I WAS SPOOKED!! When solo stealth camping

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foreign spending One Night in this big bush area there's a bit of opening here I'm going to spending the night in here with one piece of new equipment so this may be like a stealth Camp video it's like I said I'm in this little area I've got a Russian pack for my dinner I've got a new piece of equipment I want to test out and mainly I just want to be out tonight it's Friday night not much going on on TV so I thought why not be outdoors where it's good to be so in a minute I'll show you the piece of equipment that I've got but for now I'm just going to sit back a little bit taking the environment setting myself down then I'll bring you back so what I meant by that is sit back and just relax is when you come camping with friends two three of you you sort of like you don't have a Nerf build up you know you're not a little bit aware of your surroundings because there's a small group of yourselves but when you come out solo camping by yourself it's a little bit different when you get there you need just to switch off from your normal life let's say and you need to stick in your surroundings your noise is what you were like a nurse stream over that direction yeah when you solo camping you really need to tune in and you'll do it without realizing anyway but you know you've just got a there's a lot more nerves when you solo Camp by yourself I've done this for years on and off by myself and every time I still come out and I still need to feel that little bit of I'm relaxed now it might sound crazy but it's true anyway I'm going to show you the new piece of equipment that I've got but this is the ration pack now I know I did do a video about midweek showing you the Italian ration pack but I need to say that for a better video than this one this one is a Lithuanian a our ration pack now the reason why I didn't bring the 24-hour one out is because now it's four o'clock you know by the time you set up it's gonna get dark and to eat a 24-hour ration pack over the space of a couple of hours is a bit much so I want to make sure I'm doing a proper decent Camp to use that Russian pack so my sleeping bag is the oex which one is this oex 300 really nice sleeping bag this time of year I brought my little puller out as well cooked some extra water in uh air Matt and I brought some fuel from a little burner just in case this uh self-heating pack don't work too well a sleeping bag liner it's going to get a little bit nippy but with a liner and that sleeping bag I think everything could be all right a little Lantern for later on turn this light out on camera and then we've got some water let's make a coffee and then this is the new piece of equipment miltek it's like a sleeping bag bivvy cover sort of thing I thought like a Bibby sauce and you're getting it you zip it up it goes over your head low profile now I'm a little bit bothered about this really come to think about it and I've only thought about since I've been here oh I've just put the label straight off it please say that we're off for a bag baby cover sleeping bag bivvy cover for sleeping bags that's what it says there I feel focused for you we'll pick it was busy color we'll give it a try if I hope I didn't rip that off the baby itself no that would have been what is this just paper all right it's a bit Rippy in it I can't imagine the Billy being the same as that can you anyway it's got some press studs here and inside that it's got a good solid zip so I'll be spending the night in this uh his parents breathable but I don't know foreign so I've already been looking back at some of the footage and it's a little bit light and a bit dark on spots I am sorry about that I am trying to stealth Camp so I don't have too much light coming off the camera so I'm trying to do as much as I can I've still got a little bit of daylight you better see it next half an hour quick little drop but yeah uh while I'm here I really want to thank everybody 53 000 subscribers every time I come back with a new little milestone 53 000 subscribers that is outrageous it's brilliant I'm so grateful for everybody if you're not yet subscribed and you want to see more proper decent in-depth videos of mine like I've just done another hot tent idea what I made myself it's not a hot tent Summit like hot tent yeah if you're not already subscribed please do consider subscribing and if you are subscribed I know you'll enjoy what I've made so for now yeah I just want to start sitting all the bits up so we're gonna bring out my uni gear air Matt the green one what's a lot thicker but I want to Sean how much room I'd have to move around within the bidder and last thing I want is to be like enclosed up you know like really tights when you move over you're struggling to move over within the bivvy yeah I know once I get the sleeping bag and I think it's going to be enclosed but I think you'll get what I mean if you've ever slept in the building you take you and you put your air Matt in it as well and then you pick a sleeping bag you know you like you know