How Much it Costs to Study in London

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what is going on guys my name is Kenji and welcome back to my channel I hope you saw the first time that you're watching one of my videos but in case it is I am a first I'm a 30ml experience study at the King's College London and in this video when we talk to you guys about exactly how much cost me to study as a medical student in London there are a few reasons why I make this video and the first one is that I lived in Berlin for the last three years in my undergraduate degree and it really would have benefited me to know exactly how much I want to be spending when I eventually do move to London I also get quite a lot of messages asking me about how much it cost me to live in London so in case you're planning to in the future or you're thinking about it hope this give you some insights into how much it's going to cost you and how much of a financial hit it might be and this is not going to include any extras like holidays kind of shopping for clothes and stuff like that it's just probably going to be all of my maintenance and my living costs as well so as always the time stamps will be on the screen and also in the description down below so feel free to jump to any part of the video that you'd like to go through straight away alright so gonna be starting off with my life incidents and the first thing which is one of the most expensive things is my rent which costs me 275 pounds per week or 39 pounds per day this is inclusive of all the bills so of my heating my electricity and my wife I absolutely everything 275 pounds per week which is quite a lot I remember I used to live in Berlin for my undergraduate degree we were paying like hundred pounds per week I'm slightly less than that maybe like ninety pounds a week so this is more than three times whilst paying in Berlin but the reason why is because I live in central London so I live in like Zone one which makes it a lot more expensive and I don't say this is by far one of the most expensive thing well probably the most expensive thing about living in London but unfortunately if you live in one of the biggest cities in the world this is gonna be a hit you have to take unfortunately alright so that is my rents the second thing that is the biggest spending so far is my tuition fees the reason why I'm mentioning my tuition fees is because I'm a postgraduate which means that I don't get a tuition fee loan which means that I have to pay for all of my tuition fees straight my pocket so that's why I'm a into this video obviously if you are an undergraduate student you can get loan for this and this may not be something you want to consider so tuition fees cost me in nine thousand two hundred fifty pounds and that's for the whole entire year I'm only actually in University for nine months of the year because three months of that I spent on summer so that comes out to one thousand 27 pounds or divided into 31 days 33 pounds per day yeah that's quite actually so I'm definitely gonna think twice the next time that I decide to skip class or I'm considering skipping class all right it's the next thing that I spend my money on is a gym that costs me 990 pounds per year or 51 people day as well as that I also have my phone bill my phone bill cost me 52 pounds and 64 pence per month which works out to 1 pound 70 today and my phone book includes both the contracts of paying for my actual phone and also the airtime plan that comes with the phone as well so that's all of my life maintenance and that comes up to a total of 74 pounds and 63 P per day yeah that's quite a lot all right it's moving on to the weekly expenses this is just like what I spend day to day after my living costs but first thing is food food last week cost me around thirty five pound fifty per week which works out to five pounds or seven pounds per day which I actually think about it for breakfast lunch and dinner isn't that much I tend to meal prep all my meals on a Sunday and so I have my lunch and dinner completely sorted throughout the week which saves me quite a bit money the next thing on my list is socializing socializing and looking at all of February cost me two hundred and fifty seven pounds and ninety five pounds for the whole of February which works out to a pound so 32 per day a pound stay to per day like that's that's actually mad I didn't actually realize I spend on much on socializing and you know going out but this includes kind of going to dinner having lunch my friends every now and again go to bars go to cinema all of my kind of like going out and socializing costs in February was particularly expensive like June February it was my one of my best mates birthdays it was my birthday we also had the halfway ball could celebrate halfway through medical school so if ever been generally work was quite expensive month and I don't think I'd normally spend that much money that's something I want to take into consideration the next thing on my list is travel to traveling includes kind of taking the bus to and from my hospital placements traveling outside London to go and visit my friends and kind of taking the Underground trains to go and socialize and meet my friends for lunch or dinner and also going all the way back to Northwest London to see my families so this works out to $129 February which works out to about four pounds seventeen per day on travel I know that doesn't sound like quite a lot but actually four pounds per day is quite a bit and quite ridiculous actually I'm definitely gonna buy a home with my bike I own a bike I've had a bike for the last kind of four or five years and I've ridden it literally a handful of times so definitely gonna go buy a helmet in Evin cycles or something really soon hold me to it guys you're gonna be you're definitely to see me on the streets these days sooner or later on my bike one eternity later the last thing my list in terms of luck in terms of weekly expenses is my laundry feed study laundry around once every two weeks and that costs me 10 pounds per month which works out to 32 ppad a so in terms of my weekly expenses that works out to a total of 17 pounds 88 per day which I honestly don't know how I'm gonna be affording this like I should have probably done this video to start the year before I realizing how much I'm spending on my life expenses but so far if we look at the life maintenance fees and also my weekly expenses that works out to a total whopping 92 pounds and 51 pence per day altogether alright so the last category that I have on my list here is the apps and the services that I use this is inclusive of like Spotify you know Netflix all those kind of things I use my phone and the services I pay for starting off with Spotify Premium Amazon Prime Netflix because that's a total reserve pounds I don't pay for any of this and I have learned to be smart in medical school which means that I'm an absolute leech so I leave Spotify for my sister's boyfriend Amazon Prime is from one of my best friends Netflix is for my mum yeah I'm gonna bleach and if you guys have anything that I could possibly do on to leave a comment down below and hit me up well he's joking but yeah those things all paid for by my amazing friends and family the next thing that I actually do pay for because there are a few things I do penny for is Evernote I've got a deal and I paid 45 pounds per year on Evernote which works out to 12 people day ever know is absolutely amazing tool that I use every single day and I'll be making a whole video on Evernote and how I managed to stay paperless and have no paper ask for medical school so stay tuned for that I also pay for instant paper which cost me one pound 84 pens per month which works out to six people day I also paid for squid which is a note-taking app