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i will never be the same i've touched your grace my life must change i will never be the same i've touched your grace my life must change i will never be the same i've touched your grace my life must i will never be asleep i will never beat us my life must change my life [Music] listen to me listen there are families there is a limit on you nobody rises beyond that limit it doesn't matter whether you travel abroad it doesn't matter whether you pack a phd it doesn't matter there seems to be a limit right now in the name of jesus at the count of three i want you to shout the name jesus in the main auditorium down to the basement outside following from any nation as you shout that far that has been set that you will not cross in the name of jesus the son of the living god fire burns that into pieces are you ready now one two three shout jesus upon families upon destinies bring them out every limit placed upon you every embargo placed upon you upon your political career upon your business now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is skeptical please bring them out [Music] hallelujah please pay attention there are families here that never finish anything you start but it never finishes no matter what whether it's a building project whether it's your spiritual life it does not the finisher's anointing is not there the moment you start something must happen on the way and about that destiny i stretch my hands in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god if there is any family here that is under the yoke of aborting glorious destinies at the count of three i want you to shout that name again that is above all names as you shout that name that yoke must be broken are you ready now one two three shout jesus that altar that yoke in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] now the lord is that spirit the bible says and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty [Music] the bible says the hand of zerubbabel that began this work that same hand will complete it i'm saying it again anyone who is in fraternity with back powers stopping you from finishing what god said should be finished right now in the name of jesus may the edge open up and swallow them [Music] in the name of jesus christ please don't be tired though we're praying you came here listen one genuine encounter can bring to end decades of waste of time waste of destiny this is the house of god i want to pray a very serious prayer before we sit down how many of you know that destinies can be exchanged in the spirit that you can be living a life you know this is not my life i'm living another person's script it's in the bible where kings slew their children so they will live long in the name of jesus i'm praying now shabbat anyone understand help them please help them help them anyone under the sound of my voice who is leaving a script that is someone else's destiny programmed by witchcraft programmed by necromancy powers manipulating your destiny at the count of three i declare in the name of jesus there must be deliverance for you are you ready to shout again my god and my king anyone here whose destiny has been manipulated spiritually financially by the power that raised christ from the dead let there be liberty right now one two three shout jesus liberty restoration liberty restoration liberty restoration hallelujah everything that should not have left your life either by mistake it left or by manipulations it left your life and yet it is part of your prophetic preordination i stand by the voice of prophecy i call it back to your destiny in the name of jesus i call it back to your destiny opportunities i call them back by prophecy relationships i call them back by prophecy [Music] you'll be seated shortly but i'm praying there are spirits that are standing in the way of people my sister this lady in the name of jesus be delivered the one you are holding i stretch my hands for you and for your family the time has come for your liberty in the name of jesus christ there will be such an avalanche of jobs you believe what i'm telling you not just for those who are out here not just for those who are out here i'm speaking by the spirit of god i fear god and i will not tell you what god has not said there will be you will see people come to stand here miracles after miracles the gospel affects the well-being of people not just their spiritual destiny the gospel the true gospel affects the well-being of people i prophesy as i've been commanded and i declare by the spirit of god the grace for increase on that wise let it come upon you supernatural jobs by the power of the holy ghost supernatural jobs for the glory of the name of the lord for the advancement of the gospel in the name of jesus christ it says where you have been deserted so that no man would pass through you you will become an eternal excellency and a joy of many generations for those of you who have come out here because there was a specific word for you in the name of jesus i don't care what that is a fresh job or is promotion in the name of jesus i place grace on you go back with this grace and let it work wonders on your life praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear these force praise the lord let the people [Music] rejoice to the father through jesus they looked onto him and their faces were lightened i stretch my hands and i declare according to the time of life i release an anointing upon all of you right now i declare by that grace in the name of jesus like eli declared unto ana according to the time of life return with your miracle children according to the time of life return with your miracle children and every power that is back of this tragedy with this logic in the name of jesus christ luke and lee my brother lee look to jesus christ it's recorded in his word hallelujah it's only that you lose the lord bless you please go back to your seats return with your testimonies in the name of jesus press the name of the lord what you are about to learn will change your life in the name of jesus christ jeremiah 3 and verse 15 defines in very clear times the assignment of a true shepherd jeremiah chapter 3 please give it to us in verse 15 the assignment of a true shepherd i will give you pastors according to my heart and if they are according to my heart they have the singular assignment to feed you with knowledge and feed you with understanding that means knowledge and understanding are divine meals [Music] when you are served with this meal of knowledge and of understanding there is a predictable outcome you will become something very exact very intentional i will give you pastors after my heart acts chapter 2 and verse 42 the bible says and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers these are the requirements for growth and maturity in the spirit submission to doctrine fellowship breaking of bread prayers [Music] so every time we gather i will not fail to let us know that we are here gathered to learn to be mentored to be baptized into an exact body of spiritual truth realize that every time we meet there is a making there is an evolution there is a transition that is happening to us it is not the same version of you who came two weeks ago that is seated now no light is transiting you you will get to a point where you are so full of the light and the power of the holy spirit the results will begin to speak inevitably they will speak hallelujah the lord put a very powerful teaching in my heart and [Music] i'm sent to the body of christ primarily even though koinonia is a global family he's anointed us to minister his word but most of the teachings that i bring are for the body of christ regardless denomination regardless your the doctrinal differences that seem to divide us it is part of the reason why he brought us to this city and has projected us to the nations as instruments of unity balance dexterity and growth are we together [Music] we are lifted and we are strengthened in this kingdom not based on our longevity in the faith no time does not change anything time only reveals a 10 year old error can still destroy like a one year old error provided it is errol are we together it takes understanding light it says but the people that sat in darkness have seen a great light i pray in the name of jesus christ world over azaria family abuja family here and all who are following from their homes please pay attention if you are distracted when the word of god is coming be sure it is an attack it's an attack because it takes focus and concentration to receive there is an intellectual dimension to the reception of the world it's not just a spiritual affair alone your mind has to be active your mind has to be fruitful so even if your spirit is alive and your mind is distracted you see that that's why sometimes before the message comes god quickly settles issues like this because some of those issues are the things that distract people from listening while the word of god is coming someone is thinking how do i battle this issue how do i battle that issue [Music] praise the name of the lord [Music] psalm 34 and verse 9 the mystery of divine intervention i want to show you a very very powerful exodus chapter three and verse eight let's go to exodus chapter three and verse eight exodus chapter three and verse eight the mystery of divine intervention [Music] no matter who you are no matter your spiritual level your intellectual level you will get to a point in your life and your destiny listen carefully where there will be a need for a supernatural intervention in your life over the affairs of your destiny remember that what we receive every week here we are handed keys the assignment of keys is not only to open doors but to give you confidence that you cannot be limited the presence of keys suggests that you can no longer be confined and limited you can open the door at will and close the door at will revelations 3 7 and 8 right i'm here that was there that now is alive and i hold the key of david please go back to verse 7. he of david he that openeth by reason of that key no man can shot and he that shorted and no man can open because of a key that you hold these revelations and these mysteries are keys that grant us grace to command victory the victory of christ and the finished work of christ will remain prophecy and only remain a potential the reality of it is activated on the strength of the light that we know and we understand thoroughly articulated and then empowered by the spirit of god when you receive that revelation the grace for performance also comes with the revelation you see how it works you're not going to receive a graceful dimension when the understanding of that dimension is not yet fruitful in your life so the anointing of the holy spirit follows revelations the anointing for prosperity follows the revelation of prosperity the anointing for spiritual growth follows the revelation for spiritual growth if you want the anointing you must want the understanding that brings and preserves that anointing [Music] are we together exodus 3 and verse 8 let's get to work very quickly and i am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land and a large onto a land flowing with milk and honey and onto the place of the canaanites the hittites amorites perizzites heavites and jebusites i am calmed down to deliver them divine intervention is one of the mysteries that provides a system of advantage to believers now as you know our dominion in this kingdom is based on the likes that we have but also based on the systems of advantage that we access no one is advantaged by default for as long as you are born here on earth doesn't matter if you come from a rich family you may have a financial advantage but that does not necessarily translate into a spiritual advantage are we together now through the revelation of god's word we begin to incorporate into our lives through the understanding of scripture systems of advantage favor mercy are we together speed relationships the anointing understanding wisdom so that you now begin to introduce this spiritual forces into your life and your destiny and in no time you will see that your life begins to reflect the image and the character of the christ in reality my little children he said of whom i travail until christ be formed in you he was speaking to believers those who were already saved what he was talking about the formation of christ is one thing to potentially be a recipient of the life of god but the fullness and the riches of that life is released through understanding ephesians 4 and verse 18 having their understanding darkened it has been alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart [Music] psalm 82 and verse 5 they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course verse 6 says i have said ye are gods and all of you not some are children of the most high the next verse says but you shall die like men men and fall like one of the princes bankruptcy of spiritual knowledge can even though you are saved you may never be able to walk in the fullness of those potentials and heir the bible says as long as he's a child he different not from a slave even though he's an heir but provided he's a child void of understanding void of spiritual intelligence he differed not from a slave even though he be lord of all he's under tutors and governors [Music] so it takes light isaiah 16 and verse 1 says arise shine for thy light is calm and the glory of the lord is risen upon you amplified sense arise from the depression and the prostration that circumstances have kept you rise to a new life [Music] are we blessed i'm saying all this so that the lord will by this teaching alongside others planting us a hunger for exact spiritual growth this shadow boxing of trying principles here and there when we are confronted with issues most the average believer please look up listen to me the average believer does not know which key to apply when faced with challenges so as to command victory so the typical believer the typical churchgoer will begin to engage all kinds of things blood of jesus holy ghost fire communion offering and just shadow box them here and there in hope that one will walk and truly one will walk and the danger is because it did not come by mastery you will share your results because you are sure that you cannot reproduce it again but paul said he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he drives lawfully [Music] there has to be a desperation and a passion in your heart i'm hungry for you hungry for you i have come to the table to eat i'm thirsty for you thirsty for you i have come to the waters to drink now clary and not let you go that's just the part i wanted to sing for you to hear like jacob lord change my life not through superstition but through exact exaggeracies of truth let me not move around just saying i am a christian no results or results once a year not bringing glory to the name of the lord no and then not just succeeding in your spiritual life alone and abraham was old and well stricken in age and god had blessed him in all things don't sit down and justify mediocrity because you are doing well spiritually no you must embrace the entire council of god there is only one thing that is greater than the truth the whole truth [Music] the whole truth [Applause] are we blessed divine intervention daniel chapter 3 let's start the scripture daniel chapter 3 daniel chapter 3 my goodness god is changing someone's life daniel 3 from verse 23 please very quickly daniel 3 23 and these three shadrach meshach abednego fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace follow carefully while reading to 30 then nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spake and said unto his counselors did not weaken three men bound into the midst of the fire follow carefully they answered and said unto the king drew o king he answered and said lord i see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no heart and the form of the fourth is like the son of god nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spoke and said shadrach meshach abednego ye servants of the most high god come forth and they come here then shadrach meshach and abednego came forth of the midst of the fire and the princes watch these governors captains kings councilors being gathered together saw this man upon whose bodies the fire had no power there are men like that men whose bodies the fire had no power nor was an air out of their head singed neither were their coats changed not the smell of fire had passed upon them as a result 28 king nebuchadnezzar spoke and said blessed be the god of shadrach i don't know his name but i know those who represent him i will name him by their victory blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who had sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him and has changed the king's word a king's word can be changed though yes sir oh i vow you will not rise a king's word can be changed [Music] and yielded their bodies that they might not serve nor worship any god except their own god 29 look at the victory that this brought to the name of the lord therefore i make a decree that every people nation language which speak anything amiss against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego they shall be caught in pieces and their houses shall be made a donkey because there is no other god that can deliver after the sort and the king promoted shadrach meshach abednego joshua selma have you forgotten the bible says this promise is unto you and your children your children's children as many as are far off whom the lord shall call [Music] what is divine intervention right very quickly please we have a lot to do tonight and we have to rush divine intervention is set to occur when god steps in by god here we mean the god of the bible almighty el shaddai when god steps in over the affairs of men causing positive outcomes to happen and turning negative situations around divine intervention happens when god steps in over the affairs of men causing positive outcomes to happen and turning negative situations around ultimately bringing glory to the name of the lord ultimately bringing glory to the name of the lord don't forget to add that so when god steps in over the affairs of men causing positive outcomes to happen and turning negative situations around ultimately bringing glory to the name of the lord galatians 1 24 and they glorified god in me through the excellency of his wonder working power upon my life they glorified god in me john 15 8 hearing is our father glorified when you bear much fruit so shall he be my disciples there are times in our lives in our families where we will require divine intervention because the help of man we will get to a point where the help of man can fail the bible is not careful as to the limitation of the help of men and the frailty of the energy of the flesh it says for by the arm of flesh the bible declares no man can prevail are we together [Music] why do we need divine intervention because satan and his cohorts listen carefully satan and his cohorts are determined to thwart the purposes of god in the life of the saints the bible lets us know that there is a real devil john 10 10 the thief comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy look at it very carefully that means the thief has no business coming around the life until there is something to steal there is something to kill and there is something to destroy then the bible says i am come that ye may have life and that they may have it more abundantly satan is determined to see that the purposes of god over the life of the saints individually and then corporately as a body that god's divine purposes are thwarted and so he does that listen carefully he does that by introducing negative to our spiritual work and then our destiny work in general so you begin your work of faith and either through wrong decisions on your own part through ignorance and so on and so forth for many of you who have listened to my teaching on the mystery of deliverance it's helped the body in no small way i teach there that there are three principal channels listen carefully there are three principle channels from scripture through which demons and satan attack and buffet the saints number one covenants [Music] covenants covenants the legal system of the kingdom number two disobedience number three ignorance these are the only three ways from scripture anyone at all whoever faces any attack from satan anyone at all who becomes a victim of the assault of satan one or more or all these channels where the doorways he used to access your life i repeat one covenant the strongest of them all two ignorance three disobedience hallelujah and so the devil will bring negative situations around our lives they can come through the ministry the negative ministry of men they can come by manipulating systems and structures look at jesus jesus came to the earth to become a portrait a pattern man to help men see and know god's intent number two he came as perfect theology correcting our ideas about god number three he came to fulfill that role of a