I Was NOT Supposed To WIN This Carnival Game

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I'm gonna play every single carnival game at this amusement park we're gonna see how much we can win and we're gonna see if we can get every single prize away where's the throwing game you gotta knock them all off the table I'm assuming right yeah in one throw so here we go oh yeah that's the idea because I feel like if I try and whale it it's not gonna look at that oh it is heavy yeah so imagine yeah okay so yeah I ain't gonna be able to yeah all right see that's where that's where I lose it here see exactly oh all right a little bit more to the the left ah yeah I don't know I feel like I had a better shot in the other way so I'm gonna bring my friend Adam here guys he's better at the throwing stuff than I am so we'll see uh if he can hit this here all right so this is Adam Adam giveaway how's it going so Adam guys him and his family used to own uh run tropical Fun Zone and it was one of the early arcades that I started my uh filming videos on which was crazy so that's we kind of reconnected again and so let's see if he can do this he's probably a little bit better at the throwing games than I am but we'll see how see what happens here see if we can win a big banana he's trying a technique like me yeah see you get that bottom one I don't know like in between the top one see if we can get it oh God see I don't know yeah you gotta go higher you've got yeah he has really good aim I used to be a pitcher oh he used to be a pitcher so here we go he's perfect for this oh as soon as I say that that's that one that doesn't want to come closer there oh no close oh one more all right here we go oh look you only got to knock one off now that's tough because they are heavy that was nice of them to let us fill the weight of those things we might come back to this game guys see if we can win a big banana but let's move on all right we're at goblet pits or goblet toss I guess it's the official name for this so this is one of the holes in it where they fall through so let's see what happens here guys we've hit this before we've had some insane wins on this uh we're kind of just going for any color here would be nice come on Blue oh my God first ball would have been insane I like to do a little bit of backspin there oh the one next to it darn yellow oh that would have been insane so you can win they have all squishmallows here guys [Music] right next to it I'm blue oh it was in there oh a lot of them nothing into the nothing all right here we go last ball last ball all right no luck on this one guy that's sometimes how it goes so we're gonna head over to the other one and see if we have better luck they're giving us all kind of deals at the carnival games today guys look we got a two first so uh me and Adam are both gonna try this see if we have any luck here so here we go guys on this one now that you've noticed they changed it so they added a gold one in the middle if you get that you get the jumbo prize they used to just have blue and red so let's see what happens here whoops oh almost blue so I'm kind of just aiming for the gold and then if we get a weird bounce we'll see what happens oh I'm getting a blue oh my God maybe because let's see oh off the whiffle ball oh almost red on that one all right last one on this bucket see oh my gosh so close Adam try this bucket here come on dude almost one of us has to get something this is insane oh we're getting something we're getting I love the confidence here look at his first try come on do it you got it oh oh look how close there's a lot of Blues on this you know it's like I think the odds would be pretty good here no just roll the whole way across oh last one last ball could this be the winner oh away all right another bucket so let's see here guys see if we can land oh my God right next to the hamster come on oh my Lord come on oh that's where oh my God I was gonna say that's what I like to do is Bounce It Off the wiffle balls hit that one oh right next to it come on oh that would have been nice for that yellow all right go ahead Adam it's all you all right we're getting the gold one all right come on we're getting this gold one the gold one we've never had because they've never had it on here guys so let's see what happens [Music] oh anything oh my Lord crazy oh yeah nice finally all right I got a couple left here we're going with the gold yeah go for that gold all right at least we got something oh see perfect looks like a cat and a hamster mixed together two uh belly buddies nice there we go wow all right so this is a new game Kennywood got Lobster Pot You Gotta Throw two in the bucket and you win it set simple so you got it we were playing this is the butler Fair too so let's see if we can get this here you gotta just hit that front lip I know and it's tough oh very bouncy all right we got two more games guys oh my God one more ball we get a major prize dude I think I got the technique down muscle memory here we go oh dang it oh so close all right come on let's do this ah darn it nah still no luck since we're having a little rough day here figured why not go to the fish pond where you can win a prize no matter what so if I lose at this then I'm not gonna make videos anymore so we got any three ducks so if they total the 32 I got a jumbo prize which is kind of neat I actually like that concept better than oh you just pick a duck and get a dinky little thing so we can win Thomas a train here guys license plush so here we go oh okay well we got a two and one there we're gonna save the numbers for later to make it intense we got one more duck here coming around again this little guy right here is all by himself that might be the one all right