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[Music] [Music] come here joh ready [Music] every know so up all right k p [Music] kble all [Music] you a [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Hing that his room is still around is is the group still [Music] around okay then then we are going to be starting this time Ser a long wait but something good is worth waiting for times we sure the rest of be good then you'll forget that you are waiting of this so now we shall be having the groom coming forward then the of Mr we bombastic romantic [Music] fantastic she call me Mr [Music] me [Music] [Music] ah so mras rest to [Music] come there's a change of you [Music] that is a mov oh you're the best part [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you me you something [Music] [Music] that [Music] is the worst ones you make me smile cuz when you love someone [Music] [Music] make someone like I do [Music] everything [Music] BEC I need [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] and now we are preparing to stand as we seek to welcome J everybody can look except be given his chance turn [Music] will [Music] we col how can I love night watching stand [Music] i di day e e e e [Music] I want you to put your hands together for the beautiful seron going to allow the congregation the audience the invitees to sit except for the Ral party we stand longer with ring group here are duties to be Chief supporters so you know that we are gathered here to witness the union of a very wonderful cover to hear their [Music] vows and to seek for them the blessings of almighty God who is present Here There and Everywhere every time we get like this remind ourselves that marriage is a holy estate instituted by God and commended in scripture as honorable among all who enter it legally and the fear of God Christian marriage was affirmed by Christ Jesus in his teachings the [Music] gospel and the sanctity of marriage was also affirmed by him in his attendance and the marriage Feast to K of G and set forth by the apostle Paul has signifying the mystical Union between Christ and his church therefore marriage is not something to enter upon lightly or unadvisedly or thoughtfully du the concern of marriages are Dent for the hollowing of the Union between man and woman the increase of humankind and for her comp ship and comfort which husband and wife ought to have for each other now into this holy EST State now comes Erol Cameron and sheba Chambers if any person here can show any just cause why the two of them cannot not be legally joined together we invite you to come forward with your proof If you have no proof don't talk or forever hold your peace since there is no objection because of there are objections would have spoken long time I ask both of you and ask the question because we are aware that b is a crime in Jamaica so if any of you know of any just cause where the two of you cannot be legally joined together I give you one more opportunity to make [Music] confession two nice people there's no objection and there's no confession so we shall proceed and I invite you to let us now look to the Lord in prayer so Lord we are gracious to you for love and for the example of love you have shown through your son Jesus who love people enough to allow himself to be sacrificed on a Roman cross Lord it is that same example of sacrificial love that we pray for like the example to be shown and has been shown Aral and sheba Lord they have been together for a while and they have grown together and they have done so many things together it is very evident that they love each other we thank you for the love that they share together after you're leading and allowing them to reach a point where they decide all right let's make this relationship even more perfect in marriage so Lord we ask you as we go through this ceremony the sermon is within the Cy we pray Lord that both of them will make Expressions that will not just come from their lips as you believe they will not do the Expressions that are duy contemp and will be deliberately said from the depth of their being from the very dep of their heart make everything go well we pray and May at the end of this all people remember for a long time for it has started and shall come to be a memorable graceful and wonderful discernment this we pray in Christ's name amen amen so we're going to ask them to make two declarations at this time one of them is a declaration of no impediment and the other is a declaration of intent which is read about intention so going to ask first of all you Mr Kon they want to hear you more than they hear me so give you the mic what you say hear your [Music] voice I eral Cameron I eral Cameron do solemnly declare do solemnly deare that I do not know of that I do not know of any lawful reason any lawful reason why I may not be joined why I may not be joined in matrimony in matrimony to you I sha Chambers I sha Chambers do solemnly declare do solemnly declare that I do not know of that I do not know of any lawful reason any lawful reason why I may not joined why not join inmy in matrimony to you Erol Cameron thank you very much so I'm GNA ask a question about intent or if you prefer intention first Mr Cameron and this question is appropriately answered I will then we'll go to I do after so Mr erl Shaman sir will you take this lady beautiful lady to be your lawful and wife to lift together after God's ordinance in the Holy estate of matrimony sir will the love her comfort her honor and keep her forsaking any other that may be in your life keeping only unto her as long as your Bo