mediator through his substitutionary sacrifice to the end that men may be saved from his birth there was an attack they needed to be a divine intervention are we together now yes an innocent young virgin whose life was interrupted because his savior was about to be born that was not enough because of jesus they killed his age mates two years and below women cried because the devil was looking for a destiny to destroy [Music] the moment he announced that he was messiah people systems were orchestrated by the devil to fight him the religious leaders the political leaders the government of the day came into unity to fight him to a point where they were willing to release an ambroga someone who has already confirmed to be a nuisance to society let barabbas go but let this one be killed [Music] satan's determination to kill jesus was so high god had to incorporate it in the strategy for victory satan will leave no stone unturned to sit with that my destiny and your destiny if allowed becomes shredded in pieces listen just because you've given your heart to jesus christ and you are sincere and well-meaning does not mean the devil will leave you and say i'm aware there's the mark of the blood on you no no he left jesus for a season came back through peter came back through judas on the third day when jesus was going to arise they locked up the grave sealed it and there were men who were seated and the bible says the angel came with power rolled the stone and sat on it jesus resurrected he left and the men came together they said look um something is wrong let's come together and they received money and lied that the disciples came and stole his body that's how determined satan is to make sure that destinies never go forward it is not strange and it did not start with you satan's antagonism towards us and our families does not start with us is a vendetta that predates our coming it's been an ancient war anything that brings glory to the name of jesus anything that advances the purposes of god is satan's business invited or not so when they were dedicating you as they lifted you like jesus was lifted it's not only members that came for that child dedication the devil was also hearing let me hear what this priest would say about this oh lord this child called joshua salman i lift him up before you let him be a blessings to the nations and the devil said what did you say i had blessing now i'm interested not because of what else you said that means there is something about kingdom come in his life you become an intentional project listen carefully oh why don't they like me who did i offend all that statement is just a superstitious talk the condition listen the qualification for an attack is that you are born the moment you pass through the womb of a woman you are qualified enough for an attack [Music] then when he sees you giving your life to jesus i hope you know demons witness these things [Music] lord jesus i give you everything and they are watching and you are rolling on the ground rolling in the house of god and saying my heart is yours my life and my destiny they know satan was once in heaven he knows the implication of genuine surrender he knows you are making yourself usable and he says do you know what let's isolate this person and and rubbish the purposes of god in his life and can i tell you provided you are still wearing this mortal body somewhere in the equation of your life you will fall short of obedience somewhere in the equation of your life through ignorance there will be some level of access until you learn what you need to know you will be a victim of the ignorance of it so satan will catch into that moment this is why we need divine intervention it was a system of advantage that was programmed by god's wisdom so that if by any means through ignorance through wrong decisions it is on the strength of mysteries like this paul can say we know that all things even something that should make you fail there is still a provision in the economy of god where you can be delivered someone shout amen [Applause] your son so when you say you are a christian you are not saying you are a follower of a religion whose founder is jesus no you are saying you are one who by the privilege of god's grace one you have been made a partaker of the life of god justified are we together in christ number two you are saying you are one who through spiritual understanding you have been surrounded with mysteries like chariots these are the forces that help you to walk in victory experientially these forces of the kingdom continue to cancel away every negative prophecy over your life let's see what that family will become they are right except that when you bring out one mystery one asana from that spiritual toolbox you can end something that was supposed to be so one of those mysteries in addition to the much you have received is called the mystery of divine intervention god did not leave us without his presence he did not leave us without his backing listen carefully there are three levels at which we encounter the power of god number one i need to say this before i begin to explain a few things number one the first level is a personal encounter where we meet god as a person an encounter that is the highest level you receive power from that level god directly number two there is a dimension of god's power that is programmed in principles you don't need to know him you don't need to believe him to experience that dimension of his power the moment you are compliant to and with the principle for instance you can be an assassin or an armed robber and still sow during the rainy season and your crops will grow is a dimension of god's power that sponsors that growth but it was programmed in principles you don't need a relationship no an encounter to enjoy that dimension of his power this is a dimension that many unbelievers have tapped into business principles they have built systems structures they have built a very civilized society based on those principles even though they may not honor the god that powers that principle are we together so the first is a personal encounter with the god of the bible second is obedience and compliance to principles principles work because at the back of them there is an investment of a dimension of god's power and then the third way we receive power in this kingdom is through covenant alignment with men and women covenant alignment with men and women who god has trusted with certain graces direct encounter with god compliance and obedience to principles then covenant alignment with men and women i just needed to chip that in so that you'll understand what i'm about to explain are we together [Music] the mystery of divine encounters it is on the strength of these truths you access the power of god and you begin to walk in such level of victory one level and dimension of victory to the other one level of victory and you see by this your life shows in truth that the victory of christ over sin over death over satan was absolute and true creation is waiting for the richness of the manifestation of god's power and grace in and through your life to validate the reality of every claim that jesus made in and through his finished work that means i can become a poor representation of the victory of christ through the plethora of defeats that my life command my life can be so defeated it does not look attractive to be a christian i can misrepresent the purposes of god so every time i contend for superior dimensions of these mysteries it is to the end that we become empowered and then we become trophies if you would use that expression that men can look at our lives and say no it pays to subscribe to this government are we together [Music] in business we teach that the greatest way to market is to tell the truth there's no fear when you are telling the truth is that true when you package and you lie you are afraid of the truth being discovered so if we are marketing a god to our world we are marketing jesus christ and we are telling the world he is the way he is the truth and he is the life they will say we may not be able to see him but let's look at you who are seeing him and let's look at what he has done to you from the assessment of your victory the quality of your life it is safe for us to now conclude if this your jesus is a better alternative to the charm that i've been using if this your jesus is a better alternative to this god i'm serving nobody lives better for good nobody lives best for better so if we are selling it jesus to our world and letting them know that he is savior he is mighty the ancient of days we must be able to present him in a way and manner that don founds principalities and powers it is on this strength the bible says ephesians chapter 3 and verse 10 to the intent this is why he's blessed us so richly with all these mysteries to the intent that now unto principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church his bride his body the manifold wisdom of god are we together yes distant shores and the islands will see your light [Music] as it rises on us as can now give the nations to you oh lord that's the cry of my heart distinction do you know why we teach this we teach these truths number one because god loves us and he wants us to experience the highest level of victory that our obedience can afford us in this side of god's kingdom and in this side of eternity but number two we do these things because there is a world that is watching and they are depending on the testimony of god's grace upon our lives for the decision that affects their eternal destiny are we together have you seen marketers of products look up please there are few people here some of you may be you know company owners and you have all kinds of products and services and look the level of training that goes in to teach the marketers because you are about to defend the image and the interest of a company you are marketing a product that probably expires after six months or after two years and look the skill that goes in make sure you're well suited make sure your communication is is very articulate make sure you smile whether you are tired or not look at all that skill we employ the people give them a salary motivate them and send them and even when they see their classmates or their loved ones or their brothers on the street they are not even they are so proud of what they are selling and yet the validity is just six months the validity is just two years but we are selling something here that has the eternal destiny of men listen carefully it is truly evil to refuse your life from commanding certain levels of results because by doing it you are the the destiny of millions are depending on your results so if you truly love god don't just say i love god you must content for superior levels of results let your light so shine before men i need to put this in perspective because many times when they hear preachers talk like this there is a spirit of religion that will usually want to fight people when they teach to empower people once it is not a talk about jesus and a direct talk about holiness and righteousness respectfully speaking a lot of people frown at it and they feel you are wasting people's time no we teach the whole council of god everything together they will weave themselves and add up to the revelation of the christ and the glorification of the same we have been marketing jesus wrongly that's why the world has been slapping that gospel back at our face we need to reinvent our strategy come up with power come up with results nobody runs away from what works are we together so i need to say this because there are many people who want to receive these truths but the spirit of religion can loom around people's hearts and not let them to be equipped and they go blindly with zeal that does not have knowledge oh i want to serve jesus and they die like chickens because they are not equipped with the requisite level of spiritual knowledge that keeps them in victory [Music] i believe in the whole council of god look the kind of bride that jesus is coming for come and i will show you the lamb's wife and he showed me a city equal in length equal in breath equal in depth no exaggeration that is the lamb's wife that is the bride that he's coming for he's not coming for some lopsided bride there is no bride who does not adorn herself very well on the wedding day there is no bride who forgets her makeup forgets her shoe and just comes to stand no matter how much you are in a hurry if you want to present yourself as that bride get serious about every aspect of your spiritual life get serious about every aspect of your destiny if god tells you i want to use your resources to glorify jesus then ensure that those resources are to the degree that can command kings can i tell you this the arrogant world that we live in will depend on a high level of results for the kings of the land to hear you ordinary people can hear you no matter what you are saying but our target is not just the people we also need the kings because the kings have influence look what happened to zacchaeus one encounter with jesus saved many people who he had defrauded are we blessed these are principles of kingdom advance we have a series on that but for now it's important for you to submit to embrace the whole council of god there are demons there are arsenals of darkness yeah my brothers and sisters they are going to come and attempt to attack your life but you need the truth of god's word the bible says write this down psalm 11 from verse 9 the b part proverbs 11 i meant to say from verse 9 the be part it says through knowledge shall the just be delivered through knowledge submitting to spiritual knowledge is indicating your interest to truly be delivered and to work in victory so divine intervention is real it's a spiritual arsenal that must be part of our equipping as believers is part of the forces that make us mature and help us thrive and reign in life and tonight very quickly i'm going to give us four keys four keys that command divine intervention in the life of an individual in the life of a family use these keys and you will triumph bringing glory to the name of the lord bringing honor to the name of jesus christ are you ready key number one prayer key number one the first key that makes for divine intervention you want to see the power of god come to change negative circumstances over your life you want to see the power of god come to establish positive outcomes in your life to the end that jesus be revealed and be glorified the first key is prayer the priesthood ministry of prayer psalms 18. please give us the first six verses we'll do a few readings so please be patient psalm 18 from verse 1 to 6 i will love thee o lord my strength next verse the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god and my strength in whom i will trust my buckler the horn of my salvation my high tower we're reading to verse six and then i'll mention a few verses we'll just jump to them i will call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised so shall i be saved from my enemies uh-huh the sorrows of death compassed me and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid verse five the sorrows of hell compassed me about and the snares of death prevented me verse six in my distress i called upon the lord and i cried onto my god and he heard my voice out of his temple and my cry came before him even into his ears very quickly john 2 verse 14 14 17 and then go to verse 40 for time's sake yeah he sent out his arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightings and discomfited them verse 17. he delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which hated me for they were too strong for me go to verse 40 thou has also given me the necks of my enemies that i might destroy them that hate me next verse while reading 250 please quickly they cried but there was none to save them even unto the lord but he answered them not 42 then did i beat them small as the dust before the wind i did cast them out as the dirt in the street it says thou has delivered me from the strivings of the people and thou has made me the head of the hidden a people whom i have not known shall serve me 44 as soon as they hear of me they shall obey me and strangers shall submit themselves unto me while reading to 50 the strangers shall fade away and be afraid out of their close places the lord leave it and bless be my rock and let the god of my salvation be exalted it is god that avenged me and subdued the people under me he delivered me from my enemies yay down leaf test me up above those that rise up against me thou has delivered me from the violent man two more verses therefore i will give thanks unto thee o lord among the hidden and sing praises unto your name verse 50 great deliverance giveth he to his king and showed mercy to his anointed to david and to his seed forevermore deliverance listen to me in my distress i cried he didn't just come i called him in prayer the ministry of prayer is very very powerful write this down for reference acts chapter 12 please from verse 5 is a popular scripture here to 11. this was peter when he was bound kept in prison here's what the bible says peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him as a result herod now wanting people to come and kill him the next time and then verse 7 says that behold an angel of the lord in response to prayer came unto him a light shined in the prison he smote peter saying arise and his chains fell from his hands and the angel said unto him god thyself i'm bind on thy sandals and so he did and he said unto him cast thy garment about thee and follow me we'll read down to 10 let's go to 10 very quickly the bible says when they were past the first and the second world or gate they came to the gate that leader to the city which opened unto them of his own accord and they went out and passed on through one street and fought with the angel departed from him last verse the bible now says and when peter was come to himself he said now i know of a shorty that the lord had sent his angel and had delivered me out of the hand of herod and from all the expectations of the people god does not just deliver you from men he delivers you from expectations [Music] are we together but that happens at the instance of prayer in acts chapter 16 when you read from verse 25 down to 34 the full text we may not read everything the bible talks about paul and silas are we together on account of a lady who they delivered who used divination to bring money for people and now one thing led to the other they were in the prison give it to us please acts chapter 16 from verse 25 here's what the bible says at midnight pay attention paul and silas prayed and sent praises unto god and the prisoners heard them 26 suddenly my deliverer is coming my delivery standing by your deliverer is coming your believer is standing by please keep the scripture suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately how many doors financial doors held doors ministry doors business doors doors of your spiritual growth when it is a divine intervention is not a few doors all doors open [Music] all doors open all doors open and everyone's ban was loose 27 and the keeper of the prison awakening out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open he drew his sword and would have killed himself supposing that the prisoners had been fled now follow the result of divine intervention but peter cried with a loud voice saying do thyself no harm for we are all here and he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling as a result of that divine intervention he fell down before paul and silas and brought them out and said sas what must i do that is it to be saved that man's salvation was at the mercy of the result that intervention would bring every genuine intervention in the bible eventually led to the salvation of men and drew men close to jesus let's finish up he said believe on the lord jesus christ the one who now caused that intervention and thou shalt be saved and it will now affect your household and they speak unto him the word of the lord and to all that were in his house as you see now one divine intervention from the prison now the man is saved and his entire household and he took the same and he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized he and all his straight away last verse and when he had brought them into his house he set meat before them the same person who flocked them is now feeding them and rejoiced believing in god with all his house [Music] whoever you want to lift lord you can lead through me whoever you want to bless lord you can bless through me whoever you want to say lord you can say the salvation of a man and his entire family not just depending on a crusade depending on someone's results [Music] but it came through prayer apostle james taught us in chapter 5 and verse 13 he says if any of you are afflicted let him pray the moment you sense that there is an affliction you came back home your children are sick your husband returns back and he says i don't know what is happening in the office you lost money in business