I Watch This David Compilation Instead of Sleeping

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all my lies you guys have you guys like the craziest story that's happened in the last year I haven't done anything this is one time I went to Vegas and I paid $500 for a [ __ ] Jesus Christ yeah my brother really needed the money the tighter react nutritious boobs I mean yeah this is [ __ ] insane so we're in a sorority's kitchen foods really good right but like if I lived here I'd be the girl that was in here [Laughter] something are you eating again you [ __ ] I thought I smelled a robbery what do you smell like no drugs no booze no sexual activities that's like [ __ ] watch so you know you even told me all the time that you know if there's more Dom's this world we need a better place I've never said [ __ ] oh my god yeah total [ __ ] boys that was a genius what makes you come up with this idea is really high this is Donald dr. young hi boys let's [ __ ] right [Applause] [Music] and unlike a doing session with the boys [Laughter] is not worth the Joker hiccup Alice got a gift for little Mac so it's the best way to take care and David does it Tesla have one of these what is that it's me you say that it's not about looks it's about personality so we're gonna put that to the test we're gonna make a tinder profile for Mike but use Jeff's pictures so when Mike meets up with his date and doesn't look anything like his profile I'll have to use that charming personality to win her over whilst out two or three dates for tonight tonight yeah this is the profile for just tender aka my very what's your opening lines that forgive me if this is forward but when are you free for the best first date of your life it's really good you can get away with that and you can misspell the word high and so [ __ ] you oh wow she is cute he looks like Jessica but maybe she's catfishing so don't look that different he might even not question it she might be like just a little bit shorter than I was oh my gosh she's right hey nice to meet you too 100% That's not me in there after ten minutes I brought in the real Jeff I asked her if she would prefer to continue the day with Mike or start over with Jeff she chose Jeff that sucks he's making her laugh a lot right now Jeff wins Michael is so upset right now that was one of the best first dates I've ever been on in my life he had no [ __ ] idea that I wasn't checked she picked you she liked you more yeah didn't like you more just wanted to be fair and give you a chance Jeff walked her home did you hit your head the - surprised Jason's mom with two Super Bowl tickets today I have two more for Erin because she's from Boston there's no idea probably was saying we should throw a Super Bowl party yeah fun oh is that what you were on the phone about saying we should get the food yeah but then the problem is Erin wouldn't be able to go why because she got a Super Bowl are shaking my heart is guys Murray's birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I haven't seen Alex in three months just waits for birthdays hi Alex I'll see you in July [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] to shoot Jeff for the paintball gun and this is how we're gonna do it I'm gonna be driving Jeff's gonna be in this seat just like Natalie and then we're gonna come across to this stop sign and I'm gonna see an old lady crossing the street there is the old lady crossing the street and then Jack it's gonna get out of the car [Music] have you ever done steroids I'm gonna [ __ ] answer that in your video Jesus like I'm out a new girl you're thinking too much go help go help across scariest part is that she hit you here when we told them to shoot you in the leg you're not much of an actor are ya and my ad rates are better than yours I've seen on our way to a party Jeff's ex-girlfriend is there because you keep saying that you're gonna beat up everyone at the party hold you accountable when you walk in there and you go hey David jumping who are you planning on fighting don't say that bro you're the weakest people in our group we're not built for fighting Jeff doesn't matter we're just here to shoot vlogs of what you learned today repeat after me respect Jason just went to this audition room we're about to have strangers come in an audition to be in our video this is kind of a joke but maybe serious who knows maybe we'll find the next Jonah I was gonna say Shawn Mendes I know what it's like to like be in the audition oh my god get to this so we'll get through this quick maybe like one or two minute first up is Sean Payton please can light himself on fire one of his special skills is looking like Donald Glover what's your favorite color next Jeff go suck him in the face what are your special talents okay goes here [Music] what can you do I was gonna bring my guitar okay so this guy does ASMR Jason stop I can't believe you watch our videos like me in high school this is why we even had