I-Witness: ‘Unearthed,' a documentary by Kara David | Full episode (with English subtitles)
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Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 1,749,151
Rating: 4.7004032 out of 5
Keywords: GMA Public Affairs, GMA Public Affairs today, GMA documentary, Philippine stories, GMA, GMA Network, GMA Full Episodes, I-Witness, I-Witness GMA, I-Witness full episode, I-Witness April 1 2017 full episode, I-Witness April 1 2017, I-Witness full episodes 2017, Kara David, I-Witness Kutkot, I-Witness Kutkot full episode, Kara David documentaries, Kara David I-Witness 2017, full episode, documentary, I-Witness Kara David stories
Id: JeLJuRYbs-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I commented on the other thread about 'secondary burial' that I figured I'll put this one since I mentioned it there so more people could see the video. In a lot of ancient PH cultures, they practiced two burials, one is prepping recently dead body to bury on the ground or in wooden coffins---usually cut out from one tree---then buried in the 'silong' ie the ground beneath the house, since most traditional PH houses were raised off the ground in stilts. Those that had wooden coffins, some either deposited directly into caves or ground/silong or even in other places like the beach (in Alcina's 17th accounts, he mentioned that ancient cemeteries on the beach were sometimes unearthed by strong typhoon tides wiping away sand). In some cases, it was stored in the house (usually there are 'tubes' that goes out of the coffin, in order that when decomposing bodies bloat and explode, those "bodily juices" are drained out). Some of them then wait for decomposition of bodies for another funeral.
Most likely a lot of them then, when properly decomposed, dug out again and buried permanently by taking out their long bones and skull and then putting them in ossuaries and or potteries (early on PH cultures relied on their own pottery mostly, we see this in older burials like Tabon cave boat pot ie the Manuggul jar and the Maitum jars, but towards the latter centuries most of the burials were using Chinese pottery, usually they would cut out holes on bigger Chinese vases so they could deposit the skull eg Marinduque jars)
A lot of cultures that didn't do secondary burial like in N. Luzon speaking languages (eg Igorot) they also used the silong (obviously 'silong' is a Tagalog term but the concept is the same everywhere) for prepping the dead in 'death chairs' (ie dead were put in a sitting position) and are allowed to be 'viewed' or exhibited in the silong for days or weeks.
This one is an example of a culture that was once common in much of the PH (ie 2 burial system).