sort of crunched up and I don't really want that I want to better move around from like say I'm a fidgeter sort of food now I'll probably turn all the hell of a lot more than I think I do it's taking a it's taking some time to get used to being back out by myself Scott's tired to pull up with Scouts now he's doing a lot of camping with his wife Dan's got his young kids so it's just a challenge for me to get out do a little bit of solo camping so I must say I'm not very stealth camping anybody want an air clip yeah I've not gone those stealthy colors and my uh puller pillar pillar uh it's broke so I can't inflate it now so I'll have to keep it like that so that's gonna be another pain foreign struggle to pronounce the name tranjaya Chandra changular anyway it's one of their stoves with this cheap little stamp yeah look it's the way it is with me I said a billion times I say a billion times more dyslexic I find it hard to pronounce words or to read words or understand things so if I say it and it's wrong you should have an idea what I'm on about so we just got this little stuff anyway I'm trying to put a little bit of fuel in it and get this going now if somebody asked me over there I can't remember what I speak to that many people on Facebook these days do I get bored of going to the same places well no you know we've all got Comfort zones winter time like this you know we're coming into winter now and it's like dark at five and you know if you're gonna go somewhere by yourself seriously you go up to the I don't know Hills by the time you only tent at five o'clock at night up there that's a long night and I can't deal with that you know I'm here I can sit up against this tree I can watch a film if I want to do I can answer some uh answer some people's YouTube comments and stuff like that you know until the summer comes background longer nights I am going to get out places so I finished at work 12 o'clock every Friday so what my plans are when spring comes back around we're gonna start traveling to brilliant places to camp we've got some places no Hills and stuff I don't really like them because I'm I don't know how to say it to look out over the hill to see another Hill on another Hill it's a bit like wow I like Fair deals but I want to put some on the channel maybe you never know I might fall in love with it while I'm out there who knows all right absolutely yeah I might fall in love with it while I'm out there I will be going up to Scotland to see Matt's mindful meals again spend a couple of weekends up there next year I like to say if Scott and Dan Cat come with me well suddenly that's up to them I really don't want to travel different places right so let's have a look what's for tea so this is like the heating part and get this open so this is the meal stew chicken with buckwheat match so it's like stew chicken with mash could be all right when you get a little flims heating pad there I have nothing but trouble with these okay every time I use these some are always going wrong must be a little star didn't you there we go so you get some fuel tablets some matches you get a spoon a little zip tie and a wipe we get a few bits in that and you get this little stove but I won't be using it but all you got to do is you basically got a bend the sides up these down then you make a little stand like that for your fuel tablets to fit on there but I said that we'll probably use that in another video in future but how come in handy for another place we're going to be doing a bit of stealth camping soon me and vegan Outdoors [Applause] then you get I think that one is funny let's have a look uh a cherry flavored drink I won't be having that second energy drink I'd be up all night swinging from trees the sugar chicken soup I think it is a dark chocolate bar and like I said I think that's funny so you may have noticed has never really any tea and coffee hazelnuts horrible I'll leave them for birds and you get five of these really seriously hard biscuits we're like sharp bread things whatever they're called roast biscuits yeah rusks Su ones what does that mean issue one or something I don't know about what beating then I'd be going to dentist tomorrow I'll leave them out for birds sugar I won't be having I'll save that for a number I save all this for another day really the soup probably not our main mainly interested in just like the I love the chocolate bar in a bit let's stick it over there honey yeah we'll have to use the spoon before we make the meal and then we'll leave that over there but then always come in good juice another time oh yeah you have to best to break this all up mush it all together [Applause] I keep thinking like I hear something I don't know probably me let them in mind play tricks with me so we've got to fill up to that dotted line there and put the meal in [Applause] there I don't want to waste any of that water you'd really want it to be full size of the bag wouldn't you you know your meal I never have much luck with these honestly [Applause] let's go put it back in there [Applause] it's working already [Applause] and we'll