Data Science Professional Certifications Ranked

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hey what's up guys my name is greg hogg and i'm back with another video about data science machine learning we are going to do a tier list they call it or basically a ranking of the coursera certifications and the specializations with a professional certificate it's like a company saying i certify you versus coursera saying you get a corsair certificate both are very good but you could obviously agree that a professional certificate is better but that doesn't mean the content is better so we have to go over both the actual content of the video what skills you're learning are they useful like you could learn a bunch of useful skills except then is that really going to transfer to the real world like is is that going to be useful in the future so like if you're learning r right now i'm going to i'm gonna tell you right now a lot of the ones that are in r i'm gonna put lower on the tier list because i don't see that as the future of data science even though many people might spitting out my opinion i am familiar with many of them i have done many of them i have not done all of them there's some i'm going to be looking up with you if you like today's video give it a like if you like me and i know you like me subscribe because then you know you get to keep watching stuff and it's it's just a good time so let's just jump right into it so by the way peeps forgot to mention i do have the links to everything here in the description below all right so now here's my tier list let me show you the different layers of it okay so there's unbeatable there is great and it's in python there's great but it's an r there's decent options so like it's okay and then there's meh tbh so man to be honest um not necessarily bad but it's like would i recommend spending money on it me personally probably not okay so there's a whole bunch of them here hopefully you can read it's a little bit small but we have ai for everyone this is actually a course so i said specializations mostly is what i was doing but i also have a couple courses in there because those are the more popular ones some of these there might be a little bit of overlap too because the specialization might include these courses but this is again just the the popular stuff um starting off right from the bat what can i do sass okay so i don't think you want to learn sass but this is from sas themselves and i'm not going to spend time looking to talk about split sasses you can check it out for yourself i am going to put this right on decent option it'll teach you it really will but do i think it's a great skill in the future not not so much so ai for everyone okay so this is a an interesting course it is for everyone so if you're on my channel and you're really into data science and machine learning i'm going to put it as again decent option it's it's it's just not really too in-depth like it it's a little bit broad and it's more for people that don't have a big idea what's going on so for most people on my channel i probably wouldn't recommend that but not to single you out it's totally okay if you don't know that much about ai then yes it's a good option so for my users i'd probably say decent option okay let's go into a more popular one so deep learning specialization okay so i have done this it is really really good like andrew ring is just an amazing teacher and so i will immediately put this at absolutely unbeatable like it's just really really good i definitely would recommend putting your linkedin certificate on like you if you pay for the course you can put your linkedin certificate on there to show employers that you've done this you don't necessarily have to do that again you can audit the course for free but you do get a lot of good features if you do buy the course so either way whether you buy it or not it's a really really good specialization okay so data science john hopkins it is actually going in the great but it's an r so if you check it out let me just take a look at it for a second is very highly rated it's really good but it is an r you learn r studio and r itself okay so it would be really good but it's not my future of data science again a really obvious one this is a course machine learning stanford university andrew wing he unbeatable such a good teacher honestly he's such a good teacher any chance to show employers that you know this course i quite literally got a job offer not even like an interview like a job offer because i said that i watched these guys courses i talked to my employer about this and he's like yeah this guy's amazing again if you put this on your linkedin you're going to get some hints seriously and just learning the material it's like it's so good okay so the ibm wants the ibm's a little bit confusing because check it check out how many professional certificates they have they have ibm applied ai data analyst and data science okay so let me just look at these one by one i do know them but i i want to study it in depth because there's a little bit of comparison required here so ai you know it's obviously it stands for artificial intelligence but what does that mean well it often means deep learning in neural networks and in the case of ibm it means watson so learn python build a chatbot explore machine learning computer vision and leverage ibm watson okay so they're kind of flaunting that a little bit and that's totally okay because it's you know very state of the art it is in python thank you ibm let's go to the data science professional certificate it again is in python and of course sql so really really really really good option right here pretty much regardless of who you are like i think python is the way to go i think i mean i hope everyone