**I WAS WRONG...** Puss in Boots: the Last Wish Reaction/ commentary: FIRST TIME WATCHING

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he always shows up oh it's so Eerie what too far [Music] really welcome back Super Friends and super family I am Thor your friendly neighborhood god of thunder and today I'm reacting to Puss in Boots The Last Wish uh so I realize that I am very very late to this party I have seen many people reacting to this I know this movie came out on streaming and in the theaters a little while ago so I'm late I'm late to the party but I've just been hearing so much about this movie I mean people keep talking about it I know people who have seen it and are very very impressed so I figured I know I'm late but I might as well you know late is better than never as the old saying goes I might as well check it out see what the hype is you know I don't want to have my expectations too high because that can often kind of ruin a movie experience so but I just want to go in open-minded check out this animated movie I've seen the Shrek movies I have those on the channel I saw at least I think it was the original Puss in Boots movie a long long time ago I know it's a movie about a cat I'm pretty sure it was the same cat from Shrek I don't remember much about it I think there was like an evil um egg character if that's the same move maybe it's not I think it is I think I saw the original I think it was a Puss in Boots just one of those movies that I wasn't really paying attention to uh was on while other people were over but hopefully this isn't really building directly off that original movie I think that came out quite some time ago I don't even remember when I watched that so um before the sequel I've heard the villain is really cool I've seen an image of this wolf who I'm pretty sure is that villainous character hopefully an enjoyable movie I'm going in to check out Puss in Boots as though as the full reaction is up on patreon if this does get copied too many copy claims and gets I heard there's also a lot of copyright issues if that is the case it will only be on patreon but hopefully it made it here on YouTube enough talking for me let's get into the reaction Puss in Boots the last [Music] what are the New Dreamworks opening I've never seen any of their films like this it's like their shared Universe my favorite DreamWorks is either Shrek or How to Train Your Dragon a great Woods black like the colors and the effects all right we have a goal for our movie Finding the Wishing Star [Laughter] it's an honor he's a celebrity I couldn't possibly [Laughter] buzz kill alert my portrait [Laughter] oh he's wanted okay okay here who wants to cut off a cat's head [Laughter] how to kill your enemy without actually killing him what uh we've got a serious threat no I mean talk about Stakes for partying too loud a giant comes and gets you that's worse than your parents [Music] the rest of you play double time oh yeah up the tempo up the tempo the attack on Titan energy does he have it in him Man of Steel energy but he's still chill a cat with espresso yeah Unstoppable dang that's a cool camera turn around come on that's a knockout that has to be nonsense Legolas took down a mama kill has it been that Epic [Applause] that was amazing the action directory was quite good too oh what oh no no no no no no no please don't do that more for me uh okay how many times have you died already I don't know you haven't been counting you haven't been counting what uh bro how much weight was that [Laughter] eight out of nine I got I got a four are you still drunk yes for us all you've really got to work [Laughter] you could say that again at least he got a treat though I think I'm taking all of this making your heavies [Laughter] what a way for him just to show up like a ghost or like Batman my compliments to your cobbler I mean he looks so evil for sure he's the villain of this movie right there okay he's after you clearly giving it away as well fear me what does he have super powers what is this not enough jeez oh I like that visual effect turning everything into red oh we got a hint dude careful if it's your last life you have to be careful and take that seriously I just love the smell is he afraid because it's actually his last life oh he won season it for the game how do you escape even okay well he can feel his presence as a villain right away but it's rough like I wonder if he was just afraid because he was such a powerful opponent or because his mortality was sinking in or both it looks so sad just like that thank you [Laughter] but perhaps I mean just be real he never gets tired of the spotlight [Music] okay I love this lady right off the bat that's with you [Laughter] that's your party oh this is a bit of a downgrade a bit of a downgrade for you it's like if you were wealthy and a famous celebrity and then you went bankrupt you know quite the change how long how much time went by in that sequence are they after him these are these oh is it gold oh it's Goldilocks of course of course I should have seen that coming from the dialogue dang she's a hunter with bears that's pretty legit never the Goldilocks I imagined that's pretty epic all right we got more than one villain after you it's like it's like he's John Wick essentially and all the assassins want him English you don't look like a cat exposed I won't tell I don't care genuinely he does not care my story oh don't get carried away until everything gotta keep a low profile in retirement Rob hard Buzz come on hard fast [Laughter] establish some boundaries I won't to be left alone yes that's me before coffee you gotta cut the beard you can't have that this whole movie here it makes him look so old oh no oh no what if he kills the other cats oh okay okay that was the Bears what's up Puss in Boots excuse me one for the legendary [ __ ] boots [Laughter] so polite is that the voice of badger from Narnia [Music] I think this scruffy geriatrics the disguise work too well [ __ ] Boots dead and buried I mean look for the body