I Will Not Go Down Without A Fight - Pastor John Jenkins

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[Music] if you have your bibles grab your bibles i want to go to joshua chapter 11 just a moment i do have product that we bought in somewhere in the lobby i think somewhere that might be a blessing to you and i won't talk about that but joshua chapter 11 i want to begin at verse number one i'm reading from the new king james version and it came to pass when jabin king of hazel heard these things that he sent to joe babb king of madan to the king of shemron to the king of aksaf and to the kings who were from the north in the mountains in the plains south of chinawath in the low land and in the height of door on the west to the canaanites in the east and in the west the amorites the hittites the perizzites the jebusites in the mountains and the hevites below hermann in the land of mispa so they went out they and all their armies with them as many people has the sand that is on the seashore in multitude with very many horses and chariots and when all these kings had met together they came and camped together at the waters of maram to fight against israel but the lord said to joshua do not be afraid because of them for tomorrow about this time i will deliver all of them slain before israel you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire so joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of maram and they attacked them look at your name and say i will not go down without a fight no no that that's not that's not it that's that's too timid you got to have attitude with that you you got to have a little boldness with that let's try that again you have to say i'm not going down without a fight i might lose i might be bloody i might not look good but you gonna know you've been in a fight i'm not gonna just quit and lay over and just give up and walk away i will not go down without a fight father i pray your richest blessings upon us today anoint us father to be your instrument let somebody someone's heart receive the word of life allow god your name to get the glory and the honor i pray you put a hedge of protection around this place and allow your name to get the glory and let somebody get the victory save somebody deliver somebody restore somebody and let your kingdom be exalted in the mighty and precious name of our resurrected savior jesus we pray and everybody said amen you might be seated thank you so much in our text today in this book of joshua joshua has picked up a mantle of responsibility of being the successor to moses that's a amazing responsibility to try to pick up and carry to follow the man whom god spoke to face to face it is an incredible responsibility to try to carry yet he picks up the mantle and he carries it in fact god uses him in an incredible way to help the children of israel achieve and reach their destiny they take over conquer and achieve what god destined for them to do they reached the promised land they have been trying to get to the promised land for some decades four decades they tried but here they are now crossing over and taking territory and the book of joshua is the story of their conquest i thought i ought to talk to you about it today because i believe there are some descendants of joshua in this camp right here today i thought to talk about it because there's somebody who's afraid to move forward somebody who's fearful of thinking that maybe god cannot use them but god sent me here from the state of maryland to come here on this great day to try to encourage somebody to know that god has anointed you to do and reach the things that you thought you would never reach or do thank all 15 of y'all for that great celebration of receiving god you see joshua has been assigned the responsibility of achieving that which moses could not do god did not allow moses to carry them into the promised land god raises up joshua and anoints him and joshua does great he has 31 battles he defeats 31 kingdoms he takes over the territory after 31 battles 31 fights with only one loss of which that one lost he later avenged it is a great achievement in his life for his destiny and so i wanted to just talk to somebody that's what my message is about today my assignment is to challenge you to fulfill the destiny and the purpose and the call that god has for your life i know there's a whole lot of drama that's going on we're coming out of a pandemic and i know you think you didn't had financial loss you didn't had economic loss you didn't had loss on uh everything there's been a loss we're coming out of a pandemic but god wanted me to tell you and remind you all is not lost however i do need to tell you that in order for you to reach your destiny and fulfill your call and accomplish your purpose is going to require a fight i thought i ought to talk to you about it because there is a generation of people who are persuaded and believe that everything ought to be handed to them on a silver platter but my job is to tell you that if you're going to reach your destiny if you're going to accomplish what it is god is required for you to do it's going to require a fight it's going to require a battle and i i thought i ought to remind you that whatever god has for you is worth fighting for your marriage is worth fighting for your children are worth fighting for your ministry is worth fighting for your business is worth fighting for your anointing gone and preached pastor your anointing is worth fighting for israel's faces the children of israel are facing an army of people who have heard matter of fact verse 1 of chapter 11 says when jabin king of hazard heard these things what had he heard if you go back through several chapters