I Was Playing the SIMS So Long That I Can't Tell Whether It's Real Life or a Game

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hi guys my name is claudia tell me would you like to have your own world everything would be just as you wanted it to be no one would hurt you and only good people would live there do you think something like that really exists well i had a world like that once however over time it turned against me how did that happen well subscribe to the channel and listen to my crazy story and find out i lived with my parents and an older brother in a poor city area we had a small house that was falling apart from old age but my dad couldn't really fix it because he was way too busy looking for odd jobs yeah our family was really poor my father was constantly tired and my mother wasn't happy with her life our parents took it all out on my brother and i i can't remember my mom ever saying something nice to me or my dad buying even something as simple as a box of chocolates for us my brother was also growing up angry and cruel because of how they treated us he was always calling me names and making me do his chores around the house i dreamed of running away from home but if i did i'd have nowhere to go so i just had to endure it at school i was also an outcast i was always poorly dressed and i couldn't afford anything cool that's why my classmates just kind of avoided me and didn't accept me into their groups the only person who supported me was my best friend naomi her situation with her parents was almost exactly the same as mine so naomi knew just what was going on in my life and she was always there for me i could complain to my friend about my life and feel better about it one day she told me she found a new hobby she'd gotten hooked on a game called the sims you probably know the one but for me that was something entirely new naomi showed me how she was building her own world and playing a character she made it look just like herself it was so cool i immediately wanted to try it out i had an old laptop that i'd gotten from my brother so i installed the sims on it and i started playing i created a character that looked just like me i also built our house except in the game it was clean and cozy i even created a cat that my parents had never allowed me to get and of course i made my virtual mom dad and older brother these parents were the best in the world they never scolded me and they were actually interested in my life as for my brother he acted so cool just like he should long story short i also kind of got hooked on the sims and i spent all my free time playing it this was the life that i'd always dreamed of i could change anything that didn't suit me i wished my real life was the same however outside the game all that was waiting for me was my gloomy house eternally angry parents and a school where i was shunned and well that's how naomi and i became big fans of the sims she showed me the world she'd built and i bragged about mine to her we could spend hours playing together and discussing our virtual lives one day she came running to me with some incredible news there was a cosplay festival in our city and some fans of the sims would be there too we immediately wanted to take part in it but what kind of costume was i supposed to make my dad wouldn't give me any money for it and my brother definitely wouldn't help i could only count on myself so that's when i came up with the idea of how to make a simple costume that would look so cool i found a large piece of cardboard in the backyard and i got out my old paints after a couple hours of work my costume for the festival was ready i'd drawn the blurry pixels that marked censorship in the game and above my head hung the famous sims plumb bob i looked in the mirror and i was so satisfied with how it turned out when naomi and i went to the festival there were so many fans just like us there it was awesome awesome to be surrounded with people just like us my costume was a one of its kind so i immediately attracted a lot of attention people would come up to me and say i looked cool and some would smile and twirl a finger at my temple but i didn't care because i liked what i was doing however when i came back home my good mood vanished immediately my mom greeted me and asked why i hadn't cleaned up my room i said that i just hadn't had the time yet and i would do it now but she started scolding me instead for not helping her around the house at all there was just nothing left of my joy anymore my brother joined in with my mom and said that i spent all my time playing on the laptop and i was basically a good for nothing i hated him with my entire soul right then and that's when my dad came back from work he found out why i was being scolded and said threateningly we didn't give you your brother's computer to fool around then my dad took the laptop and said he would take it to a pawn shop but no my game was on that i begged him to give me the laptop back but he didn't listen to me my brother tore apart the costume i'd made for the festival and my mother punished me and looked to be in my room i sat there and i just i cried why was life being so unfair to me i wanted to be like everyone else i wanted to have loving parents and a brother who would protect me instead all i had were evil sims from the terrible game called life i couldn't stay in that house any longer so i i climbed out the window and i left they wouldn't even notice i was gone anyway i didn't know where to go and i just went to school it was the only place i'd be allowed to stay for a few days there wasn't any security so i got into