these auditions for you we never whoa what is your special talent we need what are your names yeah I'll get you guys information right now what do you do I want to see how you interpret and deliver certain lines is that okay yeah okay the first one we have is hug me brother brother try to try again try again I think we've seen enough thank you okay fine yeah okay so this is your stepbrother who's really good-looking and he gets all the girls and you're playing like this big yeah oh yeah video with Miranda six million views no not to have you're a dad that's a Tata react nutritious booth [Laughter] in 3 2 1 I mean yeah this is [ __ ] insane bread rolling I'm off carbs no carbs for him yeah I'm trying to get skinny skinny pause good one so take a B in the mid no bread woman I'm off carbs no carbs yeah trying to get skinny skinny right now holy and Dima are still in handcuffs why are you so angry there hold on [Applause] there's 20 people in my house I wanna put on the ward who did this on my computer I need the name of this girl and who put this on for sure I just need to make sure everybody gets out of the house every avenues about David that's the one okay yeah yeah I mean little tired but you know we went to the park today I what's the parks I'm Jeff's little guy little guy how was it Oh Josh so next what's up guys so now he's about to get home Jason is definitely scary man I can't breathe kids do that no there's actually someone here someone I'm here apology video in the next year well it's got a gift for little max he throws the best way to take care hey David does your Tesla have one of these what is that it's me we're in a sorority's kitchen foods really good right like if I lived here I'd be the girl that was in here way too much are you eating again you [ __ ] I smell there are no drugs no booze no sexual activities [ __ ] watch so you know you've even told me all the time that you know if there's more Dom's this world we live a better place I've never said oh my god yeah I told y'all [ __ ] boys I was a genius what makes you come up with this idea is really high Donald uh hi boys let's [ __ ] it right [Applause] [Music] nothing like a doing session with the boys does not worth the Joker you say that it's not about looks it's about personality so we're gonna put that to the test we're gonna make a tinder profile for Mike but use Jeff's pictures so when Mike meets up with his date and doesn't look anything like his profile I'll have to use that charming personality to win her over well step two or three dates for tonight tonight yeah this is the profile for just tinder aka my bear what's your opening line said forgive me if this is forward but when are you free for the best first date of your life it's really good yeah you can get away with that and you can misspell the word high and still so [ __ ] you like Jessica but maybe she's catfishing oh my gosh 100% That's not me in there after ten minutes I brought in the real Jeff I asked her if she would prefer to continue the day with Mike or start over with Jeff Jeff wins michael is so upset right now that was one of the best first dates I've ever been on in my life he had no [ __ ] idea that I wasn't you she picked you she liked you more yeah didn't like you more she's wanted to be fair and give you a chance Jeff walked her home did you hit your head - two creatures you want to stand 50 feet away from what smells better that finger Jason now you want to buy you what was your favorite part oh sure let's work on my STD test right there Jeff recommended for me it's just that it's like a walking haha what's up guys I've been doing this thing where I give my friends $100 and in return they let me shoot them once with a paintball gun at any time during the week so while the boys were out to dinner Jeff gave me the location of where they were going next all right guys here's one spaghetti now have to make a run for it I was there for your first girlfriend Emily is building up to huh what is it building up to what do you mean mm-hmm you give me a car I got you guys in the garage are you okay I don't see anything I don't know why I'm crying if it's a car I can't fire em three two one Jesus dude I don't know if I can even accept that yes you can really nice I can't let's go look at okay - nice I don't [ __ ] deserve it I'm paying you back ever since you nothing up your sleeve huh no kickin up your friends the airport just to be nice this is my friend Jeff he's also an ex-convict so while he was in New York I renovated his apartment so he would feel right at home this is Jeff's apartment before pretty simple basic apartment and then this is just apartment after you mean a lot to us you're gonna [ __ ] pull out a gun and shoot you were gone in New York for a couple days so I decided I would do something nice for you I just farted sorry New York for a little bit and I wanted to do something nice for you so I did a little bit of a makeover your apartment