everything gone they collected your land your property these are events that require divine intervention your first pot of call is to begin to pray this is why god gave us the prayer language of tongues it's not a pentecostal issue the bible says we have a limitation the limitation is that we do not know what to pray for as we ought to but the holy spirit he knows so he knows how to make intercession so i lock myself [Music] while i am praying my mind may be unfruitful but there is the intercessory ministry of the holy spirit prayer praying in the spirit but not just praying in the spirit word-based prophetic declarations i'm showing you how to provoke intervention you cannot take the word of god out of the equation what based not superstitious prophetic declarations what based prophetic declarations two scriptures were still talking on prayer isaiah 43 and verse 26 believers learned this 43 26 isaiah put me in remembrance he says let us plead together he says declare thou that thou my test be justified my hand is able to save my hand is able to lift but i'm waiting for you to declare yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy stuff they comfort me you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies anointing my head with fresh oil my cup runs over you are declaring i have no covenant with death in the name of jesus i declare as for me and my house you are making declarations because you are seeing storms rising you don't keep quiet when storms rise the worst thing to do is to be silent hear me i'm speaking to you because there are people storms all around your life when they wake jesus christ he did not discuss with the storm peace be still your spiritual life suddenly your fire for prayer down your passion for the world down favor down everything down you should know that you are surrounded that there is something that is the time to open up your mouth i decree and declare in the name of jesus the lord is my light and salvation this is not just a pentecostal thing it's a formula for victory declare ye that thou might test be justified oh i reject death i reject death in the name of jesus don't feel bad and feel that's how this one said it and died that's none of your business you speak you do your own part and declare over your destiny i choose life i set before you life and death i choose life i choose health i choose victory by the spirit of god [Music] thousands shall fall by my side ten thousand by my right side but none shall harm me with my eyes will i see the reward of the weekend i arise and shine because my light is gone the glory of the lord is written upon me gentiles come to my light they are kings to the brightness of my rising for my shame i receive double where i've been deserted so that no man help them please passes through me i become an eternal excellency a joy of many generations [Music] prayer listen please sit down [Music] the moment believers lend this world over the moment you see an unfavorable situation in your life you know it is the devil because along with that situation will come the spirit of depression and the assignment of depression is to keep you silent to what i'm telling you i'm not a medical doctor i'm speaking as a man of god i know that depression has an assignment to keep you silent satan is the master of the flesh realm so this is how my life will be i thought this will work [Music] i had a dream and i thought the job will come and you now keep quiet and the angels are saying look at this there is a law we are ready to move god is ready help them please god is ready to move psalms 107 verse 2 these are the arsenals of victory psalms 107 please very quickly let the redeemed of the lord if they are truly the redeemed don't just think so don't just whistle say so let the lifted of the lord say so let the blessed of the lord say so are you learning now [Music] you return back and there is a medical report that is disturbing just when that is happening your child brings a result after spending so much on his coffees you see an evil report are we together the moment that is happening you just hear that your investment has crashed you're a politician they told you okay this is supposed to be your position you're a man of god you come to church and it looks like everything is going down that's not the time to be quiet and that's not the time to attract sympathy you are the first prophet of your destiny go and shut your door remove your sea or regalia [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] listen listen believers hear me hold on hold on do you know that many believers allow tragedy to mount until it presses them down that's when they resort to god as a last option and i will not be [Music] as silent as i am [Music] no more silence [Music] listen to me please look at me look up please listen an evil report is happening your children are going haywire as the man you are not just the head of the home for nothing wear your priestly regalia while your children are sleeping walk room by room escape the righteousness of faith oh i will help you come and meet me tomorrow and you come tomorrow i said who wants you to come here this favor just when you are going your car hit someone just when you learn to read the signs don't wait for evil to stay don't be alone with evil attack it from intimacy don't be alone with evil hallelujah you go to bed in the night and you have a funny dream that you know already shows that there is an attack that the spirit of death is following people in your family listen don't just wake up and write it in a daughter and then when it happens no get up and say no way in the name of jesus if he followed my father and my father's father i've gone after peace and the kingdom is declaration it was [Music] it was god's servant bishop david rojereko who said no matter how mad a man is he will not enter in such fire by mistake and say his confusion no matter how mad he is when he is this fire he says he makes his angels wind and his ministers flaming fire you're sleeping and someone takes your name to a shrine for political reasons or let this person die or let this person not win you don't have to go to the shrine right from where listen believers hear me this is not just some spiritual jamboree the times that we live in it will be risky to not know these truths and to not engage them your life literally hangs upon these truths let the redeemed of the lord say so [Music] please sit down please sit down let me challenge you i want to challenge every family here as much as god grants grace provided you and your wife are in agreement set one day this week even if it's for 30 minutes hold your hands [Music] walk around that house identify anything that does not look like christ zoom your tongues to it scatter it as if it does not exist yes sir yes sir a la crucia mother no my womb will not give back to armed robbers as a woman you lay your hands or sit down watch things go bad just help those under the anointing there is a strong anointing in this place because this is a message for the body of christ divine intervention comes from the wings of prayer a prayerless church no matter what else you have is a powerless church a worthless touch no matter what you have is a powerless church the ministry of prayer and the word are the foundations of the true church listen to me i'm not creating a doctrine out of this but let me challenge you obtain grace from god to wake up in the night conquest lumber the night time is when kings win is when we establish victories you're walking around your house in the night the lord told you you will be a senator the lord told you you'll be a governor the lord told you you'll be a ceo and there are forces sitting down making decrees you don't need to fight [Music] people of god hear me with every sense of humility that's how we got here i'm not telling you corningly device fables everything about your finances is dying scattering you are not lazy you are hard-working you are stealing from your shop they are cheating you they are lying counseling is not the solution they know go back and pray there is an evil force wanting to discredit god in my life i attack you in the name of jesus listen i don't promote the devil and i don't mean to market the devil but i have seen many demons i have seen many spirits by the privilege of my calling and the apostolic office i have been exposed to the realm of the spirit i understand scripture i have been well mentored by fathers of faith and veterans of the gospel the things you are hearing are not currently device fables don't ignore it you will spend your lifetime paying the price we live in an evil world your portion will come to you by insisting from the days of john until now the kingdom suffered violence it is a violent that will take it by force can i tell you this there is no african family that is immune to witchcraft by default is a lie if not by bloodline by territorial connection when we pray like this we do not negate the finished work of christ we rather stand in partnership our prayer is our participatory role to establish it here and now listen as powerful as god is he did not cast sin out of men if this is sin i cast you out there are rules of engagement in the spirit as for me i've made up my mind god gave me this mouth not only to eat but to create my destiny and i insist for my life for this ministry silence is not just shouting and jumping around no no no no no an intentional approach to your growth take responsibility listen body of christ thank god for the vessels god has given us but we must become serious and mature to become the first prophet of our destiny go and lock your door pray for me pray for me is good but you must take authority over your situation by the power of the holy ghost the mystery of divine intervention give this message to anyone you know and you love [Music] please sit down the first key is prayer for as long as i leave i will never stop praying for as long as god has anointed me i will never stop praying for as long as this ministry god grants me the privilege of leading this ministry we will never stop praying for as long as i live i will never ignore the word of god no matter where whatever leaves you is what sustains you don't throw it away don't throw this bible for money don't throw this bible for awards hold it together with the awards [Music] this is it the alternative to this is charms and witchcraft and all kinds of troubles that come with side effects i found your word and i did eat it it was a joy and rejoicing to my soul heaven and earth will pass away but the word of the lord abides forever please hear me the only guarantee to our fulfilling the purposes of god as we await the return of christ with honor is to get serious with this scripture please hear me you are seated here and there is an attack on your spiritual life take it seriously don't just say one day i'll think about it i am telling you now if you have been praying to confirm whether it's an attack i'm answering that prayer by the grace of god it's an attack i hope you still love me this night please pray please pray pray for me is good but pray in the name of jesus christ and when you are praying i'm not being harsh on you i'm just shouting because of the passion burning in me listen by the grace of god don't be praying i'm browsing except if you only go speak to you and you are looking for scriptures quickly keep this thing aside this thing is a blessing but in the name of jesus christ show your dominion over it by keeping it on one side when you are praying you can't be doing too many things and focus lock the door sometimes sincere people can come to distract your prayer and study life how are you are you at home peace be on to jesus politely tell them sorry i love you but i'm spending a few minutes if they love you and they love your destiny they should excuse you look live by values otherwise you will crush your spiritual life down [Music] you are praying with fasting turn every plate upside down in your house lord there is a spirit attaching my influence there is a spirit attaching my favorite for you it they used to be like this what happened to my prayer fire what happened to my ward fire i sleep by 7 p.m i wake up by 9 a.m in the morning something is wrong with my spiritual life [Music] fight depression speak i reject it i know i lost 1 billion in this investment my company is in trouble i know that this has happened i know they've diagnosed me with fibroid cancer or whatever i know that there is a situation things don't seem to be added let me die believing you you return back you stole this scripture and now the advantage we have there are many people who have gone through the labor of putting the required scripture you need just a need to search online and you can find scriptures people have paid the price already if you have an office where prayer surrounded with powerful scriptures remove pictures of when you were small and keep them aside and put scriptures while you are praying all this life firing from one direction please listen to what i'm telling you this is the key to victory you know what i'm telling you this so that when you rise when they ask you yes you say is god's grace but you will tell night you can't say i don't know what i did jesus i know paul i know you must register your presence in the realm of the spirit i say touch not for me for my children for all that surrounds me that's not [Music] do you know prayer can become a habit you are praying and you just stretch for stretching for two minutes and waking up you are not fully awake but the realm of the spirit and demons will suffer just because you are scattered before you come back [Applause] is any man afflicted let him pray can i tell you this i don't mean i don't mean to create controversy or trouble i've come to this city in peace but let me tell you this i made up my mind everybody under my roof must serve my god listen carefully you can't be under my roof at my cost and do what you want to do no no if the owner of the house is praying you should pray don't get up and say whatever no revelation i'm not saying it must be so for you so that you don't allow people to bring all kinds of familiar spirits and loiter your house okay this is how we pray in this house you are welcome 5 a.m or 6 a.m week he said if there are special cases that's all right but as much as possible the point of neglect is the access point for demons where you neglect the point of neglect many of us started raising our children well but when they became teenagers in a bid to honor them for maturity we started subtracting spiritual values you take away prayer and give your child the car you did not help the child let him pick the prayer before the khaki i don't know how i got here please sit down let's let's talk about we have to finish so number one prayer please pray pray pray in the spirit pray in the spirit we do not know the evil that confronts us day and night but we can pray is our zone of safety is the formula that the father gave us pray the moment you detect things around your life that are not lining up with the purposes of god the moment you see that the agenda of god is being interrupted souls are not being saved in and through your life you are a man of god and for two weeks you made an altar call nobody came out don't laugh and say it's all right everybody is saved that's not there is no such thing as that the same way the poor you will always have with you the unsaved you will always have with you [Music] the day i spend a week in my life and my life does not save a sinner i will go on a retreat and repent before god what is the anointing for one week sunday to sunday nobody came to jesus through my life [Music] nobody got healed through my life no demon was casted out nobody understood the kingdom through my life you must take that responsibility authority comes with responsibility number two very quickly the second key that provokes divine intervention in the life of believers is praise with understanding praise as an instrument [Music] of warfare praise with understanding as a weapon three scriptures very quickly psalm 67 from verse five god is helping us tonight help us media let the people praise thee oh god let all the people praise thee we're reading two verse seven then let the earth yield her increase and god even our own god shall bless us uh-huh he says god shall bless us and all the earth shall fear him at the instance of praise it was a few years ago god gave me i don't like dancing you would have noticed i'm dancing and all of this and there's no grace for me there the bible says every man should abide in his calling but not when not when i am alone with god you don't dance because you can dance you dance because he's a weapon he prays [Music] i learn the power of praise praise works wonders psalm 22 verse 3 psalm 22 3 but thou art holy oh doubt that in a happy test you make praise your habitation that everywhere there is genuine praise it attracts the attention of god how many of you know that if you want to invite the commissioners in a state you want to invite the permanent secretaries maybe the attorney generals and the rest instead of inviting all those people one by one invite the governor in his capacity as the governor as he's coming the entourage that comes with him somebody who told you yesterday he will come on hearing that his boss is coming in the capacity the full capacity of his office that's what praised us there are many things you don't know you need breakthrough lifting favor let praise go up let praises rise from the inside [Music] from the inside [Music] [Music] maybe praise psalms 18 verse 3 where we read earlier said i will call upon the lord who is worthy or deserving of praise by that formula of prayer mixed with praise so shall i be saved that every time i pray it does not just stop at prayer many times when we pray angels come but paul and silas taught us that if we want god directly when you are done praying begin to praise and he comes himself are we blessed have a selection of powerful worship and pray songs every television in your house you have a flash drive behind it with a special selection per season per moment when it looks like you are down casted oh apostle i can't sing people have some for you already get their songs and while they are singing you repeat after them the parts you don't know don't worry god understands jump to a patch that you know and sing yes sir let me show you something george's george's chapter one from verse two we have to hurry up we're about to pray george's one from verse two look up please they were going to battle and the lord said judah shall go up first that judah judah means praise because i have delivered the land it is praise that will take delivery watch this verse three and judah said to simeon you know what simion is simeon comes from the hebrew word here or to here that's faith that comes by hearing so praise told faith come and escort me i need to receive something it says come with me into my lot that we may fight against the canaanites praise cause faith let me do this with understanding and likewise i will go with you into your life and faith went with praise as a result verse four [Music] and judah went up and the lord delivered the canaanites and the perizzites into their hands and they slewed them in bed ten thousand of them do not downplay what praise can do perfected praise with understanding write your prayer requests the issues of concern on the ground put a worship song roll before god there get up and begin to dance and dance papa hagin met bishop politico and he said we mentored you on faith and yet god has brought you great increase how did this happen and bishop replied him and said by the grace of god sir i danced everyone into this tabernacle that you see when you pray then you praise praise is powerful let it let the praise of god not go away from your mouth sing praises with understanding sing praises with understanding lord i thank you i thank you raise the song when you go back home you wake up in the night and you are walking around and you are carrying the letter they just sucked you present it to god drop it on the ground there dance before him africans we do that a lot those in the west don't see much of that but africans you know what happens during weddings there are this group of people who can wear their uniform and have these talking drums it happens in most cultures especially the europa culture they see you and they begin to call your name and praise you you don't want to give them money they call your name and say something about you again senator remember the building you did you want to enter the car they remind you you made a statement that you love all of us and they put pressure on your integrity and before you know it you reach down unplanned listen a woman's dance removed the prophet's head as prophetic as he was herodias danced away to a decision an option that was given to her and my evil mother told her to remove the head of john the baptist i can tell you because i've done it myself there are miracles you go and try what i'm telling you and say not show manship no lock yourself you and your