Tent camping on a £75 BUDGET. Aldi camping equipment

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well everybody english foods are here welcome to youtube channel i'm also thank you very much clicking on my video we're going to be camping tonight with low budget camping equipment i did a video two weeks ago buying it showing you the equipment itself getting out of the bag setting it up by the tent the sleep bag the air mat and a lot of people are actually interested in seeing me camp in this pop-up tent i'm quite excited really because i've never used a pop-up tent before so it's the first time for me i've heard the condensations pretty bad so that's something i'm gonna have to look at and everything about tonight's camp is a low budget from the equipment to the food and we are in a bit of a campsite here here in woods it's called i pronounce that right five pound a night adults kids come freelance with an adult i'll put a link in the description below if you fancy coming in if you live in the yorkshire area in a minute i'll tell you why we're here and you'll understand more where we are really so i'm gonna get a little camp spot we'll come back and i'll tell you that and i'll set the equipment up pop-up tent yeah quick and easy brilliant so so a minute ago i wrote about why we come to this campsite where we pay a fiver ahead the whole idea of this low budget camping equipment is to show people myself and oscar outdoors is just over that direction we do have some good camping equipment and if you're subscribed to my channel you know all this and you know a lot of people always saying is a cheaper way to get into it so i thought about building a playlist you know trying to find cheap outdoor camping equipment like tents for myself now i don't get on with hammocks anymore i may do in the winter time for the hot tank camping but oscar outdoors he's gonna be called scott through the video he's well into his camping with the hammocks so he's gonna start you know going through the the line of finding cheap decent hammocks around about 100 pound mark he's already got one with him tonight so you know you can check over his channel i'll link it in the description if you're into your hammock camping he's he's gonna he's gonna you know sort of like see what you can get on the lower end but reasonable so it doesn't break when you're in the amacor alt fails it's the same with me with tents i'm not gonna buy a tent a cheap tent like i've just brought one for the next world camping low budget camping equipment and it's a tent i would not take out in the rain because it was that cheap i managed to spend a smaller budget than last time but i've got more for my money but like coming back to topic why i'm here is because when you camp for your first time even if it's so low it's with a friend you do have nerves you know nerves do build up i don't know it's a bit crazy coming to channel doing this video but there's a lot of people getting into tent camping especially this year and there will be next year with all the you know the price rises people spending more more money just surviving they can't afford to go abroad so a lot of people are going to turn to campsite camping you know on your coastal lines and places like that and a lot of fellas even the ladies they'll get into wild camping as well and like i just said it's nerve-wracking when you do it for the first couple of times especially by yourself i still get butterflies even though i've been camping seven years let's say six seven years if i'm out by myself i don't often do that now but i'd still get butterflies you know you still get nervous so campsites like this where you can come just pay five pound for yourself and it's a secure campsite so you know there's other people down there there's some couple up there like-minded people they just want to camp in the tents in the hammocks some people down there got a family tent and you know there's a small family down there you know they're not interested what anybody else is doing we're all like-minded people on a campsite so what i think is you know if you can find a wild camping site like this and you pay five pounds just for one night you're getting out into that tent and you're experiencing the whole thing to do with while camping but in the meantime you're around other people now if a lot of idiots come down like kids young adults you know shouting off and stuff no doubt all these other people here are gonna you know ears up what's going on they're gonna come round because they're like-minded people so i start off camping at the beginning in some way like this just to get used to it you know the night noises and stuff because when you camp in woodland you know the uh a twig can break and it'll sound like a tree's fallen and that's the truth you could have a deer back you'd swear it got its big foot you got a fox cry you think it's a woman getting attacked because that's how fox is you know really scream really loud and it's all the sort of things that you won't be used to so this is why we're here you know to show you but you can camp have a wild camp in a wild woodland with cheap equipment but not too cheap so it's going to cause you any problems now if you've not seen the video what i'm on about with buying this stuff i'll link that in the description of this video and i'll put a square at the end of it as well you know end the video it's like a little block what comes up with my logo where you can subscribe if you're not yet subscribed to my channel but that's why we're here to show you can camp wild camp be safe calm and you can put your equipment up and you push you don't have to cost you know your lot of money to do this this one 75 pound set up tonight 75 pound that's brilliant for first time camping use it a couple of times if you don't like what you're using or you don't like the idea of camping out overnight you've only wasted 75 pounds it's not like you're going to go outdoors and brought a tent for 200 pounds a sleeping bag for 200 pounds an air mat for 200 pound you know rucksack 400 pound you know you're talking a lot of money if you do it like that so just buying cheap stuff at the start is the way to go and i think a lot of people now i've been rambling on about this for five minutes i hope i make you know better sense of what i'm on about let's get set up and i'll show you the equipment right so there you go my 15 pound pop-up tent is up and ready to go now with a pop-up tent i always thought you just throw it up job done you still gotta peg it all out so it's nice and taut and stuff like that