I Was Shocked What Bf Was Putting In My Food

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this is so good i said as i licked my lips you have to give me the recipe todd laughed it's a family recipe my love it's a secret todd was an amazing cook he never allowed me in the kitchen and i really didn't mind being a taste tester was just as important as stirring the pot hi my name is therese like and subscribe to our channel if you do one day you'll have a special person who can cook you special meals like todd did for me i met todd about two years ago when i heard that his family owned a crematorium i was a bit freaked out but i said hey am i really not going to date a guy because he burnt dead people for a living todd and i's relationship was pretty perfect up until the day he got a call from his younger brother kendall while we were having dinner what are you guys okay todd asked the person on the other end of the phone he listened for a while then responded i'll be right there he hung up and looked at me i have to leave todd said repaid the bill and he dropped me off at home he didn't say anything on the ride home which was very strange for a guy who was always smiling and had something to say what was worse is that i didn't hear from todd for three days i left numerous text messages and calls but received nothing on the third day i finally got a call from him i went from being worried on the first day too furious by the third i had to compose myself before i answer the phone hi todd hey babe i'm sorry i haven't been in touch my mother was admitted to the hospital and it's been a lot to handle oh how is she i asked concerned i only met todd's mother once before she's okay now just a bit shaken up i have to go now but i promise that i will make it up to you okay the next day i visited his mother at the hospital i knocked on her room door and poked my head in mrs grayson can i come in hi charisse of course you can she said as she waved me into the room i gave her a light kiss on her cheek and asked how are you doing i hope they're treating you okay in here oh they've been treating me just fine she chuckled mrs grayson and i spoke for about 15 minutes and she was in really high spirits hey mom todd said as he walked into the room hey babe what are you doing here he asked and kissed me on the cheek i just came to pay your mother a visit i smiled yes it's okay mrs grayson said she just came to pay me a visit mrs grayson seemed to be a different person when todd was in the room she seemed more uptight and less talkative i'll let the both of you catch up and i'll wait for you outside okay todd i said politely i kissed mrs grayson goodbye and waited for todd outside after a few minutes i noticed the police officer entered the hospital he walked up to the information desk and asked for mrs grayson's room i watched the officer go in and a few minutes later voices were raised and i decided it was time to intervene i slowly opened the door and stepped inside unnoticed by the officer and todd if you want to question my mother you can question her with me in the room todd said furiously sir we can either question your mother here or we can take her to the station and question her the officer said sternly just as todd was about to step to the officer i stepped between them todd i said as i looked into his eyes i think you should let the officer do his job i think you should listen to the lady the officer smirked the door opened and two more officers entered the room they escorted todd and i out of the room while the previous officer questioned his mother eventually todd and i were escorted out of the hospital because he kept trying to enter his mother's room that night during dinner i looked at todd i hope you don't mind me asking but why did officers try to question your mother today i asked hesitantly todd sighed heavily my mother got into a little trouble with her boyfriend curtis but he left before i got there that night when i got to my mother's house kendall was nowhere to be found either he went on to say that his mother made numerous reports to the police about curtis's behavior towards her but it all went uninvestigated he vented how frustrated he was that his mother had to end up in the hospital for them to take her seriously the next day i decided to cook for todd at his house i thought it would have been great to cook for him since he always did it for me and well todd's place had all the food and the best seasoning and spices when i was almost finished and i set the table with candles and rose petals i went back to the kitchen to add my finishing spices to the meal i opened a jar and wasn't sure what it was since there was no label as soon as i was about to taste it i heard todd's voice behind me babe what are you doing he asked i jumped and nearly dropped the container todd caught it covered it and placed it back in the kitchen cupboard oh you scared the heck out of me i said as i place my hand over my heart what is in that container i asked oh it's a new protein shake that i'm testing out for a friend of mine okay i'm almost finished why don't you get cleaned up and then we can have dinner during dinner todd wanted to watch the news even though it wasn't romantic i decided to let it slide one of the news reports showed a picture of curtis mrs grayson's boyfriend as a missing person at least now he can't hurt anyone else looks like the garbage took himself out todd said grimly i found it strange where had curtis disappeared to i couldn't shake the feeling that todd may have had something to do with it the next day i visited todd's mother to find out what really happened i did it at a time when i knew he would be at work she seemed afraid to speak with me now but as i was leaving she looked at me apologetically todd is known to have a temper please be careful she said normally before i date anyone i do a background check on them however since i met todd through a mutual friend and not some dating site i didn't do my routine check as soon as i got home i looked up todd prescott on the internet but i didn't find anything i decided to