Godzilla Minus One - 2023’s BEST MOVIE! See Why It's EPIC!

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you know Godzilla movies really aren't my thing but I just saw Godzilla minus one and let me tell you I stood up to cheer and I haven't done that in years since Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy felt great see Godzilla minus one isn't a movie it's a cinematic Revolution combining adrenaline pumping action with a big screen monster destroying postor War II Japan all inside an exploration of the human heart but it's not a Monster Mash it's an intimate human movie with a monster in it acting as an agent of chaos a force of nature that either breaks people or makes them stronger a Japanese studio just declared war on Hollywood and Godzilla minus one didn't just body slam Tinsel Town it made damn sure that every Studio boss from now on has to watch their fans disappear faster than actors lose their dignity on a casting couch say made in Japan what do you mean doc all the best stuff is made in Japan [Music] unbelievable welcome to every Cinema Rebel Dream Chaser and Slayer and anyone whoever snuck their snacks into a theater the Sol of Cinema isn't dead it is alive and roaring in the Land of the Rising Sun after 30 plus films in nearly 70 years Toho Studios not only delivers the best Godzilla movie to date but a master class in true storytelling director tekashi amazaki takes it to the next level he raises the bar so everyone in cinema has to follow him fusing a period piece with an electrifying action adventure a War epic love story and psychological drama and oh yeah a monster movie but you know what I really love about this film it's hard it is pure entertainment gold cuz today everything Hollywood produces divides people Godzilla minus one unites them this is a fun wild roller coaster ride that you can share with the audience it's going to get everybody talking laughing smiling cheering choking back the tears prepare yourself this is a Beacon of Hope for the weary as much as it is an Anthem of Courage for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] brave Godzilla minus one is set at the end of World War II it's a movie that offers escapism inside of a Japanese War epic we got koichi a kamakazi pilot who fakes engine trouble only so he can avoid fulfilling his duty and completing his mission he lands on the island of Oda and there he freezes up the very first time he has to face off with Godzilla the prehistoric monsters towering presence almost cast a shadow as big as koichi's guilt that he feels for not fulfilling his duty to his country and for his inability to save the men on the island eventually he resettles back home in Tokyo's rubble and meets a stranger noro a young woman who's taking care of an orphan baby named Akiko over the next two years the three strangers form a new family and together they attempt to build a new life unlike Hollywood which forces together romantic relationships through quick montages director yamazaki allows the couples relationship to advance organically the very same way he follows koichi's new friendships they naturally grow with a lively crew of a mine sweeper boat he got a job working on a ship diffusing mines left over from the war never did the filmmaker forget to show the evolution of this friendship grow into a magnetic Band of Brothers and he does it brilliantly using time jumps but sparingly kind of like a Master Chef spicing a perfect meal not too little not too much much always to Signal progression of the story without compromising its authenticity this is storytelling at its finest the movie underscores a very powerful message about the nature of regret how Survivor guilt can metastasize over time like cancer many months pass in the 1946 kichi still wearing his guilt like a crown of thorns then suddenly Godzilla strikes again and which should be a very simple scene a monster emerging from the water and the hands of a master filmmaker transforms into a symphony of color an explosion of emotions and heightened suspense and mythical Roars I promise you your eyes will be glued to the screen watching Godzilla's attack sequence reminding me so much of the movie Jaws I half expected someone to shout you're going to need a bigger boat what really made this movie special was the delicate balance of its key ingredients even overthe toop spectacle has substance to it all the Larger than Life action it's not just for show it is a backdrop that serves to show how people come together and grow because no one is coming to save them all hell breaks loose when Godzilla arrives in Tokyo though the director focuses a majority of the plot on the human element He never forgets to have a little bit of fun he throws in all the smashing and crashing and roaring of a good monster movie showing the citizens running for their lives as Godzilla goes in pure Berserker mode throwing passenger trains and battleships like they were bathtub toys yet it's the sound design that brings it all to life the score itself was so alive it's like its own character the crafted audio enhances Godzilla's destructive power every time he unleashes his Atomic breath we go from one moment of pure silence to a brutal explosion that'll have you holding on to the edge of your seat just so you won't be blown away by the mushroom cloud and I got to think that's Somewhere Out There Christopher Nolan's already seen this film and he was decided like damn now I know who won the Battle of the atomic blast and it most definitely isn't Oppenheimer Godzilla minus one is here it is shaking the foundations of cinema by getting your blood pump and tearing at your heartstrings and in the end of it all leaving you in awe of the enduring power of the human Spirit between the director's eye for framing the scenes between the personal and the intimate combined with a stunning cinematography and Grand visuals showing the gigantic scale of the Beast and the destruction he leaves in his way all come together to make you feel feel like the movie is lovingly handmade the attention to detail is perfect Godzilla feels like he's a natural part of the world even the cast bring the characters of life in such a way that you feel like there's this crew hiding in the shadows recording their lives but the true stars of the show are the writing and the music after five minutes you'll be Soul pulled into the story you won't even notice the subtitles your blink in two hours will have passed this movie has it all and only for a $15 million budget do it prove that necessity is the mother of invention it's made its money back three-fold so while Hollywood makes films for $300 million producing one box off his bomb after the other while Disney and Warner Brothers can't maintain the simple momentum over one measly Trilogy Japan's oldest franchise and too Studio City smashing icon shows no signs of retreating Hollywood wish they had the balls to go against their cult to make a movie like this but they don't Godzilla minus one is the best movie of the year it is the first and last Masterpiece of 2023 and its messages are Timeless it's about the scars we bear and the inner lines we unleash about finding hope in the rubble and courage and Chaos about friendships the heroes Journey family and love but not the phony love that Hollywood showcases but real love true love meaning commitment and sacrifice with an open heart without ever expecting anything in return go watch Godzilla minus one and it will leave you breathless and begging for more as great Cinema does and it's rare today so it deserves all our support and as my grandfather once said in his great toast here's to the Giants we face to the battles we fight and to the heroes we can become it was a legend and if you enjoyed the video and found value in it hit the Subscribe button go out and see Godzilla minus one then come back here and share your thoughts and we'll have a great discussion about it and share this with everyone to win every battle and stay true to yourself all you have to remember is we never bow down we never bend the KNE always [Music] forward Godzilla minus one
Channel: George The Giant Slayer
Views: 32,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzillaminusone, godzilla, moviereview
Id: KuT_FIAh4yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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