I was not emotionally prepared for Godzilla Minus One. (NO SPOILERS)

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welcome everybody to hat hole home video I saw Godzilla minus one and it was great it was really great um but here's the thing that really surprised me most um it was a movie obviously sold on the Godzilla city destruction I mean that's what the trailer was and it was awesome and you go and see the movie and you start liking people you start liking the characters you start connecting with the characters you start feeling for the characters and uh all of a sudden all that Godzilla city destruction that you were so excited for that you cheered for in the trailer becomes something very different um Godzilla you dread his inevitability in this movie um you really care for the characters and you want them to find happiness and find peace and it's you know it's there's so much grief and guilt and struggle um but hope that as these characters are pulling their lives back together and dealing with their demons and dealing with you know the war that's still going on inside them even though the the military war is is over um you start feeling that dread of oh all that stuff I saw in the trailer Godzilla leveling these cities um that it's coming and that was something I did not expect going into this movie that idea that the thing that I was most excited for would be the thing that I dreaded the most and would be the thing that I was wishing wouldn't happen so that these characters could have a happy ending um it was really cool it was really well done um movies are storytelling and you can tell all different kinds of stories all different kinds of ways and you know I was prepared to be told a story about and this is probably just conditioning especially from the last decade of American or Western Godzilla movies but I was you know sort of prepared to be told a story about uh cool giant monster and how awesome it is that it's destroying these cities and you know just like a a badass story um and instead what I got was a a story that really does a great job of framing the monster as this inevitable force that is coming for these characters that you care about and it's really not a story about that Force it's a story about these characters and it was really well done it was a really well told story um surprisingly emotional and moving um again not exactly what I was expecting but I'm no stranger to emotional movies I like emotional movies I like all kinds of movies I think I think every again I like being told stories and you can be told all different kinds of stories I like connecting emotionally um with a story uh Rudy when uh they're not going to let Rudy dress for the final game and all all of the team goes into the coach's office and they put their jerseys on the table you know that there's a little something it's like what is that oh I do have a heart um contrary to what most people think um I like emotional stories I was really invested in this movie uh it it's it's funny that in the past such a big complaint of you know you know maybe the new era of Godzilla that big complaint is oh there's not enough Godzilla in this Godzilla movie there's just the right amount and again you dread his approach you you dread his inevitability but um it's so well done it never goes too long without reminding you of Godzilla it's smart um I I'm not going to get into spoilers in this video but the the plan that is hatched to deal in some way with Godzilla is a very cool Smart Plan um I love it also deals with a lot of um camaraderie in the end it deals with um you know people deciding that the powers that be don't know and are unwilling to deal with this problem and someone's got to deal with it and who you going to call um I love that idea of the Misfits and sort of the people who have been in this sort of terrible place in post World War II Japan um you know they band together and they figure it out I I it's it just hits all those beats I love Misfit characters doing good I love you know David and Goliath kind of stories I like winning Against All Odds um and I like happy endings um not to say say that this movie has exclusively happy endings for everybody um again no no Major Spoilers but um it kind of handles the reality of war and of these sorts of IM immense destructive forces um it handles those things with some amount of [Music] realism um it's not a fairy tale uh but yeah it was really great I highly recommend everybody that can uh go support it in the theaters it's doing really well it's in a somewhat limited release but it's it's um really I think word of mouth is spreading pretty fast that that this is a movie worth seeing it's worth seeing on the big screen it's worth seeing on the biggest screen you possibly can um I I agree with that in terms of support I don't know if I totally agree with needing to see this on the big screen just in terms of enjoying the movie because so much of this movie is I enjoy the The Human Side I enjoy the heart and you don't need to like the heart doesn't need to be seen on the big screen uh the spectacle I'm sure is aided is even more spectacular for being on the big screen you do get that sense of scale uh some of that city destruction the way it was filmed um or you know the way the CG was done you do feel like you're there in to some degree it it was done in a very smart way where you get that tightness in your chest you know when a building is falling or people are up on top of a building and you're sort of seeing things from their view it's it's stressful um so yeah there you go I would I would highly recommend you see it but not necessarily maybe for the reasons that you would expect for having seen the trailer but it is well worth your time 2 hours flew by it was uh it was really great that's all I really have to say about it once again I'm everybody loves this movie I'm I am just a voice in in the chorus singing this movie's Praises right now um it's really cool actually to see so many people uh uniting is uh probably not the right word because people right now can't unite about anything but I do appreciate the fact that so many people on YouTube you know looking at people's reviews so many people who are on such like polar opposing sides of so many other issues everybody likes this movie and I don't think they're coming together to like this movie but at least people on their separate sides of all their things at least they're enjoying something the same thing at the same time and maybe someday that will let them get a little closer to each other who knows um but yeah anyway thanks for watching everybody T hole home video like And subscribe and all that jazz um I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Hat Hole Home Video
Views: 5,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla
Id: 7Kc3teshhwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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