here we go all right so first number two so horrible one oh my Lord so we have a small prize here we go come on the last lonely little duck is worth one oh my God so we have a total of four and we were able to get well we can get a medium there we go so guaranteed winner thank the good Lord and we'll see if we can give these away guys would you guys like a prize in a future video you good you shooting good all right we can't give them away oh my God would he like a prize or they can both have one we're trying to give everything away today how about does he want the octopus or the little uh belly buddy what do you say there you go all right we still got one prize left we got to give away and a few more games to play so let's keep going all right we're back at this let's get some Redemption this is ridiculous come on Blue oh I'm feeling it this is the one right here we'll take anything except not a zilch wait how did I land that yellow behind the back of that one yeah that was insane oh God oh my Lord look at that snaking around did you guys see that [Music] um oh blue yes there we go shabang there's a squish mallow I swear to God guys if you have trouble with a game leave come back it works your bang let's see if we can get a red or that yellow would be amazeballs now we're warmed up it's coming back oh another blue we take that come on yellow oh here it comes like that all right last ball guys here we go and away it goes nope goes horrendous okay we got a blue I'm gonna take it that was awesome got a little squish mallow oh we got a puppy thing and they tricked me they clickbaited me goes hey at least we got something so you got to get a red or a blue I guess yeah red or blue is a squished mallow we still got these guys we'll see if we can get them away here all right so these are new at Kennywood guys this is crazy so we're gonna try this the banker ball here a little different than Cedar points I was texting Brady from Cedar couple so he's been giving me some pointers let's see if we can do it here guys oh a little bit higher oh oh look I gotta get back should I throw it away oh thank you yeah super generous here at Kennywood park that's amazing all right here we go nope too high yep oh my God oh they did whoever designed this probably maybe should have made the ledge a little higher I don't know we're just getting a bunch of free throws here and I still can't make it this is crazy but that's how you got it that's how he told me how you gotta do it though all right I've tried enough on that they're gonna be like man we're losing money on it still can't get it all right yeah it's in Sean we can maybe edit that in there I don't know all right here we go last one here guys nope too high well all right guys we're trying again here let's try a pie oh she said some kids have won thrown it up higher oh it's hitting the bottom oh that was close that was close into you you gotta hit just at the grass oh dude I don't know how much closer that could be it's insane nah that's too high dude whoever designed this like they just keep coming back that's the rebounds yeah all right so close look at how close that was that's crazy man that's how you got to do it though nope hit the thingy oh that was close ah this is crazy generous very generous here look at that that was just that was as close you I don't know how much lower I can hit it though that's what my friend said to do hit two inches above the bottom with a little bit of backspin gosh that was like a hair off yeah hit the stick nope that's too high no that it's in there but you gotta hit the thingy whoa oh my God hit the ceiling on that one [Music] so it is awesome so Brady Cedar couple shout out to them that's the technique very tough though I only did like 600 shots though all right we're gonna give away the prize guys oh you're welcome oh my God and you're welcome we'll see it in a future video eventually would you guys like a prize that I want in a future video giving them away these are the last two I won there you go you're welcome all right so we're trying once more here guys let's see if we can do this if I would have tumbled a little bit more oh yes your bangs the last one dude oh my God we get a peanut butter jelly time banana we'll do uh blue my favorite color wow dude the last game guys that was insane wow look at this guys this thing is taller than me crazy that's how we do it here Kennywood can we get this away guys I don't know hey I saw you playing that you were close would you like a big banana I wanted in a YouTube video I'd like to give it away if that's all right with you guys there you go yeah you were doing really you might be a pitcher for the Pirates I don't know that was you had a really good arm there so that was it right there guys Kennywood park we gave everything away if you guys enjoyed hit that like button rkmath.com plush and prizes for sale I want to thank Adam my camera guy he was amazing he actually did that's some good wins in this video so we might have to give him a channel arcade Adams got a good ring to it I don't know and uh like we always say thanks for winning carnival games
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 684,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnival game, carnival games, arcade matt carnival, arcade matt, carnival game wins, winning carnival games, arcade games, impossible carnival games, carnival game master, carnival scams, bank a ball, bank a ball carnival technique, bank a ball how to win, bank a ball carnival game, bank a ball trick, bank a ball game, matt3756, matt 3756, kennywood, kennywood park carnival games, kennywood park
Id: B-nrstMxe1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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