I Went To A Traditional Wedding In Suriname & Got Shocked 😳

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a merry Christmas I wish you all a Merry Christmas I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year this video is not about Christmas but I just wanted something fun to share on this special day and that is why I'm uploading this video on this day you know what this is my Christmas gift to you all having a good time and you know what you need to do for me please like this video And subscribe and be part of this awesome Channel I'll be so happy if you share this video so that we'll be able to hit 1.5 million by the end of the year I know like 20,000 people I know we can make it happen I mean you got a family members share this video now and tell your family members to subscribe to this YouTube channel but hey I attended a wedding in Serama and trust me this is one of the best authentic African traditional wedding that I've attended which is Out of Africa I know you all like what you see that is why I'm uploading this video on this day because I want you and I to have fun on this day I've never been to a wedding that everyone in the wedding is busy shaking their way this wedding feels like a waste shaking competition so you know what we're going to do select Which lady is actually the best way Shaker in the comment section I would love to sit back and read your comments having a good time we having a great time man welcome to Sur let the real wedding begin the sand in Surinam hit so hard I thought like I live in Ghana so I'm so used to the sign but I can never be okay with the sign it seems like the sign is right in Surinam but hey that's not why I'm here good afternoon from suram it's a beautiful day you know I've been invited for so many things in this country I was invited for a funeral I went and today I've been invited for a wedding the only thing that no one has invited me is a food competition I I really want to be part of a food competition even though I don't want to win I I'm not interested to win I just want to be invited so that I can sit and eat and lose this is a a typical traditional tamaka wedding and it feels the same way like how we do our weddings back home in Ghana where are we right now no we are the place where uh and um the the brid Li and now they will take everything to the um home to the groom and from there they they will move from there and go somewhere to celebrate the wedding is it a traditional wedding this is traditional wedding you know coming from Ghana a traditional wedding is been done in the house of the Bride yes correctly just the same so I guess is this the home of the Bride here's the a home of the bride and from here but now they rented a place to to on celebrate the wedding oh okay yes so doesn't mean it's not tradition it's tradition but they take it you know a bit Western system okay to rent a bigger more space so that they can do it better so this is the home of the Bride I can see everyone is getting ready what they carrying what are they carrying food oh that's food yes can I carry too if it's food I want to carry it h where where do we carry the food let's go H if it's food I want to carry to I'm sorry hi you're looking beautiful apparently inside these basins is not just uh food stuff it's also gift from the wife to the groom that's that's crazy man um I didn't know that I thought it's always the the the the bride that receives um gifts from the groom which is more like a bride prize so in Ghana when you see people getting married you see the family of the groom carrying stuff like this and walking in line it's more like a bride prize man is is not the same thing no this is not the same thing it's not the same thing because the bright price is paid already by the men the bright price normally PID in the in the night time after they sleep the next morning when they wake up this is this ceremony [Music] wow is it a your real hair right yeah oh [Applause] nice is that a groom where is he going the they they move from here to to where the groom is uh living is that on the groom that just [Music] came Inside Yes because and um The Sisters of the wife have to go and take the groom to here and so is that the Bri [Music] yes so where are they going right now right now they oh my goodness that's so beautiful man look at that W oh my goodness where they going to the groom's house right now the gro is coming house to pick the bride and so they move on to why is the groom wearing cup it's a traditional no no no that's not traditional just oh you look it looks so beautiful Hi man nice to see you wow so what's going to happen I see that's the the bright mid the bright mid so many bright M yes why so many can you smile for me thank you thank you than you smile just smile okay wow are they going to walk or they going to be in a car they they will go in um into the car because the distance is too long if the distance wasn't too long they should walk to the groom's house oh okay so everyone is going to the groom's house so the groom comes in here to take the bride and then go together with the Bry mid to the groom's house yes that's true wow that's a different culture man [Music] [Music] interesting so we are on our way to the wedding grounds which is apparently the groom's house yeah so yeah um this is a convoy and uh just the same way with mared in Africa man we are finally here hello hello hi Hi how are you yes I'm [Music] fine see the stuff on their head can I help you do it you see is the is the same thing that we do okay come on the same way right then yes you're welcome what they going to carry is for the groom right yes okay wow that's so beautiful it's the same culture like us so this is the bright mid carrying a the like the gifts the and the food for the families of the groom I'm smelling some I'm smelling the aroma of peanut soup yes that's true oh oh you can also smell it too yes that's true I can't wait I hope there's Fufu here man I can't believe what I'm seeing man it seems the bride is also going to cry stuff wh why is the bride going to carry Stu you're going to carry why traditionally the bride supposed to carry something on the head to show I'm women enough to take care of my husband yes if you go to a traditional Village okay if you see a um a woman wear the triangle means I'm already married but you have to to check the clot if the clot is above here that mean they are not married yet oh okay but if it's beneath the knees means they are married so yes this one is not married this one is not married not married not married not married not married not married why all of them are single why are you all single ah okay let me go closer all of them are single I can confirm that yes I can confirm that are you looking forward to get a husband here is anyone looking for to get a husband at this wedding so that you tell the world that I met my husband at a wedding this is a typical samaka wedding that is the groom holding the umbrella I see you brother you're so happy you're getting married today ah nice [Music] we are in the you are in the boat of Love cannot live without love that's so [Music] true did you say what AM May oh nice to see you hello hello you all coming for the wedding yes there's food there