look under elizabeth brazen his mother's name a picture of his mother popped up with a picture of him and his brother by her side when they were little elliot and kendall grayson what todd's real name is elliot i said astonished his brother and mother kept their names but why did todd change his name i felt my instincts ringing like an alarm bell and the signs of danger kept flashing in my brain i had to dig further i needed to find out the truth for myself todd and i had been dating for over a year and the fact that his name was changed and he didn't tell me meant that something was up my fingers trembled as i typed his name in the search bar suddenly everything went black the electricity went out damn it i closed my laptop annoyed i was unable to access the internet on my laptop so i had to use the data on my phone i placed my phone in my back pocket and decided that i would continue my search once i got some light in my apartment i let some candles around my apartment but as i was placing the last few down i heard something outside my kitchen window i armed myself with a frying pan as i walked slowly to investigate the sound just then my phone rang and i screamed from the sunny noise trees trees are you okay in there todd's voice called as he knocked frantically on the kitchen door todd what is he doing here i inhaled deeply plastered a fake smile on my face and opened the door are you okay todd asked and planted a kiss on my forehead i'm okay i scared myself i said as i moved to the side and let todd come in in his hand was a picnic basket looks like we're having a candlelit dinner he chuckled but i remained silent we went to the living room and sat on the floor and todd laid the food out i began to feel nauseous i needed to get the next piece of the puzzle so that i could figure this all out i felt uneasy in todd's presence i excused myself and went to the bathroom as soon as i locked the bathroom door i pulled out my phone i was shocked when i looked at my phone and the missed call was from kendall and not todd i assumed it was todd because he was outside my kitchen door i called kendall hey what's going on i whispered was todd with you he asked my eye shot open yes don't eat anything he offers you you need to get out you're in danger he told me to get out as soon as i could and meet him at his mother's house i didn't know what was going on but i agreed i snuck out the bathroom and into the kitchen grabbed my keys from off the hook and bolted out the kitchen door to my car that was parked in the driveway i panicked as i tried to open my car door i saw todd running towards the car and i dropped my phone i jumped in and drove off when i arrived at the house i knocked and kendall opened it are you okay he asked i'll be okay what's this all about i asked as i stepped into the house kendall said he found these in the crematorium he held up a bag of clothing i looked at it and asked who the clothing belonged to he went on to say that it was the clothing that curtis was last seen in i felt sick to my stomach curtis had gone missing a few days ago i galt did todd creamy curtis let me show you something kendall said i followed him to the kitchen where he showed me a jar it was the same jar that todd had he asked if i knew what it was what do you mean i asked todd said that a friend of his asked him to try out a new protein shake mix kendall shook his head it's not a protein mix cherries it's ashes just then a loud knock on the front door startled me todd shouted from the other side kendall i know you're in there open the door i looked at kendall with fear in my eyes come with me he said and grabbed my hand and moved ran down to the basement kendall did not turn on the light so i bumped against everything that my legs touched almost tripping over them stay right here you'll be safe he turned and walked away before i knew what was happening i heard a gate close and keys shake i was trapped i felt around my surroundings and realized it was some sort of cage or cell help help i screamed hoping that the neighbors would hear my cries what kind of psycho brother eating ash's mess did i get myself into above i heard a lot of things crashing and banging around the voices were muffled and i couldn't hear what they were saying clearly then i heard it one single explosion the basement door opened slowly and the person began walking down the stairs when the light turned on i gasped it was todd therese are you okay todd's concerned voice broke the silence stay away from me i screamed as i backed into one corner of the cell help help someone please help me i cried hysterically i don't want to hurt you todd said as he walked towards the gate and opened it he continued i will explain everything to you but can we do it outside as we wait for the police i walked outside with todd that's when he explained everything to me he told me that his brother had been sick since they were younger his mother didn't want to put him in a home or put him on medication even after he injured their father and set their apartment on fire accidentally while playing with matches todd said he knew that if he didn't change his name that he would always be tied to whatever kendall did and he wouldn't be able to live the life he wanted he said that his mom was kendall's protector and when things got out of hand with her boyfriend kendall rescued his mother the police arrived and regave statements todd also told the officers about his mother's boyfriend and what kendall did to his victims at the crematorium i watched as the paramedics took kendall away after giving statements todd dropped me off at home he asked if i wanted him to spend the night i told him that i'd be okay once he left i packed my bags and drove to the airport i changed my phone numbers email addresses everything yep i was moving and changing my name as well a peace of mind is better than a piece of me being sprinkled on someone's food
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 224,860
Rating: 4.9385309 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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