I woke up to an Emergency Alert on my phone, now there's creatures outside. Part 2 - r/NoSleep 51

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Aw dude I love this story! Too much nostalgia to be scared for me, I miss summer nights.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cheddre 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I could hear the intro, but my sound was off.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/selfawarefeline 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trevor Henderson will forever be known as the "Unsettling Images" man.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spot_Mark 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised this video is continent of our nah sleep episode 23 link in the description I woke up to an emergency alert on my phone now there's creatures outside part 2 breeding the emergency alert on my phone my heart sunk I had just two and a half hours to make it to the nearest bomb shelter with those creatures relentlessly pounding on the attic access panel and only the small attic window is an escape option my chances of making a safe escapes to it add almost 0% but I wasn't about to give up the nearest bomb shelter I knew of was nowhere near where I lived with no way of knowing how many of those creatures were roaming around outside I wouldn't stand a chance of making it there on foot I'd need a car but my car is in the garage and my keys are or were in a bowl where I always leave them by the front door it would be far too risky to go back into the house if I managed to escape as I'm sure I would need time to find them considering the state of just my bedroom and time is something I don't have a lot of thinking through the different scenarios in my head immediately I remembered one of my neighbors Craig stopping me on a morning run a while back and telling me about how he preps for the end of the world something I definitely thought he was crazy for at the time and forgot about almost completely not long after he told me I never thought anything like this would ever happen he told me he had a bunker installed under his house about a year ago with enough food to last a family of four for a year despite him living alone his house is a couple down from mine but I never actually saw anything being installed at this point though this was the only chance I had at making it somewhere survivable before the bombs hit I needed to get to his place ASAP and I had only one option of getting out of the Attic immediately I made my way over to the attic window it was small but slid open in its entirety from the bottom so I guessed I could manage to squeeze out luckily I never had security bars installed on it I needed to do this without alerting any of those creatures if there were still any outside the house whether they could climb scale the house or not I prayed for the ladder I popped the window open slightly and peeked out the window faced towards the neighbor's house and in the same direction I needed to go the way the house was designed meant I could lower myself onto the roof of the lower level of the house once I got outside and not have to drop all the way to the ground and probably seriously injure myself in the process from the window I couldn't immediately see any of the creatures in the vicinity I forced the window open as far as it could go and propped my leg up and out once one of my legs were out I hunched down and moved the rest of my body through the opening followed by my other leg holding on to the windowsill I faced the wall and lowered myself slowly till my feet met the roof of the lower floor the roof tiling was solid but I didn't trust myself enough to not slip and fall off so I lowered my body onto all fours and crouched down from here I could definitely be seen from the street whether I was crouching or not so I immediately moved further towards the back of the house I guessed it would be a lot more likely that there would be more of those creatures on the street rather than in my backyard I was right I scanned the backyard from my vantage point and didn't see any of the creatures however I could still hear the creatures pounding on the attic panel which would likely attract more of those things if they were attracted to sound this also meant those ones were still preoccupied and I still had time before they figured out I wasn't up there anymore I carefully made my way towards the gutter pipe which Travers the length of the house from top to bottom and made one final scan before lowering myself onto it sliding down the pipe I tried my best to stay quiet however the worst thing that could possibly happen at that point occurred the fixtures that secured the pipe onto the wall came loose as the screws tore from the wall the pipe along with me came crashing down onto the concrete pavement slamming into the ground the air immediately left my lungs I tried breathing and again but I couldn't I knew I had no time to mess around and those creatures would have likely heard the commotion I managed my way to my feet and forced myself towards the side of the house away from the back door at this point my breath came back to me but the pain in my back ached immensely and I collapsed against a house that fall definitely left a mark and if this were any other time I would probably have laid and called for help but help wasn't coming I realized the pounding sound from the Attic I had been hearing had stopped and my heart sunk once more they were coming I picked myself up again and started moving again I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and knew a wasted second could be the difference between surviving this ordeal and being torn apart in a few moments I needed to stay out of sight so my first instinct was to scale the fence in front