Magnet Fishing Gone WRONG - I Should NOT Have Been Here!!!

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yeah this is private property here okay trucks are back in here okay what is going on today guys today we're back out here we're gonna do some more magnet fishing and i'm sure some of you are probably getting pretty sick of this spot this factory here is about 150 years old guys every single time we come here we find crazy stuff i find something almost every single throw at some point you guys got to think i'm probably going to pull just about everything out of this place and there's going to be nothing left to find it looks like it's about to start raining pretty soon here guys it's pretty cloudy out so i'm gonna throw on the gopro right away and we're gonna see what we can come up with here today all right guys 2600 pound double-sided magnet that's what we're going to start off with let's go ahead and see what we can come up with here today at the old factory i think oh yeah we got something on here guys what is this first find of the day what in the heck was that looked like just a big old rock or something i don't know what that was what is this here just a little just some little chunks of metal there nothing too interesting but i don't know what that was it looked like just a big old rock that was kind of crazy uh what in the world is going on there guys i think we might have something that feels pretty heavy oh yeah a couple things hanging off of there what do we got finds number two of the day what is this ah come off in there just a little a little square brewski what else we got a little chewed up piece of a can can't even tell what that is no more and what else do we got on here what in the world is this no idea just a little cylinder brewski and then what is this look at this got a little piece of a saw blade all right oh what was that what is that am i on something i think so yeah that's kind of big too stay on there stay on there at least i think there's something on there i feel like i can't even tell what in the world is going on here maybe there's not something on there what the heck it's a bunch of wiring i think i just connected to something pretty big and i don't know i must have just pulled this off look at that you guys look at those they look like little eggs you guys like some kind like maybe fish eggs or i think somebody down in the comments mentioned frog eggs maybe i don't know that is weird like little jelly oh is that something or am i stuck on a rock or what's going on here i think i just grabbed something it feels like it oh yeah what do we got on there what do we got what is it just a just a massive bolt guys look at that big old bolt added to the collection [Music] oh what is this didn't even think there's anything on there a couple things on there look at that weird looking nail what the heck's all bent up got a little a little thing on there and a couple little slag looking rocks ooh what is this what is this oh look at that looks like an old super old razor blade hate to step on that when you're swimming oh what do we got here i think i just stuck something big i don't know what that was maybe not what the heck is going on down there is that like a rock i just flipped over or what kind of feels a little heavier oh yeah dude what do we got going on here what do we got going on here you guys what is this piece here why is that bolt look so shiny look at that holy cow that's kind of like weird and then what is this just a little rectangle block of steel there's so many random blocks of steel in here it's like crazy oh look at this look at this a little jelly stick um oh yeah i just stuck to something big holy cow what is this oh what is this oh yeah stay on there stay on there for me holy cow that's big you guys holy cow why does that feel so heavy oh my goodness look at this what in the world is going on here you guys what did i just find okay so we got a little little piece of a bolt here and what is this this is like massive it's so heavy look at some kind of like i don't even know look at that piece you guys there's some crazy stuff in here i'm telling you oh look at and it's got the jellies on it everything in this place has them little jelly things on it and then look at this just another rectangle piece holy rectangle pieces oh we are on something again this feels heavy too holy cow you guys yep what do we got here like every throw i'm finding something this spot is just insane oh what is that that looks kind of weird what the heck is that oh it's like one of them little c-clamp things i wonder if this could be like usable you guys look at if i clean this up and like make this bolt usable again this is like could be brand new that's pretty cool i cannot tell if there's anything on there or not there's a lot of bubbles coming up here what is this see i just hooked on to something again that's like there is like something going on down here and i can't tell what it is what the heck oh there's something on there what do we got here guys what is this what is this here dude it's one of those rings with like the little cutouts on the side of it here like i found one of these last time only it was like this big holy cow guys what are these little cutout pieces that's like a funky looking piece i think i called it like the ashtray piece last time and what else we got in there guys just another rectangle piece of metal just random chunks of steel that feels a little heavier than normal what do we got a whole bunch of wires looking thing oh dude a file you guys it's been a while since i found the file at this spot holy cow oh yeah there's definitely something on there what do we got ah why does it feel so heavy it doesn't even look like it what is this just a big old bolt with a square head on it what else we got here oh look at this little drill look at this one i like these little these little shiny drills like this i really feel like these should be worth some money like cleaned up i mean why not you know what i mean i don't know is that something i see a lot of bubbles usually that means there's something on there oh oh yeah baby score what is this uh look at this dude oh man i thought that was in like perfect condition look at it looks seriously like great condition except for this just one little itty bitty hole in there man i these are at least 50 60 years old guys these got to be worth some money i mean especially this one just with a little cut in there i'm sure somebody would buy that huh oh what is that oh yeah we just stuck something good stay on oh yeah oh that's heavy that frank's super heavy why holy cow you guys what is this one look at this big old like it's like some kind of connector ring or something i have no idea the things that come out of here guys are just they blow my mind i mean i could catch a hundred things and i don't even know what half of these things go to this is crazy this gate is wide open today and i think they're doing like work back here or something but uh i have no idea i probably should not be over here i don't even care i want to hit the side there's like no way i should be over here guys i guarantee it so i gotta like make this quick and see if i can find anything over here first two throws a whole bunch of nothing come on [Music] a lot of tools and files and hammers and drill bits and stuff yeah everything seems to be pretty old and i guess like i do videos for youtube i've got a lot of comments of people saying that there used to be like a machine shop in this parking lot over here or something so i guess maybe people throw a lot of their tools in the in the river or something yeah it's kind of cool that's kind of cool yeah right you need to ask me a favor though yeah this is private property here okay here we okay i figured i the fence is usually closed i just figured today it was open over here i get it yeah i could i've seen you uh on the opposite side a few times i'm over here quite a bit yeah but uh yeah i just i can't have you in here yeah not a problem or something right you'd be liable i guess yeah yeah that makes sense all right all right yeah thank you yeah have a good one do you ever find anything cool that might look like a typical paper though that's my office right there just knocking that door and uh i wouldn't mind taking a look at it and stuff cool cool this mill was built in 1873 so 1873. i was always wondering how old this was yeah so there's probably some uh pretty cool stuff someplace in here yeah yeah i just can't have you doing it from this side of the room sure sure understandable all right thank you all right guys that is gonna wrap up our video here today once again we found some pretty cool things guys and i even ended up getting kicked out i tried to go over there i tried to see what was over there but it didn't work out so well as you guys can tell from the sweat beads coming down my forehead here it is extremely hot out here guys i'm gonna pack everything up and i'm gonna go get me some water if you guys enjoyed this video today please make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me guys and don't forget to subscribe make sure to stay tuned and i will catch you on the next one you
Channel: undefined
Views: 334,537
Rating: 4.8020072 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet, magnets, fishing magnet, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, gone wrong, magnet fishing videos, the fisher, giant magnet fishing, strong magnet fishing, super magnet, fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, the fisher family, i should not have been here, metal detecting, treasure hunting, river treasure, police involved, cops called, magnet fishing cops called, gone wrong videos 2020
Id: CQf2G10hHgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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