maker cry and roll before him lord i bring before you my political career i bring before you my spiritual life i bring before you this need and begin to pray and roll write the name of your business write the issues of concern write the issues that is plaguing your spiritual life what kind of believer am i oh god you said would dream dreams i don't have any dreams and if i have a dream it's a demonic dream write it down pray and see what will happen that night praise number three [Music] the third key that provokes divine intervention is sacrifice sacrifice very powerful sacrifice seed faith is very powerful seed faith is not just about money pay attention psalm 50 and verse 5 gather unto me my saints they that have made a covenant with me 50 and verse 5 some they that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice let me tell you this ask any great man whether in the secular or in the kingdom there are certain heights and certain results you can never command under the sun until sacrifice comes from you when you read psalms 126 from verse one to six it says when the lord turn again the captivity of zion we were like them that dream jump to verse 5 please verse 5 says they that sow in tears there is a kind of seed you don't laugh that's when you are giving isaac if it's ishmael you can laugh but when you are giving isaac you know this is isaac you sow in tears it says you shall reap in joy verse six he that goeth forth and weeping bearing precious seed shall doubt let's come again with rejoicing bringing in the chiefs now let me confess and admit to you that i know that the issue of seed has gone through all versions and all kinds of imbalances and abuses here and there i know i know that people have been victims of all kinds of manipulations with the teaching on seed but just because a truth is exaggerated or misused does not mean it is not truth when truth is applied within the boundary of scripture and in truth and righteousness it works wonders you've heard me share my story for many of you who have listened to my teachings i remember a time when god needed to shift me i was already in ministry and god was already helping me i remember when god gave me an instruction that one day he was going to speak to me to carry a seat and take it to god's servant bishop david i won't tell you the seed and that morning god gave me that instruction i got up got the available flight and went down caught the long story short when i was done with everything i had to do as i came out to enter the car so i went look for somewhere to rest and return the next day the holy spirit told me to place my hand on the ground there at canaan land ground when i placed my hand he said son from today you have entered the overflow anointing not everybody will be honest to tell you the story behind your glory but please don't be mistaken behind every glory you see there is a story and there is a mystery behind that story sacrifice read the bible about kings who slew their children and an indignation rose against them and war ended sacrifice when done with understanding is powerful i have made sacrifices this ministry has made sacrifices you cannot imagine and i do it with joy and with understanding let me tell you what happens to your seed when you sacrifice first corinthians chapter 15 from verse 35 we don't have time but let me see if i can touch a bit on it please understand this mystery so that your sacrifice will become profitable many give in the body they just give just because a man of god challenged them to give sincerely so but in this kingdom results are governed by the understanding that sponsors that action if you just act without understanding if you really get a result it's just the mercy of god but some will say how are the dead raised up so he's talking about resurrection please pay attention and with what body do they come paul insulted them i will insult you that which thou sowest is not quickened except it dies follow carefully so there is a relationship now between resurrection and death are we together next verse please let's save time media help us please next verse but god giveth it a body as it pleased him and to every seed its own body [Music] all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men there is another flesh of beasts and no fishes and of birds uh-huh there is also a celestial body and a terrestrial body but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another two or three more verses there is one glory of the sun and another of the moon the glory of the stars and one different from another pay attention their glories are not the same we'll stop at 43. he said so also is the resurrection of the dead it is a dead bodies the dead you saw it in corruption but it is raised in incorruption last verse it is sown in dishonor and it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness and it is raised in power this is a mystery one time i was spending time with the lord and the word of the lord came to me and gave me a mystery behind sacrifice [Music] the bible says our seeds have the power to die and have the power to come back to life only jesus demonstrated that the ability to die and come back to life that means it is possible that i can tie any season i do not like to my seed and as i saw that seed if that seed dies everything connected to it must die are you getting the point now i can take the season of this favor i can take the season of shame and tie it to my seed with understanding and saw that seed when that seed dies that season also dies and the bible says there is a unique expression of the law of seed faith and sacrifice in this sense because when you sow you don't only reap more of what you sow you can change what you want to see still by sowing you can sow favor and reap more favor but you can so shave and exchange it for honor that means i can take all the unfavorable seasons in my life ministry business career and by faith you drop it and expect that season to die and all of a sudden a new season begins to open as your seed grows it's a powerful mystery you see why it's dangerous to steal money in the house of god because you don't know what season someone is trying to kill and if you do not allow that seed die you thought you just told 10 naira look at dehanzi you now see what happened to gazi he thought he was just collecting money he was collecting leprosy just because the leprosy left naman did not mean it left the head it was still there waiting for a volunteer and a man's greed pushed him i have ended seasons in my life ended cycles in my life and that patterns in my life by the power of sacrifice with understanding it's a practice that i will continue to do for as long as i live discernment again you've heard my story that i was in just many years ago and i went to buy sugarcane and i saw two women it was not much all women and i pleaded with them that let me i just wanted to honor them they were mothers i said please let me pay for them they also wanted to buy it they were beckoning on me trying to remove their money from their rappers i said please let me pay for you and then i paid for them and the women began to bless me quite honestly i didn't hear what they said but one of them looked at me and said my son forever woke up on gold sacrifice works when it is done with understanding many of us have not risen to a new level because we are not ready those who are unbelievers call them they will tell you they know whether you are born again or not meet great people christians or non-christians they will admit to you that there must be a sacrifice dimension in the equation of your success when you see a man rise beyond the threshold know that there was sacrifice there whether it is a demonic sacrifice or it is a godly sacrifice i assure you no man can rise beyond a threshold just like that look at the father when the father wanted many sons in glory he carried his own son jesus his own son the father did not say i stand as the holy one seated upon an ancient throne be free from sin even when jesus turned to him and said annoy eloy lamax sabachthani father this eternal relationship that has never been severed he said for the sake of the harvest that is coming i want to end the rain and the dominion of sin and not even your face will make me change my mind sacrifice you know why abraham is called the father of all nations we sing and jump abraham's blessings are mine he said if you are abraham you will do the works of abraham abraham take now thy son thy only son whom thou lovest imagine a man dragging his son abraham where are you going i'll see you in the evening and the son says father where are we going to just follow me obedience it's better than sacrifice and it's carrying him the son says i see the wood i see the fire where is the lamb and he said jehovah do you know what it meant for abraham to lay his son and the child would be saying father what did i do if i sinned against you wouldn't you tell me to say sorry abraham imagine what you would go back and tell the journalists imagine what you would go back and tell the press man imagine his marriage was it was obviously going to end what would he tell sarah your 25 year old project all the mercury and the shame because a spirit spoke to you let me tell you what made god to swear a blessing on abraham and god was watching romans chapter 4 there's no time but when you read here it tells you the contemplations of abraham that abraham had planned that when he kills isaac he would beg god to bring him back so that he would take him back to the mother and give him peace i've obeyed you now please save me from the trouble that is waiting for me at home sacrifice there are times that your seed will have to be the weapon that ends certain yokes in your life there are times not emotional things with understanding lord i'm tired of this level i am tired of this level of grace i'm tired of this level of oil i'm tired of this level of growth i'm tired of this level of hearing you [Music] sacrifice he says let no man trouble me for i ban my body the mark there is a mark there are people who are recognized both by the realm of the spirit and this realm i've had the privilege and i don't mean to insult your pedigree forgive me if i sound arrogant this call upon my life has exposed me to many successful people i've had the honor and the privilege of praying with many people and every time i meet great people i don't just talk as a man of god i like to listen to their stories what happened and i'm listening sometimes they are laughing i'm not i'm not i'm not interested in all the somewhere in the story there will be a punchline and then i did this and then god gave me an instruction i did this it may not all be money [Music] there was a time many years ago that god gave me an instruction i prayed for 72 hours non-stop my eyes did not see the sun i didn't know whether it was morning or night i did not check my time don't treat your life 72 hours even if this is what you are doing for 72 hours it is a lot of work 72 hours because we needed to end some seasons and step into certain seasons i was teaching the school of ministry students yesterday were discussing the anointing and i was telling them that when you have a little extension wire connected you can hold the extension wire with your hand and even if there is a spark it will not be serious but when you see a high tension cable there are people who held it and remain there till they dried up that's how men can become you can become an extension wire that has little or nothing coming from it or you can become a high tension cable in the spirit the difference sacrifice you don't just look at people and say be healed it's not everything that is a gift there are things that are rewards you will have to stay with the spirit sacrifice of prayer sacrifice of the word the discipline and the constraints i don't want to sound arrogant to begin to tell you the things that i have done for this kingdom but brothers and sisters hear me many of you are in need of interventions there are some of you following online you want to break circles you want to break patterns god is speaking to you not without a sacrifice it is true sacrifice the prophets of bear remember at mount camel the last card that they used to bring bell down was sacrifice elijah said i give you morning till evening do whatever you want to do to invite him they tried everything they started by prayer they danced around remember nothing happened when evening was coming they said there's something we know about the realm of the spirit if bell would not wake up to our prayer if we will not wake up to our singing give us a knife and the bible says they started cutting themselves have you seen traditionalists do these things they make incisions because they want to evoke powers they cut themselves like animals and elijah said your god is sleeping when it was now time elijah said get out of the way the time for the evening sacrifice that was the time elijah called god he didn't just stand and say god come he waited till it was the time of the evening sacrifice and he said bring these bullocks for me he sat on an altar put sacrifice there poured water and called upon the god who answers by fire and fire came from heaven licked everything when your life becomes an offering and a sacrifice then you walk in signs and wonders then god will give you a grace and an anointing not just for a church not just for a city but for nations i tell you the truth anybody who loves you sincerely will not lie to you not everything is just free that you pick up on the ground there in jesus name there are sacrifices that follow certain graces graces and anointings and possibilities are in levels there are graces for regions there are graces for nations there are graces for continents all of them come by sacrifice can you drink of my cup and be baptized with my baptism the last key and then we pray has god bless us tonight so number one the prayer ministry of the believer two praise three sacrifice for the prophetic the fourth key that provokes divine intervention is the power of prophecy isaiah 42 and verse 22 please get ready to pray isaiah 42 and verse 22 and this is a people robbed and spoiled they are all of them snared in holes they are hid in prison houses they are for a prey and non-delivereth they are for a spoiled a non-sayet restore the prophetic was given as a spiritual advantage to help believers rise and ultimately advance the purposes of god the bible says in hosea chapter 12 you read from verse 11 down to 13 hosea chapter 12 11-13 let's go to verse 12. very quickly jacob fled into the country of syria israel south for a wife and for a wife he kept the ship 13 and by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt it was the lord that brought them but he used a prophet and by a prophet was he preserved by a prophet the prophetic ministry is powerful don't mind the imbalances here where all students in the school of the spirit grow in but if you ignore the prophetic there is a limitation to the dimension that you can rise in life when jesus christ was born as the logos of god there were two people who spoke to him one was a priest called simeon another was a prophetess called anna there is a reason why they spoke when jesus was about to begin his ministry there was a prophet called john you call him the baptist he was the prophet at every major season in his life there were prophetic voices that spoke to him prophecy is powerful it reveals and it creates the revelatory dimension of prophetic strengthens your faith it gives you hope it gives you direction but the most superior dimension of the prophetic is the creative dimension of the prophetic where it makes what has no business happening to happen by this time tomorrow he said are we together for time sake i'll stop here we're going to pray the mystery of divine intervention the lord needs to arise over families the lord needs to arise over individuals there are many of you who came here bleeding and crying and saying god please speak to my situation i'm tired of this situation god has brought you a word tonight it is a spiritual arsenal that you must add and teach believers around you that as we so join in this our faith work we will meet with circumstances that defy science circumstances that defy intellect we will need to outsource help from a realm that is beyond the three-dimensional realm at that point you will need divine intervention please rise up on your feet two prayer points for tonight prayer point number one father arise arise and wipe my tears arise and take away shame and reproach from my life please pray with understanding please rise up and pray please pray lord arise arise in the name of jesus christ over my spiritual life over my finances over my destiny arise in the name of jesus christ [Music] god second prayer point we are going to obtain grace the bible says now that you know these things happy are you if you do them it is not just knowledge but it is doing at the point of action that's when the integrity of god is committed you are going to obtain grace grace for prayer grace for praise grace for sacrifice praise to honor and receive the prophets lift your voice is be on fire as far as my prayer life is concerned as far as my worst body life is concerned in the name of jesus christ and as an instrument of deliverance jesus i open up my spirit in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in jesus name please be seated the lord bless you [Music] hallelujah the lord bless you it is important to seek the lord [Music] every time we set ourselves to seek the lord to know him more to fellowship to grow to encounter him you must realize that we are not wasting our time at all it pays not only to serve jesus but it pays to know him and it pays to seek him hallelujah let me show you a scripture second chronicles please second chronicles chapter 15 ii chronicles chapter 15 let's start our reading from verse 12. ii chronicles chapter 15 and verse 12. can we read together in concert we're reading 12 and we're reading 13 ready one to read and they entered into a covenant to seek the lord god of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul next verse that whosoever would not seek the lord god of israel should be put to death whether small or great whether man or woman the result next verse and they swear unto the lord with a loud voice and with shouting and with trumpets and with cornet uh-huh it says for they have sworn with their heart was he reading and sought him with their whole desire and he was found of them and the lord gave them rest round about they entered a covenant that as for me and my house i will not only serve the lord i will seek the lord and the bible says they were found of him and the lord gave them rest round about the lord gave them rest round about genesis chapter 24 and verse 1 the lord can give rest round about it may not look like it but i tell you god can give rest abraham was all the bible says and well-stricken in age and the lord had blessed abraham in all things [Music] in all things the lord had blessed abraham in all things while you are seated i like you to pray one prayer father every other area of my life that is yet to experience your power and your glory i bring it before your presence tonight lift your voice and pray in one minute [Music] [Music] are you praying hmm now are we the sons of god and it not not yet appear what we shall be like it does not yet appear what we shall be like it does not yet appear what we shall be like there is a making that is happening to you there is transformation that is happening to you you are evolving into a version of you that is superior in power superior in grace superior in wisdom i want you to believe it [Music] hallelujah amen hallelujah job chapter 42 and verse 5. i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my i see it thee i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my seared me when i began my journey with god there were many propositions that were brought forth from the pulpit well well-meaning well-intentioned men and women of god i heard them say many things about god referenced from scripture they called god many names they advocated many levels and dimensions of possibilities that god could breath in the life and the experience of a believer but i didn't seem to see a manifestation of these things and it troubled me for a long time it looked like god remained a theoretical reality that men would not be able to step into that experience my heart yearned for a level of nearness that i did not easily see around me preachers seemed very distant from the god they were talking about conferences were written or conferences were organized books were written about a god that they seemed very far from and i knew that something was wrong [Music] i knew that something was wrong [Music] not necessarily with the communicators but with the whole idea i found out that there were many people who believed certain spiritual truths not because it had become true in their lives they believed them because they liked the communicators of those truths so the the their faith in the truths that were communicated