what side are we going overnight he just wants his nap goodbye pickles oh no pickles you saw a Goodman Jimmy McGill moment Puss in Boots is such a big deal maybe we shouldn't be desecrating his grave oh gosh okay just kidding and get out he didn't shave he didn't shave I am a highly skilled Master Captain don't be too cocky don't be too cocky here puss the pressure is odd but a stylish intro who is this dude man get out get out Magic Carpet oh straight from Aladdin you Thief is that from Gulliver's Travels baby unicorn horns half as heavy twice as John you evil man you're killing baby unicorns the box is that John Mulaney if that is that's insane yeah gonna trigger some childhood trauma and he's gonna snap [Music] never as popular as Pinocchio quick quick quick quick go quickly man squeezy oh shoot you were the only cat Thief that makes you plan just argue about it later are you about it later the Midas touch oh oh you idiot oh okay you haven't heard of it clearly are you a pirate now [Laughter] okay I'm glad about the elevator doesn't like that beard quietly to be dead I got better yeah what flavors you got don't forget the Bears are Hungry Eyes oh those four guys the four little people are they gonna Escape all the Magic Carpet that is legit jeez hey slobo Matrix action that's why you should reason a hundred you should have cut it before not his most graceful exit [Music] he's your Uber driver just go put you on silent mode Drive [Music] don't you forget to call Bro seriously oh come on how creepy is that dang yes yes no he just break Cinderella's slipper they're literally Bakers okay okay you're stealing quotes from Wizard of Oz now a stick open through your sword I lost it may think it's too easy I became a pacifist [Laughter] come back no one's that dumb no one's that bad I love that the cats don't trust the dog this movie really brings in the style Department relatable don't forget to eat during a road trip you need to be holding the map wait what don't do that wait wait what's what's going on with his eyes it's a superpower cuteness [Music] [Laughter] what the heck okay talk about a change in scenery but you can go as different players okay that's cool it's like a unique path for everyone I guess there is a different terrible path for everyone everyone almost like has their own demons to overcome how then drip down the river of relaxation what because he's such a good soul what do I wonder the feels of quick and easy solutions oh come on yeah not alone [ __ ] rich enough to hibernate all the year round that's all he wants all he wants is to sleep I mean there's no way they can be evil they're too like innocent do a secret mama just drop it please oh okay I wonder what her wish actually is trying to remember more of the story of Goldilocks they stupid like conditioner for that thing on his face imagine if that was his wish nothing stupid what monster plants monster flowers out of the way [Laughter] that's the way to get through oh thank you oh look at that you just have to be nice wow talk about A Life Lesson I like how she rolls her eyes oh his bath is so corny but it's true but it's true yes what a tragic backstory for him to be so happy despite all that but a great story and a free sweater out of it talk about an eternal optimist thing I could wish for no magic required it really is the perfect dog how did you get Excalibur this rock off of it but it's still pretty cool yeah because you are not worthy that's hilarious you're just gonna be swinging a giant rock s holy no flesh left dig all day and they're really gonna destroy all the nice flowers where are you then some sort of demon grasshopper is that Gemini Cricket what what is your conscience he's gonna kill you he's gonna kill you a bottomless bag of magic weapons the SE babies are gonna get me that wish I love how we're just watching all the Bakers get eaten in the background always casually talking [Music] appreciation [Music] is that Jim Gaffigan voicing if it is that's so cool you know what thrust gets you a sock a rock and a swimming River I mean I think it's cool that he's not cynical despite his experiences oh thinking about what about us oh no things too I'm getting used to it wait what just ask her to cut it for you please she went right the beer is disgusting and and died [Laughter] you can have my guttito blade thank you it's small better than nothing or a stick is it better than a stick I don't know he can't help himself don't get lost dude don't go too far you mean My Wish oh of course of course he found him the Bakers are still alive I thought most of them would be eaten how many are left that's Mary Poppins give us them he doesn't care about his baker man run run he needs a sword man that we can imagine how painful that would be what does it do what it kills you with confetti that's like how to have a PG Tarantino blood effect he always shows up oh it's so eerie no you can't run you can't leave your friends it's like you can't even think straight at all see like a therapy dog like a therapy dog right there without lies to spare I am nothing that's not true maybe you can become an even greater hero overcoming your fear of death [Laughter] why did he leave her waiting oh make her feel better too I mean it will I'm glad she overheard it at least the choice that wish now and you know what it tastes like eyes [Music] a wild bread I have missed you the Temptations of all their Comforts of home Hansel and Gretel got it too the day A Little Orphan girl broke into our cabin and stole our hearts don't get distracted though it's like that sweet memory it's almost like looking back spending too much time looking in the past can be counter-intuitive hold my hand s wait what hey really true love yourself you don't seem like that guy anymore he's changed after some retirement just [Music] [Laughter] he's rooting from afar you're just starting Jimmy Cricket okay where have you been surface good enough people tell me good luck good luck as his therapist agree to disagree all right imagine saying that to your