Canning TONS of Onions | Caramelized & Onion Jam

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[Music] do [Music] having a chopping party in the kitchen tonight so about eight o'clock getting dark outside there's a storm moving in [Music] and rachel wanted me to remember what it was like 20 years ago and he had to make onion soup i'm working my way through this 40 pound box so that she can make two different recipes right yeah two or three two we'll make some more sweet onion jam and we will do for the first time ever canned caramelized onions how often do we eat caramelized onions at least twice a week yeah probably we might actually do it more if if they were already ready they were already ready we didn't have to like cut the onion and peel it and put a pan and butter and back here this pot is almost filled to the brim of potatoes i'm just chopping them i'm not going to do a video on it not going to do a video on it i'm going to um i can link last year's potato canning video but um todd came in here kindly to help me wrap up these potatoes and i said you know what i'm handling this okay but if you wanna take on that big box of onions i'll gladly take the help so young ladies out there who are not married yet and you're into the idea of preserving your own food i can't recommend enough a guy that knows his way around the kitchen and knows how to chop because i am a super slow oh wow super slow processor and todd's extremely fast so 40 pounds of onions i still have this many left plus six in the box and then we're done okay and then my plan is is i'm just gonna put these on slow cook overnight while i go to bed and then tomorrow morning we'll pick up from there or tomorrow when i get the chance we'll pick up from there and then just so you know if you're you know aren't successful or you don't have a garden big enough to grow certain crops that is worthy of putting up you know a good amount for the year i had a bad potato year i just went to the my favorite farmers market and picked up 30 pounds of potatoes and they were like 250 a bag that's it yeah crazy cheap so kind of almost makes it not worth i mean other than for the love of growing it you can definitely just reap the reward and support a local farmer i don't know that i could ever not enjoy the digging in the dirt and seeing where though that's always fun especially potatoes because you don't you don't know what you got with like a tomato you see it there on the vine and you wash it from the time it turns green and turns red and you get to pick it and eat it yeah and then potatoes they're like you don't get to see them until you it's like a christmas present yeah sometimes i love the cold oh let's see how many i got see if i can get you guys in there this is an all-american what is it 9 30. an all-american 9 30 and i have a half a sand space so we will get these just boiling and then we'll boil them for five minutes drain and rinse and can alrighty so we have them all chopped now we ended up freezing three bags of that 40 pounds of onions in the freezer because they're not all going to fit but 18 quart nesco hands down the most recommended roaster for doing large batch processing you can don't have to buy these brand new shop your garage sales shop salvation army whatever mine's hand-me-down i have it set to slow cook probably somewhere around 225 and i'm just gonna put the lid on it and put it to bed good morning friends we're gonna open up the slow cooker and see how the onions are looking i guess one thing i forgot to mention yesterday was this is probably right at 35 pounds and to this i added four sticks of butter it's kind of this like there's not very many recipes out there that um oh yeah they smell good that give you kind of a good guide on how much butter to use for caramelized onions so i just went with four sticks oh goodness gracious that smells amazing really lovely now they have a ways to go yet so um like this is their first good proper stir and i think we did this at like 8 30 last night at 6 30 this morning the next morning and again if we're just catching people up if you zoomed and fast forwarded i had this just set at like 225 and my roaster i did not plan on it being this late when i got back to you guys today but oh what a day i have opened up my garden to friends and neighbors and anyone who will come and take all the extras so i had neighbors down picking tomatoes i cleaned out the garden a lot like i said i was going to and these onions look beautiful don't they so the thing is is yes i'm gonna can the majority of these caramelized as is just onions cooked in butter some of that though i'm going to be making into my maple onion jam i'm gonna switch up the recipe just a little bit this year just because i wanna but if you want to follow the real recipe i do have a video on that so i just have my pot and we're going to um i think i'm gonna just pretend i i think i want like 10 jars so i'm going to take 10 scoops what oh that's hot um let me see see the thing is is this is all the small jars i have left i have no more um so i have 12 7 ounce late parfaits and then 12 4 ounce jelly jars um so it's going to be tricky see two four so what did i say 24 of those and i took ten okay we'll take all right so that's about a third of the onions which helps me with the recipe because i know i started with 30 pounds so it's about 30 35 pounds so it's about 10 pounds of cooked down onions so i'm gonna set this aside and then i'm gonna just show you as simple as this is like this was the most well for me it was hands off right because todd cut all the onions for me but other than cutting the onions it's so super hands off right we turned this on yesterday um what time was it you know 6 30 7 o'clock something like that uh threw the onions in here four sticks of butter and then they cooked i shut this off probably an hour hour ago just because i felt like they were at the stage i wanted them for canning um so we're just going to start with my seven ounce jars and see how far we go i may have to run to the store and see if i can't find some more half pint jars so let me swing you guys around and we'll get filling these up i need to get my canner warming and then um i'm just so excited to have these on the pantry shelves all right i do have these onions heating back up my late parfait lids are in the canning water getting prepared to be used and i have now used these late parfait jars four times i did carrots in them pressure can i did cherry pie filling i did the peach salsa and i think some apple butter and now okay so this is five times and now we are not apple butter peach butter and now i'm doing my onions and they are working great the only issue i had was i don't know if it happened when i was maneuvering the jar or it was like that and i just didn't notice i did have one that had a nick on the lid