were not because they believed that those speakings were true they believed that those who said them were sincere people well-meaning people or lovable people but one thing i can tell you is that for as long as you live long enough upon this earth your convictions will be tested from head to toe and so it matters that the things that you hold there the things that you hold as true are true indeed the bible gives us a word of caution that you must be careful so that what you call light be no darkness did you know you can walk in a life for many years you can teach a lie you can mentor people along the lines of a lie and then at the end of your life or when you have gone so far you will now realize that what you have been holding as true was a lie [Music] it is dangerous to believe a lie and hold it there and continue to build your destiny around that lie only for you to find out that what you believed was not true if i have any fear in my life or any concern in my life it is that i do not want to believe something that after many years i will find out that i've believed a lie and so i'm not ashamed to vet what i hold as true i am unashamed i will vet them unapologetically and for any reason i find out that what i am holding is not the truth i would declare my disloyalty immediately and without turning back many believers are unable to be transformed because of the our emotional attachment to information that may have been embedded in our minds that may not be the truth the bible says the only thing that saves is the truth not what you like ye shall know the truth and it is the truth that sustains the power to make you free are we blessed [Music] the bible is full of encounters from genesis to revelation scripture lets us see that most of the people almost everyone who was mightily used by god as recorded in scripture at one point or the other in their lives they encountered the god of the bible in ways that were spectacular in ways that burnt that conviction in their hearts and some of them died believing their experiences some of them based on that experience they rose to be mighty men and women who were used by god and it is important for us to study this subject of encounters because we are gathered today by the privilege of god's grace and this ministry you see is a product of encounters and it's important for us to know because if you lack encounters you will be surprised how stunted how limited you will be in your christian work are we together what are encounters let's discuss the subject of supernatural encounters very briefly and very quickly supernatural encounters are experiences that bring reality and conviction to us experiences that bring reality and they also bring conviction to us experiences sent by god to bring reality the awareness of a reality and to also bring conviction this is very powerful the way god designed man god designed man in a way that every time every time you are convicted and persuaded about a truth you stop being ashamed or afraid of it now the way the way we operate in the earth anything you are ashamed to advocate it is because there is no conviction in that area this is how god designed us are we together now so when you meet a herbalist as as as tattered and as uninviting as he looks he is not ashamed of his state because there is a depth of conviction and persuasion he believes in what he's doing he believes in its ability to transform anyone who is interested and so he would sit down in a dark dirty or smelly place whatever it is he will conjure all kinds of rubbish and then he would tell you with certainty that this is able to bless your life this is able to transform you this is able to bring supernatural solutions and he will dare you encounters they are experiences supernatural experiences that bring conviction that establish or furnish the reality of god or the reality of anything whatsoever in the life of the believer please pay attention why are encounters important encounters are important because our work upon this earth require conviction requires faith our earth work requires faith and faith is based on convictions convictions are based on encounters there has to be listen carefully there has to be if you are going to work effectively the bible says the just shall live by faith four times in scripture it says that just shall live by his faith and faith is predicated upon encounters i am holding a mic on my hand there is nothing you will say or do to convince me otherwise because my senses are relating with this reality are we together now i'm holding a mic your opinion may not have an effect on me because i am surrounded by the awareness of this reality [Music] it is lack of encounters that has produced the spiritual vasculations that we have in the body of christ today and so today i believe this tomorrow i believe this next tomorrow i do not believe what i used to believe again and then by next week i rush back and i think i now believe it all of these vacillations are proof that there is no certainty to the truths that we claim to know i'm not just talking of growth many believers today cannot exactly tell you they cannot make an articulate statement of the things that they believe today they believe god delivers and by tomorrow they say i'm not sure that i understand deliverance again and the next week they say okay i'm healed another time they say no no i'm not going to tell lies i am sick are we together now one moment they believe in confessing the word they are speaking the word another moment they say leave that thing it's not just about confession so you see that the vacillations in our christian experience they are proof to us that we are missing something there is something we do not understand about god and the way he works the second reason why we need encounters is that the the challenges that will surround your destiny and your assignment will require encounters to supply the staying power the powerful continuity as far as your destiny is concerned will depend on encounters i can tell you this for free there is no body's journey to destiny that will be entirely a bed of roses you are going to be confronted by issues vicissitudes of life men and systems and structures will stand to oppose that which god intends to do in your life it will take encounters to supply the staying power there are preachers who begin ministry for instance and they say i love god i was called to serve god and after two years of no results no success they pack it up and they say i'm tired let me just go and look for a job there are people today who resigned their jobs because they thought they were called into ministry and after 10 years they look back and say oh god punish the man who advised me to leave my job and get into this vineyard i cheated myself i wasted my time no encounters encounters provide the staying power if you want to continue and finish strong you will depend on encounters modern information when you see some of our fathers of faith 20 years 30 years 40 years some 50 years continuing in the ministry serving the purposes of god i assure you an ambition does not have that kind of power to keep you long you will need encounters are we together now yes sir when you lack encounters anything that captures your attention for the moment will drive your life until you find another thing that seems to be valuable to you so you have all kinds of people today they are in business next tomorrow they are here next tomorrow they are here they continue to wreak my role around life [Music] no reality no conviction no staying power [Music] i think it was last week or the week before last that i was whilst teaching i mentioned something that i should mention again there are many people today who were very very serious with god loving jesus passionately pursuing the purposes of god their entire lives revolved around the kingdom but today some of them in old age they are they are barely born again and if you ask them they will tell you i tried god i gave my best i committed everything god failed me this your christianity thing does not work have you found out the reasons why people leave god and the things of god you will be amazed some because of money someone offered some money and they will dump the faith life without thinking twice others because of marriage they find someone who is blessed and even if they are not of similar faith they just leave everything these are people who will sing all kinds of songs about their love for god people have left god in a heartbeat because they were looking for jobs people left ministry because they got visa they told everybody they had set up their leadership they set up protocol as soon as a door opened they said just continue serving god i will serve him from afar off i go and god said this is how much you love me i'm teaching you this otherwise you will be disappointed at your own life when you see the way you will forget about god in the presence of certain realities it is encounters that can keep us regardless how you rise regardless the lifting that comes to your life and regardless the challenges that surround you you are still standing many believers are falling by the wayside especially within this end time you see lots of believers after 10 years 20 years of serving the lord respectfully speaking they now come up to say look i've been living a lie i don't care about this thing again i'm not serious with god i quit no encounters from altar call to spiritual growth most believers are not serious with god because they have not found god to be anything to be serious about [Music] are we following now yes there are many young people who are only serving god because they are under the custody of their parents and they do not have an option otherwise it's not because they love that god let's do bible study and they grudgingly sit down and do it and then for many parents the day you now leave them to themselves you will be marvelously surprised that the person you have been calling pastor was never interested in anything about god [Music] other people hold on to god because they are in school and they want to do well they are hoping he would just escort them until they are done and once they are done they say god i've used you enough you'll find your way and go while i live my life are we together now there are others who do this business of god because they have been taught that god can bless and when you're a ministry you can get honorarium when you're a ministry you can get all kinds of things someone can come and dash you a car somebody can give you a house and when they try they apply for jobs it doesn't work they apply for whatever they just come and then they start ministry and a semblance of passion and then after one year they realize they have to rent an auditorium they realize that there are things that are coming they count the offering and it's nothing to write home about and they say god i've tried for you i gave you one year of my life i'm not ready to continue being a fool like this because we do not have encounters a time came when the disciples of jesus became very frustrated listen when jesus began his journey with them [Music] i remember jesus telling them all kinds of things and they ran they left their fishing a time came peter was waiting for jesus to come and he said look we have left all to follow you if you are deceiving us tell us now so that we can redeem the time and get back to what we are doing and jesus looked at them they were offended they were frustrated the staying power to finish strong was not there as soon as they captured jesus and they thought that this superstar would just defeat everyone just shake his hand and everyone would be under the anointing when jesus gave himself watch what happened the bible says they ran away is it in your bible every one of them remember shortly before that time peter vowed jesus even pleaded with peter let me wash your feet he said no way not you now peter ran away the fathers of faith and the patriarchs that we celebrate today world over where not just people who were interested in serving god alone these were men and women who had solid encounters they had encounters with god encounters that would never they were not going to change from it [Music] most of my experiences and the new seasons in my life have come as a result of encounters most of them most of them have come as a result of encounters now let me tell you this there are negative demonic and satanic encounters pay attention i must tell you this for instance there are many people today in deception and the confidence that their deception thrives on is the encounters that they had there are many people who believe they went to heaven i tell you by the authority of scripture where they went was not heaven i can tell you this [Music] both the description the experience and the result tells you it's not heaven they went to there are people today who claim they had out of body experiences and many of them interacted with strange spirits familiar spirits they thought it was the holy spirit do you know that almost every arrow in the body of christ today came as a result of these same encounters many people will tell you i had an encounter either with an angel or a spirit and he told me right and from there they begin to ship in and advocate all kinds of error people have gone too fast for days and they met a spirit because you see i'll be sharing with you that one of the principal triggers for encounter is hunger hunger when you find a believer who is hungry please be fast to guide that person because satan too looks for hunger hunger is proof of health when people are sick the first thing they lose is appetite so you want to start on a journey i want to know you i want to live for you i want to serve you i want to love you with all my heart that drives you to a seven days drive prayer and fasting and you are praying you are lying down you are rolling left right and center and satan finds an opportunity your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit are heightened because of that kind of consecration and satan comes as an angel of light and plants all kinds of demonic and dangerous seeds [Music] i will tell you why i'm teaching what i'm teaching tonight is very important encounters are powerful encounters are important but if i do not give you a few guidelines because i fear for my generation our appetite for remar our appetite for new dimensions our appetite for the angelic realm our appetite for the prophetic realm is that is driving us into dimensions that if not guided you have not yet seen error that will come to the body i tell you in the next five six ten years if we do not create this apostolic guidance for the body of christ many young people will delve into different versions of error you will not even know what is authentic christianity again [Music] are we together years ago in zarya i remember i think i've shared it i don't know if i've shared it here there were some gentlemen who came in i think from cano also one gentleman just came believing he was jesus not a servant of jesus believing he was jesus [Music] and based on their revelation they believed that i was like they are john the baptist so they came and together with the boys jokes apart i really mean it i won't stand here if i'm joking i'll tell you i'm joking after service this boy stood wore a regalia and then someone was standing by his side i don't know i don't know what they call that one now and when they stood before me i thought they were cracking jokes with me i was even laughing even though i was tired until i found out they were not playing now do you know listen listen listen do you know those boys started with prayer prayer does many things so you have to understand the side effects of being open to the realm of the spirit and i will teach you how to create that guidance encounters if i've started by appreciating encounters but i am telling you there there is there is a management system that must be introduced fast because the body of christ is in trouble and his encounters that will lead to the error of this generation of believers encounters satan has programmed arsenal's of error that will be shipped to the body of christ through encounters pseudo-christian experiences pseudo angelic experiences pseudo heavenly experiences and they bring all kinds of destructive doctrines with full assurance there are people today who hear voices they stepped into the prophetic and the holy ghost has never been part of any revelation most of those revelations come from demons do they hear well yesterday here now i'm not being listen listen when you when you are here don't just be listening and thinking of any man of god i'm teaching the body of christ because most of the people you see when you hear this some of us already have preconceived biases and the bias is because we've never really been serious with god it's not because we are passionate we've not been serious with god so anything that looks supernatural we fight it i'm not endorsing your laxity [Music] there are all kinds of errors those errors continue to be translated into teachings you see the thing about encounters is that every time you have an encounter the urge to document it and to share it is there and we live in a generation right now that is passionate with giving uploads anything that is cast anything that is new anything that looks like rhema it looks like you derive your respect in the body of christ from the scarsness of your communication if we are not careful there will be big casualties i tell you this by the spirit many people are beginning to ship doctrines of demons and communicate them and many people keep swallowing it hook line and sinker satan is doing this because he knows that the spirit of revelation we're coming there when i teach you this you will know why we need the spirit of revelation hallelujah there was a man of god many years ago i didn't have a direct relationship with him but we were so blessed by his teachings he was an amazing man he taught well he thought powerfully his teachings were powerful he was some somewhere around asia eventually when i started studying his teachings after some time he started having all kinds of strange encounters and one day i had to say uh something something something is wrong this guy began to teach all kinds of concepts he began to manifest attributes that i knew there were problems with today as i talked to you i'm not even sure he's a ministry again [Music] powerful man of god sincerely so i don't know what happened because of this search for encounters let me construct what i'm saying so you will understand number one encounters are important we need encounters so that they create convictions but number two encounters are a two a two-edged sword on one hand they can bless and lift but on another hand they can bring conviction towards errol that destroys [Music] are we together so people have delved into all sorts of things young believers especially have delved into all kinds of things there are people who have bought all sorts of books you get into a christian library right now and you look at the books that are there sometimes you want to run away because you see certain books the moment you open you wonder was it the holy spirit who inspired this there are dangerous and devilish books there are people who have read certain books and while they were reading the next thing they woke up and found out they had been lost they went into realms and dimensions interacted with strange spirits and came do you know how many religions are in the world we live in an internet age i give you as an assignment when you go type religions how many religions are in the world enter you will be amazed let me tell you this every single one of those religions have followers [Music] if they did not have followers they would not thrive enough to be seen as a religion and those followers came because of a resemblance of results that came from encounters this is the secret that can preserve a destiny can preserve a ministry so that you don't start something and after 10 years you are teaching something else and at a point you don't even understand what you are doing again supernatural encounters now let me explain something why do encounters have negative side effects also i will tell you why because you see encounters especially if they are supernatural visionary encounters now you have to understand that an encounter does not have to be visionary to be called an encounter you can have an encounter without a vision once it is supernatural and it can imprint reality and conviction it's called an encounter are we together now but now i'm talking about visionary encounters do you know if you are open to the realm of the spirit there are many things that begin to happen to you immediately you are open to the realm of the spirit number one you find out that being open to the realm of the spirit either by the holy ghost or any other spirit already gives you an advantage over the earth realm whether it is true divination or it is true genuine spiritual encounter with the holy spirit the moment you are open to the realm of the spirit you already have an