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i am going to win a coin pusher at the arcade for 12 000 tickets that was the luckiest jackpot i've ever had in my life my ticket balance we're starting with is 7 729 tickets the coin pusher is twelve thousand we're going to kick this video off with basketball pro uh 189 is the score to beat the jackpot's at a thousand so it's max i should be able to hit this go three pointer why are they going sideways man there we go gotta get that rhythm i love this game i wouldn't want to buy one of these for home it's not fun it's like that little one you got it toys r us back in the day it's full scale we gotta get them get them doubles this is really important right here because this is where it adds up did i oh so close one more would have had it i would have tied you broke the high side you really get half your points and then and that's the end almost three points this is how you hit the jackpot on this game guys you have to rapid fire like this oh my arm's killing me oh what am i doing [Music] bro there we go all right come on let's do it i'm 50. [Applause] look at that score dude 216. that's insane we just hit a thousand tickets second try that's a good way to kick his video up and my arm is killing me right now i'm all that pumping look at that muscle man that twig noodle arm right here man so this is a brand new game that zone 28 just got its nerf but it's actually a ticket game it doesn't look like it at first glance but you can win up to freaking 500 tickets on this you have to score 108 200 points to win the 500 tickets and you got to shoot these targets so let's see if we can do it it's actually a lot of fun press start to begin okay player one go oh where's my aimer oh it's like started off not good on this you gotta look for the pink ones cause that's the higher values that's the 2000 i'm doing great all right we're trying to get zombie graveyard and we're almost half about halfway there watch out for zombies zombies oh my god bro i love zombies all right nice job five thousand yeah you gotta look up oh now my shooter is going real slow come on we need some big values here did i get it yes first try dude complete yes you see that look at that 500 smackers that is awesome yes we never won that game before guys this is a brand new jackpot on the channel that was great as you can see they're adding right to the card there yeah that was a lot of fun i figured i'd be able to hit that the key to this is you have to look for the pink or like the purple ones because those are the 2000s occasionally you'll even see a 5 000 on there but i was trying to aim more for the purples here which are the 2000 the orange or 1000 so that's you know it's good to go for those two but yeah that is we never hit that that's a 500 tickets right there that was sweet line it up yeah maybe there we go look at that nice what was that that was the most beautiful cradle ever what happened that's just insanity let's try again let's try again okay we did not get that one but we got a it's either a 50 or 75 so that's not terrible let's see what it gives us 50 okay i'm still going to try for that 200 though all right come on i wish you man if you could double clamp would be amazing come on stay yeah oh my god that was awesome it started to slide out and just as it crossed the prize shoot there it is guys look at that so in total couple plays 250 more tickets we are at power drop extreme i'm gonna try for the regular bonus first couple times see if we can swish it nope problem is when you miss that it sends the ball flying i almost had a 125 that would have been cool all right here we go bonus coming around again that was that was way early come on get in there something just beeped i don't know what it was the music shut off did you hear that mystery value we got eleven nice oh that was close come on bonus bonus come on what's it gonna go in 20. all right here we go coming around again i'm going to go a little bit oh man and 75 would be nice if it kicks it in let's see come on kick it in at 75. there yeah 30. okay gotta go a little bit later they're dropping quick oh that was closer that was close three bonus balls even though it's three three okay 50s not bad that's a good one oh man i was still too early and 12. come on oh man that was close oh get up there oh my god and we got a 20. all right coming around man i'm gonna go even later yes that was still too early that's crazy 50 that's a good one getting some good amounts on this all right let's see yeah they are dropping super quick that's just crazy mystery value we'll finish up on a mystery for now maybe we will come back to this but let's see what the mystery gives us 25 that's one of the better mysteries so that is amazeballs all right we are going to try some wacky wing guys it's 1039 tickets so that's a big jackpot on this let's see if we can get it here at zone oh my god first try oh one short i think i need to give it another try you gotta hit it hard here that was too hard there [Music] boy muscles here doesn't know his own strength guys nude worms [Music] oh i think one's short again dang it almost oh one