but it's first time i've ever slept in one of these and a lot of people run about the condensation well this is a double layer one so you've got your five sheet and the inner mesh so i'm just wondering how the condensation will carry on in the morning a lot of people have said to wake up make money with these sort of tents and the whole floor is wet through causing a build up that's something we're going to have a look at but for your first time 10 15 pound it'll do your first night to make sure you like camping or not it's not bad really is it it'll do the job for tonight maybe i might use a lot more who knows right so i'm just going to quickly show you some other items that i brought for the 75 pound one is the tent i've got this cook pot set up now i got this for 10 pound i'm sure of it but on amazon it soon shot up to 20 pound so the double the price i don't know what happened but i know i got this for 10 pound and in it if you subscribe to my channel already you've probably seen me show this so this would be a quick run through if you want to see it all in great details like i said the end of the video i'll share the link up on the screen you can click and it'll take you to that other video so you get a pot you can use it a couple frying pan you get a little stuff what i did a separate video on you get a spark get this out anyway [Music] and you get this little rag on another 800 mil pot and i got this with it i'm sure i got this with it within the deal but i don't know what's happened to the price on amazon a lot of people have asked me i really am unsure and i got this sleeping bag now they call it a free season sleeping bag i could test it over winter you know early winter to see how it goes but it's not bad it is quite a thick sleeping bag and then there was a head torch so i picked up this head torch it 199 and then the next probably important thing is the air map pick that up as well from there all this come from aldi so i said the stove powerful stove that it's a cut pot lid and then i picked up this as well uh a swedish torch just because i wanted to spend the full amount in the shop this will burn for two hours it's got the outer bark here where you can peel it off and help to start the final center we'll show that in a bit now other thing that i did pick up was somewhat to eat every time we all start camping for the very first time we'd rather take some pot noodles comment below if i'm right you know you know i'm right about this pot noodles we like to cook sausages burgers chicken wings i got right in a cooking fish at the bottom at early stage of my channel and other one is like pot noodles and soups we've all done it everyone who camps already being camped for a couple of years i can guarantee you you've had a pot noodle once you've been out camping unless you're one of these people who don't camp in woodland to go right up to the hills you know they'll eat like uh so i ain't got no one i don't know why i'm looking actually some hydrated or dehydrated meals and are in lidl today aldi sorry that's where i got all this from yeah i got it all from audi if i've said illegal i meant aldi i picked up this lantern two pound yeah it went in in with the budget but i thought well i'm using budget stuff i may as well buy the budget stuff really won't be true for you i don't even know how it works it's supposed to pull out like that no there we go and you get some batteries in it we'll have a look at that later over here now let's just quickly put these batteries in how it goes but yeah if you've got a minute or two you know and uh you want to agree with them but you had a pot you've had their pot noodle while you've been out camping just drop a comment below saying yes or no i know a lot of people are going to say yeah a lot of people actually take the time and comment saying what they used used to eat i know burgers burgers and sausages they're probably the second most popular thing trying to get that lid on properly there we go that's a nice little lantern in it so let's turn that to a little torch and you press the little button here that allows you to there we go so it's not a bad little lantern really you're gonna hang it up in your tent there's no setting on it you can't go through settings and make it brighter or duller but oh there is so we've got a flash all right look at that so you've got a bright a duller one and then a flash let me tell you something you don't want that flashing at night and uh things are out moths and other flying little bitey insects and stuff because they will get onto you right i need to work out turn this off there we go that's off so yeah that's not too bad really is it quite compact as well you know it's quite surprising how thick this sleeping bag is a bit like myself really really thick i'll tell you what else i picked up as well i picked this inflatable pull-up but this is for the overload budget video what i'm going to record in next few days but i wanted to use it because it's a low budget piece of equipment i didn't want to bring out the low budget stuff and then bring out my puller what i paid five pounds for this one a pound see it can be done you can camp on a really low budget let's say less than 100 pound it is possible there we go pound you got yourself a camping puller i could not want to say it's gonna last for 10 years so do you for your first couple of times see if you do enjoy camping [Applause] so i'm just using this swedish candle torch you know as a bit of a platform so i've raised this the stove up so it's really at my you know height so leaning over and plus this is more of a level surface as they're rocking on the floor it's always a good time to have a coffee now if you're interested in seeing this small super powerful stove you get the little case with it a couple of videos down from this one you'll see me holding stuff uh i can't remember i caught video now but you'll see the stove anyway you can check it out for yourself but for 20 pound even though it's 20 pound you get the pot you get the stove you get over you get the wipe you get the spark for 20 quid if this stove lasts me a year two years 20 30 times usage i'll be very happy with that but once again it's a beginner's stove it's gonna do you just to see if you really do like the sort of camping so the same pot water boiled my water in i'm gonna warm my dinner big soup beef and vegetables now i'm gonna be honest that ain't gonna fool me fool me feel me so i've got two tins one tim we're never gonna do it see this is just simple camping in it so camping on a budget it's very possible well