I Took My 1,200lbs Magnet To A River And Hit The JACKPOT!! (AMAZING FINDS)

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who what the heck is this what the heck oh I stopped it right on 20 and it even tried I'm so good that's what you call a pro right there baby alright time to do some magnet fishing guys what is going on today guys it is absolutely gorgeous out today usually I'm wearing like four layers of clothes today I only have on like one layer I got on a sweatshirt I got on my sweatpants I don't even have on actual pants I got shoes on I'm not even wearing boots guys so all the snow is starting to melt it is so nice out it's like 45 degrees today I can feel spring coming guys I can't wait so some of you guys may remember this spot in one of my most recent videos guys I found this due to all the comments I've been getting on this I am gonna be throwing this thing back whatever you guys are saying this is I don't want nothing to do with it I am good I don't want to give away too much for the people who haven't seen this video but just to prove it everything is in there guys all right guys let's go ahead and toss this thing back this thing is I don't want anything to do with this this thing is going back good riddance to that thing guys we are out of this spot and I'm gonna go find a spot to Magne fish I will see you guys when I get there all right guys we are at our magnet fishing spot and it is so nice out here the last time I was out here in one of my last videos if you guys have seen that one it was extremely windy it's a little breezy still today but it's not anything like it was the other day so last time I was out here I really only hit a little bit of this because it was so cold I ended up getting out of here after like an hour guys so today it's like 45 degrees it is so nice out here I am back out here I'm gonna see if I can find anything else before I forget guys if you want to pick up some merch links will be down in the description same thing with the magnets guys links will be down below so I'm gonna throw on the GoPro right away guys we are gonna start dipping and see if we can find anything here today so the last time I was here I started on this end I think this time I'm gonna start on this end because I didn't even make it that far last time so let's take our 1200 pound magnet guys let's give it a first toss see if we can find anything today oh hey there's something on there first fine what is this but is that oh it's like a top to a can yep alright the hex it got so many openings one of them old-school super old-school cans I wonder if that's like a Buchan or what the heck was that sweet first fine guys oh hey check it out the real - a fishing pole guys no way that's pretty cool I wonder if the fishing pole is still out there probably wouldn't be able to reattach it and make it work again anyways but alright dude ii fine fishing pole handle we're on a roll now baby okay let's see what you find anything else whoo I just cling on to something area oh yeah I got something guys what we got here what the heck is this what is this hey it's one of them big old two-foot long spike looking things I always catch these next to railroad tracks but I had somebody comment on my last video and say that these are like tent stakes I believe that's what this is huh pretty wild holy cow yeah bunch of something going on there Oh a little hook and a little sinker yeah not a whole lot but found something nice let's keep going [Music] well I see something pink on there but is that fishing lure oh the hook is broken off dang it dude I found so many fishing lures here this is ridiculous I wonder if I can yeah probably not that's probably not fixable and the top loop on it is broken off dang it oh my god I just literally thought I just threw my magnet in the water cuz usually I tied this other end of the rope to my waist but I haven't done it today and I just thought I threw my whole roping oh my goodness who the heck was that so something heavy in there just popped off I'm gonna go back down there see if I can get it whoa whoa look at a fly still got the hook on it our battery and I don't know maybe this just came off of something but there's something else down there that I just it was way bigger and it didn't come up let's see if I can grab that another fishing lure a battery this is awesome no I think there was something right in here pretty sure I like attached to something yep there it is I'm on it again oh it's coming up this time guys here comes yup what do I got Oh be nice nice and easy what is this what the heck is that what is that oh man I don't know what this is like half of a half of a metal barrel or something I don't know that's definitely what I had on before yeah oh I got something I'm like pulling something out of the mud you guys this is like my third thrill on it it's starting to come here yeah here it comes I got it I got it what in the world is this holy cow what is that what is that there guys that's pretty funky huh some some wire some big ol ol wire I bet you a couple fishing lures got caught on there I'm sure wow that's a weird fine Oh what do we got I see something hey what is that that looks funky no no it's stuck in the middle there I thought there's a fish in there looks like a piece of gum but what the heck is this guys that's kind of funky huh a little hook a little screw hook so wheat we will take it I'm on a roll today oh I just climbed onto something hardcore but it's that