short you dingleberry i'm not that good i'm getting five how am i good the game is like you're good i'm not good hey you good all good i sound like a millennial i am one oh come on bro all right we got this oh you're good you good all good erim it might be [Music] sound like a chicken guys nice nice look at that right there 1044 that is a huge jackpot here we are at 9253 so we are getting there guys nine down 12 we need like just a little under uh like 2 800. the problem is i suck at skee-ball but we're gonna try this guys i'm gonna aim for the 10 000 in the corner there oh i instead went for the 5 000. oh my god look at that if i can only keep doing that with my muscle memory nope this isn't like bowler roller kennywood it's not it's not as uh [Music] consistent for me oh my god oh my god miss miss miss miss there's another 10 000. like i can get them sometimes i do better when i don't try yeah so i was i was wasn't even halfway there we have 31 000 so that's why i no like to usually play skeebo on this channel because i suck at it oh come on bro all right let's focus and do this oh come on you dumb idiot i missed the first one i don't know why that first one dropped five i only hit it four times all right [Music] ah i missed two freaking balls again man there's at least a hundred more tickets yeah it's it's just i don't know why i can't hit it today we'll try another game all right eh let's spin this wheel off so many times i think the fish may be dizzy a thousand oh that's coming around come on oh it's just past the hunter yeah that was right there darn 30. muscle memory let's see where it goes this is a 100 skill this game there's no it's just all like physics okay so that was too far i could go a little bit lighter trying again c5 thousand i think it's gonna be too short oh almost a hundred there boom i think it was too light lights over here oh maybe wait look at this first try oh my god at least we got the 100 and the bonus shot that's good that's what you want to as long as you can get in that general area so now if we get this again it's 2500 and the light is way up there if you can see it so i'm just going to whale it i think that wasn't even hard enough i can tell right now oh that's close oh my god it was two lights away [Music] i just wailed it nah that one wiggled i saw so that's gonna be lighter sometimes the ball wiggles in that dip it just goes less and it screws you up that might be good there that might be good there oh my oh it stopped early that's baloney that's too light i think that's gonna be close oh come on red sweet shot i give up you gotta guide the pink panther all the way to the bottom without getting zapped so here we go [Music] the coins do nothing which i wish they would they should be worth tickets they just kind of show you where to go i guess but [Music] let's see you can't let that little bar hit you you gotta watch fido all right 65th floor so we're halfway you got to kind of look a little bit lower than normal i have never hit the jackpot on this guys so it would be nice to maybe get this nice come on doggy get out of my way doggy so you get zapped it'd be cool if you got zapped like on the game it was like that would really get you in tune like to not lose 100 floors is a little ridiculous i think i think it should be 50. and i think that that laser beam gets faster yeah whoa what are you doing he's standing around the pink panther what a dim wit come on fida please get out of my way i don't have time for you no time for fido guys this joystick is so weird dude get off of me i'm dead that joystick got stuck yeah so we got halfway that's crazy but and then whatever floor do you get depends how many uh tickets you get i guess or something oh no it doesn't i think it just gives you five tickets all that work for five tickets all right so this is baseball pro you get 15 runs you won the jackpot so you basically just want to avoid the outs so you see i got a guy on second see that's a two so he'll go two i scored one guy if you get it in the home run it gets everyone on the bases just like baseball i see i got it now that's what you don't want one very tough game to score 15 runs but the jackpot's always been a thousand so and we just got two outs right there so i need now it gives you them all green after you get two outs which is kind of nice as long as you don't miss like shooting it over the thing you're good there sorry so we're at two all right i need to aim more for the right side there we go it's tough because you can't really you don't have a lot of control over this now i'm gonna stay on the right oh my god we just got in between the two outs one score so we got a guy on third and second and third ah see now three outs and the game's over so we'll try one more time there it's a really tough game so that time we got 30 tickets each run is worth 10 tickets all right let's try to aim for the right okay that's good as long as we avoid those outs all right so now we gotta aim for the middle hey oh my god what was that one out [Music] it's hard to get that aim down first and second i hit it late to go over to the right and i only got one out base is