I Went on a 900 IQ Rampage in Among Us!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pleasant_Pumpkin5150 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
you guys love the other two among us videos so we're back with the third one we got laser beam jacksepticeye dream and sap now whoa let's jump right into the first game darn it impostor again hey let's do it jimmy okay i don't believe them when they say that all right who am i suspecting i want to try and catch someone like before they even kill someone i'm following chandler i'm only moving when chandler moves mr bass looking suss why isn't there any money in this video mr beast why isn't there any money oh carl you want to join up on this all right we got the buddy train quick and easy kill gotta get out here get out of here go get out of here gotta get out of here no why me it's always me get away from me why is everyone over here following me all right we're gonna run up there i think i just got away with it can't believe i just got away with that no one is no one's found my body there's chandler and jimmy all right all right okay yes yes all right i was just about to report it yay i hovered over it no this group doesn't have a lot of experience i'm going to sit on cameras and catch them in the act lights are going to go off i'm going to turn them on in 0.1 seconds boom killer caught three down they haven't even called a meeting yet we're on fire we are unstoppable let's do this carl killer cot okay so i almost didn't want to report this body because i'm the only one over in specimen oh my god oh my god oh what happened the killer is obviously somebody who got some big brain listen to chris toot his own horn i want to say i was camping lights that entire time so that's where i was the entire round nah you went to the reactor mate suss of laser because lasers saw me camping lights and lasers accusing me of not keeping lights even though i was camping lights we have to vote here i'm kind of sus to believe maybe it's laser and chris and chris got spooked because the lights came back on early i agree i think it's a hunter i think the last person i saw with jax podicy was dream and car dream and spa dicey fix and lights dream if you did go back to where you said you did go back to that means the last person spotted with spadisi is carl hey guess what here's the best part chris who did you just vote for a dream yes okay jimmy let's vote for dream and then he gets killed and then we win okay you guys suck at this game please get better me and jimmy are the imposters i voted for carl by the way just saying wait carl i'm not an imposter wow wow just kidding i called it ah carl stop killing me first me and carl big brain the crap out of you guys dude two times in a row all right very exciting i am a crewmate okay we're gonna cut the lights off give me them lights all right as far as i know most of these guys aren't that good so i've been told to go super sweaty i played a lot of among us with my squad dream and sapnap but i've never played with jacksepticeye and laser beam i don't know whose names are what oh i'm getting nervous we got a lot of big brains here what are you doing laser cop my chain was clear did his tasks mate the taskbar went up i'm not going to do any tasks i'm just detective beam i'll go away i don't know what people's strategies are i'm doing weapons pew pew pew here's me doing weapons here i am i'm doing weapon oh no reactor went off i'm gonna have chris kill first i wonder what laser beam's talking about right now surely not mr bases imposter surely not he's either talking about how i'm gonna kill him or he's gonna kill me and i don't know which oh no carl we should double kill we should double kill let's go ahead and reset this check this thing see if there's anyone dead no everyone's alive everybody's alive all of my friends are still alive that's good chris just do a kill all right well i've failed as a detective because i've lost everyone i'm going to go do some tasks hearts beating oh oh nobody's dead yeah whoever is imposter is really bad at it so i say we just let him keep being garbage let him keep doing it just do tests no here's the thing i think it's true why yeah i hate that guy he he walked a little funny you just walked into me doing medicine that's enough for me i'm voting i've stayed in my case up to you guys i've done nothing i'm i'm on med bay right now wait jimmy do you have an actual reason i have an actual reason i he walked funny walking funny is enough get out of here buddy what the are you kidding me wait you guys are throwing bye dream it's jimmy it's jimmy i'm telling you it's jimmy it's jimmy it's jimmy jimmy's throwing i'm surprised that worked i have no idea what we just did all right speedrun tactic i like it dream is out that's the first person we needed he's the biggest of the big brains i'm totally cool with what just happened what the hell i was doing med bay i really hope he was imposter i'm gonna just go ahead and start getting as many kills as i can and then carl will be not suss and then carl can be the one that takes it to the dub just staring at people creeping him out a little bit laser's about to kill me ladies are so about to kill me tending to do tasks pretending to do tasks go ahead and turn off electrical is he gonna kill him please kill him in the room kill him