get the [ __ ] out of here what you do we're going there under Steve oh my god paint something in there I don't know our friend Jack he's gone to jail and it's hard to transition sometimes back in though you know talking about this but uh you did go to prison yeah sometimes it's tough to transition into normal life so I did something to make you feel more at home [Laughter] this is too much clean this [ __ ] up how's it feel it's good to be home how embarrassing you really want people seeing you this drunk then you literally have no room to talk Marie's birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] guys one thing goes on a walk with her super hot boys he has to overcompensate by working out a lot more okay so my last vlog I surprised Jonah's dad with a bunch of strippers and it made everyone happy except for one person Jonah's mom so today with the help of my friends at sea geek I decided to surprise Jonah's mom with a few of her favorite things sea geek is an amazing app that helps you buy tickets in the easiest way possible you've seen them help me surprise my friends with a brand new car and here it is ahead Natalie order me this drink of some [ __ ] and forgive me but I'm gonna be 5 years old for the next minute of the vlog [Music] like [ __ ] like I'm getting sure yeah [Laughter] yeah I'm in the car yeah sure it's a hundred percent natural and like how did you feel felt really uncomfortable yeah see now you know how girls feel when you go hey suck my big good massage place there's a rumor that you could give people [ __ ] we're gonna find out do you know another place where they do do that now okay I was just kidding I was just joking jobs oh you came here kidding I put my quarter face for privacy reasons but I was like yeah she was like my [ __ ] like I'm getting in the car yeah it's a hundred percent natural and like probably good for you how did you feel really uncomfortable yeah see now you know how girls feel when you go hey suck my big dude massage place there's a rumor that should give people [ __ ] we're gonna find out I was do you know another place where they do do that no no no okay I was just kidding I was just joking I couldn't record her face for privacy reasons but I was like you guys give handjobs yeah she was like no we got scott song to play on the radio this is complete surprise to Scott so I think I'm gonna surprise I got Scott song on the radio wait actually yeah it's gonna be today at 11:00 so we're here to surprise for real on KISS FM yeah that's better than any car walking into [Music] again dude dude thank you so much I was like wow sounds like like I actually I turn up to I don't [ __ ] react to things that that's [ __ ] cool here's a look at my skirt of [ __ ] out of Jeff you don't have anything in the bathroom I'll reject oh sure I just found out I'm getting into my mother's room [Music] what is it dddd what does that stand for what would David Oberg do the timing is perfect this paintball gun game has gotten so out of hand even the bill the guy who works the garage parked at my apartment wants it he texted me he says hi David can you shoot me with the PayPal card I said why do you want to get shot he goes for the vlog I want to see you I'm just happy it's not me getting shot this time I took a shower this morning looked in the mirror naked my body looks like a leopard not BL ah my boy oh you want me to shoot you with the gun yeah you know I'd never shoot you with the gun homie I'm your friend well I wouldn't but my friend definitely would oh my god don't you pedophile one year [ __ ] just sit hey one year at a party I'm in tots girlfriend's house it's about 2:00 a.m. that's about to come home from drinking and I'm gonna show him hello Todd I moved out here four years ago together four years ago yeah Alex Deanne me and he was like let's move out [ __ ] to do it you were there for my first girlfriend I was there for your first girlfriend Emily was building up to you huh what is this a building up to what do you mean mm-hmm you give me a car I got you guys [Laughter] in the garage okay I don't see anything I don't know why I'm crying if it's a car I can't fire em three two one Jesus dude I don't know if I can even accept that yes you can really nice to nice I hope [ __ ] deserve I'm paying you back ever since Jason just went to this audition room we're about to have strangers come in and audition to be in our video this is kind of a joke but maybe serious who knows maybe we'll find the next Jonah I was gonna say Shawn Mendes I know what it's like to like be in the audition oh my god get to this so we'll get through this quick maybe like one or two minute first up is Sean Payton can light himself on fire one of his special skills is looking like Donald Glover what's your favorite color next chef go suck him in the face what are your special talents okay goes here [Music] what can you do I was gonna bring my guitar okay so this guy does ASMR Jason stop