I Went to Japan’s “Extreme” Halloween Night

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[Music] hey friends taka dearest oh so by the time that you guys watch this it's been a few days since Halloween which I hope was enjoyable for you guys whether you went trick-or-treating or maybe you stayed home and played smash I don't know I know judge man but since we're on the topic of Halloween I thought to share my experience of celebrating hollow for celebrating Halloween for the first time in Shibuya some of you may be wondering occiput the [ __ ] you've never celebrated Halloween before of course I've celebrated Halloween before but in Shibuya Halloween is very interesting so [Music] if you guys don't know anything about Japan um I would say that Chiba is honestly like the Times Square of Tokyo really it's a big tourist attraction with a lot of shopping centers and it has a nice urban feel to it I'm really good for those of you that just like that city life you know and I really like it but it goes from all of that to a much different vibe for one night which is Halloween [Music] now Halloween has actually gotten so chaotic that the government of Japan is actually tried banning it from ever happening again pause after I actually looked into this it turns out that that was just a rumor it wasn't the government that tried to stop it it was more the mayor and city council peoples that just kind of had a discussion being like we don't want the stop and again but too bad we don't get it they can't stop all of us but by this point it's actually grown so big that there's no turning back now it's like the purge for one night everyone goes ballistic but in Reverse instead of the government trying to make that happen they're trying to take it away but instead they just try to prep up every year for the inevitable death is imminent well no no one dies I don't think not when I went I think everyone was just drunk there's no trick-or-treating there's hardly ever even any clubs it's like a X but if it were like outdoors and if people were a lot more crazier by the way I went there in this I had to wake up at 7 in the morning to get my face painted on by my friend's friend who was a makeup artist 4vk bands here in Japan so I'll put a link in the description to her Instagram I just wanted to give her a little shout out because she did so well with my hair and makeup here and from 7:00 in the morning till night time I had to keep all of that intact which was damn near impossible the government banned people from drinking on the streets they even had physical bars to the alcoholic aisles and stores they even barred up the fridges inside of the convenience stores but this rule only applied in Shibuya now the only place that was still allowed to sell alcohol was all of the eASIC ayahs which is like a bar and so people found that loophole and people would just get drunk inside the bar and then come back out or people would drink outside of shibuya and then come in but even with those loopholes I didn't see as many drunk people as I thought I would that could mean anything to you guys so I got on the train and it's almost empty and I thought oh my god it's rush hour now and this is actually like a new thing usually between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. everyone's coming back on the trains from work and usually really crowded but I was on there in the space makeup and it was almost empty so I thought oh my god everyone is in Shibuya now it's gonna be so crazy I'm going to die but then I text my friend and he tells me there's actually not a lot of people there so my theory is that maybe everyone was hiding at home and some were just prepping up for the night in Shibuya so I arrived at Shibuya station and and I'm saying she way out a lot I'm sorry but I arrived at the station and there's a lot of people that just got off from work and they are just plowing through everybody like I if I were them I would do the same thing I think I had like three people push me out of the way I wasn't even mad I'm like dude I get it like you you're working shibuya on like the worst night right now and so they're all just plowing through everyone they're like I just want to go home I don't even care so I'm like okay well that happened and I get out of the station and I don't know what the hell my friend was saying that there were no people there but it was packed it was like shoulder your shoulder you can barely even move through this thing if you are Koster phobic of woods Shibuya on Halloween at all times well you might want to avoid ship way altogether because it's still packed but much more packed than normal I'm just glad I'm not claustrophobic but it sucks that I'm short because I can't see anything now one of the things I really wanted to do for this video was go up to the Starbucks that is by that famous crossing that you all have probably seen on the Internet that's Shibuya crossing and that's what I wanted I wanted like a cool time-lapse of everyone coming through there but then I saw that there was people with signs in front of all of the stores including the Starbucks that said you can't come in if you have heavy faced pain or if you have a big costume on I think the purpose of that was to control the possibility of like robberies and theft and whatnot so I was like damn it but I went to bershka which has like several layers and then like I got this cold shot so as you guys can see it is packed with people and this was only at 6 p.m. and throughout most of the night I just walked around and see what I could find in I found some guys that were doing push-ups next to each other for whatever reason oh yeah and there's also a lot of cops which is good because what I heard from the previous year's is that their biggest flaw was that the government never sent enough cops to this thing so there was almost near to no control in the past but this year you couldn't go to even a back alley without there being a cop somewhere so I actually really like that because if some things go down you can tell somebody and then everyone is just taking photos of one another I got a lot when I first came into Shibuya it's kind of interesting that people don't really ask for your photo they just kind of take it so I would here let me get my phone so I would be texting like this right and I just be looking at my phone and there'd be like three people right here and they would just do this and I see that in my peripheral so I'm just like you know I don't mind posing you can ask me for a picture you don't have to do that you just kind of look a little bit creepy especially when you're only like right here I'm not joking they were only right there usually people that do this are like really far away which is still not cool but I'm just saying like this is very obvious to me so but most of the people that did take my photos they didn't really do anything bad there was this one guy