of me the pain in my back throbbed but my will to live grew stronger I jumped up and grabbed the top of the fence holding on tightly pulling myself up I thank myself for working out regularly which granted me increased upper-body strength I propped the leg up onto the fence and worked to pull the rest of my body up and over my way down on the other side however was far from graceful as I pulled my body over the fence my descent was halted as my shoe got caught on a loose screw protruding from the top of the fence tugging on my shoe it came loose from the nail and I fell into a bush directly below me on the other side of the fence while my descent wasn't graceful it also wasn't too loud however this was no time to be hopeful and I immediately brought myself to my feet and moved towards my next door neighbor's house it was probably safer to move between backyards scaling fences than it was to expose myself on the street where other creatures likely lay waiting Craig's house was just the next one over so I wasn't far now I could hear the creatures scurrying around in my backyard behind the fence I had climbed they weren't smashing through the fence or jumping over it yet so I thank my lucky stars I didn't know the family who lived directly next to me but the state of the house left little to the imagination about their fate the house had the same security features as mine from what I could see but most of the back windows were broken and the screen door looked like it had been completely torn open like mine but the house stood silent right now I moved towards the fence on the opposite side of the yard the one they shared with Craig and quickly peeked over after scanning down the side of the house for any of the creatures the coast was still clear but a wave of despair rushed over me when I saw that Craig's house too had taken a beating it seemed like no house on my street had been left untouched at this point and I was just one of the lucky ones who was targeted without knowing the full behavior of these creatures there could very well be one of them still lurking inside his house it also dawned on me that it was likely Craig had already entered and sealed the bunker he had built for exactly this type of scenario whether or not this was the case it was still my last hope and I'd rather die trying than die doing nothing at all whilst his house was beaten like the others on the street Craig's yard was clear I made my way over the fence like I had the other but this time being more careful not to get snagged on anything I stayed low to the fence not wanting the creatures in my yard or anywhere else to catch a glimpse of me and landed safely on the other side with a quiet thud on the bare dirt the house was about the same size as mine but I'd never actually been inside so the location of Craig's bunker was still to be determined the upside of his house already being invaded meant that I wouldn't have to do any Breaking and Entering myself just entering the back door had been torn completely off its hinges and lay on the ground outside the entrance I move towards the house and listen carefully for any sounds inside the only sound I could hear was a banging from the direction of my house that's when I realized it sounded like the creatures were pounding on the fence I had first scaled I don't know what caused them to come in this direction maybe just dumb luck but I knew it wouldn't be long before they made their way towards me I removed the handgun from my belt and raised it in front of me before moving swiftly into the open doorway with light footsteps avoiding making unnecessary sounds that would likely be heard from anyone or anything that remained here my plan was to look for a basement I guess this was the most likely place a hidden bunker would be situated inside a house the backdoor entryway lead directly into a laundry area where shattered glass was strewn across the floor directly connected to this was the kitchen which I scoped out carefully before entering the glass on the floor made me very cautious of where I placed my foot the large pieces of glass would likely not be quiet as shattered further a loud sound bellowed from outside making my heart skip a beat it sounded as if the fence had been bowled over and hit the ground I had no time to waste if they were getting closer already I quickly moved through the kitchen and made my way into an open living room the furniture had been completely torn apart and the floor was littered with bits and pieces of wood glass and other miscellaneous materials a number of doors let out of this room any of which could be hiding away down however a door in the corner had clearly been torn through leaving a large creature sized gap in its wake I made the assumption that this was likely where Krag had fled to which hopefully meant this was the way down to a basement of some sort more cautiously than ever I walk towards the battered door as I entered the room the lack of light caused my eyes to readjust a staircase leading down was the first sign that I had been right I stood silently for a while while my eyes slowly adjusted themselves to the darkness there was no use going down into a basement that I couldn't see a thing in when I could make out the bottom of the staircase I carefully moved down the staircase when I was halfway down the staircase I saw it human remains covered the floor blood splatters covered the walls in the ceiling a large pool of blood was situated in the corner of the room where Craig's mangled body laid huge pieces of flesh had been torn out my stomach turned as I doubled over dropping my gun and forcefully expelling the small amount of food I had consumed earlier the sight was horrific I could not believe that I had actually seen something so graphic the world around me went