I Wish I Knew Earlier How to Parry/Flurry Rush in Zelda Breath of The Wild

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welcome back guys Sherry here now I've had several of you guys ask me how I taught myself to Parry and do the flurry rushes now I just did a video on this when fighting a Lionel if you'd like to see it I'm going to leave a link in the description but let's go over this with some different types of enemies now I'll leave timestamps in the description below and if it's on my list you can just skip forward to whatever you're looking for and guys I am no expert by any means when it comes to battling any of these enemies in breath of the wild I just got so sick and tired and frustrated of not being able to hold my own against certain types of enemies so I just set out to try to figure out all of their movements and what was going to work best for me and I want to share it with you and guys if you will just practice and apply these techniques it will help now there are so many ways to handle enemies especially when you start getting into elemental weapons and things like that but I am just going to show you the basics now the first thing you want to do before you engage in battle with any enemies is say of your game and this is extremely important guys this will help you take the anxiety away of fighting enemies because you won't lose anything you can just practice and then go back and reload your game okay let's start out with a macawlin now all attacks that a bakoblin will throw at you can be parried now to be able to Parry just hold down the ZL like you're holding your shield and don't let go of the ZL and at the point of impact just tap the a button but don't let go of the ZL and just repeat this over and over again with no counter attack just keep carrying all attacks that they throw at you and if they have a fiery weapon like this one and your Shield catches on fire just put your Shield up and then get it back out and the flame will go out and if you mess up it's okay that's how you're gonna learn just reload your game and try it again next let's move on to the dodging and do the exact same thing no counter-attack just dodge any and all attacks you can now to be able to dodge hold down the ZL button don't let off of the ZL button and you're going to be holding your Shield out when you are ready to dodge just tap the x button just don't let go of the ZL now if you want to dodge backwards you'll keep holding the ZL tap the x button and hit down on your left stick if you want to dodge left or right hold down the ZL don't let off of it tap the x button and at the same time either go left or right with your left stick but how do we know which way to dodge well typically when an enemy is coming straight at you you want to dodge left or right like this bicobling he's going to jump up in the air and he's coming straight at us with his club and he's going to slam it on the ground so we want to dodge side to side but if he is standing in front of us he is going to swing his Club from side to side side so therefore we want to jump backwards and sometimes you may want to jump twice because they may swing the club more than once now once you feel comfortable with the pairing and the dodging then let's counter attack but it may be easier to counter attack at first with a one-handed weapon just in case they attack you back it's a lot easier to get back to your Shield if you're holding a one-handed weapon now let's move on to a moblin and let's do the exact same thing and Parry everything with no counter attack now if you stay far away from a moblin they're going to use their weapons but if you get close to them they're going to actually try to leg kick you which that can also be parried now once you're ready let's move on to the dodging and guys it doesn't matter what weapons these guys have in their hands the same goes for the bakoblins if they are standing in front of you and they are swinging a sword a club or a spear side to side we want to jump backwards and they may swing it twice so you might want to jump backwards twice or just get out of the way but now if they are jabbing straight at you with a sword or a spear we want to jump side to side same thing goes with the club if they are bringing it down on top of you and slamming it towards the ground we want to jump side to side now if you find yourself close to them and they are throwing leg kicks we want to jump and Dodge side to side and once again guys whether you're gonna Dodge and get the flurry rush or if you're just going to Parry and counter attack I do suggest starting out with a one-handed weapon because if these guys decide to attack you back it is difficult to get back to your Shield if you're holding a two-handed weapon just until you can get used to it same thing goes for the lizalfos just start out pairing every attack they throw at you these guys jump around a lot so it can seem like they have a little bit different fighting style to them but just take your time with them regardless of what weapon they have and just Parry every attack they throw at you and then when you're ready to start dodging it's the same concept if they have a spear or a sword and they're jumping up in the air and they're coming straight at you you want to dodge side to side God and if they're flicking their tongue at you straight at you again we want to dodge and jump side to side and if they are right in front of you and they're jabbing straight at you with a spear or something we just need to dodge side to side but now if they are swinging side to side with a club or a boomerang or something then we need to dodge backwards so basically if they're swinging a weapon side to side Dodge backwards but if they're coming straight at you you want to dodge side to side to get the flurry rush so now let's move on to the guardian Scout which is probably the most dreaded but guys they're really not that hard once you learn their movements and what you're supposed to do now they're probably going to come out shooting at you but I do recommend that you try to Parry their attacks because it's going to teach you their movements now these guys are not going to stand there and just let you parry their attacks over and over again like some enemies and that's probably what makes them a little more difficult because they're gonna move around the room and when they jump back like this you just want to get out of the way or you could run behind a pillar and he will crash into it and then you can run up and get a couple of hits but now if you are trying to get the flurry rush and he is facing you with his sword or the spear you want to dodge side to side but now if he is facing you with his battle ax you want to jump backwards to get the flurry rush and once again I recommend that you start out with a one-handed weapon if you are going to attack him because it is so difficult to get back to your Shield if you are holding a two-handed weapon but now when he jumps back like this and he starts doing a laser in a circle you can see the wind you can actually get up in the air and shoot him in the eye to stun him or you could just hit him with a shock arrow and he will stop and then you can just run run up and get a couple of hits on him but now if he jumps back and he starts to shoot one big long laser if you can't Parry the laser you can run in One Direction and he's going to shoot four times and then you can kind of hit him with arrows in between or if you have the ancient Shield it can always reflect the laser for you but if you'd like to see a little trick where you can defeat this thing and take no damage click here and if you enjoy content like this guys show me with a like and please by all means if you have any comments to add leave them below if you're new to the channel I hope you consider subscribing and I'll just catch you guys next time
Channel: WTF! Gaming
Views: 242,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to flurry rush breath of the wild, how to parry in breath of the wild, breath of the wild, zelda breath of the wild, bokoblins botw, moblins botw, lizalfos botw, guardian scouts botw, how to flurry rush a guardian scot botw, how to parry a guardian scout botw, how to fight in breath of the wild, how to play breath of the wild, the legend of zelda, zelda, How to fight in Zelda breath of the wild, I wish I knew earlier Zelda Breath of the wild
Id: 55Xi0nb0yHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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