I can't believe you watch our videos Gracie look like me in high school this is why we even had these auditions for you what is your special talent perfect what are your names yeah I'll get you guys information right now what do you do I want to see how you interpret and deliver certain lines is that okay yeah okay the first one we have is hug me brother brother try to try again try again I think we've seen enough thank you okay fine yeah okay so this is your stepbrother who's really good-looking and he gets all the girls and you're playing like this big overweight guy really really like that trick so I wanted to try it again but this time instead of putting cash in the cup I put a two piece - a couple brand new BMWs I have these three cups and I have this crisp $100 bill point to the cup in which you think $100 in now you could keep what's under the köppen figure this one I think so okay ready you're almost really lucky dumbass is gonna do you want to surprise in your house no so it's not a new Ferrari oh my god I feel terrible I feel so terrible all these guys you make a lot of money right I guess but are you happy yeah I'm stoked yeah you seem so yeah you said you'd have sex with me oh yeah to make sure that I'll have sex over that night when she said that she's like I'd [ __ ] David and then now I'm like not to [ __ ] her tonight you're sure you can't say you're gonna have sex with Jason's friends why sure sure how would you feel my sounds gonna have sex with your friends what friends joke which one no friends cuz I don't [Laughter] know it's crazy it happened to you in there huh turn into like a little door then you got around naked chicks you live once you're a stripper yeah how many random Enders yes sex with has a strip club how many maybe like 100 oh Jesus the candles are backwards the bathroom they're backwards yeah go and go back and he's 12 [Laughter] [Music] you're jamming a baby yes that's true we better take better care of it in your career or it'll be dad - wow that was really [ __ ] up please be nice to me I'm bleeding I'm begging haven't been treated like this since Maggie's a white BMW no white Mercedes got into a car accident it's like the same girl that no an accident with herself oh my god I can't believe we crashed that's okay my dad will pay for it no my dad will pay for I'm here with hard-ons entire family and some of my friends say hi we're gonna try to pull a trick on Bart on that I saw on Twitter their younger sibling on if you're here grab this from my hand [Applause] something we saw you the entire time we took the picture early I felt so bad did you actually take your invisible she's right behind me right oh my god oh my god oh my gosh I know have you ever seen any of my videos at all I know you do people cars we're gonna see Josh today he doesn't know you're here you haven't texted him nope my last video I was asking Josh how to text you what do you mean I was like I wanted a man a cosgrove like I want to get her in the video what do I say I thought what you said was great was I say Gibby he's great am i so calm right now I'm like having a serious conversation with you and it doesn't look like I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] bricks why are you such an [ __ ] to Josh close your eyes they're [ __ ] closed David are you ready okay cool Matt move the sign surprise she asks for it give her my number are you being serious yeah he comes out he goes I'm gonna date Miranda Cosmo I looked at him I was like how you met Matt he has like a little bit of a crush on you he was really cute nice oh you like him he said if you want his number I should give it to you are you serious psycho Tom she said she'd take your number really yeah you have my number I want to give you something real quick is that okay good I love things you sure what if it's a bad thing I have to put headphones on you so you don't hear anything no I don't want to meet a Jaguar in person sneaking a box is still a snake it's for your little baby be like there's a catch coming well yeah okay it's actually not from me it's from your sister [Laughter] you find a brain Susie come here Susie October 28 big Nick texted me finally don't need your friendship anymore bro [ __ ] yes cuz I'm going viral now [ __ ] the vlogs [ __ ] I'm out and then you text me not even a month later what are you doing which one of you is like the craziest story that's happened in the last year I haven't done anything there's one time I went to Vegas and I paid $500 for a [ __ ] Jesus Christ yeah my brother really needed the money big big baby baked chips I love it thank you [Laughter] I'll show you my real true Carla's we just removed that fake ass this is Jason's mom Lorraine she loves watching football specifically the Patriots so I thought it would be fun if I surprise her with tickets to her very first Super Bowl look at Jason holding his mom's hair mama's boy I saw you yesterday you were pumped about the Patriots