conscience agree to disagree all these poor Bakers [Applause] foreign [Laughter] friendship I did not agree to this harder no just a we could share the wish oh maybe they'll get a happily ever after together you gotta outrun them be quick oh look at this that is advanced okay how how The Power of Love right there bye bye Goldilocks bye bye oh what get your dog back oh everyone separated and you're locked in I'd find a way out of here oh I feel like something's gonna go wrong they're all separated are you alone in here The Glory Days we stolen we ended up with deadly spot Oh They'll Come Back for him how dare you hold him hostage it is friendship no thanks I ain't gonna risk their lives for this dark little pop you're just saying okay let them to keep arguing like the ogres from The Hobbit you're nothing but a low rent Cinderella oh baby because you know what you are wait for it the bear from the Revenant launching drop off holy what what okay too far too far bro read the room okay he's actually cool with it I like it you won the orphan Lottery see he's that cool he's that cool okay that was very easy you got the map you don't need them yeah get those knives oh come on don't even think don't even think about leaving them behind nice objects very conflicting for me sometimes your past self is a jerk always a life of fear holy really all of them each frivolous how was he been stalking you your whole life it's laughs in the face of death oh is he literally deaf I should have seen that am I being really dumb for not seeing that earlier death comes for us all metaphorically or rhetorically you're poetically you're theoretic any others death straight up how do you kill death you can't ah firing makes it more fun for me hey death is so sadistic oh that's cool that's cool he's like out of breath he's been running so hard he's that terrified oh come on is he really gonna leave them or is he just too scared I have no way he's gonna get his lies back he's gonna wish for something different or wait what's your just right I am curious oh dang that's gotta be so hurtful for the Bears day not a bear come on they're your family they tuck you in if this is something that will make you happy we'll get you that wish to talk about Selfless Love of a mother right there I'd be like ungrateful brat feel the same old Puss in Boots but I am not I am not busy we just had a moment of weakness and compete with your one true love go on get your lives back then she'd really let him what he was talking about you bro all right we got our final showdown where's death though that's when it really starts I like that's all from the perspective of the map dang dang [Laughter] oh shoot did she give up the chance for the wish to save him right there yeah okay at least you made that choice okay you are not from Goodwill Hunting every time every time the chills oh you're cut off run away two more lives are you gonna fight fight him come on can you conquer death though I don't think you can right that's where he finds his courage the legend is back and like I don't know if they can help him in his fight with death seems very personal gone for a full Darth Maul here now what now oh wow okay for a second I didn't even see what that was hello [Laughter] what a reference wow a little Scarface in the finale oh I love the color change right back at you literally staring death in the face Legend who thought he was Immortal but I don't see him anymore yeah too much personal growth is no longer satisfying for death to hunt you death lose return but uh not today when you said death was after you I thought you were just being military oh look at this look at this no magic required oh he just won't give up will it oh come on really how large can he get uh that would have been terrifying what he's trying he's trying to be cute uh it's not working oh there it is it really gonna get to him I mean he's like pure evil cute how you think that would work on it okay okay no I'm dead inside beautiful beautiful they get rid of it okay all together that's not enough to save you come on look at that Jiminy Cricket joining the fight [Laughter] everything yeah thumbs down Gladiator Style why not that is a beautiful sight oh no you've made me cry now what a sweet mama I won the orphan Lottery bout Jeff Jeff if he can choose his old name well just take it though I kind of like it okay yes and your captain Kiki the bird bro it is team friendship wow it's on the poster it's official so much for workshopping it where are we It Anyways the same place Jack Sparrow went at the end of a Curse of the Black Pearl wait really hold on are they making a new Shrek movie I think they are they I mean they're coming back together oh what a what a perfect way to leave off wow that actually makes me excited for the new Shrek movie how good this movie was alright so that is Puss in Boots The Last Wish well uh people were not lying when they said how great this movie was because this was very very impressive I can't I'm gonna have to think um as far as like recent animated movies one that ranks this highly on my list but this this movie was refreshingly good like just uh that's what has struck me across like it was almost you know especially watch a lot of movies that maybe aren't as sharp aren't as sloppy they have some technical mistakes or just things don't look as good or some of the action isn't good this movie delivered in all of those aspects you know the animation itself I don't know exactly what style it was but it looked different um I feel like it was a combination of 2D like there was some anime effects it looked like but with also the 3D animation but regardless like the choice of some of the colors some of the stylistic transitions there was just such a freshness about the aesthetic and the style visually throughout this whole movie I also think just like story wise very very solid very well edited very sharp there wasn't any scenes that dragged on any moments of down time that were boring they did spend time on characters and developing and having