IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate - Review 2024 (Coursera Review)

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IBM data analyst professional certificate on corsera what do we know about it well it's one of the most popular data analyst courses ever made over 175,000 students have already enrolled in the certification program and there are 15K reviews and a general rating of 4.7 not bad not bad at all but is it really that good or should you check other data analyst courses online my name is Daniel and today I'm going to talk about IBM data analyst professional certificate course overview course structure pricing and certification career opportunities as always we will have a look at some student reviews and finally I will share my own opinion on this program also I will leave all useful links in the description down below all right guys and now let's start course over you today almost every organization relies on data analysts but the problem is that there are not that many experts in this field that's why guys there is no doubt that now is the perfect moment to die into data analyst skills but then there is another problem which learning program should you choose well folks I have a great option for you today and I think there are a lot of things that speak in its favor first of all folks the IBM data analyst professional certificate is a comprehensive learning program it's designed to give you all the basic skills you need to become a data analyst there are some essential skills to pick up such as python SQL and machine learning all the knowledge you need to get an enter level data analyst position and if you are a student you have good choices you can dive into mastering data analytics for a career or you can use it as a basis for other super popular data jobs like data science business analytics data engineering and business intelligence analytics other words it's all about where you want to go course in instructors guys I think that what you learn is about as important as who you learn with so let me say a few words about the instructors for this certification program well as usual for IBM courses there is a solid team of Educators that will teach your data analyst skills there are eight data scientists data analysts and Educators with real world experience and they are led by Dr Puja she's a pro with almost two decades in the education game an expert in computer science and engineering that's why I don't know about you but I think it's inspiring to see that your teachers are people who know their stuff enrollment requirements here is the theme folks the course description says that you don't need any prior experience to enroll like all you need is some knowledge or computers and high school math but after analyzing the content and some student feedback I would say there is a bit of a catch here after just a couple of courses the program gets that's pretty difficult and if you're a complete beginner it might be hard for you to get through so what I would personally recommend well first of all make sure you know your way around Excel also knowing some Python and R programming language Basics might be a great help too that will definitely make your learning process much faster and easier guys core structure guys before we move on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in return I just ask to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoy the content I make that's all okay and now it's time to take a deeper die into this certification program what kind of value does it offer all right let's start with the fact that IBM data analyst professional certificate is a course series that includes eight courses and the final Capstone project so all in all the core structure looks like this introduction to data analytics Excel basis for for data analysis data visualization and dashboards with Excel and cognos python for data science Ai and development python project for data science databases and SQL for data science with python data analysis with python data visualization with python and finally IBM data analyst Capstone project now the course creator suggest that you should spend about four months learning all these but again guys if you are completely new to all these it might take longer so keep that in mind the good thing is that it's sell PID so you can learn when you can basically you looking at content that spends anywhere from 8 to 29 hours longer courses are divided into smaller modules after each module you have got a graded assignment apart from that you get videos readings and practice quizzes moreover I found something really interesting aside from standard assignments there are also peir graded assignments that's where you swap feedback with classmates get them to comment on your work and you get to comment on theirs and these kind of assignments takes up about 10% of your final grade but that's not the last great thing about it folks there are also discussion forums for this learning program so if you have questions or need a hand that's the place to go honestly what I have been able to learn about this certification program so far gives me some good wibes I am really impressed not just by amount of content you get but also by the quality of it pricing and certification all right now that you know all that let's talk about the cost of the IBN program and certification it offers it's not for free that's why if you are planning to purchase that keep in mind that it's a separate deal it's not a part of corsera Plus subscription oh and now you may ask Daniel what about the certif ification value well my friends once you wrap it up corsera offers you a completion certificate and a FY IBM badge n for boosting up your LinkedIn profile and resume but wait there is more acce or American council of education vouches for this program meaning you can get college credit from 12 universities in the United States and United Kingdom and that's guys definitely not bad carrier opportunities all right but another big question I hear a lot Daniel will this actually land me a job people I can say it can definitely help you with that this professional certificate is designed to give you all the skills for an entry-level data analy job not only does it help you craft a solid portfolio but it also opens the doors to IBM's Talent Network and by this I mean you will be in the loop about job openings that match your skills but wait let's keep it real is it a 100% job warranty I don't think so you might need to keep improving your skills and preparing for interviews to Stu the odds in your favor and I will make a dedicated videos about this topic guys so stay tuned student reviews and now let's have a look at some student feedback what do people who have already triy the certification program think about it well to start with the program is well reviewed and the majority of reviews I have seen are very positive people seem to be happy about the course content and how it offers solid preparation for a job in data analytics for example here is the one of the positive reviews the impact of the IBM data analyst professional certificate on my career and professional growth has been significant it added credibility to my resume demonstrated my commitment to continuous learning and professional development and played a crucial role in helping me secure a job as a a professional data analyst however guys not all reviews are perfect I found some complaints about inefficiently detailed explanations for example this fourstar review says the skills and Tools St are interesting and useful and it's rewarding to build your own project within the guiding structure of the course that said the curriculum was often wag requiring considerable time just to Divine what was being asked for so keep that in mind guys although I can say that in general students seems to be quite happy with the teaching style is IBM data analyst course serious worth it and finally here's the last question for today should you spend your time and money on this certification program and honestly folks I see no reason why you shouldn't it's great for beginners even through there is a steep learning curve it offers Some solid content including great particular task quizzes and assignments and all things considering it's very reasonably priced that's why if you want a great course on data analytics I would recommend you try this one all right people and that's all about IBM's data analytics professional certificate on corsera I will leave useful links in the description below make sure to check them out thanks for watching until next [Music] time
Channel: Daniel Dan - Self Made Programmer
Views: 23,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibm data analyst professional certificate, ibm data analyst professional certificate 2024, ibm data analyst professional review, ibm data analyst professional certificate review, ibm data analyst professional, ibm data analyst, ibm data analyst course, ibm data analyst online course, ibm data analyst professional certificate worth it, ibm data analyst certificate, is the ibm data analyst certificate worth it, ibm data analyst certificate review, ibm data analytics
Id: PnZ_DmKCz00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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