it's doable i'm doing it in my tent what's doing with his hammock cheap affordable food got a nice coffee what more do i need i'm outdoors and i'm camping on a budget right so i'm going to light the swedish torch trying to peel some of this off make sure i can try and get it inside like that because the outer back of it is quite flammable it's got that oil in it it's hard to make birch oil i'll jam it right in there and this will burn for up to two hours so we need to do now is put a match on it see if we can do it in one that's what i mean by how flammable the birch barkers see a good thing about these swedish candles are our swedish torch whichever one it is now can't remember the burn from inside out so once it's burned to the edges it will sort of like just fall apart and that's when i can start putting some other wood on to continue the fire brought a little fire pit like this and having this in it for two hours very easy absolutely no no stress at all get it lit just leave it to burn well we're just sort of laying out fire now just general talk as we do glad i said earlier this campsite is great let your fires do whatever you want really just don't pull no trees down some upward i brought him from home and me and scott found some further up i mean they can have a campfire that's going to last a good couple of hours i think my tent's there right well i'm in the tent yeah i've gotta curl my legs up a little bit because i just do not have enough room in the tent to stretch out so it's not really a adult sized tent i'm only five foot eight and i can't stretch out wide uh you know stretch out wide want me on about i've got a little bit of room there but not much is what it is in it didn't cost a lot of money this tent it's good to test out if you want to comfort first a couple of times and there's something here i'm going to show you what made me laugh see that there is a pocket so when you put something in this like your battery pack it just drags the whole tent down now on the floor that's all pinned out properly from corner corner but you've got so much sag in the material here but it's a low budget tent i shouldn't be expecting absolute bang on perfect should i really i'm just looking back through some of the comments as well you know when i did the video on buying this stuff someone said these pop-up tents get bad condensation we've been single skin well this is gone inner so it'll be interesting the morning tonight if we do have a lot of condensation build up the air mat is uncomfortable as hell it's not the best the air puller you know what it is in it sleep on it one way that happens you go over here and it it's all like air moves like that so it's it's not very comfortable but for the pound what mod you expect you know what i mean it's not going to be memory form is it but like i've said all along it's all right set up to see if you like company not your first couple of times and that's when you start spending all the money buying expensive stuff well i'm gonna go off to sleep i'll let you know in morning what the condensation's like how was slipped if i'll warm just everything about what's going on so i'll definitely see it morning well good morning people had a decent night's sleep between the sleeping bag and the air mat it's like trying to sleep on ice sliding off each of the most at night not too bothered though the sleeping bag will warm i think i've got a little bit of condensation build up at the bottom of the tent yes it's a little bit it's not bad i expect it to be worse on the inner defy sheet there's a little bit of condensation but i didn't expect it to be really bad now i've just been reading comments on uh when i brought this equipment and when i showed it someone saying why telling people to go buy cheap tents when they're gonna leak i'm not telling anybody to buy them i'm just showing what you can get for your money if you want to start out first time camping i've said it enough in this video now i said it in that one it's clear people you know they don't listen to video right and they just think i want to comment this this equipment like i said is is just good for starting your camping your first couple of nights then definitely move up but it's just would you rather go waste 75 pound or would you rather waste 200 300 pounds just to find out you don't like it i know what i'd rather do if you use this stuff when it's not raining you're not going to get any leaks because it's not raining is it but still it did the job let's make a coffee so i've got myself a cup of coffee now birds uh doing the morning chorus you know much of these videos are always good to try if you are going to come out some cheap equipment do check the weather check if it's going to rain check how the wind's gonna be because you do know the cheaper stuff you buy the more lightly it's gonna damage hell of a lot quicker especially in high winds you know the stitchings could be poor the material could just be par material but the one thing what's most important and that's just getting out it's getting out being outdoors being away from your tv screens even though you lot probably watching me on the screen now but you're gonna be actually but this is just this is this is the way we all need to be let's get out and enjoy camping like i said a few times spice them up pretty cheap like this just the first second camp and then start buying you know the next ones and the next one's the next one so i've already said it's an expensive hobby but if you do this camping already it don't matter what you spend it's a love for the outdoors and stuff out what's more important so thanks for watching i'm not gonna show me putting all the tent away there's no point of that if you like this video and you're not yet already subscribed to my channel you can hit this here you'll be subscribed to my channel i'll put the [Music] buying all this equipment and you know showing all that in this video here almost all thanks for watching and i hope i see you next time
Channel: English Woodsman
Views: 39,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aldi camping equipment, Aldi sleeping bag, Aldi sleeping mat, Aldi tent, English woodsman, Hainworth Keighley, Hainworth woods wild camping site, Tent camping at Hainworth woods, Tent camping with englishwoodsman, Wild camping sites uk, Wild camping uk, Wild tent camping, aldi, aldi finds, aldi grocery haul, aldi haul, aldi shop with me, camping, weekly aldi haul, wild camping
Id: QjHjHr1XsOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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