shall live I will what a [Music] sm all right ask the same [Music] question SM so so sha chambas will you have this nice young man to be your lawful when husband to live together after God's ordinance a holy estate of matrimony Madame we love him comfort him honor and keeping forsaking any other that may be in your life keeping only unto him as long as your voice live will you I definitely [Music] will all [Music] right so I notice that there's a gentleman who walk up with you and next younger one take you and bring F so I'm thinking that that man is officially um saying yes for your Mar this gentl going invite you sir to come [Music] forward yes thank you bringing forward for me I love you you want it long you want it long just hold up for all right what his right hand here all [Music] right what his right hand put them hand together now and give them your blessing yes hold each other hand thank you yes thank you very much you're you're a good man take him back to your seat please just hold and don't move hold your right hand still together you get closer hold your right hand still together keep together right right I want you to get closer in the middle all right can see good service stff C hold for you make a v to her ready [Music] sir I look at her I call upon I call upon these persons these persons present here present here to witness to witness that I ER Cameron that I ER Cameron who take new Chambers to take you she Chambers to be my lawful life to be my lawful weed life you have to hold you have to hold from this day forward from this day forward for the rest of me and for the rest of my life according to according to God's ordinance God's ordinance I give you Chambers I give you she Chambers this pledge this pledge from the dep of my hand from the dep of my so sha going to give you a chance to tell him that you do accept this pledge well if you accept it tell you let me ask you do you accept the pledge I do I do do I do my husband [Applause] all right you're are alone going to ask you to make your to him now ready I call upon I call upon these persons these persons present here present here to witness to witness that I she chambers that high Sheba Chambers do take you do take you family to be my lawful husband to be my lawful wedded husband to have to hold to have to hold from this day forward from this day forward and for the rest of my life and for the rest of my life according to according to God's ordance God ordinance I give you I give youon this pledge from the back of my heart [Music] all right so we have the beautiful rings out and they ready to leave where they to go so we lift them both for you to see them and as a symbol as we also lift them to the Lord and so Lord even as we show These Wings also lift them to you and ask for your blessing upon them in a special way blessing that is about making them be used in a very effective way for the purpose for which they're intended we pray God that as these Rings remind them off and speak to this moment of the vows that have made to each other every time we look at these rings that remember today and the vows they made to each other to live together as man and wife for the rest of their life we pray that these R will also serve of a reminder of the beautiful life that expected to continue for that their lives will be even more beautiful to that end we ask your blessing in Jesus name [Music] amen see you're going to just hold to left and no right and [Music] finish all [Music] right right the finger [Music] ready sha Chambers sha Chambers I give you this ring I give you this ring as a token as a token of the Covenant of the Covenant made between us made between us this day this day and as a pledge and as a pledge of for mut life for mut life amen must push [Music] it right you finished pre [Music] officer I hear you right she [Music] [Music] take take Fe yes thank you all right so you're going to talk to you right ER Cameron carold Cameron I give you this ring I give you this ring as a token as a token of the Covenant of the Covenant May between us made between us this day this day and as a pledge and as a pledge of our mutual love of our mutual love [Music] [Music] now next official T is here boss the word of God declares that what God has joined together let no one set for as much as arel CA and sheba Chambers have consented together in holy matrimony and have made their vows and receive vows before all of F's Witnesses in the presence of almighty God and have sealed their vows by the giving and the receiving of rings and not the joining of hats I Robert George camp a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and a marriage officer of the Ireland of Jamaica by the power invested in me by the states now I declare Kon and Shiva as husband and wife make some nice make some nice [Music] all right so M [Music] ask all right so ask [Music] you kiss each other that's right so we ask the like two big [Music] people a nice Frenchy juicy [Music] all right we are going to we going to be the register there be a sun register as well so Mr music I believe is going to play something quite a perfect until we finish the so the rest of the party except the to are able to they can sit for a while the register and the Two Chief persons closest today this will come to sign all right we for next T who can sit [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rest please resume your soul free the first thing I want to do is to publicly officially present to them the copy of the legal document I read what it says and I don't know if Mr ceron would know this but I think he does he says