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it's taking us a little extra time to get out my fresh water and filling the fresh water oh my gosh [Music] [Music] okay we're in Calgary Calgary for just another few seconds few seconds we're really hoping we were gonna be able to go into Calgary and see it but no time no time so last time we ended up working on the video we still have another video to do so we're scrambling to get out of here and make as much progress south as we can for what I think next it's gonna be the solar eclipse we have more info on the solar eclipse coming next but let's go get in the car and get out of here yes [Music] okay here's an update on our plans and by the way this is where no reservations really shines really has some benefits so we decided to spend a few extra days in BAM this was actually absolutely beautiful and we still didn't have enough time crowded but beautiful but we need to make our way down to Lake Tahoe and we really want to spend two and a half weeks there because we know the area we know how much the is there to do and the solar eclipse is just a couple days away so we really don't have a lot of time to hang out in Calgary which kind of a bummer but I'm sure we'll be back because the Calgary looks beautiful and I want to see Banff again and like there's some things we missed up here so we'll be back in this area again less junk more journey I'm sure you know those guys they're gonna watch the solar eclipse from the Grand Tetons that wasn't too far from where we were gonna be so I reached out and said hey what if we got together and you know I don't know did some video and ketchup on meat and that kind of stuff so they were an epic event yes good people so anyway so we're gonna go down if we can we're gonna go down and connect with Nate Marissa there Tennessee and we're from Arizona and I think our our routes don't cross very often so the fact that we're even we're like the solar eclipse [Music] successfully through our forth and border crossing of season three we are getting a much better at it less is more okay I would never I would no jokes no jokes at a border crossing um all your windows down have your passports all in a row ready to go glasses off we've learned glasses should be off windows should be down we try to make it as smooth as possible for instance if I were to if we were to go into Canada in one of the states and they were to say why are you there and I were to say something like to make videos just for YouTube right last thing I need is that interpreted is I'm there to make money or I need some commercial license and then like send me back to the States because I don't have the proper paperwork to go just vacation you're there for vacation okay if you plan to work remotely and you've spent five years to create a location independent business and you say uh going there to work independently wrong answer wrong in vacation is the right answer this border patrol was sneaky this this board or you just say he's very good news he's very good at his job they reminded me of Columbo you know right right when he's kind of cracking the case and in the in the defenses of the of the guilty were down low and he was leaving the room and he'd come back and he'd say this guy basically said they didn't ask you to bring you today across the border you know like kind of like it would been okay to tell him like oh yeah this one guy asked us to bring over some Hawaiian rolls you know I mean does that you know well that was the easy one he really started with so what do you have left in your fridge oh that's right yeah yeah got any left in the fridge just kind of left over right then yeah yeah no nope yeah no me no me no I'm calling guys now comment over there no no like it was he was asking the questions in such a way would've been really used to be like well yeah and we got a couple tomato slices well we don't have anything we don't have anything no we don't have anything as we've gotten better at this it's just not worth the aggravation so we keep it clean [Music] Travel update we are in where Boulder Montana on the slowest road trip in the world I I think I realized that we are the slowest RV travelers that exists truly when Google says six hours it means all day it means all day long I mean literally it means twice as much time like will literally stopping a gas and then Trisha P in the back grilling it hamburgers I'm cooking otherwise what are we eating out of my paw if I stop at a stoplight too long she turns on the grill how many more hours it's forever it says literally you'll get there when I tell you you can how many hours left five hours and five hours left five hours left it was only a six-hour drive and we've been in the kitchen it's it's 3:00 in the afternoon we left at 11:00 well we left at 11:00 our time noon their time right okay so we've been in the car for three hours and we've traveled one how's that possible I feel like these roads are made of treadmills [Music] it's kind of funny we ended up in Yellowstone and we didn't even know we were going here you're so focused on the fact that where we needed to go like we put in the Grand Tetons and we looked at Google and googled like took us through West Yellowstone we're like okay fine we're gonna go near Yellowstone no we're going in Yellowstone we're going through Old Faithful everything we did last year that's why the Google Maps was changing the time because they're changing it based upon the traffic probably based upon like a bison backed up yeah yeah okay but here's the fighting this is where we were on the first