in the room please lights are out right now he's probably gonna kill me oh what wow i can't even see you oh so fun if no one's dying all right most of these guys have probably never played this map i'm gonna go check vitals and see if someone's dead yeah there's people in here about to talk about tonight about today about tonight oh someone's dead hey carl's here carol protect me carl you're my shield card if i die here it's your fault why is jack named spadacey i'm gonna do an upload oh no it's this guy zap nap running out of here i i don't know who that is but they're in a police outfit uniform i just keep only running into carl are you kidding me in front of everybody oh oh oh oh all right i saw it i saw it it was chris chris chris chris jimmy killed it oh my god him right in front of him no no no chris just killed jack christopher's body where's the body it was in right outside of o2 i was coming down jimmy killed him i ran over to report the body jimmy reported because he saw me you didn't see me coming down all right hold up hold up let me just say something chris i know what you're doing because for content yeah i have knowledge laser what's your knowledge what's your knowledge i saw bass do a task i saw bass do a task and the task bar went up there are times where i like if i were to fake a task i'd wait until the test bar moves up and start walking it was a long task and he was doing asteroids and it went up in a long task amount stop now where were you i'm in communications what if it's carolina guys i have been doing tests the entire time it is chris 30 minutes better than chris i swear to god no i voted for chris cause i believe you all right i'm voting chris i'm voting chris chris killed someone in front of me i swear to god the only reason i didn't really have too too much sus on chris is cause i literally walked past him like 30 seconds earlier did anybody else die around bye bye chris admit you're an imposter admit it you guys are dumb we might lose right here oh that means it was chris otherwise we would have lost right all right well we might have screwed up i'm still pretty sure it's not mister basically okay so it wasn't dream it's carol or sapnap yeah now it's time to sabotage and i'm also gonna follow jimmy around and close doors because i hate him chris is dead and the game's not over which means dream wasn't actually an imposter and i feel kind of bad i just start closing all the doors make everybody's life annoying stop closing doors chris please stop closing doors chris please stop closing doors chris please oh please don't kill me carl please don't kill me carl please don't kill me carl carl the only person that's kind of proven right now is jimmy i need to kill jimmy friends mean you no no no there's one imposter left i don't know who it is but i'm going to figure this out detective beast is on the case i better go check if someone's dead don't go into your car everyone's stick together this are we the only people alive bro hey no one's dead i need to get a stack kill an electrical let's do it let's do it oh the lights are going out i'm spamming reforms family reports i reckon it's call man he's the only one who defended chris for some reason the lights disappeared standing out there i don't want to die carl why aren't you turning on the lights carl why aren't you turning on the lights that took carl a suspicious amount of time i've done almost no tasks the imposter has to kill someone eventually dude i'm calling it i'm going to call it i'm going to call it i'm going to call it i'm going to call it i'm going to be 400 iq i'm going to be 400. all right so here's why i think it's carl that's what i was going to say wait why carl we're all like in like this little area like waiting for the lights to turn back on and the lights took too long to turn on and then i was the only person that went over to turn it on yeah because you had to because you'd be suspicious i went over immediately you guys watched listen to this when the lights were on and you were all alone i didn't see a task for go up at all which indicates you weren't doing any tasks and someone also killed chandler and we were all together here's why i think it's carl the game would have ended if we didn't get one of the imposters and the only person defending chris was carl i didn't defend chris i said there's only one reason i don't think it's chris guilty as charged i'm voting we could be wrong carl laser before you vote for a second voting on four is stupid you know that oh we don't we don't have to vote at all we don't have to vote at all i already voted for carl so yeah same nah voting on four is very stupid i agree but we're stupid so we're going for it okay actually that's a bit that's a good point that's a good point we just won we we won that's raps that's gg chris what was your plan hey that's right yeah right get detective beam we are the smartest people on the planet exactly we are a big brain yes i had to make some big plays curse a big play is not killing somebody in front of somebody i hope you gamers enjoy it if you're not already hit that subscribe button i'll give one of you a high five subscribe
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 30,620,385
Rating: 4.9296427 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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