A Suprise Helicopter Flight With The Vice President Of Suriname

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your Excellency how are you good nice to see you in person yeah right [Music] hello good morning from Surinam a country in South America and I've been here for the past 3 days and the love has been amazing I mean super amazing I never knew I got so much love in [Music] here I'm even thinking of extending my days based on the emails that I've been receiving based on the kind of messages that have been receiving like I had no idea that diaspora watched me like that like I have no single idea and we got an invitation to meet the vice president of the country who is also an African descendant and I'm like who am I to say no to the vice president so we actually on our way to go meet the vice president right now a big shout out to um sha um she has been amazing oh my goodness why is it opening a big shout out to sha she has been amazing making sure that oh I driver for today is a woman yeah my goodness hi hola hola K oh Tut bang you speak Portuguese rather yeah okay all right so just come along with us um we're going to update you as time goes on so stick and stay and enjoy the Vlog but don't forget to like this video now thank you [Music] they got me oh SM oh wow how are you good nice to see you in person yeah hello yeah M so you have me sit here and then I'm going to sit wow okay welcome thank my office thank you and um you stay in s yeah uh I've been here for the past 3 days and I'm enjoying it okay yeah or you talk with um Mr uh dendas yeah yeah okay he told me about you yeah okay what can I do for you Excellency I'm I'm here because um I want to bridge the G between Africans and um Africans living in the diaspora I'm just a young man who woke up one day and decided to connect the dots because I felt like we living in Africa don't know uh the Africans living at the other side so I decided to go on this journey get to learn about the people get to see them get to speak to them and also get to know a bit about the history of How It's all started and how it's all happened so that's brought me to um Surinam and when I was doing research I found that the vice president of the country you know is an African too like me I was so proud I I I felt so proud so I requested is it possible to meet him shake his hands and U yeah get to tell Africans that vice president of Surinam is so an African yeah yes y very welcome I have the same idea you have um from um my youth years I think about Africa because if uh my mother told me the story oh uh my people is coming here in swam wow they no they come from Africa and uh they don't come like this they they like you come they they they uh frame them here make them slave and my uh grandfather this generation they don't want to be slave exactly and so they fled to the to the to the h the interior far in the in in the jungle and so they build the life there so they have a community there and so they fight against the the B Sor and so they fight they fight in one day free and so um we are from uh the maroon they call us maroon but we know the r is Africa exactly and I think uh we are now free and on 264 years ago and nobody the African fled to the to the Jungle never know that they will come and take place in the government and so this has happened now uh after 200 and something years can can I can I ask that does it mean that you're you're the first ever African to hold this position in the country listen all the time and this is the first time the Maron have this position wow it's the first time so how how does that make you feel oh it feel it feel great because uh we never think that we will come on this level nobody uh dream about this and one day is happened wow and also uh you have to government you have the Parliament and the Parliament is also in the same time we have uh maroon is Chairman of the parliament and I'm the vice president because we have two powerful position in the country now and we have also several ministers that's that's amazing with the idea you come to to to to look on the diaspora brothers and sister yeah it's the same idea I have and you know I'm now ready to open a line directly toam to Ghana and Nigeria is in process and um we will start in January if everything is on place I I think I I I'll be happy to be on board the first flight no I'll be so happy to be in that first flight because I um I spoke to this beautiful lady sitting right next to me uh when I came here I realized that when I speak to people they have so much love for Africa but they've never been so I decided to sponsor myself I decided to sponsor a couple of my room people just to give them first experience of being in Ghana so so if there's going to be a first flight to Africa Ghana for the first time I would love to put the sponsor two people from here to be on that flight to be in Africa for the first time so um I think this is happening because I posted few videos online and Africans can't believe it this is the first time even seeing that there's a country called Surinam and there are Africans living in there because I was in the interior yesterday yesterday I I came yesterday from the oh really and everything