I became the WORST bounty hunter in the galaxy

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are you guys ready for my General Grievous impression today for a very secret top secret admission wait aren't you supposed to sound Russian hang on foreign literally walks away Django mate all right I'm pretty sure we need to take a taxi somewhere can you help me find the taxi service sir are you aware of where the taxi service is I like how they can't just fly there they need to actually take the taxi aha let's see if Django's jetpack Works literally the most useless jet pack it's not you wouldn't even call it a jet pack jump pack nothing it's like a hover pack Django's jet pack in this game is literally Django's jetpacking this game is literally weaker than the jet packs we have in real life now you could go to the store I don't know a jetpack store in real life and buy a jet pack and it'll be better than whatever futuristic Tech Django's got here that's how bad Django's jet pack is you want to hear the tale of Django's jetpack hey everyone it's Andrew we're going on a bounty hunter mission today let's do it I just wanted to let you guys know it is your last chance oh my gosh this guy keeps interrupting me please leave me alone stop talking Hang on we're gonna push him off the click here we go here we go here we go here we go there we go Bounty Hunter achieved oh he's back you need a ride somewhere else ah I see you there hey there oh look like a bounty hunter are you actually kidding me I literally collect lightsabers I could not be more of a bounty hunter I'm a collector I'm like you know what I'm too good for you Django you get in here I already told you where those holocrons were what more do you chew baby well good for you Andrew's Lego Star Wars videos not so much for kids no more maybe you can help me with a little problem I'm having with my associate boss on another job your associate boss my mate it's my lizard friend oh how I've missed you boss all right Bosque is trying to pull a fast one on me and collect the bounty we were hunting for himself that sounds like boss good old busk you and I can split the treasure when I find it sure sure deal how do I know I can trust you though how do I know I can trust you boss at least you know at least he's honest about who he is he's a lizard and he's a slippery fella we'll see what happens I like your hair by the way that is one epic Lego piece look at her hair look at that piece of Lego that they had to design for her hair no other character in Lego has this hair that that is some wow can I have it let's be honest that's the only reason we actually want to unlock or sing it's just for the hair when it went bro this guy this guy's having like a Better Call Saul moment he's trying to get into the vending machine clearly his thing got stuck and it's not working he's just having a bad yeah let me get that for you there you go now he's just freaking oh the whole thing disappeared I don't know what's more scary me shooting it or it's just Vanishing into mid-air like a ghost where are we actually going what is it another planet or is it this planet because oh it's just literally always sending me to sand planets I like sand but only if there's Beach involved I swear this game the amount of times it's like oh just head on over to Tatooine I'll just go to jakku what's the other one oh I just go to Persona oh don't don't be silly I haven't unlocked the sun like you think I think I'm Really Gonna Play Rise of Skywalker come on guys I'll tell you what guys I will play the rise of Skywalker only after I do a face reveal so that you can actually see the pain on my face as I'm playing it Give Me A Reason give me a reason to do a face reveal oh yes the engine noises man this and the Riser Crest literally all the Bounty Hunter ships are the most unique epic ships in the game the Bounty Hunter is the ones we have the money to spend on cool ships that make cool sounds here we go listen to that engine I'm still I'm so triggered by the fact that it takes off wrong like it did flies sideways you guys noticed that this is the way it should fly it should pivot as it takes off you know how triggering that is I'm sure you guys feel the same as the new Lego Star Wars update coming soon right hopefully they fix this this is the real Injustice here we're experiencing oh look at those engine all right we're here on jakku another sand Planet don't invite Anakin on my road all right where are we going what are you using a metal detector to see what's in the desert welcome to Nema Outpost thanks bro take it you're here to hunt for scrap no I'm here hunt for lightsabers can I borrow your metal detector there might be some lightsabers buried in the ground somewhere I feel like that's you know it's very viable that that could be a thing if he's gonna fight what oh if you find the lightsaber I'm gonna I'll be back for you oh nice hat bro can I steal that I wish you could customize your characters I want to give General Grievous this hat let me do it yeah I saw a boss fake lizard fella right yeah sure I sent him over to ask the merchants over that way over that way okay sounds good let's go over that way how's my accent guys terrible if you're still watching these videos