though and I can't believe that I got this on footage because my friend was holding the camera and he was definitely drunk he wreaked of alcohol he put his arm around me and then he was also patting my head saying he looked cute cute cute he wanted to take a photo of me and then as so we were taking the photo I don't know what the hell he was doing but I just feel his hand go all over my makeup and the first thing I thought was do you know how long this makeup took and also the fact I mean that is weird that he's touching my face like that so again Shibuya is crazy and if you do go to this it's rough you're gonna meet a lot of weird people and you have to know how to handle yourself when you are in that environment and I'm just gonna keep this in a video but when my friend was still recording she was giving me the camera and you see me you see me give her like be up my god eyes cuz oh my god this guy really wanted to touch my face for some reason but I let it go I'm like you know what he's drunk and I'm in this situation and that's not even like the worst thing that can happen to you at night but it's still pretty freaking weird but we did walk away point being we walked away after that situation I'm like okay you know what just just do your thing don't don't touch people anymore okay I remember there was also this one girl she was jumping up trying to talk to the firefighters and they look like they really don't want to talk to her why are you doing that why are you how are you trying to hit on the firefighters what are you doing and throughout the whole night despite of how many drunk people I did see I only saw one tossed out thank God for Luigi you are a good man for looking out for that guy in fact that guy was passed out so conveniently away from all of the chaos oh and by the way if you guys don't know that is something in Japan that we call a shibuya meltdown there's actually an Instagram account that you guys can follow that I highly recommend that's actually hilarious of people that are passed out in shibuya drunk almost everyone that I know here in Japan follows that account it's just like the stereotype that you will see that at least one time if you visit I know that there's at least a handful of you who are looking at this whole scenario being like oh that I'm reaching the end of the video now and I wanted to save this for last because I have no footage of it whatsoever but there was one thing that did happen that did kind of tick me off at the very end of it so I will really wanted to get back home and I had to cross that cross section in Shibuya now there's only a limited amount of time that you have to cross the street and my friends were behind me but because we were just making it like it started to blink before it turns red I ran across the street and then I look behind me and I see my friends got stopped by the police saying that you have to wait until the light turns green again so I saw them and then we were texting like lol just wait for us and we'll be there and I'm underneath the tree and I'm texting them and when I look up I see these two guys they weren't Japanese they were speaking English perfectly and they asked me very very kindly for a photo they didn't seem drunk from what I could see and watch I know my parents are watching this and by the time that they hear what I'm about to say watch they're going to text me being like I never want you to go back to Halloween in Shibuya again don't ever do that again but I'm sorry mom and dad I'm just sharing my story here so we're taking a photo and immediately his friend who grabbed me really tightly would like put me like right here under his arm and I feel his hand right here on I guess my chest and I was wearing a corset as you guys can see in the photo and as soon as his friend was about to take the picture he immediately tried digging into my corset and grabbing my but the corset was so tight that huh you could [ __ ] do it but I remember instantly I slapped his hand and then I took his hand off and then I said dude what the [ __ ] you know you're not supposed to do that right and then he just smirked at me and then he just left with his friend I just wanted to say that for less than the video just to get it out there of the dark side of what happens here if it wasn't dark already the best thing I can say is that you need to know what to do in that situation and for me I thought I did everything that I had to do you know someone did something that they know they're not supposed to do and I didn't think he was drunk or sober or not you should be aware of what you're doing so there wasn't anything that he could say cuz he knows he wasn't supposed to do that and the next morning there were articles saying that you know groping and other harassment and even like some crimes here and there did happen that night so what happened to me probably happened like hundreds of times over that night and the only thing that I can say is that if you do go one don't get separated from your friends like I did and to know what to do when things like that happen there's policemen everywhere and if you're going to go know when to say no I know it's a really crazy event and people get overexcited I just want to know what goes on through your head to think that for this night you're allowed to do that cos please don't consent bro it's just yeah what did that kill Halloween for me as a whole mmm not really I mean I would go again with my friends I'll do it one more time next year and see how I feel about it it didn't ruin the whole night it's just it sucked that that's what it ended off with because everything before that was totally fine but you know what I give myself props I did everything that I thought was the best thing to do so anyways sorry I dragged that on for way too long that more than I needed to but just had to let you guys know that if you come to Shibuya especially on Halloween just take care of yourself just look out for yourself and make sure you don't go in places you're not supposed to be in and make sure you're always around people in case thing like that happens and you can shout I don't know so let me know in the comments below what you guys thought of Halloween in Shibuya would you go would you not go what are your thoughts on some of the footage that you saw here maybe a interesting species of human beings I must say yeah I'll see if I go next year and I'll let you guys know but I appreciate guys for watching and subscribe to my channel for anime otaku and Japan related content and I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: akidearest
Views: 1,389,902
Rating: 4.9726124 out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, i went, to, japan's, extreme, halloween, night, shibuya halloween, shibuya meltdown, shibuya crazy, halloween 2019, japan halloween
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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