there's food there cuz I'm coming for the food you know so you like food I love food I I don't just like I love it are you samaka Saka oh samak I am I am samak oh okay interesting so you know the bride or you know the groom the groom you know the groom it's my uncle oh okay so you you came to support your [Music] uncle let me give you all a bit of context of what is happening the marriage ceremony in here is exactly the same way we do it in Africa the main ceremony took place yesterday of which I was not around so what happened yesterday was the groom going to the bride's family to go pay the bride price which in here they call it the Parker I don't know which African country calls it Parker too if your country calls it Parker let me know and once that is done the following day the traditional wedding takes place which they make it official so how does this happen the groom goes to the Family House of the Bride go take the bride to his house and once they are going to his house the bride needs to carry a lot lot of gift that is going to be presented to the family of the groom so this GI are from the family of the wife to the family of the men I don't know if that is how it's done in Africa I don't know about that and I'm not going to be here to [Music] lie we finally made it to the ceremonial ground this is where the whole ceremony is going to take place I mean the wedding ceremony is going to take place we move from the Bright House to out there was a bit of a tradition going on but it's a very minimalist wedding in terms of the people that I'm seeing in here but 99% of the people present at the wedding are basically women I hardly SE no man in here so one one thing that I I I find it so unique in here is the way the women are dressed up you know um everyone is wearing a rapper which I know it's more traditional but uh the top is more like a crop top and everybody is dressed the same way I mean yeah but um it is what it is I really want to find out if uh that is a traditional way of dressing or it got a bit of influence of the western culture because I don't think in those days this is how they used to dress I think maybe as time goes on it go more [Music] food there's water Maya so I have the food and the food is behind the scenes so the wedd is going to take place in there and right after that oh wow that's looks so good oh that's fried rice okay looks like car [Music] rice look at that cake oh nice oh that's another cake so all these ones are cakes oh wow another [Music] rice this is nice man but for now I think I I just have to wait for the bride and groom to come for us to do the whole ceremony and right after that we just come and dive into the [Music] [Music] FL you cannot tell me that the black people of Surinam are not descendants of Africa because even here they do the African Time same thing they told me that this wedding is going to start up from 11:00 to 1:00 and believe me I've been here since 11: and uh we finished everything we got in here I mean it was too delayed and 2:00 I came in in here just to wait for the bride and the groom and it's 6:00 and the bride and the groom are now coming so which means we waited for four good hours and what is happening it's extremely beautiful seeing the beautiful African culture it's exactly the same way how we do things way back in Africa and listen you cannot tell me that this is not Africa you cannot tell me that this culture is not beautiful The Sounds feel like the same sounds from Ghana Togo Nigeria Ben it's just absolutely beautiful and the fact that the dancers in here looks exactly like dances from Congo Angola you know like the dances that that people wh they are waste and all of that it's exactly the same thing that is happening in here it feels like when they came here they really stick to the African culture and that's one thing that I really admire about the people of Surinam it's just absolutely [Applause] beautiful [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] wife [Applause] [Applause] wow what is the meaning of this dances man this Dan is secet SEC what does it mean yeah I feel like the whole wedding ceremony is about music and [Music] [Music] dance there there is more than uh the music the music and the song but those are private things and um when the couple came out the house all what they do is just to be happy with [Music] them you know funeral food and wedding foods are actually the best yeah so I cannot come in here without knowing what they have I got to taste it right oh I should say no man you guys are saying no you eat too much [Applause] finished I I was the one who brought the foode Finish hey where is the food no my food but but I brought the food no I'm going to cause chaos here I brought the food hey hello everybody hi hello I brought the food no I can't believe this I carried the food from the house and I brought it and the food is finished how I have to make noise I can't believe this I R the food I'm so [Music] disappointed the food is finished how who is the food a few minutes [Music] [Music] later [Music] this yeah when I when I came in here yes there were only women women but now I'm seeing so many men why is it so yeah no at the first time every first after death the man come a wedding I'm sorry so the traditional wedding women have to come first and then men follows wow so are is it going to be a dance where men and women are going to dance together or something TR tradition you know African and then dancing with each other not normal wedding Trad traditional wedding the woman come first and the man call oh okay know that we going to party now [Music] oh yeah but you know this is shocking to see the the the groom wearing a hat it's my first time seeing a weather like that that's so cool [Music] man nice one man like it's like yo I I got to put on my cup man today is a wedding day but you're lucky he didn't put it to cover his face at least we can see him no but this is quite an experience I love it I love the fact that I've been able to experience an authentic traditional um samaka wedding and it feels so good to be here man yo if you enjoying this video don't forget to like this video subscribe and part of this awesome Channel we have bringing afro descendant closer to Africa and Africa closer to afro descendant this is actually the best thing that I've ever done man can you guys me don't want leave as soon as I step out the FL like they go I'm like no he like I'm exed want to have a hug hey hey louder louder louder music [Music] louder [Music] I won't lie my eyes really enjoyed and I know that you actually enjoyed this Christmas by watching this video a lot and that is why I'm asking you all please like this video for more and don't forget to subscribe to to help us reach 1.5 million I want to set a record by hitting 1.5 million on 1st January can we make it happen please I'm on my knees oh my goodness I'll see you all in the next one I [Music] may
Channel: WODE MAYA
Views: 368,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wodemaya, wedding on christmas day, traditional wedding, wode maya in suriname, suriname country, paramaribo suriname
Id: dKmIrvhBJ68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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