking in your face it's not working oh oh that's the stuff that's the stuff that's know next next I'm doing the thing where like pull in front of the camera again like do I do the same thing I think I mean do the same thing oh oh yeah try thank you you rub this rub this on your whole face you okay no forgot a Beautyblender you let's let's go no it's fine I used way too much as the great Bob Ross would say there are no mistakes just happy little accidents Sebastian bales no no no graze yours Judith will not be putting on the makeup yeah I know oh yeah your journal put some on your journeys yeah so highlighter under here she's putting highlighter under here on the nose on the chin oh here under eye I can't so oh my gosh finish a what it's brush cutting season wrong makeup yeah whoa you really up there we go really digging into this thing like that Grand Canyon there we go oh look that's actually really close that's actually Charlotte better no I told you hello this is how it's supposed to be applied if you're triggered subscribe not very fast now ready oh my gosh you just highlight your whole face yeah that's the part that he highlighted this is the second part of the new glamour look let me think first you look like you fell into a can of paint face first then you look like you tripped over that can of paint into a bucket of glitter I love you look fire better there anyway to cleanse a brush don't you know eating a prize is not a pleasure Lois contour Oh Couture oh we have Couture back I am jumping to this thing I don't know what it is but my sister has it what is that no your vertigo process hey me and Jude are gonna continue with the tutorial yeah language they live by Oh hold up I've seen myself in the mirror I like this so this next product is by Mac I'm pretty sure they're the same people that make mac and cheese and Big Macs yeah I'm the cycle Millican ingredients this is made with mac and cheese inside but ingredient known as Mac I know I use for everything if we find the source of the Mac we'll be able to create mac and cheese mac makeup and big macs who knows with one ingredient we could even make mac houses mac shoes Macklemore so this is bronzer and she's used something called Couture I think it's the same thing it's close right yeah it's close yeah oh no this one's working yeah this is work this is well then you blend it okay you blend it I'm blending I'm blending I blinding this is working I realized this is just to make it look like you've seen the Sun I kind of look like hi right now so we're actually not going to use that remove on the Kylie Jenner lip stick and as you know there's a new Joker film coming out so that's gonna be be inspired news legend well that's kind of dope stuff this taste low-key high key trial this is so much fun and easy how can you not do this every day we're gonna continue but I think we've gone already easy Thank You Kylie okay we're gonna keep going you want to look as glittery a possible later tonight stares at you and they can't see anything because the light is reflecting off your shiny glitter makeup and hitting them in the face they can't tell if you look good or not that's why it's wow you're stunning where you're shockingly beautiful I can't see what you got there okay he's using it out product yes oh we got to do our eyebrows okay so these are all eyeliners I found these how many eyeliners do people need we're gonna explain it explain this mm-hmm so you might be wondering what just happened answers a lot a lot up our camera died our camera died and we were we just kept going we were so invigorated so what you missed we're doing an eye shadow we did I shiny eye shadow he's going for the awesome luck just killed Batman meet see girl look I'm a doll for like the sunset in nature look I did what was called a pro makeup gamer move and I saw that the people did the little tape things on the corners I use scotch tape cuz like why pay all that money he went David David Bowie meets a guy who got punched in the eye several times this just goes to show people you can do makeup for the first time with zero practice and look amazing you also got like this little cyber things that's gonna come that's a trend oh this is hot put these on your not record already we are you guys ready for the grand reveal whoa that's how you make it takes a long time and done like I apologize for every time I've said to a girl what's taking so long and they're like five more minutes I don't realize you guys never mean five more minutes never once you you say that to make us feel good it's like you know that this is gonna take forever I understand it now I understand it this looks like a torture device don't give lousy odds that's not a Russian accent I don't know what accent that is oh we were talking to you right oh this is terrifying Wow okay I'm gonna close my eye this is legitimately care of mine yeah okay squeeze Wow oh I nicked myself I dig right I got a little pig to my eyelid in there Oh make Avia's are complete without tea to talk about that's working oh I got my nose too this is impossible and by that I mean really easy Shiloh because we add we don't fail no family whatever itself a lip pencil mm-hmm I realize now the point of this is to make your lips look bigger yes you like draw where you want your lips like where you wish your lips could be if we take this a step further which professional like makeup gurus like I do you can just like dry your lips as big as you want so let's pretend I want like really big lips I'm like my lips just need to be massive that's working I think I'm a finished product I think you're at a finished product they always do a little bit right the dip oh we got donald's but papa do nothing look what you're eating you know this is working my lips look huge imagine we're looking at you across the way from Chuckie Cheese and we're like hey like be real those guys those guys look like a snack oh by the way I'm sorry for ever being confused if you're like let me just do a dab of makeup I always thought you're just going to be makeup and just going back what are we using brushes for we should have been like putting it all there we gotta do it dabbing we're gonna be dabbing on the makeup yes you the powder okay yeah and these muscles Oh kind of what sisters do down makeup you know like started there and yo laughs like that we're ready for the finished look for the ultimate reveal so uh contestant number 1 which is Elijah it's gonna turn around he is rocking this nature look the hottest thing next is a Judah who's rocking the goth vampire vampire just take someone's blood look that's - that is - gross then I'm over here rocking the killer claps hey moment of truth called shy are calling Shiloh wow just wow wow she's breathtaking she's speechless yes so much speak of you yeah we are you guys look gorgeous we look gorgeous gorgeous do we look she is out of way who did the best who did the best did the best none of you because because okay just know never feel bad about your walk-up because at the very least you'll never look this bad you know I gotta be honest with you that actually does things yes yeah he combos two goals here today one look breathtakingly beautiful and to make Shiloh inspired about her makeup we just accomplished two out of two yes this is for you Shiloh and this is for you thank you guys by the way by the way you are free to use these looks like whatever it what you want copy guy is the highest form of flattery and like should we turn this into a full business yeah would you buy our kiss so thank you guys so much for watching we really appreciate it if you haven't subscribed now's a good time cuz like we kind of killed this I promise this is the last makeup video we're doing ever I promise but something is coming next week it's gonna be freakin amazing we love you guys I was going to thank you guys for 10k subscribers but you guys are so amazing that you've got us up to 13 hey it really means a lot to me to celebrate this event I am giving away a huge gift card and check out my community post see the details
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 682,983
Rating: 4.8934903 out of 5
Keywords: Egirl MakeUp, Siblings, Shiloh and Bros, Shiloh and Elijah Nelson, Funny, Family, Fail, TikTok, TikTokers, NelsonBoys
Id: Ps1fZjfH6mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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