you'll hear that nation after nation after nation had heard about joshua they had gotten the word about joshua they had heard that he had come in and taken over territory he had come in and defeated kingdom and taken territory and the word had spread about joshua and the children of israel they heard and you need to know brothers and sisters that hell has heard about you [Applause] i know you may not believe it but hell knows that if you ever reach your destiny if you ever get to the place of doing what it is that god has called you to do hell knows that you represent a threat to his kingdom and you need to stop being timid and afraid and laid back you need to rise up and say i'm gonna do what it is that god has called me to do i am not afraid i will not go down without a fight tell your neighbor i'm not going down without a fight [Applause] they had heard they had heard they had gotten the word king jabin uh uh king of hazel had heard and so he gathers together all of these surrounding nations it says look look at here look at all of these nations that's around and they have heard and they've all come together the king of hazar and madan and shimron and aksaf and the kings south of china and dorr the king of the canaanites and the amorites and the hittites and the parasites and the jebusites and the hevites the mosquito bites the termites everybody was there they had gathered everybody to come together for one sole purpose of fighting against israel you know what i discovered i discovered that when you are doing what it is that god has called you to do people who would not ordinarily speak to each other will come together to try to stop you from achieving what it is that god has called you to do i have concluded i believe that and i i am persuaded that when everybody has to come together to try to stop you you must be a bad somebody somebody tell your neighbor i must be special the anointing on me must be an awesome anointing when they all have to gang up to come against me and that's the truth of the matter what you represent and what god is going to do with you and through you and in your life what god is going to do with you you're going to destroy devils you're going to win families you're going to save marriages people are coming off drugs prostitutes are coming off the street your anointing i don't know who i'm preaching to but your anointing is so awesome and so bad that the devil is going to try to do everything he can to stop you but don't you go down without a fight yes you must be a bad somebody and as a matter of fact all of this the text says that it was so many has is the number they went out day verse four they and all their armies with them has many people has the sand that is on the seashore in multitudes with very many horses and cherries here's what that means horses and chairs that is the tanks of their day they're bringing all of their weaponry they're bringing all of their strength all of their missiles all of their guns all of their might and you need to understand some of you have gone through some hell through this last season you need to understand that the more intense the battle is it's a representation of how great the victory is when you get on the other side of the battle i don't know who i'm preaching to it might just be one person who i'm preaching to but my word to you today is the more intense the battle the greater the victory on the other side of what you're going through don't be discouraged don't be frustrated don't walk away don't quit but recognize that you've got a great victory on the other side that's why you can't go down without a fight your anointing must be mighty it must be great it must be amazing as a matter of fact all of these armies had come against israel it says many has the sand on the sea shore that's how many were coming the odds might be against you the odds were against israel with all of these armies the odds might be against you for some of you the odds might be against you getting married the odds might be against your marriage making it the odds might be against your ministry prospering the odds might be against your business succeeding but if god be for you [Applause] if god is on your side somebody ought to holler who can stop what god has declared who can slow down when god has spoken a word about you who can stop you they can't stop you they can't stop you they can't slow you down they can't you defeat you i have fought too many battles for me to quit now i didn't go through too much hell i got too much in front of me for me to stop right now don't be surprised when they come against you the fact that they're coming against you is an indication that you are headed in the right direction i wish i could get an amen right there from somebody the odds might be against you but when it's all said and done you're more than a conqueror the odds might be against you but you're going to win who am i preaching to today who is this for god has a destiny for you god has an assignment and a call for you and what do you do what do you do when the odds are against you what do you do when the enemy's coming against you what do you do when they've lined up all the paperwork to fire you what do you do when everybody's warring against you what was joshua to do all of these nations and all of these kings have got their armies and they've come against joshua what are you to do i'm glad you asked the question here's what verse 5 says i'm sorry verse six but the lord said to joshua see y'all missed y'all missed a great spot to say amen i it no no let me tell you but the lord said whenever god sticks his butt in your situation that means something's about to shift something is about to change tell your