loaded now if we get a home run would be nice that's what i tried for and i missed i should have just played it safe and went to the right there but now if i can get this home run it would be nice nope so we scored two still got second and third just missed the home run and another out yeah it's a really tough game but we got uh 20 tickets at that time we're going to see if we can land that 750 that would be nice oh started beeping then it like didn't beep come on hunter no pass 25 would be good there we go 25 that's a good start on matey all right let's do this gave it a good spin that time it's a cool game i like that that it's like it's like a traditional wheel if you will it's like a carny wheel [Music] come on 25 again jesus just one more maybe third time's a charm but hey that's 50 tickets in two players oh that's too late i think here passing the 100 50 50. yes mini jackpot nice that i'll take man bang there we go nice eleven thousand three fifty two man we are close we need just under 800 coin pushers 12 000 total 1010 is the lowest this jackpot goes so let's see if we can get it here we got to land them white ones there is what we're aiming for if you miss and it goes too far back okay there's a pink that's good [Applause] [Music] so close get in that white man another pink we need that light though if we want a shot at this because that's 500 points rusty come on i'm gonna try to not bounce them and just throw jesus jesus [Music] there's a yellow man i can't hit that white to save my life there's a yellow again [Music] oh [Music] oh my god that was awesome did you see that it bounced in out and in holy toledo in ohio that was insane dude i have never seen that happen before all right it would suck to not get it on this round come on let's do this oh one more white guarantees us oh oh get in okay that's good stinker i think we're good no matter what we're at 900 now we got a couple more left oh we need like just one of anything oh i need one of anything or i'm going to be 10 short come on get in there 10 freaking points short [Music] i don't care that was a freaking awesome trick shot right there that was a cool shot okay there's a blue i can just keep landing the blues even [Music] okay as long as it goes in something that was in and outer jesus [Music] yes oh come on yes i'm a bonus winner check this out guys we don't even have to do this ball it's going behind the back ah miss that's all right look we got it guys we beat 10 10. we just won 500 tickets that is awesome we needed that we are so close look at that guys 500 tickets right there that's a good bonus on this took a couple tries i kind of got a technique down i was just going over and just kind of just dropping them from about here and they were angling right into the white so that was awesome and we might get a lucky bounce you never know on this game man oh my god i was almost a lucky roll in all right here we go time it okay so i was a little late there oh get in that g oh my god that was a baby right there it went right over that mo oh my god every time it hops up there i have a baby 14 all right that one really hung up there so yeah that was goofy that was the luckiest jackpot i've ever had in my life dude 195. i don't know if we got that it was so quick but dear god in heaven that was insane that was just nuts man that was crazy i love when that happens so we got a credit left here i'm going to finish this credit up and i'm going to go check our tickets but i think we're really close guys let's see if we can just get it again if we get it back to back i'll jump the railing i promised you guys here we go ready oh jumping wow that'll definitely get us there now guys wow that was insane let me climb back over here there's our adding up so we're gonna let that finish okay 3 23 in that session that was really good i think we're there let's go check our tickets all right do we have enough for the coin pusher let's see 12 265 tickets we made it guys we are going to redeem for the coin pusher i'll do a little demo on it and show you what it's like right after this we're going to redeem for the coin pusher right now and then i'm going to go home and unbox it just real quick and show you guys how it operates so it's on the top shelf good old greg here zone 28 he's amazing on his little ladder oh my god please be careful the things he has to do for us is just unbelievable risking his life for a coin pusher all right guys there it is coin pusher there's my card this one looks better because it has a divider and then you put it down and the the trays oh the trays are separate too that's kind of neat yeah squishy dinos that's in the bow get them yeah the plug's the same way yeah i like it really weird look at that it's like a weird texture that's a weird texture would love us he loves dinos oh my god guys now i'm going to do a quick demonstration on this coin pusher to show you guys how it works so you unbox it here and you realize that it takes 4d batteries like what it's 2020 why are we still using d batteries you guys ever get something and you're like oh my god it's d batteries why does it have to be d batteries well with this