I've Changed My Face

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hi there my name is Alex and I need to tell you my story believe me it is really important to me the thing is I live in three different people in all three of them at the same time how is this possible have patience you'll find out soon enough but first things first I was never exceptionally smart or handsome look at my face but life gave me a different kind a bit of incredible luck it seemed like someone invisible was always there to save me and gave me everything I desired I was born into a wealthy family my parents were successful businessmen and since I was the only child I got the best of everything the most expensive toys and clothes the best school the most beautiful girls but don't think that my rich parents were guardian angels I was just lucky even when it had nothing to do with them for example when I was 13 I convinced my classmates to sneak into our neighbor's backyard and paint some graffiti on his shed and to skateboard in his empty pool it was illegal but I thought it would be fun the party was in full swing when the cops called by an angry neighbor arrived everyone got caught everyone except me my classmates were grounded for a month while my parents bought me a new skateboard you still aren't convinced when I was 16 I took part in the mountain bike trials in my city that was not the strongest participant and I couldn't hope to win however a day before the trials one of my competitors broke his arm and the other one had his bike stolen as you may have guessed I won the competition I got a girlfriend thanks to luck as well my friend Steve and I both liked Melanie she was the prettiest girl in school the prom queen I wanted to date her but she was into Steve he played American football he was also older than me I never stood a chance but they weren't together for long suddenly Steve's parents got divorced and he had to move with his father to another city of course Melanie started to date me when I was 19 my parents died it was devastating but on the other hand I inherited all their money and now had complete freedom to do what I wanted with my life soon I became fully convinced that my luck had no limits I like to try it and got everything I wanted each time racing on motorcycles against guys as reckless as me became my favorite hobby I didn't even wear a helmet because I had complete faith in my luck many of my friends got injured I never got a single scratch I even earned a nickname lucky oh yes those were the days but one day is something happened we were racing on sports bikes on empty highways as usual we were going pretty fast and I as usual wasn't wearing a helmet I liked the wind blowing through my hair the feeling was so good I even closed my eyes it felt like the whole world was at my feet suddenly the front wheel swerved and I lost control of the bike the last thing I saw was the road getting closer and then everything went dark I only remember bits and pieces of what happened next the ambulance the hospital the doctors leaning over me when I regained consciousness I realized that I was lying on a hospital bed covered in some tubes and Hospital equipment my head was fully bandaged my girlfriend Melanie was sitting next to me and holding my hands my first thought was that my luck had run out maybe I had done something wrong but then the doctor came into the room and told me everything it turned out that after the fall I hit my head on the asphalt so hard that I cracked my skull and the skin on my face was almost completely torn off the doctor said my chances of survival were slim to none but I care a chance an ambulance was passing by that very moment and I was immediately taken to the hospital it's very strange but for some reason that was the day that the best surgeon in the hospital was working late he was the one who saved me lying on the bed I smiled under the bandages because that was the moment I knew my luck was still with me I was getting better very fast all the doctors in the hospital were surprised by how easily I was recovering from such a terrible injury but I was calm because I knew that it was all thanks to my incredible luck I got out of the hospital a mere month later the only thing that reminded me of the accident was a broken motorcycle and my new face yes it looked different now savage with a significant scar on the side after this accident I got more respect became even cooler they started to call me mr. lucky and Melanie and I always stole the spotlight at any part do you think that I stopped racing after that of course not I bought a brand new motorcycle even more powerful and fast and we began to race just like we used to but I started to wear a helmet just in case once again I was relying on my luck completely until one day another thing happened during one of the races I decided to run a red light and did not notice a car driving right at me I barely avoided a collision but that covered off the road and hit a tree the driver was an elderly man he hit the windshield and lost consciousness we immediately called an ambulance and the old man was rushed to the hospital the police officers were questioning me for a long time but in the end they let me go the next day I woke up thinking that I got lucky as usual and by some miracle escapes all my problems when suddenly the doorbell rang it was the police they came to arrest me at the station I was told that the old man driving the car had died that night and now I was going to be tried for unintentional manslaughter I was released on bail and told to wait for the trial for the first time in my life I got terrified had I run out of luck I couldn't believe it besides none of my friends came to support me only Melanie came to see me sometimes and tried to cheer me up a month later I was tired I was already prepared for any outcome but deep inside I was still hoping I would get lucky and luck was on my side again the lawyer who defended me was able to prove that I hadn't seen the red light because I had Reese we undergone facial surgery and had vision problems but something weird happened the wife of the dead old man came up to me looked me in the eyes and said that she was withdrawing the charges then she added soon you'll understand what you have to do what did she mean by that my luck saved me once again I was released and got off with a fine after that I began to look at life differently should I stop tempting fate and always rely on luck yes the luck was still on my side but that no longer brought me any joy that is what happened after my face changed I started to feel that I was doing something wrong and I couldn't get the woman's words out of my head soon you'll understand what you have to do long story short I sold my bike and gave up racing I didn't want to hang out with people who had betrayed me anyway only melanie was still with me however she was always busy and we saw each other or less and less often one day we were sitting in a cafe and talking about this and that I wanted to tell her about the thoughts that wouldn't leave me alone then I realized that my tongue was not working wouldn't say anything I got a terrible headache and she started shivering I saw Melanie shout for somebody to call a doctor I slowly slid off the chair and fell to the floor when I came to my senses I found myself back in the hospital lying on the same bed even and Melanie was there again what had happened when the doctor came in I looked at him and realized that things were bad the doctor said that they'd examined my head and the results were not good the thing is after the accident a tumor formed in my brain and was now pressing on the vessels and every day the tumor was getting bigger but the worst part was that they couldn't remove it this news simply destroyed me was this the end where was my look that had saved me so many times maybe it couldn't last forever and I just used up all of it all in all I felt awful Melanie left and I stayed in the hospital they prescribed me some treatment to relieve my condition so I've been at the hospital for a month now every few days the doctors prescribe me a new treatment and run some tests but it only makes me feel worse in all this time I had several more episodes in each time the doctors brought me back to life Melanie came by less and less often the last time she was here last week and said we should break up it turns out she has already been dating another man for several months she didn't want to tell me and make me feel bad but I'm not angry with her it was just rotten luck she met me and yesterday my doctor came by he was very sad and didn't know where to begin he said they had done everything they could there was no helping me I was dying in the next few days I would fall into a coma and wouldn't wake up again and that he was very sorry I couldn't sleep that night I kept thinking and finally understood after I got a different face I became a different person now I know what killed me it's not the tumor it's the selfishness and the vanity which I justified by calling myself lucky many good people got hurt because of me but I only ever thought about myself and was happy when others felt bad in the early morning I remembered the words of the woman whose husband had died because of me soon you'll understand what you have to do and I did if you are reading this now it means I'm gone my last wish was to become a donor and to donate my organs to the people who could really use some luck I signed the documents and was told that my kidneys would be given to a woman with cancer my liver would be transplanted to a man and my thyroid glands to one young fellow so it seems like I will continue to live on in three different people in all three of them at the same time I am very lucky that I have enough time left to do at least something good with my life look at my new face and remember me like this because I have changed sometimes even the seemingly small amends can flip the script getting lucky doesn't mean you should become reckless [Music] [Applause] [Music] subscribe to our channel press the bell button and maybe our videos will change your life to stay safe and see you soon you
Views: 1,433,659
Rating: 4.7494688 out of 5
Keywords: story time animated, real stories, story, short story, animated story, animated life stories, animation channel, short animation, animated channel, actually happened, actually happened stories, my story time animated, I've Changed My Face, story time, reddit stories, reddit, ask reddit
Id: 5wdVPN94hZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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