month of our trip it's crazy to be here it's we have never been to the same location twice except for right now and we didn't even know we're gonna be here this is really weird so anyway we have to go into the park now renew our park pass cuz it's like $30 to get in we just find is we're gonna go to the Grand Canyon we go to Hart we're gonna go use them as we knew it right yeah so no sense paying extra [Music] [Music] hello thank you [Music] 50 if we're headed through um you know what our past annual pass just expired to me I'll just renew that I know we're making probably too big of a deal out of the fact that we're back here and the cynics be like bro I get it you're back at Yellowstone calm down but I think here's here's why anything is so exciting what we were so new the last time we're here and we know it we feel it right yeah like we can feel the last time we were here was like literally within the first two weeks of leaving it's just a way to describe to you how knew we were does he mean okay when you hand a card or someone and say and then they laugh really laugh but then now we're sixteen months it's crazy is the first time we've other than being calm this is the first time we've been somewhere that we've previously been and I just see it with different eyes than I did before and you just have that we just have that sense yes all right so here's what I'd like to do we're gonna pass the Midway Geyser if it's possible to stop I'd like to stop and Midway the geyser and shoot some footage but other than otherwise I want to go find some really pretty music and get some footage of driving through this park from here to the Tetons so let's queue the pretty Yellowstone music [Music] we get you so [Music] into the Sun [Music] there's never an option [Music] mark and Tori's Tips & Tricks take spontaneous Yellowstone addition okay mouthful really is the first tip the Tori's gonna share is the time of day you need to go there yes so Tori you you've never been here twice so I'm my two times of knowledge I'd like to say that 11:00 to noon is the prime time to come and take pictures because all the colors are lit up and they look so much better and you don't know what a picture is like in the morning so is there any chance that the morning is the even better time to take a picture firstly I don't think so because it's done it's done angle okay yeah you want in this case you want the Sun up above you so it can shine and like create all that bright okay so that's the first step let's see the second tip is where to go so there is this observatory back not observatory there's like this hill where there's like this viewing deck I guess that would be an observatory behind Midway Geyser so you can look down on it because if you have some time you can go do this and then you could go park there and hike up and go get a view looking down I think that might be kind of cool it's so that was your tip what was going to be what was going to be okay well look two tips is pretty good for a spontaneous Yellowstone Midway Geyser edition maybe bring your prize now the pores or didn't help it's a high ute polarizers are like for high noon oh well bring your polarizer if you're gonna come here at the proper time gosh do we have another tip I don't think we do I think we just have to Midway Geyser tips solid tips of one maybe I will say Midway Geyser this is one of my more favorite places in Yellowstone and I'm so glad this of all places is what we came by because you can feel the steam when you're up top it's so warm and then you come down here we're standing now and the water is so cold that right now it's chilly and you just get these little waves of like steam hitting you it's warm and the color it's one of my favorite places in Yellowstone so okay let's go dinner I'm hungry let's go [Music] [Applause] okay here's the deal and it's kind of difficult because everybody thinks I'm like trying to camp like I just rolled into Yellowstone like hey where's the campsite right so everyone's like trying to like lecture me on like uh campsites fill at noon this is a really busy week I'm like I get it I get it again I just what can we sleep right he says or you could just go find the forest roads which is where less junk is which is where we were headed anyway I just don't think we thought we were gonna get here at 9:00 and I think what we should do is I think we should go down in that direction around murrain Moran because there's all these sorts of fire roads there forest roads and we should just go find a forest road and dry camp okay and then and then wake up in the morning leisurely okay because this is Sunday morning well the nice leisure Sunday morning but leisure I mean we'll wake up at 6:00 instead of totality seekers okay good morning good morning whoa last night workout dad last night was perfect this what are these called these are like gravel parking lots at the end of a forest road in the Grand Teton National Park they're kind of like the coolest thing ever and they have them set up so that people can have like overflow parking for the solar eclipse so we're on this forest road and now we're going over to that forest road where Nate and Marissa are and so to be fun to meet them this would be kind of fun it'd be fun to have someone to share that solar eating a solar eclipse totality we're not doing the solar eclipse we are doing the 2017 solar eclipse totality we survived totally the totality totally I may never stop talking like this for the rest of season three wait wait I remember having a different voice in the beginning of season three and now