agrees that sql is the way to go i don't think you can really go wrong by learning that quite well the capstone project so you'll learn how to make restful api calls really important like a lot of people don't know this um like how to build actual applications so if they're gonna throw it and throw that in there too that's really quite good applied ai so to look at the difference there again it is more deep learning versus data science so you're not going to see too much deep learning in here maybe just a couple references yeah so then the third one data analyst okay these are all professional certificates you all get a certificate from ibm on your linkedin the difference so data analyst it is a little not my thing that's all it's it is in demand it is very useful but it's just not my thing so let me scroll down to here it might look very similar a lot of it is but it's more on the number crunching side like you know looking at graphs and it's a little boring in my opinion the difference between data science and data analyst in general i think data science is interesting whereas data analyst is a little bit more boring because you're just looking at numbers and you're running sql queries and you're trying to report to the business like hey these are these numbers and i have a couple suggestions here whereas in data science and ai you're building these machine learning models and you are leveraging these neural networks that are changing the world rapidly so i don't think this is a bad option absolutely here's how i'm going to rank these three and i think you probably have an idea so starting with applied ai it would be a really good option and it isn't python we have yeah so they're all in python so ibm data analyst is decent option it's not bad but it's not my thing we're data scientists it's you know it's not really for me ibm data science professional certificate there's also this specialization which makes it even more confusing i'm going to check that one out after i actually don't know what that one is so professional certificate ibm data science is unbeatable okay i am going to ah too high i don't know this these two might belong together or maybe this goes down i'm yeah i'm gonna do it like this where we have the data science is unbeatable because it hits such a wide range of people and then the applied ai is for someone who's just like me but it hits a more narrow audience for people that are really into deep learning and neural networks which of course these ones are too but they're so good so i have to include them there okay and now yes i'm going to look at yeah yeah there's a couple so data science fundamentals with python and sql specialization and introduction to data science yeah let's look at those is a specialization python sql data science okay i'm just going to go ahead and put them under great and it's in python because i'm sure they are it they would be very good material you're learning the right stuff but if you can get a professional certificate i don't know why you wouldn't like it's sorry i'd put that in the wrong one i think if you can get the professional certificate you definitely should and the data science one is just it hits the whole audience there okay so that's the huge ibm chunk there let's say google data analytics okay so it's the same type of idea it is a professional certificate which is awesome but you know is it really my thing it's not my thing google data analytics data analytics is a little bit boring even if it's from google so meh it's okay machine learning university of washington really really good especially you get a specialization so four courses and i'm going to put it as great answer in python applied data science with python really good option i'm going to go ahead and put that in great and pretty sure it's in python cloud computing university of illinois at urbana champaign well i've never heard of the university it's not necessarily bad um but i wouldn't say it's super super well known so let me just take a look at it so it's a really important topic i can say that it is definitely worth learning and okay they use c plus plus very interesting so it is an in demand skill absolutely machine learning combination with c plus plus is really in demand you will get a job at nvidia or maybe one of the ai companies for one of the video game companies using ai it would be really difficult you would have a tough time getting started i do think c plus plus is going to stay around for a while it's just tough like it's really tough and unless you're a very strong coder then i wouldn't recommend this so i would probably still put it at decent option because it's definitely good i think you'll have trouble with it that's that's all i'm trying to say introduction machine learning duke university course is you know decent option i'm going to just put it a decent business analytics you pen so business analytics i think that might be my first met you know let me let me just take a look at it okay so here it is business analytics specialization it is highly rated it goes over things like customer analytics analytics business analytics so you can see it's very business centric and i mean that's in the name so i can't hurt them for that but it's not really like mathematical optimization you can see in the wording they use it's trying to fit like a really wide audience and so for my group of people i am going to say honestly that's going to be a meh where did it go there okay it's not bad it's just for you guys i would put it as a man excel skills for business just learn some of the other stuff like it's not bad all education is good but excel like i don't think so it's not my thing it is my thing to do extremely trivial tasks but just learn python then you can do everything that you want