neighbor god got a big old butt don't he many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them out of them all the wages of sin are is death but y'all so y'all ain't hear what i'm trying to tell you today joshua had an army coming against him but god stuck his butt in the situation but the lord said here's what you do you get a word from god joshua got a word from god and what did god say he said number one do not be afraid because of them that's the first thing he says he says don't let fear control you somebody look at your neighbor and say stop being scared tell your neighbor stop being scared some of you have not moved forward because you're afraid i come to drive away a spirit of fear i come to rebuke a spirit of fear afraid to write the book afraid to record the song afraid to start the business afraid to get married afraid afraid afraid god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind don't be afraid what i've learned about god is that don't let fear drive you in the wrong direction some of you have been afraid to do anything because of fear and what i've learned is that god wants me to learn and you to learn how to always move in the direction of your fears [Applause] when a pack of lions are going to attack a prey they see the prey down in the valley and the pack of lions send the old slow toothless lion over to the side by himself on one side while the pack of strong fast aggressive lions over on the other side the slow toothless lion slow has one assignment to roar [Music] when he roars the prey runs away from the roar not knowing that it's going into the strength of the pack and all i'm trying to tell you to do is stop running away from the roar your victory is running towards the roar your destiny is toward the roar your victory is toward the royal okay y'all y'all not getting it y'all not getting out uh let me use the illustration uh uh when i was a young man bishop i was afraid to talk in front of people i think i'm preaching in front of some people here today as a young man i learned to face my fears y'all still ain't got it let's see uh oh oh i used to be afraid of heights i couldn't go into tall buildings and if i went into a tall building i would i couldn't go over to the balcony oh lord no i could not go over to the balcony i would be afraid so instead of me always living with the grip of that fear i went out and took flying lessons i is an instrument-rated pilot y'all look at your neighbor and say face your fears look on the other side say face your fears our church purchased some land and built a new worship center 4 000 seats 2000 parking spaces 62 million dollars by the way paid half of it off before we had our first service in the building we built it ourselves we acted as our own general contractor i was afraid to try to do it ourselves but we did it go ahead past the head i'm just trying to inspire somebody to know don't be afraid of facing your fears let me go on let me here's number two i'm almost finished he says right here but the lord said to joshua don't be afraid because of them for tomorrow about this time [Music] i'm preaching to somebody to let you know today about this time tomorrow i prophesy i declare it i preach it i pray it i say it [Applause] tomorrow about this time whatever it is you've been fighting with whatever it is you've been struggling with whatever it is that's been discouraging you whatever it is god told me to tell you he's about to bring it to an end he's about to shut it down he's about to bring it to a conclusion it done tormented you and frustrated you and hurt you and you've been crying but god told me to tell you bam it's about to come to an end somebody ought to go ahead and give god a shout in the praise [Applause] tomorrow about this time he told me to tell you he's put a limit on how long the devil can frustrate you he's put a time frame it ain't a matter of fact here's what he told me to tell you the fight won't last long the fight will not last long get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready don't drop the mic the fight won't last long get ready get ready to do the battle get ready you're going to be a winner you're going to win it won't last long here's my final point i'm i'm a short-winded preacher i'm a helicopter i just go straight up come down bishop's at 747 he needs a long runway he here big time it won't last long then he says this you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire y'all y'all don't know when to shout that's a great spot to shout on [Music] you shall hamstring their horses here's what that means you will here's what that means when you hamstring a horse it means to cut the horse at his his his strongest muscle in his hind legs and when you cut that muscle he's rendered useless as a matter of fact when you cut the hamstring that horse can can no the hamstring can't heal so they will they will kill a horse once the hamstring gets cut god says i'm going to empower you and anoint you to hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire i'm going to hamstring i'm going to take the strength of the horse away and okay y'all need an illustration i got to explain everything to y'all i used to have a good government job i had a good government job and my boss [Music] took another job and my boss's boss called me into her office i remember bishop like it was yesterday she was sitting in the office with her legs crossed and her arm folded and she said you can apply for the job but you're not gonna get it said we want somebody with more experience more training more knowledge and i said okay fine and so i did the job of the boss my boss i did the work even though i didn't apply for the job even though she told me i wasn't