just put that stand it up against the tree here I can put it here so we can keep an eye on it working right now we can see that car alongside steam summit's going on yeah it's working for now I wonder if you're meant to try and keep all that heating but if you did that I think the bag had just explored all right put it there let's let that work itself for the bit bother you but I'm not moving around showing you different angles as much because it's like a stealth Camp I don't want to be getting up Shining Light there shining like there at least this rate will behind this big tree what I'm lined up against everything should be all right right so I've just been sitting here for 20 minutes allowing the meal for this boiling away like it does ah it's still read up oh [Music] donkey riding on a beach it's a lot better than swearing talking about riding a donkey on a beach God so I'm bored I'm doing a lot of talking people I'm just wondering if it really says how long he's meant to leave it for 10 to 12 minutes I've left it plenty alone for time of that rail feels better than they have had them in past I remember once I was out of vegan done and their Russian pack heater just failed and I had to eat this cold tell you what just things like cat food how bad would I jump out of my skin if I cut turned up anyway let's have a look it tastes better than it smells to try to focus camera for you yeah it's not a lot to it even though it says it's uh stewed chicken now if it's just me but it's got a mild Taste of tuna fish I don't know why no I don't know after we are feet soon got dark right I'm trying to wear because I'm bored I'll bring it back in a bit chocolate's gone all white I always keep thinking that I'm wearing something around but when you're by yourself your mind can play tricks oh nice to solid not going my cup quite a big chunk of its phone inside my coffee so when I get to the bottom it's gonna have a layer of chocolate melted now in it okay that I wouldn't even got a dentist sorry about that what I've said is I can't eat that I will end up needing to go to the dentist look like so I'm going to be going hunger later on it don't mean too much entire dark it's got now okay last time you could sort of see the light in the trees not no more now I'm alone it's dark I'm scared boogeyman's gonna get me Bigfoot's gonna rape me aliens are going to come and kidnap me out of two let's see how many people are watching right now are the two possibilities is it Bigfoot or aliens you can't say a buff your most favorite one or more than the other do you believe more of in the bigfoots or the aliens myself I must say aliens I don't know why please don't ask me to explain why I just believe more reasons for probably aliens to be out there than Bigfoots but if you put Bigfoot that's up to you I'm not gonna judge you I'm not I'm not here to judge anybody yeah it's a good one big for our real aliens do comment below and let me know I believe in dogs there's some biking over there somewhere now this next thing I want to have a little chat about someone's going to turn off I think that I lost the point I said that rubbish I get it but some people like these little talks like this some people have asked what's it like to be dyslexic I think everybody's got a slight form of dyslexic somewhere along the lines and you know for me to spell the word dyslexic is very hard I'm surprised I'm saying it right yeah my former dyslexic I know people have asked me for a while now and I think you know I think I can give a reasonable uh Starly and how it goes really you imagine sitting in class at 15 years old right and you get told to write yeah date of birth on the top of your paper with your name and it teacher says don't do it in numbers I want it in letters so you've got to write all in letters basically that focusing right now people do like these down with talks this way people like my channel if you look at all my videos people saying they like me down to earth approach so yeah imagine I'm at the right your date of birth in letters and you dyslexia like I am like I will I'm a lot better now YouTube's helped me learn to read and write read and write a lot and that sounds a bit childish saying that but I'm almost 40 so I'm not too bothered anymore and I panicked that much I really couldn't remember if I were born in August or October and that's probably the easiest way I could probably say but you imagine leaving school I remember going to uh I did I sat my exams and even I didn't do much in them because I couldn't read and write in school can't help you because you know to give me an advantage and then uh I went back down for my results and I remember walking at teacher's office and she just went good luck Daniel see you later basic Atomic get out of class you know when I walked out at school you know I did the following Monday I got a job even though it was just packing in a warehouse I still got myself a job and then it won't for me so I went to put like the racking up in warehouses that's some other handling job in a man man hand jobs you know it's all lifting and carrying