there looks like home see this can we just pound some Fufu here yes it's possible and is where you cook cook it with firewood with firewood yeah and um up there you can put your wild meat exactly yes to get the smoke so that you can stay longer M yes for the use but before those thing with with the iron we used to make it out of uh clay yes we we call it makuku so in Ghana yes we still use the clay okay so we use the clay so like let's say we go like this the clay one here one here three three yes and then you put your food like yes the same the same you used it you use it for it's like everything we do in Africa exactly the same thing they do in there yeah so um I think it's a beautiful thing that is happening at the moment and know we just yeah yep it's it's happening it's a revolution but have you have you have you been to Africa no never so I I guess you should be the first one that I took to Africa then yes I for that I try to open the line so that we we not have to go to Holland and to go we go directly from there um so personally I want to thank you because I mean coming to a new country and getting the opportunity to speak to the vice president uh I don't think I'm going to take it for granted I very happy to to meet you this a honor to meet you young boy like you want to know about the diaspora uh family we have we have here it's a great opportunity to do that and I'm I'm visiting your interior tomorrow no tomorrow if you want um where I was the is um a chief of the village is um is uh D so we have a lot of people people there no I think tomorrow if you want to come I can fix the helicopter for you but it was only 3 person not no more no worries we can come we we really you can stay 20 minutes talk with the the chief of the village talk with the people and then you go back back that's it if you want to no I really want to I really want to do that okay tomorrow when um call the pilot may tell me what time yo I I I just met a vice president and fr me man he's the coolest person I've ever met you know I I felt like I was talking to my fellow blogger man he's like he's so cool man like initially I was a bit nervous but the kind of vibe that he gave me I was like Wow and take my picture Okay myself um he also booked us an helicopter ride to see uh another maroon Village so we'll be heading there tomorrow we are not giving up on this job anytime soon man there are people who understands it and we are here for it traveling from one country to another is my hobby but flying can be extremely expensive sometimes and that is why I appreciate my audience so much for supporting my travels through AFX I've not received money from you because you know nothing about afex so I'm here to educate you so that you send that money to me or your loved ones living back in Afric let's go Welcome to our village what is AFX AFX is a mobile Money Transfer app that allows users to send and receive money to and from Africa it's currently available in Ethiopia Ghana Kenya Ivory Coast Uganda Cameroon Haiti UK Canada and the USA it's fast reliable and no charges download afex today the link is in the description to send money to your loved ones if I am one of them please I'll be waiting for the [Music] alert invite you all to [Applause] [Music] Africa today is another day another beautiful day that the Lord has made and yeah we still still in Surinam I met the VP yesterday and he asked me if I will gladly come with him to a funeral and as a guy from Ghana whenever we going for funerals we just have to put on black so man in Black and we're ready for the funeral but hey we're using helicopter for the funeral man like how this is going to be my first time being on helicopter just for going for a funeral I mean I use helicopters but not going for funerals so I'm breaking our another virginity today I think I'm definitely going to have a great time in s now [Music] [Music] man [Music] you all are wondering where is the vice president the vice president went ahead of us so we are on our way to go meet the vice president pick him up and we go for the they say surnam is the most forested country in the whole world if you are driving within the country you might not appreciate it until you ride on top of the country but I always make sure you do it in the plane or helicopter because you would definitely appreciate the beauty of surnam from above you know when certain things like this happens I feel like I've made it to life for a whole vice president of the country waiting patiently for Maya to arrive man that means a lot to me man come on you know you got to like this video for us to appreciate the vice president of Surinam for showing me this massive love how are you welcome to Bravo camp this is Bravo camp this is a camp of Mr brunwick and I was happy to see my own sister from the Maron Village as a member of parliament of Sur so we came to pick up the B just join us it's going to be in the same helicop go to the feral together yeah the Maroons live in the interior and know that you can only go there by plane or by boat because it's so far away from the city and since we didn't want to waste so much much time we had to go with the [Music] helicopter [Music] we finally arrived