or you know on the rim so it didn't seal properly but only that one time okay now these are a buttery mess so it's going to be really important that we get these the rims of these jars really clean after we uh you know fill them up and oddly enough i thought my house was gonna you know smell amazing because i love the smell of caramelized onions cooking in the house but i thought it was going to be like really overwhelming and cooking it and the roaster closed most of the day i didn't it wasn't that bad so if you have people that are sensitive to the smell of onions it shouldn't be too bad okay we're gonna jump on over to the maple onion jam i'm not quite done finishing the jars i'm kind of like stuck because i'm out of jars and i need to decide what i'm going to use so i'm adding probably two teaspoons of garlic we're going to add a cup of brown sugar this is ground coconut sugar all ready and we are going to add two teaspoons of cardamom and then we're going to add a half a teaspoon of black pepper oh two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and salt we need how much salt three teaspoons of salt and finally um about four tablespoons of maple syrup all right we're gonna stir this together and just let it reduce that's all that we're doing here until you like the texture for like and what you would to serve this on or things like we serve it on anytime we have pork chops we like it on hamburgers we put it on meatloaf you can mix it in things so we like it all kinds of ways it's one of our absolute favorite luxury condiments that i can so we'll just let this cook until it gets nice and thick and i'm happy with the texture and i'll show that to you guys and then we'll can it okay so not many people would show this on youtube but guys it's real life and i'm gonna show you what i do behind the scenes when no one's watching and it's just me and i don't have to care about people coming after me and attacking me so i save all my store-bought jars with the button top lids as long as the button still works i'll reuse them so the only thing is my funnel doesn't quite fit we're just going to have to make a little bit of a careful mess fill in these jars and wipe them really good and i'm in a serious jar shortage in my house which i did not think was going to be possible this year i thought i was well prepared and stocked up but the garden just gave me way more than i had planned so we'll get these jars all filled and i will go to about an inch of headspace on these button top jars and we'll get them all cleaned up and that is what i will be canning the rest of these onions in if and i still may not have enough jars so we'll see [Music] okay now my task is to do a very very thorough cleaning of all of the rims of my jars because they are super you know just oily from the butter so now if anyone's tempted to say anything about me canning in my jars what would you do if something happened like last year and there was an absolute 100 percent supply chain shutdown so they're having that issue with computers right now glass coming from overseas isn't being made available so just say that what would you do would you feel confident enough because you've practiced enough that whatever jars you've been saving from the store or on hand could see you through and still care for your family so i guess that's kind of my comfort zone is i would rather practice and test and i do this a lot you guys typically just don't see it practice and test and uh you know just save a few jars and um as long as they seal your rock solid [Music] i am out remember how much of a hard time i had putting those rubber gaskets on the first time i canned in these jars i've i got it down now it doesn't didn't take much of a learning curve okay these onions i'm just going to i have this much left i'm gonna put it in the fridge and we'll use it for the next couple weeks um it's just butter and onions and we'll use those till they're gone i need to clean up my mess and i ended up not i forgot i had all those other store-bought jars so that filled up my canner to the brim so we're going to get the lid on bring this up to 10 pounds of pressure and get them cannon [Music] all right well i just this just vented for 10 minutes and i have the pressure building now so i think my maple jam is where i want it so we're going to get canning those up and we'll see what the jar situation is all right let me bring you down here and show you oops hopefully it focuses it's not too dark in here so it's cooked down probably by about a third and a lot of the juice is gone it's just really thick and rich yummy so what do you guys think i don't think it's very promising and i like purposely doing it in these little four ounce jars because it's exactly one serving for todd and i um so it works out great and that if you guys do go back and watch last year's video you know for the original recipe i will tell you that um cooking caramelizing the onions first in the slow cooker uh made it so much nicer then um and i believe somebody gave me that tip last year so that's why it was like in my head that that's what i wanted to do um so we skated out of this with six half or yeah half pints no four ounce jelly jars um to spare so really i could get out that quart of caramelized onions and just juice a few small caramelized onions but i will tell you i know myself well enough that those six jelly jars will likely get used for christmas gifts so um i will just keep them in reserve and they'll get some sweet homemade goodies maybe that peach pit um face scrub that i was mentioning i want to figure out how to make that i told todd it's up to him to figure out how to crush those peach pits and a bunch of tiny bits um so we'll see if he can figure that out now i did just go double check my recipe and this does get water bath canned um with adding the vinegar in there and then all the sugar i guess it balances the ph out just fine just look at that so good i'm telling you perfect serving size as a condiment [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see how it's all bubbled up it's gonna go just try it and know that you have an alternative plan
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 153,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michigan, homestead, organic, farmhouse, caramelized onions, food storage, food prepping, canning caramelized onions, how to make caramelized onions, onion jam recipe, caramelized onions recipe, caramelized onions in slow cooker, home canning recipes, processing onions, year worth of onions, canning onions, canning onion jam recipe, sweet onion jam canning recipe, canning sweet onion jam, maple bacon onion jam recipe, maple onion jam, home canning, sweet onion jam, onion jam
Id: OaTm9D_7a-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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