that's what's going to happen to you so we're going to plop our batteries in there screw the bottom back on all right let's turn it on and see if it works i don't know how to turn it on so now it has this awesome awesome music i mean you're going to want to listen to this day and night while you sleep and everything so it has three different modes you can have the music with it looks like the dimmer lights and then it has lights back there and then it has no music so you can shut the music off but why would you not want to listen to this awesome music so how you load it with coins is there's a thing on the top here so you unscrew this little uh compartment up top here and this allows you to kind of load the coins in there problem is some of them are going to fall in the chute but that's all right let's just load a bunch in there now it comes with these plastic coins but you can use like i suggest using pennies because it's more exciting i don't have any pennies right now enough to fill this up so we're just going to stick with the plastic coins that they give you all right so now that all our coins are loaded in there let's turn it back on again it's probably gonna push some more over it's really cool i used to have one of these i mean i got this maybe like 10 years ago this one's a lot different because it has the different i love how it sections off the coins there with the little dividers so we're going to let it run for a little bit and push the excess off and then we'll start with some coins and then we'll put them in to see if we can actually win anything so now what you do is there's two different slots you can put it in up here which is cool so you can put it in on the left side you'll watch it go down there very close so there's like a plinko thing in the back too that is cool one i had before it never had that it's a little hard to see there but there's like a plinko there are clear little uh like things in the back there and it kind of guides the coin down i love that and if you guys know to see these moving things up there check that out so it actually you can time the coin so say i want to go on the right see how it puts a coin to the right how cool is that look at that that's crazy man let's keep going here we haven't won any coins yet i do love the plinko thing in the back that's really cool than that than them just falling and where you put it in obviously depending on that thing is that'll guide it that is crazy haven't gotten a dime cannot win a plastic token to save my butt so in that case when you want to when you want to try to cheat check this out is that cool or what oh and it actually shuts off too so that is neat so it has like a built-in alarm and as you can see here you can turn that on or off so this is the alarm on and then i think you have to turn it off and then on again and that resets it that is so cool or if you don't want the alarm yeah so you can tilt it and nothing happens but if you do want the alarm that is neat and then it shuts off so that's pretty cool i'll tell you what this is a neat little toy freaking impossible to win at as you can see i've put in all these tokens guys look at this so you might need a lot look how many coins this holds though that's the thing yes we got one first win ever at this toy and i'm out of coins guys look i have nothing left they're literally all in this machine so we're gonna give a little tilt get some coins back very nice so that is the uh toy coin pusher quick little review there very cool i'd say it's definitely worth all the tickets there that's i mean that's a really cool little tabletop uh game there and it's uh it's pretty cool it's pretty realistic i love that it has the little guides up there the little plinko thing in the back and two separate movers like that you don't see that on a lot of the toy ones so i would give this thing an amazeballs thumbs up greg's trying to scan me guys i don't know what my price is probably like five cents any horn i was here at zone 28 i want to thank them again for letting us come here on one of their uh off days that's just temporary hours right now but uh they were kind enough to let us come in so thank you guys so much awesome arcade check them out wednesday through sunday arcade bowling laser tag and more not even sponsored that's the crazy thing we got the coin pusher guys hope you guys enjoyed this arcade video arcademath.com has some of my plushion prizes for sale and uh give me a follow on tick tock twitter and instagram at arcade underscore mats and that's gonna do it guys check out more of my arcade ticket videos after this one so watch those next and like we always say thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 628,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, arcade, arcade matt, jackpot, arcade coin pusher, arcade fun, coin pusher game, coin pusher toy machine, mega jackpot, arcade hacks, coin dozer, arcade game win, arcade videos, arcade tickets, monster drop jackpot, zone 28, zone 28 arcade, zone 28 pittsburgh, unboxing
Id: BaWa77jWCXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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