going to get it if i applied for it several months later she called me back to her office sitting in that same chair with a less cross and her arms folded and said i just called you in here to tell you that you got selected for the job i said thank you very much i appreciate the opportunity i'm gonna do the best i can thank you and i got up and i walked out back to my office that's what i did externally [Applause] internally i said you said i wasn't gonna get it you said i wasn't qualified you said i could apply but it wouldn't be mine i said i'm preaching to somebody today that's been told you can't get it you won't win you won't move up i'm here to tell you get ready to say ah pastor jenkins what does this have to do with hamstringing horses i didn't know it at the time but i found out later that my boss's boss's boss told my boss's boss [Applause] give the job to john jenkins y'all still missed it what happened what had happened was the boss's boss's boss hamstrung the boss's boss took the boss's boss's power away and gave me a job i don't know who i'm preaching to today but i want you to get ready to know that god is about to hamstring somebody who's trying to hurt you trying to defeat you trying to frustrate you they are about to be hamstrung oh i feel a shout coming on me right now i feel the spirit of god telling somebody your life your circumstance your situation is about to change and my job is to tell you don't go down without a fight put your dukes up get in the battle god has called you god has anointed you god has powered you god is getting you ready for something beyond what you ever dreamed to imagine but you can't go down without a fight hallelujah i give the lord a shout i give the lord a praise somebody help me give him a prayer you can lie on me try to embarrass me walk out on me scandalize me sue me uninvite me whatever you want to do but i'm going to fight you can provoke me trick me fool me entice me lure me deceive me but i'm still fighting and i'm here to tell you they fight for your purpose fight for your destiny fight for your anointing fight for your business fight for your marriage fight for your children fight for your destiny do what it is that god has called you to do fight for your health [Applause] a friend of mine jeffrey johnson pastors in indianapolis indiana told me this i'm almost finished don't sit down i'm coming this you make me feel like i'm saying something don't sit down told me about muhammad ali is muhammad ali has a daughter named laila ali here and and laila decided to take up boxing she boxed for a few years matter of fact she had a record of 24 and 0. she never lost the fight she was a boxer in one of her matches she had a rematch with somebody that she had a close fight with and this rematch she got a cut over her eye and a bloody nose and it looked like halfway through the fight she was going to lose but she came back and won the fight knocked the girl out when the fight was over they interviewed layla and said layla you look like you were about to lose that fight how were you able to come back she said i watched my father fight i watched muhammad ali beat joe frazier and george foreman and sunny liston i watched him look like he was going to lose but then i saw him come back i watched him and so did she said this when i thought about who my daddy was do you know who your daddy is he's the lily of the valley do you know who your daddy is he's the bright and morning star do you know who your daddy is he is alive and well put your dukes up and come on and get in the paddle and get in the fight [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i i thought i'd have more people in the battle with me i thought there'd be some more people willing to get in the fight but maybe you're saying i i can't throw a punch like that i can't do the undercut i don't know how to throw a haymaker it's all right if you can't be smooth like that do like this just put your head down and just start just start swinging just get whatever you do get in the paddle i just start swinging start throwing punches say i'm not going down without a fight i'm not quitting i ain't gonna just walk away i'm not going down without a fight what shall we say to these things if god be for us who can be against us he who did not even spare his own son but deliver them up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things we are more than conquerors we are more than conquerors tell yourself i'm more than a conqueror i'm the head and not the tail i'm not going down fight for your marriage fight for your children [Applause] [Music] one more thing i'm finished one more thing in the text i almost forgot this god said make sure you talk about this and in verse 7 it says this so joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of maram and they attacked them [Music] i got to explain everything to y'all again instead of joshua waiting for all of those armies to come and attack him he decided we're going to get our army together and go and fight them i'm just trying to tell y'all stop sitting in back waiting for somebody to attack you you got to learn to be aggressive when i was growing up we used to have a chair that said be aggressive b e a g g r e s s i v e b b aggressive b e a g g r e s s i v e say b you got to be aggressive you got to be the first one to jump out there you got to be the first one to go you got to be quick and fast you got to say go ahead i'm not going to wait for them to come and attack me we are more than conquerors we got jesus on our side we got the lord who's fighting with us he already told us you shall hamstring their horses and burn their church with fire i'm telling you to be aggressive [Music] [Applause] if