the library with no problems i needed to distract myself so i turned on one of the school computers and at that moment all i could feel was pain there was only one place that could shelter and protect me like i wanted the sims i quickly downloaded it from the internet and installed it on the computer rebuilding my dream world felt fantastic i was so engrossed in the game that i didn't even notice time pass right by me the next morning naomi found me and i told her everything that had happened to me i told her that i didn't want to go back to my parents and i only wanted to live in the game she told me i was going insane but i still asked her for help and she agreed she brought me food and covered for me in class while i was sitting in the library playing sims i didn't know how much time i'd spent on the computer but it felt like i hadn't slept in days somehow i didn't feel tired at all right then i began to hear some sounds and it seemed like i was seeing something that wasn't there but it didn't matter i had finally finished building my perfect world it turned out even better than the first one it was everything that surrounded my life with only one difference i didn't build my own house or create my parents now this was a place that i really wanted to live feeling happy with myself i wanted to share the news with naomi straight away so i finally looked away from the computer and went searching for my friend only then did i realize how tired i really was i was walking down the school hallway when i noticed something kind of strange a green crystal was hanging above one of the students just like in the sims maybe he was also from the festival and that was just his costume but when i got closer it was a real plum bob suddenly it turned red and the student told his friend that he needed to go to the bathroom what was going on had i ended up inside the game i looked around and i saw several more people with crystals above their heads it was amazing i couldn't believe that my dream had finally come true i had found myself in the game i happily rushed out of the school and i walked through the city and you know what it began to change right before my eyes everything looked bright and unreal passerbys were smiling and the plum bobs were glowing above all of them i could also change anything i wanted i created a cat for one woman and i erased the mustache of a random passerby i didn't like this was my game my world i could do anything i wanted here i walked for a few blocks looking around and then i remembered my house had that changed too maybe my parents had become what i wanted them to be without hesitation i ran back home but as soon as i got there i felt disappointed my house was exactly the same as before everything around it looked colorful and happy but it had stayed gray and dull i went inside and i met my mom right away claudia where have you been who gave you permission to leave your room she shouted i realized that nothing had changed here my father and my brother appeared it once again and they all started yelling at me but no this was my world i was the one who built it and if that was true i could make my parents be the way that i wanted them to be but no matter how hard i tried they were staying the same i wished i hadn't come back and when i saw myself in the mirror by accident wait what above my head a sims crystal was glowing bright red i got scared and i tried to brush it away but it wouldn't go that's when i got really scared it turned out that i'd become a character myself and this wasn't my game anymore i was terrified i ran out of my house and down the street the perfect world around me began to crumble it was like i was in a game and someone had started rebuilding everything it was so creepy i was throwing myself from side to side and finally my vision went dark and i fell i woke up in the school psychologist's office he gave me some medicine and helped me up naomi was sitting next to me and she looked really terrified she told me that she'd been the one to find me on the street i asked what happened and the psychologist said that i'd had a nervous breakdown i'd spent too much time playing games without getting any sleep and my brain had stopped distinguishing reality from fiction but everything was fine now and the psychologist just prescribed me some medicine and told me to get some sleep wait here i'll call your parents he added and he left the office i i understand everything now none of it was real i just wanted to live in this perfect world of the game so badly that for a short time it became my reality naomi told me to stop playing the sims otherwise i might go completely mad my friend is probably right i should go back to the real world but what exactly is waiting for me here my mom and dad will come for me and everything will start all over again scoldings punishments getting grounded all the time what would you choose if you were in my place a violent and real world or an imaginary life in a game that could drive you crazy i need your advice i can already hear my parents footsteps in the hallway please help me [Music]
Views: 207,992
Rating: 4.8621078 out of 5
Keywords: story time animated, real stories, story, short story, animated story, animated life stories, animation channel, short animation, animated channel, actually happened, actually happened stories, my story time animated, story time, reddit stories, reddit, ask reddit, narrator, storybooth, Playing, Playing the SIMS, Whether It's Real, Real Life, or a Game
Id: vIdmfWzPkP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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