winning oh yeah that was so funny I know very excited I actually got you a quick gift this probably isn't the right size right right we got to get you the right size for when you go to the Super Bowl [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] we take your PRP from your body then we draw it up into a bunch of syringes and we inject that into your penis now in sex okay though he brags about how good he is that sex for hours do you believe that he tells us he can last 3 to 5 hours sometimes there's no way I can even stand up for 3 to 5 are you embarrassed no I'm not okay where did you say like that because you should be some euros gonna payment smarter than I might have I wet have you ever seen a penis smaller than mine I have seen a penis probably about the same size one of the smallest ones I've ever seen I never said that has anyone ever had a small penis I've seen somebody with the equivalent size of your penis before yes it's yes so I'm one of the smaller penis people I've never seen anything smaller told you buddy you got it on lock let's talk about the time you went to prison why do you always want to do this let's start with this what did you go to jail for I've been arrested seven times this is just a mug shot just to prove to you guys he was actually in jail how long did you go to prison for how long this was four months okay now that you're out how do you feel horrible coming up with ideas for videos I wish I was back in jail yeah I've made a few dumb decisions in my life you know I learned my lesson this guy makes dumb decisions every night they're not drug dealing it's better than speaking of bad decisions last night Zane and Stas got into a fight about a jewel and it ended very poor this next part of the vlog if you're very sensitive to pain don't watch it it's me being a baddie again yeah yeah I mean a little tired but you know we went to the park today I was the parks and chefs little guy little guy how was it put up Josh no that's this is my assistant Natalie she's on her way home from a three-week beach vacation and no one likes leaving the beach so I decided to bring the beach to her hi guys this is Natalie's room before looks like a regular room and then this is actually gorgeous this is a frame for a surprise room makeover Sexy's guy on an ass I've ever seen and [Laughter] look at those two chairs conveniently placed like that I suppose we'll have to do the intro from drinking it was all a grand plan wasn't it you sick bastard anyway you can [ __ ] recreate my child [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] Jason your pot crack ruined this I know a lot of times it can be hard to transition back into the work setting so what did you do I gave you a room I make over two pillows actually always wanted to mine up in my room actually is this what you would want there hold on don't so now he's about to get a whole Jason is dressed as a scary man I can't breathe I can't do that no oh there's actually someone in there because I see someone in here no idea you can decided play it or now I'm gonna give you guys a hundred dollars each and for the next week I will randomly shoot you guys with my paintball gun one shot one shot dollars and make a hilarious video I'm down will you maybe not shoot us don't kill me that will absolutely kill me okay I'm out okay guys Chris is a magician he's doing some magic all right what are you doing I'm gonna test their connection where did you feel it Jeff I might hang up open your eyes oh [ __ ] oh my god is what you felt yes welcome back to my documentary Oh [Laughter] imagine this is how your neighbors greeted you top of the morning to your neighbor [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] you 20 people might have some wonderful reward who did this in my computer I need the name of this girl and who put this on for sure I just need to make sure everybody gets out of the house apology video in the next year I'm not acrimony myself they got that [ __ ] that I said about the edibles it's illegal guys we're at Home Depot now he's buying paint for my house yeah you know what I want you to do tomorrow I'll bet for at least four hours tomorrow when you go on Hollywood Boulevard and draw them on these buckets you're my assistant you have to I'll let you keep 20% of the proceeds on an orange Home Depot bucket you think White's better breastfeeding breastfeeding works with babies before I mean I am here assassin oh wait that makes me leave into the airport to go back on tour before he leaves I want to wish him safe travels [Music] the truck I should have told you he's too stupid to [ __ ] pop at you you caught me you get a free pass this guy doesn't sorry man [Music]
Channel: Jack 2
Views: 883,811
Rating: 4.7629194 out of 5
Keywords: david, david dobrik, liza koshy, liza, david dobrik best moments
Id: biPi-OLtolE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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