sir R copy of certified rder C so this is page of their legal document they will use this to apply for their Mar certification we need CU she's now Mrs K all right all right so [Music] lady you have much [Music] so different persons of different philosophy different theology as it relat to these things and people of all kinds of sermon that they used to portray the idea of two families coming together Crossing hers and getting so um mixed up with each other so into each other that there's no separation that's so they two different colors of sand repres to different persons with the different ideas different feelings different philosophy different way of thinking in life it's amazing how these two persons can often come together and become one as the word of God expect them to and so now as the two of them symbolize they're coming together as one and I ask them to slowly pour out their different ideas dreams aspiration into one container speaking to their coming together the mixing of their ideas and their philosophies and the we of thinking and we have life we have understanding and blending those into one where two different individuals and two different family come together to be one and now it shall be impossible making a separation and even as it is impossible to separate these brains of ss no matter how good you are scientific they shall remain as one and we pray that that would be the same for them they have brought together all their thinking dreams plans aspirations with life and now they are One S and error [Music] and so we pray that the Lord will keep them as one and that they will always think together dream together do all things together the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen thank you very much next quarter get warning next year next year all right so we're going to be closing off thisp I'm sure want to put in this for you see get some [Music] food give me all right well you know other things too aspect of the Nic of this sermon and those who like to see [Music] kiss all right so ladies and Gentlemen please stand as I present the cover to you so this are it now [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls all it takes me it gives me great pleasure in presenting to you a very wonderful couple for a long time it is the couple of the day the couple of the moment please receive right now Mr Aral zaro sh and Mrs sha get them time now [Music] he [Music] he [Music] go [Music] you [Music] [Music] happy youy Happ [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] might [Music] let's get inside [Music] [Music] yes officially officially Mr camera officially [Music] stop the room when we walk in [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when [Music] we're accustomed to being at home having ice cream after dinner we are here to have fun and to celebrate and have a good time all right so we're going to kick things off in fine s so Mr DJ just let me know when you're ready because the special Ang will be taking place in just few [Music] and come on put your hands together and to [Music] oh all right all right ladies and gentlemen stand from the Grand and special entrance yes the reason why here today is because of them and so therefore we are going to celebrate their lives today as they cross the her in your lives all right put your hands together get your phones out and make welcome Mr and Mrs Cameron make [Applause] welome see ch [Music] hey [Music] me down but out because to my SP I just [Music] [Music] [Music] everything you [Music] first all make them friend [Music] every [Music] all right yes we like it we like it we like it if you want more ,000 each person yes free so we're not going to H tonight because there are young couple and we want to have fun fun time so ladies and gentlemen the name is l grown inight and let's have some fun so we're going to have the blessing of the so Lord we are grateful great provider and we thank you for the provision all we ask a special blessing it and bl us the right kind of appetite and Jo we pray Lord toies you pray all of us ask bless Jesus name amen and who un go they know in Jesus name because people yes in Jesus name to see people you can leave in Jesus name yes and you have understand wife your wife anybody step in Jesus name yes man if you know say I all right ladies and gentlemen so some entertainment coming but in the me Mr yes someone want some person pick something nothing to do not open person F instructions so let me [Music] give yes [Music] on hold on yes all right all take one all right all right take one yes what you think don't open it do not [Music] open all right so we have [Music] one all right so it's finished now like yes so the boss the boss yes m [Music] yes that's time to the [Music] move hold hold on hold up hold up [Music] [Music] Micha yeah yeah all right yeah all right that's [Music] it all right yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah come on put your hands together put your hands together all right so from Mr casy at this time are you ready sir let's go because we coming back to the folks you know yeah e e time all right what's up we in [Music] [Music] it's do this gu C gu C you invited here you invited you invited youed yes [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] over and yes yeah so all right so each yes all right now this is very important to know this this couple they the reason why we are here you understand because reason they are here and go to so how long Mar for how long you married for now 27 years 30 in me listen I me embrace Embrace so at this time I don't want to look at