I Wish to Save My Sister and Get Money from the Drug Trial

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hi everyone my name is charlie i have always tried to do good especially when it came to my loved ones but one day something happened to me that made me realize by saving someone else i was only making things worse do you want to know my crazy story then subscribe to the channel and i will tell you everything a couple of years ago my little sister ruby and i lost our parents since then we only had a grandmother left we went to live with her she was already old and it was hard for her to take care of us all day long she would be glued to the tv so ruby and i were left to fend for ourselves during that time i got into college and started to seriously think about our future after all i was now practically ruby's only relative i was responsible for her so i took it upon myself to raise her and it was very difficult since our parents had died ruby had been acting out a lot she skipped classes was often rude and hung out with all sorts of suspicious people it was only natural that she eventually got into big trouble one day she was hanging out with some hooligans once again and crashed someone's very expensive car her friends ran away from the scene and my sister was arrested by the police she was charged and placed in an orphanage for juvenile offenders i was told that if we didn't settle up with the owner of the car within a week my sister would be taken away and put in foster care i couldn't let that happen even though ruby was a terrible troublemaker she was still my little sister so i immediately started to think about ways to get the money of course my grandmother didn't have any that's when i turned to my friend from college edwin i told him about my problem and asked him to lend me the amount we needed sorry buddy i'm broke myself said edwin apologetically i didn't have any more bright ideas i wouldn't be able to get a job that fast and we only had a week left what was i to do and then my friend told me that there was one way to quickly and honestly earn some money he said that the previous year he'd also desperately needed money so he went to a pharmaceutical laboratory that was testing new drugs on everyone willing it wasn't safe of course but it paid well and it was possible to earn good money in just a week it was the right thing to do for the sake of my sister i was ready to be experimented on as long as she wouldn't be taken away so i immediately asked edwin to put me in touch with that lab he called them and they told me to come for an interview in just an hour in the laboratory a man in some special clothes came to greet me he said his name was dr cooper and he was the one in charge he quickly did all the necessary tests and said that i was healthy enough to take part in testing a new drug that could help many people i was completely uninterested in what sort of drug they were making i just wanted to quickly earn the money and get ruby out of the orphanage dr cooper explained the rules to me i had to come to the lab every day take my medicine there and then go home and lie in bed i couldn't go anywhere i had to lie around all day and write down how i was feeling in a special questionnaire if i did everything right i would be all right and in a week i'd get the money i needed that's how i became a test subject in that pharmaceutical lab but you think i followed their rules of course not i simply couldn't afford to lie in bed all day long in the morning i would run to study at college after that i'd go to the lab to take the medicine and in the evening i'd hurry to the orphanage to see ruby i saw how hard she had it there and she kept asking me to take her home as soon as possible i promised my sister that it would be all over soon and she would be free naturally after a few days like that i started to look like a zombie i had bruises under my eyes felt sleepy all the time and often fell down because my legs were unsteady anyone who saw me in college shield away from me as if i was a real dead man walking i couldn't concentrate on the lessons at all and started getting bad grades for the tests during one of the breaks my friend took me aside and asked in a frightened voice hey charlie are you feeling all right i admitted that i was just exhausted by everything that was going on in my life in the last few days edwin asked me why i wasn't lying in bed like i was supposed to and testing the medicine dr cooper had given me i told my friend that i simply didn't have the time to do nothing all day i was just writing the first thing that came to mind in the questionnaire they'd given me in the laboratory so you're lying to dr cooper you can't do that said edwin he added that i should go to the lab and confess everything because i was breaking the rules and the results would come out all wrong i got angry and told edwin to get lost i needed the money to save my sister and i wasn't going to give up however a couple of days after that things only got worse i could barely stand or think it was impossible to tell the difference between a real zombie and me anymore i started having problems with my studies failed a few tests and was on the verge of being kicked out of college but i was willing to bear with it to save ruby in the evening i went to her orphanage and was told that the time was up if i didn't pay the right amount by the next day i wouldn't see my sister again ruby overheard that conversation and begged me to get her out of there don't worry sis it'll all be over soon i comforted her after that i ran to the lab i had to get the money i had been promised but once there i was met by an angry dr cooper who said i would be getting no money from him what had happened why it turned out that he had been concerned about the results i had been bringing him and called my former friend edwin well and of course edwin told dr cooper that i hadn't been following the rules and had been lying to him that's why the doctor was breaking our deal off and leaving me without payment of course it was my own fault but i couldn't leave my sister or drop out of college and now i was out of money and about to lose my sister who would be sent to a new family the next day already but i had to do something was i really out of options i was ready to do anything after dr cooper had left the office i couldn't resist getting into his safe there was money there it was enough to pay the fine for the car and get ruby out of the orphanage without thinking twice i grabbed the money and ran all i wanted to do was save my sister however when i got to the orphanage ruby was no longer there the window in her room was open it turned out that she hadn't waited for me to get the money and decided to just run away the cars immediately rushed to catch her i joined them we were running through the city looking for my sister but she was nowhere to be found all of a sudden one of the guards shouted there she is get down from there i looked up and saw ruby hiding from us high up in a tree i tried to convince her to come down saying that i had already given the money to the police and that she was safe finally my sister listened to me and tried to get down but the branch under her foot broke and she started to fall oh no i rushed to catch her but my sister was unconscious what was wrong with her we immediately called an ambulance and took her to a hospital while she was being examined i sat in the hallway and waited for the doctor to tell me the news after a while he came out i looked at him and knew that i wouldn't like hearing what he had to say he told me that things were really bad during the fall ruby had injured her spine and now needed surgery and a lot of medications but what could i do she didn't have health insurance and i had already given away all the money i had there you are i heard at that moment i turned around and saw dr cooper glaring at me he had seen that i'd stolen the money from his safe and found me damn it like i didn't have enough problems i was already feeling uneasy i felt completely desperate because i hadn't managed to save my sister but i didn't care anymore i told dr cooper frankly that i didn't have the money anymore and he wouldn't be able to get it back apparently i looked so resigned that he didn't even scold me instead he sat me down and asked what was wrong i was so tired of what had been going on over the week that i broke down and told him everything and do you know what dr cooper did after that he studied my sister's medical history and said he would help me i couldn't believe my years had i really found someone who was indifferent to our problems they started treating ruby first of all she had an operation and then they started giving her drugs have you guessed what drugs exactly that's right the ones i had been testing the whole week thanks to them my sister was quickly recovering dr cooper had not only forgiven me for stealing from him but he'd also paid for ruby's treatment there were good people in the world after all a couple of months passed my sister recovered and went back to school i also came to my senses and stopped looking like a zombie of course i had to retake the test i failed but at least i wasn't about to get kicked out of college now i even made up with edwin even though he'd ratted me out to dr cooper long story short things were looking up however just as i had finally started believing that no one would take ruby from us something completely unexpected happened she'd fallen in with the wrong crowd and the police had taken her once again unbelievable she was simply incorrigible and did not appreciate how kind people were to her and so when they told me i had to bail my sister out i started thinking i had no money and i would have to get it somewhere again but would ruby appreciate it maybe i should just do nothing do you think that would make my sister change am i doing the right thing here [Music] you
Views: 93,721
Rating: 4.8811188 out of 5
Keywords: story time animated, real stories, story, short story, animated story, animated life stories, animation channel, short animation, animated channel, actually happened, actually happened stories, my story time animated, story time, reddit stories, reddit, ask reddit, narrator, storybooth
Id: Xx4J2AYSSl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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