it's still on there yeah it is that's heavy as heck what the what is that Oh what is this here guys I don't know what to think of that that's like looks like it's got like a hole here to be screwed down with these two holes but maybe it's like a fishing rod holder you stick your hole your rod in there and oh no that's pretty wicked guys some crazy stuff today I feel like I just pulled something out of the mud you can't really tell oh yes I did oh my goodness dude score dude look at this one so we got a couple clams on it but this sucker is brand new just replace the hooks on it and that thing is good to go baby like brand-new dude yes this was like a spinner the spinners all busted off of it you can tell it's not gonna work anymore but dude I am cashing out on fishing lures Oh what do I got there oh it's gonna be stuck in the ground or something that feels heavy what the heck was that it just came on come back here I got it I got ya what is this this thing is gonna be full of fishing lures to look at this thing oh my goodness look at things like 20 feet long oh wow what the heck is is he got an open end yeah that's kind of wild whoa you guys look at this this end of this thing has got like rubber like wires coming out of it like electrical wires whoa dude yeah what is this maybe I don't know if that's that's a very good thing huh it doesn't look like it was in use I don't think I ruined anything but Wow oh just like that snap that stuck right in the car what the heck is I that one's heavy guys just pulled something out of mud yes sir what do we got here what is this a big old tube and what is that got a sinker stuck to it huh interesting I don't know just some kind of tube guys some kind of tube what is this what is that looks like an eagle guys it looks like a like an old pin like an old Eagle pin that's wild that's pretty cool guys an eagle pin in a pipe all right baby see something somewhat and another sinker stuck to a hook dude the amount of fishing gear I find is unreal oh heck slipped up another fish a piece of fishing gear look at that that one's even usable do it cheese this is just crazy how much fishing gear I'm finding this is just ridiculous whoa what do we got going on here guys we got looks like you got us a little hook a big old bent up nail and then what is that it looks like it used to be the head to a bolt or something or Oh looks like the nut huh interesting guys I don't know hey check it out nice I found another fishing lure I could like start a collection just from today like a whole tackle box full just offer today it feels a little heavier I got something on there yes I do we got what are you guys another railroad spike ah some kind of half bolt looking thing and something I don't know sweet guys another railroad spike it sucks that I don't think I can take these into the railroad to cash them in because I'm pretty sure they're gonna call the police on me but boy do I have a lot of these I could probably make a lot of money off of it what is that I see something I see something what is that oh the spoon to an old fishing lure nice that one is dirty look at that I wonder if I could reuse that I'm sure I could looks fine just gotta clean it up nice dude I am seriously cashing out on fishing lures who what the heck is this what the heck is this well it's a tape measure dude nice leave it oh I just broke the tip off dude that's awesome an old tape measure oh I'm finding some sweet stuff today like this this spot is loaded man this is a jackpot here Oh what the heck is that on there guys a big old bolt or a big old nut I always mix those two up you guys always call me out or whatever what else is under looks like a razor oh boy yeah that is a straight-up razor guys that is why you wear gloves right there that is exactly why you wear gloves talking about straight-up razors in here I think we just stuck something right there oh yeah what the heck we got on there but we got whoa Oh is it another fishing pole real it is look at this one this has got the spinner on each end here dude that's the second fishing pole reel I found here awesome I'm just waiting to pull up the whole pole and everything two reels dude alright guys I think that is gonna wrap up our video here for me today I got to make it home in time for supper I am starving today it was absolutely beautiful guys I couldn't have asked for anything more especially now I mean it's still the middle of winter to have 45 degrees I mean I could be out here in a t-shirt right now it feels so amazing we found a lot of cool stuff today guys I can fill up a whole tackle box with the fishing lures I found it's crazy so I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here guys if you enjoy this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and I will catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 114,950
Rating: 4.8383994 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, amazing, amazing finds, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, fishing magnet, super magnet, neodymium magnets, amazing magnet fishing finds, amazing find, treasure hunting, magnet, fishing, amazing fishing, amazing finds magnet fishing, magnet fishing usa, 1200 lbs magnet, 1200 lbs, river treasure, river treasure hunting, jackpot hit, i hit the jackpot, magnet fishing jackpot, amazing jackpot, jackpot, 1000 lb, river fishing
Id: FCpWd1l4Hyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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