mute for a moment as I processed a situation but a deafening bang came from above me and snapped me out of the dais the sight of Craig's body had narrowed my vision but what appeared to be a solid metal door that was slightly ajar came into view near where his body remained he was just a little too late I sprinted towards the door and slammed my body into it opening it white enough to fit through something clattered down the stairs behind me I glanced back and once again saw a gross creature and its large eyes staring deep into my soul it was coming towards me faster than I had imagined and my gun remained at the bottom of the staircase where I had so foolishly dropped it without thinking I heaved the door closed with all the strength I could muster and spun the handle the sound of the creature slamming into the door could be heard as the metal bolts locked the door in place it's been a while I heard the bombs drop about an hour after my last post the bunker shook so hard I thought it was going to collapse on me but after the last explosion the walls in the ceiling remained solid without Craig and his prepper tendencies I wouldn't be alive right now I didn't know him too well but I can't let his death be in vain when I first got in here the creatures continued pounding on the door relentlessly but to my relief none of them had managed to make their way into the bunker before I did after the final bomb dropped the outside world went silent from inside the bunker it seemed like the creatures hadn't even made a dent in the thick metal door that separated me from them after hours of listening for any activity outside the door I collapsed onto the bed crate had installed a single cot which wasn't particularly comfortable but with the sense of a seemingly safe environment to lay down in and the fact that it was a hell of a lot more comfortable than the wooden floor in the Attic I managed to fall asleep I had vivid nightmares of the creatures that night and woke up in a cold sweat I opened my eyes and was looking directly up at the ceiling I tried to lift my head but something stopped me my body was stiff and rejected every signal I gave it to move it felt heavy like gravity had increased tenfold and I was stuck that's when I noticed in the corner of my eye the dark figure that stood in the opposite corner of the room its shadow cast by the small battery-operated light on the wall next to me I struggled to make out who or what it was that it found its way into the safe place I thought I had secured the figure started moving towards me and my heart skipped a beat the figures face became illuminated by the light and it's huge sunken eyes stared back into mine I wanted to scream I wanted to jump out of the bed I was helplessly lying in and do something about the situation I had found myself in but the closer the creature got to me the less control I felt I had over my own body it's tall form reached higher than most professional basketball players with its head nearly touching the bunkers relatively low ceiling at this range I could make out more details about the creature tightly bound to its thin body the creatures dark skin appeared charred its huge eyes remained the only recognizable characteristic on its face and its long sharp finger like claws taunted me the creature arched its head down towards me and its face grew closer to mine that felt as though the creature was sucking the soul from my body the sheer terror I felt and the malicious force this creature exude forced me to squeeze my eyes closed and wait for the inevitable to occur but nothing happened moments passed and I waited still nothing I opened my eyes again and the creature was gone I tried to get off the bet and my body finally responded the weight that held me down had suddenly lifted completely shaken I examined the place the creature had been before I closed my eyes and found no trace the creature had vanished or maybe it was never there in the first place but it felt so real I'd never experienced sleep paralysis before but those creatures had an unimaginable effect on my psyche it seemed I couldn't continue sleeping after that ordeal I got up completely and made the bed I decided to take an inventory of what craig had bought for this place he wasn't lying about the amount of food that he had stockpiled while it wasn't anything fancier particularly tasty it got the job done and beggars can't be choosers a huge water tank had been installed in the bunker which was completely full of potable water the lights in the bunker were powered by rechargeable batteries and Craig had obviously never wanted this place to go dark because there were enough in here to last a lifetime I estimated that if I ration correctly I could live for at least a year in the bunker with these supplies I didn't really have a clue on what to expect about the size and contents of the bunker before getting there all that mattered before was getting to the bunker in one piece literally the size of the bunker was adequate for a single person about 4x4 metres consisting of a single living space with everything needed for long-term survival located in the one room from the bunker door located in the center of the south wall the bed I slept on prior was situated in the adjacent right corner of the room the toilet was located in the opposite corner adjacent to the north and east walls along with all the miscellaneous medical supplies in the far left corner adjacent to the north and west walls was the large water tank and next to that was where Craig had stored the food supplies in countless numbers of large sturdy containers that towered over me additionally the clothes located in the other corner the Jason to the south and west wall were my size so it meant I wouldn't need to sit and bathe in my own filth while