and stuff like that I didn't need to read and write you know and I never told my boss I couldn't lead them right so I think he might have picked it up a little bit so I worked out laboring work well for me you know I'd have to sit there doing a lot of paperwork and stuff but I didn't imagine losing your job and you try to check find the job and every job says You must have you know literacy and numeracy and stuff that and you can't do this that's how it is basically oh so I will be sleeping with my clothes on and when I say sleeping I might be crawling this now because temperature is dropping I don't want to get too cold well I can just sit here with my phone stand here quietly watching a film or something like that or watching some of the YouTube videos well I take it this is a joys of solo camping you know getting any equipment it is about I think it's half seven I've been watching Mrs Brown boys absolutely love that woman she's a woman in the program so let's say I absolutely love that woman I love a mum like that I'll just say grandma like that anyway give him a little Lantern out turn the big light out there we go so I can leave that on now and just put my phone on like I said watch some YouTube or something like that I've just been watching uh Mrs Brown Boys Christmas special from last year there's one person I love as well is that buster he's an absolute character yeah well I'm gonna get off to sleep you know I'll just keep laying here and just pausing what I'm watching and stuff I'm just getting myself a bit paranoid I think so I'm going to turn my light off now I'll put some music on very quietly and I'll just leave at night and I'll bring you back in the morning so for now thanks for watching I'll see you in a bit I said like a weird like a a sniffing noise like a dog you sound a bit different to that earlier we're on about if you're with somebody else things like this won't bother you and it's true but when you're by yourself little noises do give you butterflies and it gets your attention pretty quick foreign well good morning I don't always say this on videos because I don't think I don't find it in manly or if I'm quite wimpish but somebody spooked the hell out of me last night now I don't know what it was two or three times fruit and I just kept waking up quite heavy sniffing I don't think it was a dog can't have been a dog could have been a badger probably I don't know every time I woke up and looked around it won't there so I don't know what it was all right I need to wake up a little bit I think even that will look like got the matches somewhere but I put the rest of the ration pack thing up entry out where I've just moved a lot of stuff second time here the sniffing so I put my bag behind me little pink tree the empty ration pack I've put that up entry as well out up where just in case whatever it was sniffing for that but yeah I've not been spooked before once or twice but not fruit night like that I don't know let me know what you think in comments below is it quite wimpish to say you got spooked I don't know foreign I'm gonna start packing some of this stuff away I did have some condensation not a lot though on the another top part here where my breath was coming up and landing in it only a little bit though I want circle roll to witty about the rest of it is pretty fine actually it's nice and dry yeah I might be about up yeah I'm gonna pack some stuff over and I can just sit back enjoy my coffee so I thought I'd bring you back and tell you this my sleeping bag is a little bit damp right at the bottom yeah a little bit damp in there must be some sort of condensation build up not too much though they'll dry I've only been up half an hour let's say 40 minutes and what's gone wrong is a nightmare my zip broke on my cup so I'll zip halfway and then it comes apart I've packed my hat within my sleeping bag I didn't win euromillions there's a pen a rookie far to buy a new a new Ferrari helicopter Maybe but I've got a cup of coffee that seems to be all right so if you like what you've seen so far you'll see more of my channel and other things that I do check out soon the hot tub what's coming check this here you better subscribe to my YouTube channel if you press this I'll let YouTube recommend some up there for you because I'm worth see for about half an hour drink my coffee and just chill out and then I make my way off so if you're not subscribed and you want to see more hit this please new video there and I'll I'll definitely see you next time
Channel: English Woodsman
Views: 89,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bivvi camp, English woodsman, English woodsman bivvy, English woodsman oex, I was spooked solo camping, Lithuanian army ration pack, Oex 300 sleeping bag, Oex sleeping bag, Solo stealth camping uk, Spooky camping, Wild camping uk, camping, camping in the rain, mre, oex, oex english woodsman, overnight solo camping, solo stealth camping, spooked stealth camping, stealth camping
Id: 4fzH2o9diMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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