me just listen look at your partner [Music] love tell I love you all right say it again ly I love you Mr L respond to her now really I love you so much darling so tell him something nice tell something nice yeah I love you so much you're a God only so guess what understand but you going to kiss and dance to this song show them all your kiss with 7 years of mar show them my P for 30 years of marri let's go oh one last [Music] [Applause] [Music] because look right now come time 27 years let's go [Music] yes second second second yeah let's get it yeah my God all right continue continue 1 2 Go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me say something [Music] not you see you you see you m m if you realize where she come from AR your mother bir tell me today Mommy's birthday sir kiss her wife bir she just kiss you kiss her birthday want [Applause] I happy birthday to you this is your day we're always here for you and we love you in every way this is your day your day happy birthday to you to you to you happy birthday to you you're so young age is just a number don't you stop having fun this is your happy birthday to you to you to you [Music] don't stop having Fue come on put your hands together for put your 15 oh we can't we can't [Music] [Music] yes sweet up [Music] he [Music] it's a moment let them have away [Music] my it's here [Music] all right [Music] good good good me who the best man all right see second so in the [Music] meantime so parents mothers of the you will unveil the cake in your own time let's talk to each other take your time and very in your own time put hands together [Music] [Music] hold on come up come up come come come yes m where would I be [Music] I like [Music] thank you put your hands together fors yes all right make to the table right now [Music] yes all right yes let's keep it l all right so right again when you ready to fix the dinner table F really good all right she you're right your husband to seek his knife in your cave look here use this knife assist to stick in your and sir when you bruises understand yeah you see inside all right put your hands all right so wife he's going Shir and you feed your husband and your husband feed you yes [Music] this is all you [Music] [Music] mind you of canot oh [Music] [Music] I way [Music] [Music] [Music] yes let's go with the k [Music] praise the Lord [Music] amen come on put your hands together put your hands together so you can just call [Music] so we have to appearance keep our h talk to the [Music] this [Music] [Music] all [Music] right my body yeah come [Music] on [Applause] [Music] is yeah [Music] get gotam Z gotam [Music] look on look [Music] on get them [Music] good I want to find something I why [Music] scam when you get married [Music] [Music] thank ask you she said okay okay going to see put your together for the [Music] maning well I'm saying you want you want them you so all the single men get yourself together and come on catch it look here the you see hold on that that sound good want two instead of one sir whatever you say I agree when you give it to him say I'm be of my wife and I present this to to you sir do what is right [Music] [Music] yeah so [Music] so guess what first [Music] dance take [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can be [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Music] conratulations [Music] yeah love it so sir you're going to give your reply and then afterwards it's time to party that is all yours so ladies and gentlemen again I just want to thank you a wonderful audience you are full of fun and love the again the name is l Len Brown it's nice to be here pick up and I do MC for every funeral so I MC all functions 335 234 or if you miss the number you can contact jie and she will get to me thank you sir over to you all right so good night everyone night good night again all right so first of all guys first tonight is J really exceed our expectation with the planning the decor the food everything guys we have the F the was very very very very big up to the chef chef Junior yeah so after the food guys big up to the world the worlds men thanks Bob and brother beautiful I all right respect respect and respect again every time Chris all right going over to the bride and man of blessings blessings blessings blessings we can't wait till all of you guys get [Music] married work and it will money put first second [Applause] [Music] put so thanks again to all all of the guests especially Mom Dad she mom she dad and guys a blessing a lot of people get married and you know then get married after lose parents our parent so when you have parents attend a blessing a blessing so big up M big up M big up Daddy and daddy Rocky or rocky rocky rocky rocky okay so thanks again for coming and thanks again for the beautiful [Music] [Applause] shots so thanks again I really enjoy you know everybody to all blessings respect [Music] every so we have two we have two and a new way beautiful [Music] [Applause] HB so two more one Williams [Applause] [Applause] how many years all right n beautiful years half all right blessings at least some man know Mr Robert blessings everyone my everyone again guys dance dance and you know whatever want [Music] again so alladi right now to move so all of us pray this morning of what1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cameron Family TV
Views: 176,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Ze7JmbjvvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 46sec (7126 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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