seeking refuge here fortunately kraid was obviously a meticulous prepper as almost every container and compartment was labeled with exactly what it contained after moving a few of the containers that lined the walls to my surprise I stumbled upon one labeled weaponry I didn't know what to expect inside but I prayed there would be something that could replace the pistol I so stupidly dropped at the bottom of the basement stairs before coming in here carefully lifting the lid the contents of the container revealed itself to me inside laid a pistol it appeared to be a similar model to the one I had lost but guns were indefinitely still aren't my forte a box full of ammunition was positioned next to the gun in addition to a decently sized she'd hunting knife I picked up the knife and removed it from its sheath the sharp blade looked brand new and was about six inches long not that it would be much use against the creatures anyways I would be torn to a park before I could even get close enough to land a hit with it but regardless it was better than no melee weapon at all I definitely thought I had the mental ability to stay isolated for a long period of time but after a single day I felt like those creatures were getting into my head humans are social creatures and I'm afraid I'll go crazy in here alone especially considering what I saw when I woke up I would physically be safe here but staying here alone for a long period of time seemed just as bad as facing the new reality that was outside if I can't even go a single night without seeing those creatures the bunker would be the end of me and my mental health if I wasn't careful it was hard to tell what was going on outside the safety of the bunker not only could I not hear anything I also had no signal on my phone since entering and Craig obviously didn't plan on contacting the outside world when [ __ ] hit the fan because I wasn't able to find any form of radio that would work in a place like this however it was important for me to find out the fate of everyone else I couldn't be the only survivor it was almost as if something was compelling me to leave the bunker the dreams and the visions I had led me to believe that something didn't want me to stay in the shelter and safety of the secure bunker I convinced myself that I could always return here if necessary but get to a bunker where there are other people in the community to develop would be an ideal situation I decided to wait over a week before making this decision the days in the bunker dragged on and without a sense of day and night I constantly felt like I was on the edge of going crazy and I racial fear grew inside me the nightmares and visions of the creatures became worse but always ended before they offed me for real something wasn't right here and I was itching to get out if the creatures were waiting for me outside the bunker door I would be torn apart in moments but I had to believe that the bombs that were deployed wiped a large portion of them out however many there were to begin with regardless I needed to know and I had a firearm once again to back me up I found a high-quality bug-out bag already pre packed with essential equipment during my stay here which included a portable water filter in canteen fire starters medical gear a change of clothes a few MREs a torch navigation tools a multi-tool and a tarp needless to say this made the choice of what to bring with me a lot easier additionally despite the hunting knife I found earlier being a seemingly useless weapon against these creatures it provided some peace of mind for whatever reason and I decided to carry it along too as well as the pistol and ammunition found with it I was as prepared as I would ever be and whether I stayed in the bunker or not my fate would likely remain the same if those creatures still remained outside if they survived those bombs how the hell am I supposed to do the job the plan was to get out of the bunker safely find a form of transport get to the nearest communal bomb shelter where I would likely find any remaining survivors and when it's safe I would come back and take all the supplies from the bunker with the backpack on my back a stomach full of as much food and water I could fit and the pistol in front of me ready to fire at anything that moved when I opened the door I turned the handle and heard the bolts release my nerves began to kick in but what waited ahead of me I needed to discover pulling the door it cracked opened and a cold draught hit me opening it further I inspected the room which was dark but seemingly empty I guessed it was still dawn outside and I looked at my phone to check the time it buzzed in my hand and a vibration startled me it was another emergency alert the emergency alert that had appeared on my phone screen read the creatures have been eradicated any remaining survivors should seek a to the nearest communal bomb shelter my mind eased as I read the words it seemed as though the bombs had actually worked and from where I stood the coast was clear I looked back at the bunker and my mind went back to the things I had seen during my stay in there there was no way I could live the rest of my life in there the only thing left for me to do would be to obey the message the nearest communal bomb shelter was located relatively far from my current location and the trek on foot would be far from ideal I needed to find a working vehicle that had not been affected by the bombs or some other means of transport however if the alert was true walking would definitely be a possibility I stepped out of the bunker and the cool morning air hit me again I guess that Craig's house above me no longer stood in its entirety otherwise I would not have been feeling a gust of wind in his basement the gun I had dropped before entering the