advantage above the ordinary believer number two the modus operandi of the ethrem is not the same as the realm of the spirit for instance in the realm of the spirit i do not have to talk to you to know what i'm saying i can transfer my thoughts directly to you without speaking if i hold this plant in the realm of the spirit i don't have to study it biologically you see that now yes i can transfer the feeling of that plant and have the impulse of that understanding you have to understand how i'm giving you certain examples in the realm of the spirit time and distance does not operate the way it works here if i need to move from here to this fan i will have to walk but in the realm of the spirit i can be here and immediately leave this spot and i am there an example what happens to you when you are in a dream you can be in a dream and in one moment you are in a house and then the scene changes you are somewhere else the same you and yet you are still there lying down in your room are we together now now in the realm of the spirit the holy spirit listen carefully the holy spirit is not the only one who has information any spirit at all including the devil has some information that is higher than this ephraim are we together now you would learn that there were times the bible records how that these these falling angels came and the bible says they had interactions with the daughters of men they did not just come and meet them and produce giants out of them there were things that they taught them there was certain forbidden knowledge that was given to them satan himself is not an ignorant spirit i hope you know that because satan was once in heaven number two it was not satan alone that fell in heaven he fell with other spirits and there is no record of eroding the memory of the things that they know they still have that knowledge [Music] many people have interacted with strange spirits entered into all kinds of fraternities and covenants with them in exchange to superior knowledge they have used it in i.t they have used it to advance technology they have used it in different forms and in different fashions and some of them are honest enough to tell you that it was not just the making of themselves they were assisted by the realm of the spirit so when you are open to the realm of the spirit you will encounter many things can i tell you this if you do not know the road to go to a place and you find me there i can lead you anywhere and tell you that's where you were to go to this is what is happening to many people so they are open to the realm of the spirit because of the energy that is exerted through fasting and prayer spiritual exercises the moment you do that it is easy to have that ascendance in the spirit but the challenge is when you are there now satan is more than happy to hold your hand and usher you and he will give you a thought that is not consistent with the character of christ we return with some of these experiences and because we do not have a system of verification this is also the reason why there is a lot of inaccuracy even in the prophetic because the prophetic works by the same formula you are open to the realm of the spirit and you capture speakings sights and sounds from the realm of the spirit but when there is no system to order and organize it based on scripture you can download all kinds of things that's why some work some don't work because they are a capture of mass information from the realm of the spirit [Music] what i'm teaching you may look a bit complicated but just pay attention you will understand what i'm saying hallelujah i have had several visionary encounters by the grace of god this is a realm of reality that i live in and i can tell you if the lord did not teach me the system of guidance that i want to provide for you i probably would have been in all shades of arrow by now all shades of arrow [Music] the next thing i need to teach you about the realm of the spirit is that the realm of the spirit operates with similitudes and you must understand not the activity but the spirit the meaning of those activities because one of the reasons why errol has come into the body of christ is because most times we want to repeat exactly what we saw happen in the realm of the spirit so i give you an instance if in the realm of the spirit i i look at these people in the realm of the spirit and i see them maybe dancing or doing some kind of thing i may not stay to decipher the essence of what was happening i will come down i want to act out the same thing i saw so if i see someone walking five times from the realm of the spirit it may be a prophetic typology of something but then i come physically and i now say well based on what i saw except if god says to act it out but i now tell the person do what you saw and by the time that person leaves and gets resolved someone else will come and before you know it it will become a spiritual pattern are we together now yes someone will now go to his house and say for me to get a miracle i must walk around five times with no understanding [Music] when god began to open me up to encounters i became troubled myself once upon a time those days in zarya there was such a move of the spirit and people started having extraordinary encounters where they would have what you know to be gold dust silver does physically gold doesn't begin to appear and there is an encounter that happened like that one time in church history it began to happen in several places and people started idolizing those encounters it didn't last more than three weeks and god seized it till tomorrow it was an act of his mercy otherwise some people would have built monuments around it you see that now there is a serious disclaimer listen do you know why i'm teaching you this don't just get believers born again and start stretching them fast 21 days first 30 days unguided and unassisted it looks like an accurate spiritual journey but you are about to lead the people into experiences that their maturity cannot handle they will interact with devilish spirits they will return with arrogance from that encounter until the fatality that happens in your future brings you to remorse you now regret the fact that you expose the people this way we have to be careful there is a pattern for spiritual growth and if we do not submit ourselves to it we'll be in trouble when jesus christ began to walk with the disciples we must follow the order and the pattern that he used to build the saints are we together now supernatural encounters the realm of a spirit is a very vast realm full of all kinds of possibilities haven't said this the bible itself listen carefully the bible provides a road map into profitable spiritual encounters the bible scripture provides a road map into profitable spiritual encounters that means that it is possible for you to enjoy supernatural encounters benefit from them and yet not bring arrow out of them to deceive the body remember the morale of this teaching is to help us experience encounters one of the graces that we have enjoyed and we enjoy in this ministry is the graceful encounters but i will tell you why it has been effective without breathing all versions of error almost all encounters if left unbalanced will bring error almost all encounters if left unbalanced or how do i put it now is it unbalanced will bring all kinds of error the body of christ today is like a patient in icu and encounters have brought this kind of imbalance [Music] there are men and women of god today who will die believing what they are doing because it came from encounters there are individuals today who will die believing what they are doing because it came from encounters and you see one thing about conviction is conviction will always lead to influence the moment you are convicted about something eventually someone will believe you [Music] i hope you understand what i'm teaching so far yes so the bible provides a biblical road map to supernatural encounters this was the first thing the lord began to teach me that before i am open to these extraordinary spiritual experiences i must understand the pattern of scripture so that all of these encounters i have will pass through the sieve of the word deceive of how god behaves let me tell you there are many encounters in my life that scripture has filtered you will never hear me share them i have met many many demon spirits but it may just be one or two occasions that you hear me say that because you see when you are teaching this is the reason why most times i do not like to talk about my encounters do you know why i do not want you to build your conviction based on those encounters alone i want you to build your conviction based on these foundational encounters that i want to show you the average believer today who is exposed to the apostolic and prophetic ministry for instance will feel bad feel insulted and even feel unspiritual if they are not seeing visions it's almost like a stigma to your spiritual experience how long have you been born again 10 years do you see do you hear well not exactly i hear the holy ghost sometimes where has that my goodness my god that means something is wrong with your christian experience so in a bid in a bit to honor um what you call your pursuit for spiritual growth there is such an itch and an appetite for any extra anything that just just let me hear a sound let me see a being demonic or spiritual let me just see something and hear something and because of that hunger on one hand god intends to give you these encounters but the reason why for many of us god does not bring those encounters is because you have not been taught how to decipher encounters to profit from them it's not because your spiritual level has not reached there god just wants to help you he's withdrawing these encounters is an act of mercy to help you stay true to doctrine are we blessed this is how the lord taught me the apostolic and the prophetic ministry will expose you to various encounters you will not believe how many things i've seen standing here and preaching if i did not have this understanding that i'm teaching you you will never almost be able to settle down and teach a correct sermon every sermon will be turned to revelation because as for sight you will keep seeing the discipline to be able to turn down these things and focus on doctrine to mental believers many sincere people do not have that every time their i see something there is an urge to say what they are seeing and it becomes a distraction to mentoring believers so you see that services become full of just revelatory process is not revelation of scripture prophetic revelations and there is a place for that don't get me wrong except that after a while you see that believers don't mature again and then the body of christ also has been baited into that state of that spiritual state when you come and sit down and the truth is being taught in that interest and your doctrine is not there again apostle this is 30 minutes you've not seen anything so pastors and ministers are under pressure if you want membership be ready to see something or say something i don't care what you know if you are not seeing and you are not saying anything be ready for mtps we must balance this [Music] remember that i love the body of christ i remember that everything i say is to the intent that we become matured are we together now the average man of god is under severe pressure right now pressure for the prophetic pressure to be able to reveal something if you go to pray with someone and you bring bible verses and you tell the person acts chapter this verse this says this you you can't even see the disconnect we wasted our time prepared on aurelium cooked food to come and receive this rubbish there you see that there is something wrong while you are laughing i want you to pay attention you may not see the effect now let it continue down the line that's why people lie even with the prophetic because there has to be a way that pressure makes people lie we say things god is not saying [Music] body of christ hear me this is not just a message for coinonia this is a message for the body of christ when a man of god can teach scripture and help you understand the ways of god he's under pressure because he looks like a fatal failure as far as ministry is concerned i don't know what happened to your eyes and your ears but we're not interested and very clearly the person becomes frustrated and as a result he will say you know what if this is the formula for relevance let me go for my fasting and the devil says exactly this is what i wanted he waits for you and once you are done with your fasting and all of that he now shows up and begins to introduce you into all kinds of things you find out that the more you see the more you are deviating from god's patterns many people did not start the way they are now let me tell you i submit to you it's difficult to live in the realm of encounters and still be sound and detailed this is what i want to teach you now there is a road map that if you follow if you follow you will never mislead the body through encounters your encounters will profit you and then profit the body if you are operating in the prophetic year please listen to me because this is this particularly will help you are we blessed [Music] so the bible lets us know that encounters are very important they create conviction [Music] whether encounters just with the word as you're studying or visionary encounters when god was giving me a revelation about this ministry i had supernatural encounters i've shared some of them with you my life is full of all kinds of encounters at different junctions of my life you would hear fathers like bishop david orepo share their encounters they will tell you he was in an 18-hour vision is that true and he saw this and that and explain it several other men of god will tell you there are others who were led by angels into realms and they were taught certain dimensions of the healing ministry there are people who had all kinds of encounters some of them have profited the body of christ today now let me begin to teach you how to balance encounters rule number one no encounter is equal to doctrine no encounter no visionary encounter automatically becomes a doctrine do not make doctrine out of encounters [Music] do not make doctrine out of encounters doctrines listen encounters are they are classified in a category of dealings called personalized dealings personalized dealings means that is god's way of working with you to help you to be effective it will profit the body of christ but do not turn encounters into doctrines [Music] so if let me just leave that issue so that we don't create trouble in the body of christ [Music] what is very important for you to know this rule number one do not suddenly turn an encounter into a doctrine the doctrines of scripture are already stated it is true listen carefully there is a reason why these doctrines were put here in scripture [Music] and if we violate them do you know what will happen we will start creating pseudo-christian experiences that are not exactly god [Music] rule number one do not create doctrines out of encounters [Music] number two every encounter must submit to scripture every encounter you must fetch your encounters from the lens of scripture every encounter no matter even if it's jesus you see any encounter must submit to scripture [Music] no matter how extraordinary that encounter is number three you interpret encounters listen carefully or let me put it this way scripture becomes your lens for interpreting encounters do not interpret encounters with feelings you must go to scripture for instance two of us can have a vision i can see a chain in the spirit you can see a chain too it means different things to both of us we cannot create i'm saying this with every sense of respect and responsibility to the body of christ there are people who god has helped to bless the body in whatever capacity and we honor them but there is a big mistake do not say every time you see chains it means bondage it is not true you have to go to the bible to get your explanation not your mind a chain does not always mean bondage nakedness does not always mean shame so by the time i put all these things if you see a chain bondage if you see nakedness shame nakedness can mean intimacy it can mean you are growing with the holy ghost the holy spirit and scripture has to interpret that [Music] are we together now most people just come up with their ideas about encounters this is what i saw this is what i saw i think this should be it and we ship it down and mislead people that includes dreams look up please when you wake up from a dream you don't just go and buy a book to interpret it except if that book submits to scripture are we together now many belief systems that have authorized satan to destroy us today came from these dreams and encounters [Music] [Music] take note of these rules one remember that no encounter in itself becomes a doctrine no the doctrine of scripture is written do you know the thing about doctrines doctrine should be taught and explained not created the doctrines that make for the maturity of the believer is already there you have to understand this every other thing supports our growth it does not create the basis for it the bible listen carefully the bible has already set the manual for the growth of the believer [Music] there's no need to invent another route for spiritual growth jesus the early church the patriarchs have set enough precedence there is no level of spiritual growth you want to attain unto that scripture has not provided the roadmap for so doctrines must submit to scripture and your interpretation must come from scripture not your ideas scripture [Music] hallelujah your interpretation must come from scripture now listen very carefully the holy ghost when he began to teach me about encounters he taught me four cardinal encounters listen carefully don't assume you understand what i'm saying there are four foundational encounters and the holy spirit taught me that these are the major encounters every believer must have if you do not have these four encounters no matter which other encounter you have there will be trouble i'm going to run through them because of time why am i teaching you this so that when you begin to have extraordinary encounters because you see soaking yourself in this glory is exposing you to the realm of the spirit and you must be guided by scripture so that we do not have all kinds of error that come and then you connect the arrow to coinonia you say it was when i came for koinonia i fell under the anointing and i was in the realm of the spirit this is what i saw this is how i came and you see the way the devil does it is he will take advantage of this atmosphere to mislead you when you now tell someone it was incarnate that thing started you will usually believe you and respect you but hope you go into the realm of error are you blessed i have kept these four encounters and i pay attention to them my entire life these are the encounters that have become pillars that guide me as i approach the realm of the spirit and i'm introducing you to this and this is also a message to the body of christ these encounters that i'm about to list and maybe briefly just touch they supersede any other encounter listen if these are the only encounters you have in your life and you never have any vision again in your life you will still fulfill your god-given mandate the foundational encounters that every child of god or everyone on earth should have are you ready for this have you understood everything i've said so far yes [Music] i want you to appreciate these things that we teach because number one they are consistent with scripture but number two some of these trainings came from a standpoint of pain blood and tears i'm praying that you will place value on them some of you what i'm saying you may not need it now until you keep rising one day you will see and thank the lord that you got this doctrinal balance even as you approach the realm of the spirit some of you as i share this with you the lord will use it to give you hope and give you confidence as far as your christian experience is concerned four encounters the lord taught me number one the first encounter that every believer must have is encountered with jesus the son of the living god please write it down it does not mean a visionary picture of jesus you can have an encounter through scripture and encounter through the word of salvation with jesus the son of the living god please write it down just be patient and write it down the bible says in john chapter 3 and verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son he says that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life can i tell you this no matter how many visions you see in your life if you do not have an encounter with jesus the son of the living god you are going to hell it's as simple as that encounters don't redeem people it is jesus that redeems people encounters don't give people eternal life it is the son of the living god so if you have 30 encounters in your life and jesus is not part of them you are on your way to hell