and you have no idea where I'm from then you know maybe uh I'll meet you in Sydney mate what do you say come come where the sun shines so guys I've been meaning to make lots of uh PC content like I want to do more Minecraft videos more other games on PC even Lego Star Wars I want to do some Lego Star Wars modding on PC and I go and fire up my PC the other day and it's just like it literally explodes in my face it didn't explode but it's broken it's completely like broken I'm sending it back they're replacing it luckily for me you see the way General Grievous is always coughing the same thing is happening with my PC my PC is just broken it doesn't work in my entire 74 years on this Earth I have never had a PC that worked fun fact I record all my videos on a Mac with plugged into the PS5 never have an issue never I'm such a Casual Gamer it's not even funny guys I played rocket League the other night that's how much of a Casual Gamer I am did you guys see my last video on the multiverses go watch it please go do it there's a bomb attached to me what is going on I'm never gonna recover unless you guys all go and watch that video I swear it broke me in ways that I can't even explain to you what what someone what do you know you need to just go experience that for yourself listen to the pain in my voice you think playing Rise of Skywalker is going to be painful that was one heck of a painful experience right there I will never recover where am I supposed to be gone boss bozak my man what am I supposed to be able to break that with where are you jack Django is still on the landing platform what are you doing up here mate Django's just like yeah I'm gonna let General Grievous go hunt for lightsabers and then I'll follow the actual objective just useless Django I'm very disappointed just because your jetpack doesn't work doesn't mean you have to take it out on other people you know what I'm saying where am I supposed to be going look at him run up the hill don't have an asthma attack man just just relax oh nice ship look at that you see how beautiful look how cinematic this game is Just moments happening in time Hello hey ah you're a friend of bosks that's correct I said to help himself to what's in the storehouse so he's in the storehouse I see I hope me standing this close to your face is making you feel intimidated because it's certainly not helping me if you're in a hurry there's a spare key card lying around here somewhere you could use to get in sounds good General Grievous is here oh my God what is going on in the background General are you gonna be all right mate oh my God Grievous is being being beaten up by the Street Bullies come on man what are you doing slice him up like this pitiful General Grievous you literally like the most powerful character in this game there we go there we go yes here we go triggered I got 10 bucks on General Grievous here we go here we go who's in the middle oh wow he's totally surrounded he's getting beat up by a dude in the hood come on General oh all right here's my ten dollars guy I'll I'll donate ten dollars somewhere I guess because that was pathetic every time General Grievous fails I have to donate another ten dollars to someone in my Discord if you're looking for a place to hang out come over to my Discord what's happening there I had an impromptu Chad with all of you the other day it was great there were thousands of people just showed up out of nowhere awesome stuff so many messages thank you for being on there guys if you were there that's 20 for someone in Discord now oh God come on General yes yes one more hit on this guy come on General yeah him bro here we go no oh come on Grievous yes yes one more hit bro one more hit you've totally got this bro oh finally finally it only ticked took four deaths I think what's even worse is that this okay this guy only has one eye barely has a face anymore and not even any weapons finally General how many times did you die five times yeah there we go up bosk hey man boss key oh what's he doing in there you're fixing some stuff can I come in can you just open the door please but I actually have to go and find the key card okay hey man where's the key card that lizard fell is inside checking out the boss's Wares if you want in you're gonna need permission from the boss and a key card mostly the key cut thanks man General man what is going on with you bro can you just relax can you try and not have a fight every time I just have a little conversation with someone Jesus where is this key card uh not even if you've paid me all right Django shush that was hard they they hit it just behind it what behind a container all right boss game a man I'm coming in okay hey man how's it going what's going on boss I thought I said I wanted to look around in peace too bad man time's up there you are you two-timing snake he's not a snake he's a little lizard or at least get it right Laura what is this I thought you could pull a fast one and keep all the trampolines trampolines to yourself wait they literally are trampolines what are you talking about Aura I came here because I had a hot tip about some bouncy fun not a bounty hunt okay you know how I like to bounce am I missing a joke here why why does boss like bouncing I