bunker that had landed on the ground at the bottom of the staircase was no longer anywhere to be seen the weirdest part about this situation though is that Craig's body was missing too the pool of blood where he had been laying remained but what was left of him had been moved elsewhere or simply vanished it was exceptionally weird that the gun in Craig's body would be missing but these creatures had used a bait trick on me once before so I decided it would be better to forget about that gun and solely rely on the one I had obtained in the bunker if I happen to still need it regardless I didn't want to stay by the door of the bunker for much longer and I couldn't only rely on the correctness of what the emergency alert had told me there was no telling whether the creatures had silently returned or remained here for some time since the bombs had dropped if they were actually still alive and lurking I move towards the staircase which seemed to be unharmed by the bombs the entire basement seemed completely intact for that matter at the top of the stairs the door that had once been there was no longer and the morning light shone through I slowly began climbing the staircase waiting for the moment where a lurking creature would pounce on me and end my life but as I reached the top and peeked out of the doorway not a single sound could be heard the house around me was in shambles the ceiling and walls had been severely damaged leaving only a scale of what this place once was behind but without a creature in sight now was a better time to move than ever I slowly moved towards what was once a perfectly intact window but now just a frame which faced the street through the window I could see that it was not only Craig's house that had been severely damaged but every other house within my line of sight an all of the surrounding foliage was in a similar state anything that could survive the impact of the bombs that were dropped would have to be superhuman there was no way any normal living being could come out of something like that unscathed at this point I realized that the likelihood of me finding a functioning vehicle near my location would be next to none and without the keys to a random person's car that was safely tucked away in their garage it would be useless to get there by foot it would take at least an hour maybe even two depending on the speed I would be traveling I needed to have faith that there really were no creatures remaining on the surface or I wouldn't last very long in the outside world my only other option was returning to the bunker which would cause me to spiral further into losing my mind and there was no way I was doing that if there was hope that other survivors waited for me human company is what I so desperately needed without much of a second thought I decided to cautiously leave the remains of what was once Craig's house and head in the direction of the communal bomb shelter where I pleaded only survivors would meet me human survivors that is the sound of birds chirping and the other background noise that we get so accustomed to was eerily absent and the charred buildings and foliage gave the neighborhood a mute tone I thought about humming to myself while walking to my destination but the thought of a lone remaining creature hearing me from somewhere it had been hiding during the bombs forced me to keep my mouth closed and travel with a light step moving towards the shelter I kept a firm grip on my gun and remained on high alert continuously scanning my surroundings I prayed to not to see a creature peer from a broken window or from around the next corner and that I would never have the misfortune of looking one of those creatures in the eyes again the eyes of those creatures had already been scarred into the back of my mind I thought back to the first time I had locked eyes with one of them through my neighbor's window even the image in my head caused me to feel extremely paranoid almost as though I was being watched from afar or stalked but there was no obvious signs that this was actually the case about three-quarters of the way to the shelter I began letting my guard down I had almost completely convinced myself that there truly were no creatures remaining here because I surely would have run into one by this point if the alert had been deceptive or inaccurate I felt safe for the most part and holstered the gun I had been holding in my waistband to rest my arm I glanced behind me as a simple precaution and what met my gaze sent a shiver down my spine a dark figure swiftly moved behind a fence a few hundred meters down the street from the direction I had come my heart skipped a beat there was no doubt in my mind that the figure I had just seen was one of the creatures I froze for a moment and kept my eyes on where I had seen the creature disappear a few moments passed and I tried to convince myself that my mind had simply been playing tricks on me had I actually seen that figure or was it just something my mind had created out of paranoia moments later however the creatures face peeked from the fence it had disappeared behind and its eyes locked with mine like I had hoped would never happen again my mind suddenly flooded with images of the creatures and the image of Craig's mangled body appeared in front of me screaming in horror I broke my gaze from the creatures huge deep sunken white eyes and swiftly turned around towards the shelter there was no longer any doubt in my mind that I was being followed and without looking back I began sprinting towards the shelter faster than I had ever ran before I couldn't hear anything behind me but I had no desire to look back and experience what those creatures had just done to me once again or even slowed down for a second continuously I braced myself for a swift slash from