your marriage is on the line brothers go and get some flowers and take them home to your wife that's aggressive take some smelling salt too so when she faints from what you did you can bring her back bring her back sister your husband and father divorce papers no don't just lay down and get just give it up just quit and say no it's over go to vicki's and figure out how you can be aggressive [Applause] you only get that in a few minutes did i go too far on that one was that a little bit too far [Music] be aggressive don't go down without a fight who am i preaching to today i declare to you i prophesied i speak over you that god is about to take you to places that you never thought of dreams you would ever be a dude he's about to make you more than conquerors matter of fact you're already more than congress he's about to make you a winner but you have to have the mentality to say i'm not going down without a fight go ahead raise your hand and say that's me lord the devil thought that he had beat god when jesus hung on the cross and died but he didn't recognize that what looked like he was down in three days he got up out of the grave and he's the same god that lives in you and in me all you got to know is i'm not going to quit and just lay down give the lord a shout of grace that's right if you receive that word go ahead and give him a praise and give him a shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah glory god i receive it somebody said i receive it i receive that it's not going to last long i receive i'm not going to be afraid i receive i'm going to walk and toward my fears and not run from my fears i'm going to go toward my fears jesus name amen who needs jesus in their life who needs to accept jesus is there anybody here today needs to accept jesus who needs to receive the lord jesus are we calling them for tonight if you need jesus come on down here we're going to help you accept jesus right quick right now just come on you need to you need salvation don't be afraid you need to rededicate yourself you need a church home you need whatever you stand in if you stand in one of those knees come on right now we're going to get it straight with the lord right now while the blood is running warm in your veins right now is the time come come that's right come come this very moment don't put it off don't delay it don't be afraid but say yes to the lord amen amen step right over here amen amen amen somebody help me give the lord a shout for these people who are coming today that's right come come right now come say yes to the lord he loves you he cares he brought you here today for your deliverance for your breakthrough for your miracle this is your day this is your day it's your day to be turned around it's your day for stuff to change this is your day [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen proud of you young man proud of you young lady amen praise the lord god bless you god bless you praise the lord amen hallelujah right there stop right there right there amen [Applause] let me pray for you all look at me real quick look at me jesus christ died on the cross for your sins he was buried and he rose again from the dead so you could have life and if you put your faith in him believe what he did he'll save you turn your life around but you got to be willing to accept and receive him pray this prayer with me father in jesus name i confess my sins and i want you to come in my life lord jesus i believe jesus died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead i yield to you almighty god in jesus name i receive the gift of salvation and i ask you to fill me with your presence in jesus name amen go ahead and give the lord a shout turn this way and follow somebody's going to direct you follow follow them amen give the lord a shout for these people y'all though help me celebrate them i'm proud of you proud of you proud of you amen praise the lord god bless you god bless you the devil is mad but heaven is shouting the angels are rejoicing hallelujah praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him [Music] all right y'all know how we respond to the word of god we sow a seed in that word and i want to ask you to prepare to sow a seed in that word right now amen they'll give instructions on the screen and tell you what you need to do but let me ask you to sow a seed into that truth amen that word is for you say you know what i want to sow right into that i'm not going to be afraid i'm going to move forward i'm going to take the step toward those fears that have kept me from doing and being what god wants me to do and be and i'm believing i'm sowing a seed into the word that tomorrow this time something's going to change something's going to turn around about this time tomorrow the breakthrough is going to come through sow a seed right there i believe that i amen i trust god i believe that's the word god gave me to tell you somebody's about to be hamstrung that's been trying to hurt you god's about to take their power away and make you the victor father bless these gifts that we're sowing right now allow it father to accomplish what is destined to do and let your name get all of the glory and honor in the mighty name of the lord jesus we pray amen [Applause] [Music] god you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 284,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, gospel, motivational, sundayservice, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, I will not go down without a fight, pastor john jenkins, first baptist church of glenarden church, i will not go down without a fight
Id: nsKdQwB7LZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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