did not know that just oh yeah boss's hobby is just bouncing he likes trampolines that's his thing apparently maybe some bouncing will get your blood pumping bounce bounce okay boss getting weird well this didn't go how I thought sorry for wasting your time if you think of a way I can make it up to you I'm at your disposal the first one is money give it hand it over okay boss or it just jumped through the ceiling and like oh wow no she's here okay can we all here we go oh yes okay this is the most fun I've ever had in this game holy crap this is literally all we're here to do Just Bounce just like yeah let's let's bounce up and down what are we doing guys oh well well what a game what a game Lego Star Wars you're full of surprises always always this is too much all right General and Aura you can keep bouncing I'm going to talk to the grown-ups here you don't look like a scoundrel to me oh wow okay well that's offensive I can smuggle come on man I can smuggle stuff look at me have you seen my ship you think I can't fit some stuff I smuggled Han Solo in the Carbonite chamber in the in the cargo hold yeah all right I gotta change to a scoundrel apparently Lando my man I'll play as myself there we go great idea definitely playing this Lando what a beautiful day oh Beautiful People exactly I love the positivity Lando my man while you are thinking I try and swindle Aura out of a job the reason I wanted trampolines yep was to deliver them to the miners oh we got a Mustafa those guys work hard and could use a morale boost oh that's so sweet of you boss boss is literally the most thoughtful person preacher in this galaxy so he wants to send trampolines to Mustafar so the mustafarian workers can have a morale boost and just bounce around and have some fun that is so sweet Pirates keep trying to steal are you actually serious your trampolines are being stolen by Pirates I am totally in for this absolutely let's go man let's let's get this done I'm gonna meet you there okay sounds great okay how you doing aura all right General I'm Gonna Leave You here because you seem to be having a lot of fun look look at the romance between these two they've developed a bond over the trampolines you see buskers uniting people all over the Galaxy you want to help the most safarians with me and he's just found love between Aura and general they lived happily ever after all right I'm just gonna leave you there I guess yep okay all right man I I never thought General Grievous would find love apart from his lightsabers and how I was wrong we got the Falcon here to Mustafar let's go Lando what a sweet ride to be fair the Falcon was originally land our ship but I guess Han Solo won it off in fair and square oh wow I've got another one of these orange boxes here we go oh no it's not one of these no blusk what have you got me into I'm not okay with this yeah how many of these I've done it's a pirate Mission I should have known as they said the word pirate it's literally all of them are the same every pirate mission is like this all right let's go let's get it done mate oh well and we're destroying those weird looking ships again here we go just crumpled to Pieces I'm literally Lando flying the Falcon you really think you're gonna outsmart me how many people do you end up killing in this game can we get a Lego Star Wars kill count guys I told you to count the amount of gonks I've said can we count the amount of characters I've killed is that is that too big an ask because I'm sure it's a lot Lego Star Wars mass murderer how many donks have I killed how many times have I tried to kill the hintroid I think I succeeded once maybe there's motivation to play the rise of Skywalker to unlock the hintroid and torture him for an intern it's asteroid field again destroyed your wreck Get Wrecked mate chopped Bam Bam Bam my guns my weapons my shield my everything is superior my smarts how long did that take all dead all dead Lando doesn't care he sleeps very comfortably at night oh no what's that more Sirens whatever will we do goodbye goodbye farewell so long farewell I I agree you should just like all line up in front of me so I can shoot you all at once this only ends one way I know where we're letting you get through here with that car because boss man can we can we get this Orange Box off my ship now please can we deliver it to the mostafarians and then I can move on with my life why are you flying through the middle of a battle man I'm gonna trigger the battle I don't want to trigger the battle I just want to trigger you ah I just sorry I'm just trying to drop off some trampoline Dot and I don't need to get involved in your dispute all right boss hopefully I don't get shot down oh my God getting shot down boss cow hurry up and talk so I can get out of here look at the flyer on my ship better get going so sweet yeah you better go all right let's speed it up all right man see ya why is there an orange box still [Music] there's still an orange box on my ship this is not cool I'm being like annoyed you left me here in the middle of all this help oh my God what is this Ridiculousness I I don't understand what's going on I still have an orange box for some reason I am in the middle of a space battle and like boss isn't even here