behind that would end my life but was yet to come my gun was once again grasped tightly in my hand not wanting to drop my weapon for a second time sprinting had closed the gap between me and the shelter I turned onto the street on which it was located and now only a few hundred meters of open streets stood between me and my new safe haven the large yellow sign that declared the purpose of the building I was heading towards came into view but I then realized that the doors to the shelter were closed and there was not a single person waiting for me outside I had no other option but to pray that there was someone on the other side willing to open that door for me a gut feeling took over convincing me that the creatures were right behind me ready to mangle my body like what was done to Craig and compelling me to turn around and look I turned around while still moving towards the shelter door and to my bewilderment the coast was clear I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment truly debating whether or not I had already gone mad there was no way what I had seen wasn't real I couldn't believe that I turned again back towards the shelter and noticed the door was open and the demand that was stood just outside of the shelter was waving me over the man yelled at the top of his lungs for me to run swiftly I checked behind me again and what I saw made me feel as though I was going to have a heart attack right then and there a huge horde of those creatures charged in my direction quickly closing the gap between me and them purposefully I avoided looking at their faces and without a second thought turned on my heel and raced towards the door the man swiftly moved back into the shelter and for a second I thought he would close the door before I made it inside but to my relief he kept it open a moment after I stepped inside the shelter the man slammed the door shut behind me but a huge thud on the other side caused it to open again slightly a barrage of loud thuds came from the other side of the door and I slammed my body up against it trying to close it again far enough to lock it in place Justin a huge effort from the creatures was made and the door swung completely open sending me tumbling down a staircase adrenaline rushed through my body and the pain from falling down the stairs was masked by the fear that those creatures had just breached the door to the shelter I looked up the staircase I had just ascended and to my dismay saw the creatures violently tearing apart the man's body who had helped me moments ago all of the hope I once had was lost at this point but I struggled to my feet and jolted towards a door that appeared to separate the entrance exit from the main living area tumbling through the door I was shocked to see dozens of other people crowded on the other side of the room some of these people were trembling on the ground and others were yelling complete gibberish I quickly turned back around and slammed the door closed this door was not one that could take much of a beating but I believed that any time I bought could help me without thinking I started dragging any furniture that wasn't bolted down in front of the door trying to form a sort of barricade to slow the creatures down a young girl's voice screamed from somewhere behind me asking where her dad was I could only assume that her dad was the man who I had just seen died right in front of my eyes I started yelling for the people to help me and that the creatures were going to get in here if we didn't move fast but not a single person moved from where they were another loud voice bellowed from behind me from a woman this time blaming me for dooming them all and damning me to hell a sudden rush of realization hit me I understood exactly why this had happened those things wanted me to come out of Craig's bunker they wanted me to lead them to the other survivors and that's why they had been stalking me on my way here they were not allowing me any other option but to get to where I now was but the emergency alert I had received was that another one of those creatures Mind Tricks - like what I thought I had seen whilst seeking refuge in the bunker was that really sleep paralysis or something more sinister it was clear that the answers to these questions would remain unanswered after piling what I could in front of the door I moved backwards towards the other side of the room the people behind me continued yelling at me while I looked around for any other way out of the situation swiftly I spotted a door to my left that had been left slightly ajar and ran towards it hoping for something that was never going to happen as I swung the door open I realized that it was only a small storage area a loud bang came from behind me and I turned around the furniture that I had stacked in front of the door had been sent flying across the room and without thinking I moved quickly into the storage area I had come upon screams from the other side of the door bellowed throughout the enclosed area and were soon replaced by the sounds of flesh being torn apart the storage area I'm in has no alternate exits no way out it won't be long until those creatures find me in here and there's no way I have enough bullets to even cause a dent in the numbers they have this will almost definitely be my last update the only solace I have now is the fact that I'll be saving a bullet for myself for anyone else who receives the emergency alert that I did I'll pray for you good luck and good bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 212,499
Rating: 4.9092503 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, Radio TTS, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Id: 2LY-pdLe_Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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