ladies and gentlemen please hear me this is this these are safety nets an encounter with the son of the living god the first encounter that the hunger of any living being would push him to in that order is an encounter with the son of the living god it is a foundational encounter you must have you must pray that everybody around your life your church they must have that encounter what does it mean to encounter the son of the living god that the holy spirit through the ministry of the gospel will furnish the reality of the love of jesus the love of the father to your heart and bring you to a point where you accept the truth of his substitutionary sacrifice are we together now to the end that you receive of his life eternal life the bible says it's an encounter this is the record that god hath given us eternal life and this life is in his son he says whosoever hath the son hath life eternal everybody say encounter with the sun there are many people today i'm sorry to use this expression but even people in ministry who operate the prophetic but have not had this encounter i hope you know that yes there are people who came just from tradition and then they came into the city and just continued what they were doing an encounter with the son of god i know people who started having visions and had prophetic inclinations even before they got born again yes that is a possibility your very wiring your very prophetic wiring can tilt you to the prophetic and people can begin to recognize it some of you know people like that in your villages they are sincere people they don't practice any evil that you know but we call them seers they have eyes that see they can tell you be careful and what they say will happen exactly so can i tell you those same people need encounters the encounter with the son of the living god this is doctrine if you do not have an encounter with the son of the living god you are in trouble why because no other encounter sustains the power to save you and translate you from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of god's dear son my brothers and my sisters no matter how long you fast no matter how long you pray no matter how many realms and dimensions you step into even if you go to heaven even if it's a true heaven and you come down if you don't have an encounter with the son of the living god you are going to hell it's as simple and honest as that [Music] are we learning the first foundational encounter that every believer must have encounter with the son of god number two very quickly the second encounter is an encounter with the person and the ministry the ministry of the holy spirit in that order second only to your encounter with the son of the living god you need an encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit please look up the ministry of the holy spirit is not for pastors the ministry of the holy spirit is not for preachers it's not just for some supernatural people the ministry of the holy spirit is for everybody jesus told us that he is the only shorty to have been guided he says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth satan can use truth to destroy it's not only a lie that destroys the truth can destroy you many believers have not been introduced into this encounter with the person of the holy spirit an encounter with the holy spirit is more than praying in tongues no just because hands were laid on you and you are praying in tongues when we say have you met the holy ghost you say yes no no no just because you have eaten someone's food does not mean you've met the person no you benefited from the person but have you met the person can i tell you this especially for those of us who are called into ministry all those who have been mightily used by god from scripture and modern history and even today will tell you they can trace their exploits to this one encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit we've dealt with that here so i don't want to go so deep into that the holy spirit realize the holy spirit is god the holy spirit is not an archangel the holy spirit is not one of those winds flowing in the realm of the spirit no the holy spirit is god you can encounter his office when you are encountering the son he plays a role there but you can encounter the passing of the holy spirit it is true [Music] the benefit of that encounter is guidance i've taught you the benefit of that encounter is empowerment direction the holy spirit so that whatever you see and whatever you hear you can trust him to guide you he will tell you what is from him and he will tell you what is not from him you do not use the purity of what you are seeing to know whether it is from god or not no it is the voice of the holy spirit that will help you decipher you will see many good things in your christian experience but they are not from god it's not in this kingdom is we don't deal with good or bad we deal with whether the holy spirit is involved or not no matter how good it is if the holy spirit who is the spirit of the father is not involved in that process stay away no matter how good encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit crinonia is god helping you tonight [Music] so there are times while i'm having several visions maybe in the miracle service and all of that you see it happen i can have the vision say of a coughing and i can see death now i don't just announce the holy spirit listen all of those visions will pass through the sieve of these foundational visions these foundational encounters are we together now any vision i see that does not glorify the sun i will never announce it i will throw it like that the same way you are passing the street and you see a madman you just know that somebody was there and you passed you are focusing on what you are looking at there are many other things you will see other than what god wants you to see but you must first ask yourself a question this is why i'm teaching you this because i have had this encounter with the son of god every other encounter i have i must ask myself does this encounter reveal jesus and does this bring him glory either in my life or the life of those i'm about to minister to if it does not capture the revelation of the son and the glorification of the same no matter how spectacular the vision is i would dump it it's someone learning now an encounter with the sun gives balance to every other encounter you have if it does not reveal the son and does not bring him glory throw it out of your life number two an encounter with the holy spirit the holy spirit gives you direction the holy spirit gives you guidance let me tell you this [Music] i wish we had the time i hope you know that in your christian experience you will get to a point where [Music] you will meet a lot of people with influences that produce results but if you have a rich ministry with the holy spirit you will be able to know that this is not the holy spirit and you may even be able to help them listen in my life and in ministry i've had the opportunity of praying for people especially kids kids that they brought that were demonstrating superhuman abilities it was because of this relationship with the holy spirit are we together remember in the book of acts the experience of paul remember the little girl who was using divination many of us now would have entered partnership with her in ministry many of us you can't allow that opportunity to pass you by like that that is a rich opportunity for strategic alliance she even volunteered this is a great man i mean what else would you for someone to announce you using her credibility but he looked and looked and said no something is wrong the holy spirit i have met people in my life this is a true story i have met people in my life who called my name and prophesied to me and they were not christians they've not given their life to christ not it's not something hidden i remember one time i think it was niger i was going to have a meeting i think it was nigel republic or so and we were going we went we flew to lagos and then went by road somewhere when we're doing just the immigration formalities i remember some of you go to the market and you see these people they are there they can call your name with uncanny accuracy if you do not have an encounter with the holy spirit your search for visionary solutions will lead you to delusion joshua salman ah who are you well i'm not exactly an evil person but i'm not bi everybody's visionary experience is powered from a source what source powers that vision it is not the correctness of the information is the source that powers it and listen you have no right to just look at people and begin to judge them if your own relationship with the holy spirit is not alive by what parameter you will become judgmental and you will mix both good and bad and call everybody fake it is on the strength of your relationship with the holy spirit you can decipher [Music] are we learning now yes sir there are times that i've shaken hands with people and i look at them sincerely and you see them manifesting a semblance of the anointing and i know this is not god sometimes i make one statement and they are delivered there and they themselves will be surprised i know a woman one time that i prayed for this woman would have visionary encounters people would come to her house she can pray for you she said she had testimonies of people who were buried who god opened their wombs but she knew something was wrong because when she lies to sleep she will be tormented by evil spirits yet this gift supposedly was working in her life the day i met her she came thank god she was a sincere woman she was honest and she told me she said this is a gift that has been working in her life people have sowed into her life she's had results but i knew this was not the spirit now it didn't mean the woman was bad i have a relationship with the holy ghost i know how he operates i know what is not him and i held the woman's hands and i prayed for her why did they flock the apostles in the bible because they tampered with somebody's way of getting money there were some evil men who saw that young girl and when they saw her instead of them to lead her to someone who helped her they decided to cash in on the opportunity while those demons continue to torment that girl i love the apostles when they came they didn't have time for rubbish they rebuked that spirit even though they flocked them later on but at least jesus was glorified are we together encounter with the holy spirit listen to me until you cultivate your relationship with the holy spirit you will never step into the realm of discernment and sensitivity and in this end time brothers and sisters you need sensitivity there are many things that look like god that is not god there are many things that look like god speaking to your destiny i can prophesy favor upon you now and say in the name of jesus christ be favored you will say amen the moment you say amen you will see a text in your phone after service and it's 419 people they will tell you give us your account number give us something and um there is some money that you want somewhere you have you seen those kinds of people and the devil will now connect it to the prophetic word of favor and that begins your destruction for instance but when you know the holy ghost you know how he operates you know that this is not god and you dump that nonsense out of your phone and give yourself rest there are times you sit down and you are doing you are talking with people you are about to do a business with them they are so articulate they are intelligent everything is right but here comes the holy ghost again it tells you no no i know i told you that i will bless you next week but this is not it the blessing is coming but this is not it and there are times that many things will not look like it but it is it it is still him that will tell you you see that is a strange thing with the holy spirit you will see a job that does not look like it and the holy ghost will tell you take that job 50 000 when i am waiting for one that will give me 250 and the holy ghost will tell you take it but this does not look like the vision i saw because you have an encounter with the holy ghost he will say take it once you are in that job your uncle will come and it is through that job you will be sent for a training and you will meet your destiny helper and within five months you will leave that job into where god showed you now had you not heard god you will not even know how to navigate to that realm [Music] are we learning now number three very quickly encounter with the word of god it would never tire me to teach you this you have to learn it the third foundational encounter you must have superior to all other encounters is an encounter with the word of god please look at me if you are not sounding scripture you see deception will be the devil will take you for a ride you have to be sound in scripture encounter with the word of god what is the word of god the word of god is a compendium of the mysteries of the kingdom god's modus operandi the word of god reveals number one god's character number two the word of god reveals how god operates when you encounter the word of god you know how god operates and you know how he does not operate there is a way the god of the bible never operates never operates never operates [Music] most believers are not sounding scripture that's why it's easy to fall into the trap of deception the devil comes and markets all kinds of lies and just sways us like that listen in this end time we need high level illumination knowledge of god's word to know what to do there are people who have no business relocating abroad but because they do not understand the character of scripture someone just tells you i want to lift you you have to go back to that encounter how does god lift the things that are written at fourth time the bible says they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope many things that we have called greener pastures are not greener pastures greener pastures is the word of god you see that i'm not saying there's anything wrong having all these experiences but the word of god must be your guide can i tell you this as powerful as supernatural encounters are if you start ministry just because you saw a vision you will suffice if it's not god that called you [Music] there are people today who are frustrated and sometimes sincere people when they come they say apostle i can't understand they will show me a documentation of their vision and i know truly that vision came from god but it is the principle of scripture that controls your success the visions are only support systems to help guide your conviction when jesus came and walked upon the earth is he not heaven that he came from why did he need to learn scripture why would you come from heaven through the womb of a woman and submit yourself to the learning of scripture from heaven jesus did not come from the realm of the spirit he came directly from heaven not even heaven from the throne he came to the earth and submitted himself to this encounter so when satan came he didn't say satan you are stupid you forgot i am god he said it is written [Music] he had a right to say i hope you know i am god satan i know this is you my discernment is still in place the holy ghost is in me leave this place no he wanted us to learn so he said it is written for every temptation the devil brought jesus did not use his encounters for defense he used scriptures it is written you don't tell the devil you are joking god called me that is nonsense the realm of the spirit does not care what has the bible said as your system of defense i can never fail why i know what i saw you are the only one who saw it the realm of the spirit is asking you why should we stop oppressing you i saw a vision in that vision i saw a plant and it was bringing oranges that's a vision my brothers and my sisters what will give you fruitfulness is it is written i had many visions about koinonia in abuja i would have been surprised and shocked disappointed and frustrated if he was the only thing if i place my vision on a billboard with my name written hello abuja i am joshua salman it happened on a thursday night when i was sleeping i saw the heavens open and i saw the map of abuja you just laugh and say all these stupid people listen to me this ministry thrives not just because of visions the visions benefit us and add to our convictions but everything works because it is written one more time shout it say it is written one more time say it that means anything you tell me that is not consistent with what is written i can change it because this foundational encounter is greater than any other encounter a genuine man of god even if it's me i can look at you and say that based on the vision i'm seeing i saw an obituary this is the reason why you see many times when i prophesy to people i tell them what i saw but i'm quick to tell them no no i'm not a prophet of doom we have this encounter also we have the power based on what is written to veto whatever it is that we have seen this is what brings perspective to the orchest the operation of the prophetic imagine that you come and i leave you i say ah you came for koinonia i don't know what brought you here today because with what i'm seeing i saw a coughing may god show you messing no i didn't i didn't know koinonia why do you think you are going to succeed in life [Music] why do you think you will see the end of this year listen listen listen listen why do you think the dream you saw you saw them dragging your trousers in your primary school in that dream why do you think you will still succeed in spite of it listen to me it was written so that it cannot be changed [Applause] i believe this no matter what my eye sees no matter what my ears hear no matter what encounters i have i only believe those encounters if i find them consistent with what is written if that encounter is not consistent with what is written i use what is written to change that encounter listen this looks like i'm just joking with you if you don't land this you will live a defeated christian life having visions and you'll never succeed this is the reason why many people have notebooks full of visions and there is no there is no progress in their lives because they ignore this they throw it away and they begin to move according to what i saw i saw what's today's date i saw 15th of august and then i saw dollars and that's a vision that would not give you favor it may be that god is telling you through that similitude that i want to bless you but whether it will happen or not depends on it is written what you do with that vision is you now open your scripture and you now find scriptures that are consistent with that vision that vision now supports your confidence but the real producer of the results is not what you saw is it is written one more time shout it it is if i didn't believe this i would have died since since i would have died since you don't know the kinds of visions you know as a man of god people send you all kinds of things i've had well-meaning people send me text messages apostle be careful i saw a ghastly motor accident and they are not wrong some of them are accurate prophets of god i'm not this is not sarcasm sincere people and i know that was the plan of the devil [Music] so when you wake up in the morning and you have a dream don't wait for miracle service no open your bible and let it is written collide with that vision listen what i'm teaching you will give you confidence so that you are not you don't you don't become a victim is good to be blessed by men of god but be careful so that we don't turn you into spiritual slaves we are supposed to help you not trap you [Music] this is it you need this more than joshua salman can i tell you if you pay attention to this even more than joshua selman you will succeed this predates my arrival here many have come and gone this remains written many have said many things and have had to cancel it many people have made prophetic statements on how to honorably withdraw it but this has not been changed third foundational encounter encounter with the word of god is an indoctrination this is the reason why my spiritual experiences profit me and they profit the body because i will never exalt any vision i see no matter how many days fasting no matter what it is if a demon spirit appears to me right now the first thing is i'm going to why is it there [Music] you see if it's there to oppress me it is written can take care of it if god is trying to send a message to me for the body of christ i would descend the message when i'm done the demon will go but your confidence is it is written yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil why because thou art with me listen thy rod and thy stuff that's what comforts me thy road and thy staff thy rod and i staff so i want you to if you don't know what is written it means you are in trouble imagine if jesus did not know what was written and satan says turn this stone into bread he says don't disturb me i am jesus you'll be surprised satan will see me standing there that's why he has not left