by using my tablets to write all my notes that cost me one pound a month or three p / day I also pay for read wise read wise as a service I like to use which sends me all of my Kindle highlights or a few Kindle highlights every single day that works out to be 3 pounds of 91 per month or 12 people day I also pay for an audible subscription I'm not entirely sure why because I don't really commute often because I live so essentially I don't actually commute that often and I barely have any time to read his books but anyways I pay 3 pounds of 99 pence per month for that which works out to twelve year day and lastly I also pay for a junkie a junkie just the hosting service that I used to host all of my ebooks for my like you know MMI notes and stuff like that later the description go check that out lil plug so in terms of all my apps and services that works out a total of zero pounds that works at a total of 55 PE today so look at all three categories my life maintenance my weekly expenses and also my apps and services all these three categories works out - if I get a drumroll clay a drumroll 93 pounds and 6 p / day which is like it's actually making me worried I'm not entirely sure how I pay - star 93 pounds of 16 per day um this may be my last video on YouTube I may have to go into hiding because I'm not entirely sure how long I spent pay all this money but there are a few things I've learned through making this video and the first one is that I do spend quite a lot of money on socializing and I didn't actually realize how much I do spend on socializing but the thing is that for me the relationships are the most important part of my life like of course like medical school and my career is really important but the relationships I have with people and my friends are so so important which means that every now and again I will have to spend money on going to like see them going to like have dinner with them at lunch with them and that for me is just like it's a given like it's something I just have to do my and something I really value the kind of philosophy I also have about this is that throughout medical school and as a student I would rather be like broke and spent all my money kind of traveling and seeing people and see my friends but have like a really enjoyable lifestyle during medical school rather than saving money up and not enjoying like my food lifestyle obviously that will change when I have more commitments like a family and I have a job and all those little things but during like being a student I don't actually mind too much about spending this money and to be honest think about it I'd already spend money on clothes I don't spend money on like on things I don't really need the majority of money that I spent socialising goes into either traveling or you know spending time my friends and family and for me that's like a worthy sacrifice the way I also kind of think about it is that if let's say I decide to not go out at all this year and I managed to save five hundred pounds of my bank accounts that five hundred pounds when I do become a doctor and I do have a job well really made that big of a difference whereas using five hundred pounds and now will make a huge difference to my quality of life and my enjoyment of medical school and university in general so socializing is something that I'm definitely like wary of but it's not something that I worry too much about spending because the pros definitely outweigh the cons for me the second thing that I actually realized is I spent so much money on traveling and as I said it's gonna be one of my goals to ride my bike at least you know two or three times per week I'm thinking about possibly riding my bike it's a hospital but riding in London is like so scary as all the buses and the cars and all the bikes so I saw these gained the courage to actually get on my bike but that's something I definitely want to do and hold me to it guys and the last thing I learned is that the living London is quite expensive like it's no doubt that rent is three times the price four times the price as what you might pay up north for me I had the choice of living somewhere in like zone 4 zone 5 somewhere more on the outskirts or the suburbs in London but I would rather pay more money to how the convenience of living in central London I managed to get home from my hospital in less than 20 minutes like it normally takes me around 18 like 19 minutes to get home and for me having that convenience means that I can kind of spend time investing and making videos for you guys or studying a bit longer or working a job or working towards my business so I much rather have that then commuting over an hour to get to a hospital over now to get back home is this something that I've weighed up in my mind and something that I've just accepted also living in London kind of does depend on your personality so if you are considering living London as well think about what type personality you have so for me I quite like the hustle and bustle of living in central London I like how it's sort of convenience and everything is around me it makes travelling and do things a lot easier and a bit of London for such a long time so for me I London really does suit my personality whereas on the other hand I do have friends who live up in up north and Preston or in Oxford and for then that tends to actually see the person and see some my friends are more chilled they've grown up the countryside they kind of prefer having in a more quiet area and that suits them perfectly and I've had like long conversations with my friends about you know what suits our personalities so that's definitely something you have to consider and that's that'd be something that I thought about when thinking about where to apply for the university and as a final point guys like as you can tell that you've seen living in London is not cheap live in London is one of the most expensive cities in the whole entire world and it definitely is the most expensive city in the UK but on the other side of that there are so many perks by living in London and I actually love it you know there's so much to do in London there's so many different airports which makes it so much easier to travel with your friends it's a beautiful city there are beautiful people in there and I honestly really really enjoy living in London as I said I lived in Burma for my last degree and I much prefer living in London like Burma's amazing city as well but there's there's very few cities that actually compares to London in my personal opinion and definitely whenever I travelled abroad for holiday there's always a part of me that definitely misses coming home back to London so that is pretty much it guys I hope you found this video valuable to hopefully it's given and hope has given you an idea of what living in London might cost you if you didn't enjoy the video please leave a thumbs up leave a comment down below as well to have any questions about what it's like to live in London and leave some video suggestions if you guys have any make sure you're subscribed as well and I'll see you guys on the next one [Music] 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Channel: Kenji Tomita
Views: 9,379
Rating: 4.9775281 out of 5
Keywords: how much does it cost to study in london, study in london, medical school, king's college london, medicine, medical school in the uk, med school vlog, how i got into medical school, king's college london medicine, medical school uk, medical school life, medical school vlog, medical school london, medical school vlog uk, a day in the life of a medical student, medical school application, day in the life of a doctor, med student study with me, london vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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