season three will come to a close in the totality of the situation this voice is becoming more distinctive than ever I'm more I did not only turn off the water clump I turned it off in its totality the totality of all the pumps are [Music] [Music] I feel like I got a sunburn I know it's hot and I really were a lot of sunscreen I had a hat did I get sunburned no no okay okay so it looks like it got hot again we were all noticing how hot it got everything's pretty much back to normal now and we were wondering what what the portable solar panel was doing yes and so let me just show you this real quick so we're still at you can see that I'm still at full batteries right now which is great because we've had we've had pretty much the lights on non-stop non-stop yeah I'm in charge of my laptop the water pumps been on like we've been living normally being normally right so let's go check it out see what stamps is doing ahead now and five amps okay so it's ticking at five now huh yeah that's really cool you know cuz of what was it 1.9 it was evening to when it was yeah one thing yeah yeah wow what a difference what a difference but you felt it in the temperature to it like dropped like crazy yeah so anyway this is like a massively cool science class today we're still doing the Eclipse joke it's not gonna make all my entrances now just slow in creepy oh gosh alright we think that's funny so now we're actually a little struggling with like what to go do now I think it's time really go for like a walk I go try and find some wild light can we go find some wildlife [Music] oh my goodness I know those are the Tetons for where where this is something landing ocean occur rapper rapper not snicker bar later when a baker do we have all your girl offers or come oh well know it even if I see it I won't forget exactly Schwab Baker drop my web acre or landing yeah we're gonna put it right here and we're only like steps from the car we are steps from the car and there's this beautiful stream which I suppose in June and July is Rapids yeah because there were signs that said caution oh right now it's just this calm beautiful peaceful stream their ducks going across and Tory is trying to get her fabulous shot yes she is great photographer so yeah like I mean Tricia let me move the camera look at that you can see the reflection of the Tetons in this beautiful stream it's just something else rather is it not is it is something else and it's not totally clear today either there's just a little bit of there's a little bit of haze probably a little bit left over smoke from the fires yes it's not totally clear but still gorgeous amazing [Music] we are headed to go get a little workout in because we leave for Tahoe today and Google says it is 12 hours and 27 minutes away that's like four days for us right yes I'm gonna warm up and then we're gonna pack up and go which I'm kind of disappointed bout because we've had so much fun here yes it's been awesome spending time with Nate and Marissa awesome he and Nathan and grace and the girl and the girl yes she calls him the boy so what's my name boy all right let's get a let's get a little workout in [Music] when guys are you ready yeah okay she does take up less room she does right here just like that just like that it's a live in 19 I'm glad we left early we left early and now we're only going to Jackson to upload the Eclipse video a video successful Eclipse successful yeah camping boon camping camping I really like travel days on the weekends it's like guilt-free driving you know I've got you know if it videos out and it's a weekend I feel like we could just like drive forever you guys ready to drive I am you got your mental drive drive day hat on good [Music] this morning was probably one of the most frustrating days as a youtuber we should finish editing at 1 a.m. or 12:30 it was finished rendering by 1:00 a.m. we started uploading at 1:00 a.m. and I woke up this morning and my computer became untethered from the phone so it was 6% uploaded and where we were dry camping there was no cell coverage so he went into Jackson to upload it and we ended going to a library that had 29 down but it had 3 up so it took two hours of the library and then it got all the way to uploaded 99% and stopped petered out so then we went to a Quiznos to re-upload it which kind of like it kind of like triggered it and we got it out amazingly but there was a couple times there in that morning where I was like why are we doing this this is so it's so aggravating and it's for 11:00 in the afternoon and we've just now started a 12 12 hour drive a 12 hour drive on Google everyone asked me how the truck does pollen ginger fine but I've never experienced this is the biggest hell we've ever had it makes me feel a little bit better the class sees and the class A's and the travel trailers and the fifth wheels I have all pulled over in this out in this [Music]
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 339,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv, travel vlog, travel, rv america, rv living, keep your daydream, rv tour, how to rv, with kids, rv life, grand teton national park, national parks, best national parks, yellowstone, wyoming, rv boondocking, best boondocking spots, airstream, less junk more journey, solar eclipse, fulltime families, youtube family, family friendly, best rv channels, rv vlogs, travel trailer, best rv destinations, dry camping, family travel channel, zamp solar, midway geyser, camper
Id: avfYIPB9S-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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