and it's probably faster anyway so i wouldn't really care excel to mysql analytical techniques for business so you know i just blocked excel but mysql most of these courses don't actually go into a particular database system so i'm gonna have to give that credit i will put that as decent option not amazing data mining at university of illinois let me take a look at that one okay data mining specialization uh analyze text discover patterns visualize data yeah okay clustering algorithms good visualization software what do they mean tab well okay so it's that kind of thing tableau and data visualization machine learning probably doesn't go into it too much if i had to guess let me take a look hands-on project good so visualization text retrieval search engines text mining pattern discovery i mean decent option i think it looks a little bit out of date and you can see there's not that many ratings because i i don't think that's what people are really learning right now so honestly i'm probably gonna put that at a man i think it's there's just better options advanced machine learning at hse university okay so advanced machine learning specialization deep dive into the modern ai techniques you will teach computer to see draw read i mean the english is already off so i'm not sure how i feel about that one it has definitely important techniques like these are very useful skills markov chain monte carlo very interesting so actually getting into some pretty statistical stuff bayesian optimization ghosting process okay so it's actually got its own kind of feel like i don't see a lot like this recurrent neural networks and cnn and markov chains invasion it honestly i don't know why they're all together because it's like these are very different things i haven't taken it so i can't say but my thoughts are that the english is a little bit off the material is a little bit all over the place but it has very high ratings personally i from the feel of how it is i'm gonna put it as uh meh i'll put it at mad tbh okay data science foundations using r i think everyone can probably guess where i'm gonna put that it's great john hopkins but it's an r it's not necessarily mean it's bad it's just it's not my thing machine learning rock star the end to end practice it's in sas so it's still from sas i'll put it at decent option i don't think you should be learning sas to be honest but sure it'll be good at what it does supply chain analytics is actually pretty interesting so i actually work at blah blah currently blah blah is a the biggest grocery store owner in canada so you might think that they're just merchants running these stores like their store owners putting items on display but there's so much going on in the scenes and of course i'm not going to talk about that but understanding supply chain analytics will definitely help you understand not just that business but many many many businesses that really rely on a proper supply chain so i think that is a very useful skill i don't really know the university rutgers i've never heard of that so i will put it as decent option again okay so let me try and just revise this here let me see if there's anything to change unbeatable i definitely am going to keep deploying specialization like so two of them are andrew ing and the last one is a professional certificate from ibm saying you know data science it's the right option and it's in python so yeah just do it ibm applied ai that one is like really close to in between these two i i would you get a professional certificate from ibm and you're learning very very relevant skills i might yeah honestly i'm even gonna put that up there like for the fact that it's a professional certificate too it's it actually belongs up there and specializations so this so this all makes sense to me great but it's an r yeah john hopkins it's it's really good but it's an r it's not my thing decent option set i don't know i mean don't mind sass like if i'm being honest like i i wouldn't i wouldn't use sas ai for everyone is decent ibm data ain't no sdf google data analytics is probably like the top of these things so even though this is the same thing i'm just gonna try to no it doesn't go over there okay never mind it's gonna go second there introduction machine learning duke university pretty good sass is a decent option at least it's machine learning so i'm gonna keep that one up there visual business analytics like yeah it probably belongs in the main um maybe i'm being unfair for this one honestly i think i'm just really biased towards anything that says like business analytics or something but it's it's actually pretty good i would do that so yeah that's my tier list here's unbeatable is where i would you know show you the most okay so make sure to check those out in the description some of these give you a professional certification like the ibm ones other ones deep learning and machine learning they give you a coursera certification so either way you show employers and people know these things like just because it's not ibm doesn't mean that people don't know these things like they're ridiculously popular because they're so good and corsair is very reputable be sure to check those out i have it all organized in the tier list below in the description so all the links right there there's no need to go anywhere else be sure to check those out again if you liked today's video give me a like and if you loved it give me a sub sub dub dub come on sup i'll see in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Greg Hogg
Views: 15,570
Rating: 4.8881121 out of 5
Keywords: Data, Data Science, Certification, Certificate, Tier List, Machine Learning, ML
Id: _xOeiAmzg6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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