anymore so like who am I actually shooting at who am I fighting will the Box disappear if I win the space hell I'm not enjoying this part oh my God oh thank God can we get rid of The Orange Box now like am I still halfway through the mission what's going on objective side mission okay I'm gonna go down to the planet okay and deliver the shipment all right sounds good let's do it all right we're here on Mustafa look at a beautiful holiday for Lando and General Grievous I'm so glad you came General let's go see if the trampolines are lifting morale hey man a chop with a butcher traveling oh trampoline yes oh this is great okay I take it all back this is hilarious amazing amazing okay he has to have some ulterior motive why is he putting trampolines everywhere come on Boss hey boss what's going on what are you doing here man oh hey hey treasure it's in time for the super fun mustafarian bounce uh yeah yeah mustafarian bounce I thought you were up to something I believed you I guess my luck was bound to run out eventually but not before I bounce one last time no no no I knew you'd smoke one me all right General Grievous get the lightsabers let's go begin the hunt boss can you chill bro bro I'm shooting you in the back melting town do I just have to chase you is that oh boss because the boss fight guys boss fight with boss you're not gonna be bouncing around too far anymore are ya oh well he actually is wow okay good thing General Grievous also has found a new love of bouncing this is like my bat my favorite boss fight in the entire game literally boss just jumping around in trampolines how much fun is this guys well and I can't even catch him he's too good he's too quick I can't believe this where you going I'm gonna slice you up and slice you up we stopped him no more bouncing for mosque you want to go for one last bounce no you're just gonna stay in there all right I'll go for a bounce oh wow smoke bomb in the face literally the best boss fight in the entire game is this never have I experienced something more hilarious all right come down from your jumping castle there we go all right oh we did it your jumping Days Are Over oops you got me that's right man the Treasure's yours oh sweet busk has bounced his last bounce oh and if a sadder statement than that exists I don't want to hear it man I feel so sorry for you now how about you let me come work for you I honor to serve such a skilled fighter oh that's so sweet you think I'm still thanks man I got beat up by some Street kids earlier in this episode but yeah no you're right I am a skilled fighter I love it all right sweet so we unlocked Boston oracing this is amazing I I've never had a happier day we're gonna reunite them let's go to Tatooine come together for a greater course and so the Lando happily came back to Tatooine in the Falcon bringing together the trampolines boss gorising Jango Fett General Grievous as one happy family all together again at last alrighty boss man where are you one of the fiercest bounty hunters in the Galaxy there is no target too dangerous bosk he has pursued rookies Jedi and other deadly targets send me back 100K boss this better be worth my while you bet it will be boss did you bring your trampolines get this guys Aura sings number one priority was Aura Singh her selfishness knows no bounds you want no survivors understood sounds good Aura let's go get that thumbnail hey boss Kevin explosive Barrel can she run faster than other characters look at her hair flowing the wind look at that hair behind her the angry look on her face looking Gruff there give it a sec wait for it all right boss where are you bro it shouldn't take that long to run how did you do that big amazing stuff there we go there we go looking like two true bounty hunters I like that it looks like they've just stuck Lego pieces in the top of her head that's literally her hair like a pot plant that's growing out of the top head part of her Lego piece hey she did she kind of well she kind of ran her hands through her hair he definitely looks like he's about to do something naughty [Music] I told you every character that's weird that slightly got like a weird thing to them does a thing with their tongue I'm sure there's more that I'm missing Jabba mum of the heart there's a bunch of others I remember tongue things it's so weird guys give me a reason to play the rise of Skywalker and maybe one day I will never do it [Music] Star Wars come check out my Clips channel daily uploads there and you can also come follow me on Instagram Twitter join my Discord and Tick Tock lots more happening everywhere come join thanks for watching this my name is Andrew I'll catch you soon
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 406,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Walkthrough, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Walkthrough, New Lego Star Wars, New Lego Star Wars Game, Lego Star Wars Trailer, Star Wars, Lego, Lego Star Wars Details, Lego Star Wars Easter Eggs, Skywalker Saga, The Skywalker Saga, Gameplay, Gaming, Funny Star Wars, Lego Star Wars Funny, Lego Star Wars Secrets, Lego Gameplay, bombastic
Id: DTv4l0kcR0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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