your life because when you came to him he said i'm a member of koinonia he's a nonsense what is that what is you a member of coinonia before you were born i knew about calenony i was in heaven what is the basis why should i leave you okay what else do i say now listen why should you rise in life apostle declared over me you are joking apostle declared according to what i prophesied but i did as i was commanded i didn't prophesy as i wanted john said i am the voice it is not the voice that brings the power it is the word that the voice is echoing are we together now please learn what i'm telling you some of you by this there are papers you need to go back home and tear into pieces and sit with confidence and sleep like a baby and wake up it is written harley bakarowski atabata it is written my 2021 is blessed it is written it is written it is written it is written why do you think you'll be exempted from all the limitations that come i am a member of koinonia that that is wonderful when you understand it to be that i am prophetically connected based on what the bible says but if it's just blindly i'm a member of cornelia you will you will be surprised i'm saying this because there are many believers who do not have a scriptural basis for confidence satan leave me alone why i know the apostle joshua salman and the demon who said jesus i know me too i know jesus me too i know paul me too i know joshua salman you have to stand and say you better know me too it is written legislate in the realm of the spirit but it is written this is why i know that i will never fail in life thank god for the many visions that i have but depending on those visions for success is deception the visions are only guides they are support systems i tell you the truth by the god of heaven the basis for the victory of my life the basis for the victory of this ministry is this immutable council of god it is written it is written it is written [Music] so when i tell you you will rise say amen but don't just go back and say i will rise no when i say you will rise quickly resort to this foundational encounter find the scriptures that support what i said then you will rise indeed but if you just believe that just because i spoke to you no are you seeing the balance now this is why many of you do not profit from the prophetic ministry the prophetic ministry is not fake it is a genuine spiritual ministry but just because an anointed man spoke over your life just because he revealed and what he revealed was true when he blessed you your spiritual life went down because you had confidence that this man knows god his word does not fail but you ignore it is written [Music] it is written khali bhaktasyatha it is written when men say there is a casting down for me i will say there is a lifting up so based on that when i say in the name of jesus you are exempted from evil as you are saying amen your mentality is connecting that amen with peace that's what plugs it into the power line to produce results anything i tell you don't just say amen connect it to a scripture then you can now say amen are we together now when you wake up from a dream and you see me blessing you i'm praying for you don't just dance or you saw me find a scripture when you connected to that vision you have given it life to manifest anything not connected to scripture does not have the life that brings manifestation you can have an encounter be in the realm of the spirit watch promotion and you return back and it will never manifest in this realm but when you connect that vision to it is written some of you is a few days after now you will really get all that i've taught you maybe i would just stop at this third encounter so anything i see i pass it through the encounter with the sun does it pass the test i pass it through the encounter with the holy ghost does it pass the test then i pass it through the encounter with scripture if it passes the test then i receive it if it fails that test no matter how accurate it is i dump it in peace and i don't feel bad [Music] [Applause] if you tell me apostle your life will be destroyed for instance i salute what you are saying but i go to it is written until i find the same thing you said here there is no reason for tears whip not for the book is opened you only weep when the book is closed hear me there are arrows that fly by day you don't need a prophet to tell you that there are noise some pestilences there are destructions that waste in the noonday so if someone tells you he's not telling you anything new are we together now he's only revealing to you something that the bible already says what today will someone tell you that the bible has not told you generally speaking if someone tells you there is evil on earth in all honesty is that new it is written already told you if someone tells you there is a possibility for failure is that new no the bible already tells you most of the things we seek for in encounters scripture has already told us i want to succeed okay so how do you succeed if only i can see joshua salman i know my life will change you are right because of the prophetic dimension as written in scripture however you can sit with scripture this book of the lord shall not depart from out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou mayest observe to do to do to do to do not just to read to do so it may be the doing part you are missing [Music] man of god what gives you confidence that you will thrive in ministry i know my mentor i know my father think again i know the spiritual tribe i'm connected to think again what makes you believe you will prosper i got a first class and then somebody prophesied to me and said i would never fail think again [Music] an encounter with the son of the living god you see because we have ignored these encounters many people keep meeting the apostolic and the prophetic ministry but they are never saved do you know that do you know that you can be in church for a long time you can't even be part of the eldership and you have not met the son like it's happened to many people i'm not preaching from a standpoint of sarcasm this preaching tonight is coming from a heart that desperately loves the body of christ and god's people generally speaking these were the things that the lord taught me that have given me stability in my life today more than my visions listen if i come for miracle service today and i never see anything i never hear anything i can pick my bible and read for you a scripture about healing and say the sick begin to be healed based on it is written don't tie yourself to just listen visionary experiences and all these supernatural encounters only become useful if they submit to these foundational encounters [Music] if you're a man of god here learn it and put balance to your administration of encounters people may clap for you while you are announcing visionary encounters but sooner or later you'll find out that there is no growth because it is not the encounters create convictions but their convictions are only strengthened by these foundational encounters when i learned this i found rest i travel for meetings and people expect to see the power of god people expect to see the grace of god and you would ask me apostle what makes you think that people are going to be blessed i will be stupid to tell you i hope you know that this is an apostolic call i hope you know that there are visionary experiences i will be surprised that i will stand and the heavens will be closed the basis of my confidence is it is written what was written the lord walking with them confirming the words so every time i walk i do not walk alone you invite me but it's not only me that came i came with a battalion so when i came here and i began to speak and you saw the power of god manifest it's not just listen it's not just because i am anointed it's not just because i saw it's not just because something was told my ears more than those encounters i know that what i saw submitted to the truth of scripture it is consistent with the character of the son consistent with the ministry of the holy spirit consistent with the character of scripture and i know that god will honor it let me tell you this you walk in this you have received the vaccination for errol [Music] now god can trust you with visions over nations and you know how to administer the prophetic with accuracy why because you know how to pass it through it is written apostle jesus prophet jesus look at the respect he had for scripture every time they asked jesus a question he seldom spoke about his encounters it is written there are few times you will see jesus talking about his encounters yet he was the fountain of all encounters it is written it is written they say this in your law but this is what i say they say this but this is what i say his first salmon was not encounters his first salmon was the spirit of the lord is upon me because it was written by the prophets because he hath anointed me when he was done he now said this scripture has been fulfilled this day let me prove to you that what is written is now manifest man with the withered hand stretch your hands now if you call him a fake man of god he will refer you to it is written [Music] let me teach you something before we pray if you're a man of god here if you know that god has granted you grace for extraordinary manifestations of the spirit don't take for granted that the people who you are ministering to understand what you are saying show them the scriptural basis of that operation before you begin it or at least before the end of that operation you see me do it most times because if you do not see it from a scriptural standpoint the devil may deceive you into thinking this is your superstition are we blessed i have taught you an encounter with the spirit of wisdom with favor my life today is full of convictions i don't teach things i don't believe i don't teach things i'm not confident but my greatest encounters brothers and sisters hear me my greatest encounters are not my encounters of jesus as wonderful as they are my greatest encounters are not the encounters where i saw a crowd of a crowd of people it's not an encounter with all of these saints of old i only say those things sometimes to encourage you [Music] the foundational encounters in my life that i respect and i honor that have helped to shape this grace and have produced this that is a wonder and a blessing to the world today is not just that vision is an encounter with the son of the living god his life that is at work in me an encounter with the office and the passing of the holy spirit giving me direction helping me and guiding me part time invest in the presence of god upon my life then an encounter with the word of god teaching me the character of the christ and the modus operandi of the kingdom the assignment of the anointing is to make sure the word of god does not look like a lie i've taught you this without an encounter with the word of god you don't need anointing you cannot truly operate the anointing in isolation it will mislead people the assignment of the anointing is to validate what was said so if nothing has been said the anointing has no ministry understand this if the lord says let the sick be healed and i declare it as his servant the anointing moves to validate that claim apostle i want to be anointed see how jesus anointed people in the bible he spent time teaching them doctrine he taught them scripture and then one encounter they had now they had the grace to validate these things many of you if i drop a bible here and i drop a bottle of oil you would jump at the bottle of oil even if it breaks on your head you will still be laughing with the injury on your head because you believe you encounter the anointing please return back to the place of scripture sit down with your bible start reading it like you did before [Music] i've hardly seen anybody bring me a bible and say pray on it i'm not saying there's anything wrong please don't you if you have your bottle of oil here no problem i'm going to pray on it but i'm saying we have to be careful i've not seen anybody buy a clean king james bible and say apostle please pray on it that god will open me up to the mysteries of the kingdom no but people have brought all kinds of things people have brought sticks people have brought water people have brought handkerchiefs and they are sincere people i'm not saying they are wrong people have brought sand people have brought shoes people have bought photos people have brought food people have brought all kinds of things where is the bible here it's not necessary i just need a prophetic action immediately [Music] apostle i had a dream in that dream i saw myself coming with oil and now i have come with it physically i agree and i'm going to pray for you don't feel bad i'm not being sarcastic okay so what makes you think that this oil is going to work because you will anoint it no no no no the oil is not anointed because i lay hands on it the oil is anointed because i lay hands on it with the understanding that the empowerment comes from scripture so where you keep your anointing oil where you kept your sand where you kept your your candle or whatever just push it and put a bible there don't ignore those things put a bible first most believers would prefer to buy jars of oil jazz of handkerchiefs and if you tell them okay what are you going through things are not working in my life listen to this message and then when you listen to this message get this scripture you see them smile at you and leave with disappointment as though god punish you i came and i stood here this is what you are doing because god anointed you but the moment you come and you say kneel down turn stand up ah what is this the now begins that something is going on ah goodness so my my case listen i'm not mocking the prophetic i'm only giving you wisdom [Music] there are times that i've prayed for people and i said it's done they didn't believe it they stood there upper it's gone with what i saw i saw these guys rolling up and down and you just touched me and says you are distracted just focus on me and pray for me with all your heart may god give us growth and maturity in the name of jesus christ we're going to pray i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord now listen to disclaimers one you must be wise in communicating what you have heard tonight don't go around tearing down people don't go around insulting prophets and apostles i have a responsibility to tell you this because there are many believers who have not understood what i've said but they know how to use it and tear other people they are not going to listen to me all the while while i was talking they were not paying attention and yet they would go and say this what apostle was saying no no i have a responsibility to teach you truth as instructed by god but if and when i do communicate something that looks like i'm lashing out on people you must understand that this number one is coming from a standpoint of love and it's coming to a people who should be matured based on scripture are we together now so some of you maybe you have maybe your church or your pastor you find them operating in the prophetic and they may even make some of these mistakes don't point hands at people you remember that the hallmark of transformation is not just knowledge it is love if god grants you the grace and you can explain and expound scripture more perfectly that's fine otherwise stay in the place of prayer and communicate love do not carry revelation like a sword and go and begin to tear people and cause injury in the body of christ it is not maturity i have to put this disclaimer are we blessed let's pray now now that you have learned this i can release the grace for encounters upon you and i know that i did not make a mistake because now you know how to decipher encounters you will be surprised that after this prayer as i speak over your life many of you will step into strange dimensions of the prophetic and visionary encounters but they would not mislead you and they will not mislead others because you have been taught the foundational encounters that every other encounter must rest upon please lift your voice in one minute and give god thanks for the word tonight father we bless you and we give you praise the mystery of supernatural encounters we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you in the name of jesus the entrance of your word gives light it gives understanding unto the simple we bless you for the power of your word for giving us understanding we open up ourselves to supernatural encounters knowing we are safe we have been pegged by these foundational encounters they become our boundary of safety and we will never walk in error because we have encounters with the son of the living god we have encounters with the spirit of the living god we have encounters with the word of god the modus operandi of the kingdom lift your voice and thank the lord no fear no fear no fear no intimidation because these three encounters are for all [Music] hallelujah by this teaching tonight find comfort if you have not yet been open to the realms of visions visionary encounters do not stand and feel bad don't let some of us that god has helped in that area intimidate you and do not use those visionary encounters as a measure sorry about that a measure of spiritual maturity are we together now now don't sit down and allow yourself to be misled that until i have these supernatural encounters i am not growing if you encounter the sun you encounter the spirit you encounter the world keep moving you will move enviably to the place of destiny every other encounter that comes is only a supporting structure but i tell you you have gotten it right if you get the sun right you have gotten it you get the spirit right you have gotten it you get the word of god right you have gotten it now let me pray for you father in the name of jesus my first prayer for everyone is that these foundational encounters will become true in our lives in jesus name for anyone here who is born again you already have an encounter with the sword but i pray for you that the ministry of the holy spirit will become real for you i also pray for you that the ministry of the world especially because for many of us this is the area we have defaulted we love superstition africa loves superstition we love a lot of superstitious things but i pray for you the grace to settle with scripture till you have illumination understanding and confidence receive that grace in jesus name the grace to believe to respect and to exalt what is written above what you see above what you hear receive that grace in jesus name and now i pray for you to support all of these foundational encounters may god open you strangely to the realm of the angelic may god open you strangely to the realm of visions may god open you strangely to the realm of trances and dreams in the name of jesus christ god will reveal things to you through those platforms and then in partnership with these foundational encounters you will produce an excellent christian life in the name of jesus christ hear me for anyone here who has had anything or seen anything in form of vision that negates what is written concerning you i use the authority of scripture and i cancel that vision from your life in the name of jesus christ no matter what you have seen no matter what you have heard if it's not consistent with what is written in the name of jesus in partnership with the spirit of god we declare it null and void and for every vision you have seen every vision you have heard every accurate vision that came from the holy spirit that came from heaven and is yet to be manifest i connected to what is written i give it the life that makes it manifest in the name of jesus christ if there is anyone here under the sound of my voice who is in errol and has become an addict of visions an addict of the prophetic and addict of the apostolic above scripture i declare let there be deliverance for you now anyone who will have to depend on the prophetic or depend on visions for your confidence in the name of jesus i rearrange the basis of your confidence let the basis of your confidence not just be visionary experiences but let it be these tripartite foundational encounters in the name of jesus christ hear me any pronouncement over your life whether through a dream through a vision or even to a man of god that is not consistent with scripture i stand by the ministry of the holy spirit and by that which is written i change it now concerning your life and every door that has refused to open the bible mandates us to prophesy the bible mandates us to declare restoration the bible mandates us to declare that doors will open therefore i stand by the authority of scripture and i decree and declare every closed door opens now every closed door opens now [Music]
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 16,673
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: 2Tn3rpnfKvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 17sec (14237 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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