in the village where the funeral will be taking place and it was really exciting and heartwarming to see the men and the women of the village comeing to receive us [Music] when I arrive in this Village the surrounding the people the way of life is exactly the same thing that we do in my country here yeah nice to meet you I think this is the village he's from and uh he came he brought us to his village so yeah we're here to see what's going to happen uh I still don't know what's happening but let's see how it goes huh [Music] brother yeah he's my internet brother he knows me because he said Village boy I'm like [Music] how let me say hello you know me yeah wow he make interview with me I was like two months ago two months ago yeah with who Al you know and how is Ghana you know Ghana is nice with my father pass oh yeah may it was a great honor to be in the presence of all these Elders in this Village and the vice president introduced me and I had to give my one and only speech to the elders all the way from the mland it's really amazing to see my fellow brothers and sisters from Surinam I know this is not the right time because we are all morning but I I I just want you all to know that everyone from Ghana and Africa in general are morning with you all we are one people if we go to Ghana right now unless you speak before somebody will notice that you are not from Ghana and it's really amazing to see you all once again and it's a pleasure meeting you all the only reason why I'm here is because my people from Africa told me that they have brothers and sisters living here but they have no idea about it so I'm here to introduce you all to my fellow brothers and sisters in Africa and next time you see me you will never see me alone but you see me with a lot of people from Ghana coming to celebrate with you all I want to say thank you and thanks for welcoming me thank [Applause] you oh wow they will ask you to stand up and uh a lady will beang you with a nice clue ah thank you what do I do put put your hand yes like that thank you yes man thank you for the yeah and you see the speakers behind me when somebody dies in Ghana it's the same thing yeah yeah we have the same speakers we play for 3 days before we bury the person here how many days will it take that's for normal people we take 3 days 3 days some 5 days but this head captain I take already 1 month and one month and 7 day it's going to be in the coffin for yeah it's going to be be in there for that long yeah yes they they put a special um uh comfor stay like that so this Saturday that's when they're going to Saturday is we go to bring him there's one month in 7 days it's exactly the same way in Ghana you see how like the women are always sitting and tend to cook it's nice oh it's taking oil from the granite that's the same [Music] thing they cook the same thing like we also cook for funerals see like you can never take an African out of Afric just like that oh my goodness you know so that like the language she's speaking is different from the Saka language but this one too they made their own language you know and it's Christ I'm Ching it called this flower pot or maybe tomato pot something like that it shows that you're a visitor and when you go to F yeah this one just I don't know how this yeah yeah thank you that's okay I have to eat something here oh rice okayo do do do you eat with your hands hands right water water water water what then we eat with our hands this one yeah the [Applause] same it's okay all right wow so good he feels so much at [Music] home I'm she's wondering how did I do it yeah yeah yeah yeah very good they use coconut oil to cook the rice so you could taste the coconut oil and tastes so good you know funeral rice is actually the best rice you'll ever get so it's the same thing here you don't come out eat wonder how did I do it one it's finished it's finished you know have to say thank you to say thank you Grand ah see this is making we make it the same way yeah yeah thank you yeah yeah yeah and you know when you finish cooking and then we finish it you just put it in [Applause] yes okay all right thank you byebye oh my goodness H I wish I had more time here because I feel like they so cool and you know how your mommies always want to make sure you're okay that's how I feel in here because they making sure you have the food to eat and you feel good but yeah unfortunately we just came to say hello and greet the family before Saturday which the main funeral be helicopter ride is still here waiting for us oh thank [Applause] you thank you we go from this side I hope you all enjoyed this amazing episode and there is more videos coming all the way from surama so please like this video And subscribe to be part of 1.5 million people have you subscribed yet please do to support us thank [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: WODE MAYA
Views: 236,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: africa, wodemaya, suriname, Flying helicopter, vice president of suriname, paramaribo, living in suriname, the culture of suriname, africa in suriname
Id: HYykfo_e98E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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