a rich story with lessons and ideas and amusement and humor just a perfect balance of everything to really hold your attention but also engage you on that deeper emotional level I mean I can't believe I don't think I cried at all but there were times where I was tearing up I was like surprised at how emotional I was I mean I heard that the wolf's death was the villain I feel very dumb for not realizing that he was death I mean with the sickles and everything literally but whoever that voice actor is he he almost sounds like one of the actors from Suicide Squad house of cards I forget his name but I don't think that was him but he did a very very good job just as a very menacing Force I love the sound of his like little whistle and just the the glow of his red eyes his hood just everything about him made kind of an intimidating antagonist and it was fun that we had like multiple different people as well I mean Goldilocks and Three Bears I always love when in the Shrek movies they tie in those old fairy tales especially if it's one that I'm familiar with um and especially if they do it in a way that does that fairy tale Justice like not just for the sake of being like see this fairy tale character see we have them in this movie but they add more to it that's to me when Shrek was at its best and I think in particular the characters of Goldilocks and the Three Bears really continue that tradition of the best versions we've seen in Shrek where we see these characters but we have a nice little twist on them and then there's kind of a cool lesson that also ties into that fairy tale story as like the origin of Goldilocks that we know but just there's definitely there are so many good lessons in this movie the idea that you know you getting the best out of your life of not fixating on the end goal or the prize but appreciating what you have a real lesson of gratitude too with that Goldilocks storyline and um perito like just teaching that great lesson you know because his attitude I feel like was such um an eye-opener for all the characters he was just one of those you know sometimes you meet people like that in life who are just almost unbelievably good and pure of heart and it really is like that at least for me you know whenever you come across people like that it's almost like an inspiration and it's almost it's almost odd it's a very rare thing hopefully most people have encountered it at least once but you know people like that really are a treasure and can really bring out it could really like make you rethink your outlooks on life maybe certain ways your cynical or judgmental or protective maybe have your guard up a little bit but you're around someone who's just so open and innocent and sweet and especially someone like burrito who you know it's not like it came from an easy life quite the opposite you know a very very dark backstory but you know when you encounter someone who can deal with all that pain and not let it turn them resentful or bitter in any way but instead they're this genuine awesome person like that does have a strong effect on the people around them so it's cool seeing that in a character and how it kind of taught a lesson um you know to Kitty softballs to Puss in Boots to everyone the Goldilocks and the Bears yeah but just this this movie is just effective in every way like very sharp very well executed very interesting some of the best animated action that I can think of offhand and lived up to the hype you know it it really did I definitely see why people are excited about this movie and to be honest that ending you know tying into the potential of the new Shrek movie um this movie was so good it made me excited I I heard that they were making a new Shrek movie I don't know if it was confirmed I think this movie confirms it but I kind of I enjoy the Shrek movies but I didn't think we needed another one you know what I mean but now seeing how good the quality of this comeback movie was I'm like okay I'm down to see more Shrek in a certain sense but uh but yeah yeah really glad to check this one out thank you everyone for watching like I said of course the full reaction is on patreon if you want to support me check that out watch along with me uh I guess I guess the question I'll leave off is what was your favorite aspect of this film um you know was it the villain death was it Puss and Boots himself was it Goldilocks and Three Bears was it a lesson in particular there's so much to enjoy from it uh my favorite aspect I think is honestly just the character growth that Puss and Boots had you know because it wasn't a formula like a groundbreaking formula you know character has this one concept you know kind of struggling with their own mortality seeking this one goal and along the journey learns lessons about the the real important values of Life gains friendship along the way we've seen that before but it was just done so well it was very easy to connect with that Puss in Boots character and to see him change over the course of the movie especially you know seeing how difficult it was like how afraid he was of death how attached he was to the legend and the attention of being that hero you know it really made a compelling character grow so that was my favorite aspect personally but let me know in the comments what yours was and as always remember be active be mindful and be a hero foreign [Music]
Channel: Nick Reacts
Views: 84,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thor, thorreacts, thor reaction, thor reacts, puss in boots, puss in boots the last wish, puss in boots the last wish review, the last wish, movie review, puss in boots 2, puss in boots reaction, puss in boots the last wish death whistle, puss in boots the last wish death, movie reaction, puss in boots the last wish reaction, puss in boots movie reaction, the last wish reaction, jvs galactic adventure, jvs galactic adventure movie reaction, death puss in boots
Id: 9lb8948fCW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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