I Went to a Yaoi Cafe

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*music* Hey friends, it's Akidearest. So today, I'm going to be going to Ikebukuro with a couple of friends of mine. And we have the pleasure of having the opportunity to record at a 'Boy's Love Cafe.' *shook* *music* From my understanding, it's going to be High School themed so we made the spontaneous decision to buy some costumes to fit the theme. I have so many 'Kiss Him Not Me' vibes from this outfit right now I think it's the purple hair. Joey, you're okay with this, right? Boyfriend Approved! So let's go! Aki: Baby, I'm going to the BL cafe. Joey: See ya *Background* Time to go to school. Aki: Time to go to school! So I'm excited to see what they have to give us, and hopefully I don't scream too hard. Both: Hello. Get that boiiiii *laughs* I'mma be honest guys, I'm already kinda blushing from like the imagination and stuff. *laughs* Okay, so how this works is like, they do different scenes. I thought that each scene happens per dish that you order but it's actually just right here. You can do a Paki Game scene, an Onigiri Game scene, and a Pakayaki Game. (I probably spelt those wrong please don't kill me) I don't know if we're going to do everything but I definitely want you to do the paki one. Yes! Yeah yeah yeah! Oh, okay. *Aki is SHOOK* That was awesome! That was cool. Okay! My heart is beating fast. Are you sure you don't need a drink that's a little bit stronger? Aki: Hmm? Need a drink that's a little bit stronger? Aki: Oh no, I'm good! So for the Onigiri scene, I guess I'm just going to choose 2 people? Yeah, so you choose 2 of them. One of them makes the Onigiri and then, like feeds it to the other one, I think. Aki: Greeeeeaat! I was thinking that one of them forgot to bring their lunch and they're starving? So the other one is like, 'Oh, you can have mine,' and they're like 'No, no, no,' but then the other one is like, insisting on it. Wow! Haru: Sorry, yeah. Aki: Ummmm, you and you? Hmm? Ohh, umm... Yeah, they both look like Semes now. Aki: *softly* Aww *music* Ahh! So that happened. Yep. So that was the 'BL Cafe' everyone. It was a little bit hard to find but my day was made, the guys are super super nice. I'll put a link in the description below. So let me know in the comment section down below what you guys think. Would you guys ever come to the 'BL Cafe'? So, I appreciate you guys for watching. Subscribe to my channel for more anime and otaku related content! <3 And I will see you guys in the next video. Bye! Joey: Oh, by the way, how was the 'BL Cafe'? Aki: It was good. Joey: Was it though? Aki: Mmhm. Joey: What was your favourite part? Aki: The food. (same) Joey: That's good. Joey: Alright. Joey: Goodnight. Aki: Night. *music*
Channel: akidearest
Views: 7,845,302
Rating: 4.9299121 out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, yaoi, boys love, boys love cafe, bl cafe, fujoshi
Id: p2jirrZThO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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