I was jailed on an SCP roleplay server, here's what happened...

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hi man how's it going you ever hear about this this uh scp stuff secure containment protocol or something like close enough right people role play this stuff you like walk around uh pretend to be a laboratory guy you'd do sorts of stuff i don't know i thought you know what i'm a man who wants to see what's going on here take a look in this lab if you know what i mean so i joined a role play server and uh wow let me just show you what happened hey yeah when i first started playing this it didn't have a clue what you're supposed to do it was just a man walking around looking for someone hello uh how's it going not too shabby how are you uh it's going good just trying to go die but no one let me in go away you trying to you're trying to go die yeah something i don't know i want to go see some scps that's what's behind the door i think so i don't know i've only made it past there once and then i got shot so i wanted to know what was going on behind those doors but uh they weren't letting us in do you see the bottom corner how it says d-class yeah it means we're the bottom of the barrel they don't want us in the lab where they experiment on us we're prisoners or something that's what happened to me the first time i got in they like took me down to this room and were like all right [Applause] hey someone let us in get this door open for us let us in how long do you normally wait out here hey how's it going hey yo i got my mic working hey ross here can we come in it letting us in oh before we go in there though i was gonna say there's only a few days left okay only a few days left to get the new merch uh that's available it's gone just gone forever look at this i added a mouse pad it's my man's on it do you like that it's a it's a good mouse pad you can't forget about the hoodie the mustard virus shirt a whole bunch of good stuff in here okay tons of good stuff there's only a few days left if you want to get it head over to forgelabs.gg if you do that it uh it helps the channel out big time if you know what i mean all right i'm going to kill us yeah look at that we got led in by this guy named ross didn't know anything about the guy i think he was like a medic or something i don't know but uh we're inside now and now we wanted to find some scps so we started looking all over the lab trying to see what we could see but uh neither of us knew where we were going or what we were looking for just two guys on the hunt you know so we were going through the lab and uh i mean guy just started staring at a trash can he went silent something uh something going on with this guy yeah your mic broken or something hey i think your mic broke oh joe how's it going hey don't worry about this guy joe couldn't hear a word he was saying the man had the microphone on the other side of the room or something all you gotta know is this guy let us in he let us go further into the lab [Music] i hear a machine going off or something anyone hear that screaming hey guy yeah i turned on the femur breaker oh wow [Music] see you got a gun now yeah i found it oh and just as i think this guy's about to blast me this guy walks into the room hey hey guys look behind you look behind you oh how's it going good uh so um how has it been i would put the i would put the gun away just because i'm nice i'll give you guys oh i won't kill you guys hey my man night watcher is a good guy here he uh just look you guys you guys could become a medical odd you guys can become a security officer like me you guys just have to oh sorry sorry my something i'm not getting so i could you know i could just kill you guys right now but i feel kind of bad and plus no one's gonna kill anybody yeah don't kill us hey we're just gonna see some scps i'm not gonna i'm not gonna kill you just give me a second i have to do something give me a second okay yeah very likely story after like 10 minutes of this i guess uh my man guy had had enough because he pulled a gun on him tried to shoot him and you know what did not end well for guy fortunately guy died right here he's hard to kill me leave a comment saying r.i.p guy you know i lost this man never saw him again seeing that gun reminded me no i'm a man who needs one myself so i started talking to uh this other guy gregor i said hey my man how can uh how can a guy like me get a gun so right come in here we'll talk about it i'll run you through i'll run you through the hierarchy here so you're you're literally you're literally you have no rights here that's me a guy with no rights that's a that's a d-class yeah this is an xp machine this can boost you up to level 15. now if when you hit level 10 you can start being a security guard it's like shooting the d-class when they step out of line generally being able to verbally abuse people that's fixing pumps like with 682 all that jizz jazz there you get the medic hey just gonna do one of these go for it man hey thanks my man maybe we'll see each other sometime you know no problem dude i mean i'll i sh i'll be home tomorrow for him yeah i'll be on tomorrow for a bit so like maybe see you then hey my man enjoy your life now that i was a security guard they uh they put me right to work they said there's uh some police about to break in go stop them so i followed these guys through the facility uh me ross and night watcher we're like three musketeers or something like that so what's going on here hey jackie we have a new recruit we have a new recruit jackie how's it going my man good to see you good to meet you hello this is jackie boy guy apparently he was in charge of me this man was my boss but you know what it didn't i wasn't too sure about that let's see if we can make some changes later on if you know what i mean apparently the police were supposed to come through this entrance right here busting or something and uh jackie boy whatever his name was he told us that after this event our memories would be wiped out our brain will go numb and we forget about this event hey well i have to re-learn how to keep my couch button no no no okay no no it's just a figure of speech it's like um what is it what is this i won't have to redo my keybinds after this no no it won't do it it won't do anything to you you're just like a roleplay thing oh okay i have no idea what was going on at this point but uh this jockey guy wild he handcuffed this woman and started yelling at everyone move everyone move don't don't break it don't stop stop stop stop stop oh stop watermelon you just call me you kind anyways we left to the cafeteria because nothing was going on here apparently the police were now going to come in through the cafeteria i i don't know jackie boy here i was about to get in trouble apparently a bunch of people were unhappy with him or something because they came storming down and like uh told him that he was just look howdy howdy uh jackie jackie so um yeah according to according to the crime you've seen that you're seen by the head of security is unfit to hold the rank of officer therefore you will you must step down or you will be shot by firing squad [Applause] hell yeah all right i'll take his place oh my god do you remember how he shot me the minute the elevator opened up [Music] remember no russian you know yeah that was him the next day when i got on i wanted to uh see what i could do with some of these uh prisoners found this guy agent george slapped some handcuffs on this man and uh just took him you know out of character hey don't even worry about that okay okay come on george don't worry [Music] come on george you ever been down here before george all right george come on [Applause] come on this way george how's it going guys please buddy there you go buddy i can get can move on no thank you taking where you got to take him bro hey come on let's go george don't give him any trouble here you drag me [Applause] okay come in here george yeah just drag me uh down the stairs george hey george i want you go ahead and press that button right there no i'm not [Music] so what do you think so at this point i was just aimlessly walking around with this uh guy named george and turns out that there's places that you you should not go here move along no i got george here with me i have a concern have a good day yeah take him back to d-block i want to know what's uh what's down here whoa there's nothing here oh no i said he said i gotta go down there i don't know what's going on here these guys weren't letting me come around this corner so i had to uh just come up with a story to try to convince them to uh just let me go you know uh i don't know some guy some like lieutenant just said we need a prisoner from d uh up this way so i said uh sure no problem okay can you okay just go back yeah i don't know i said bring him down there don't let anyone stop you i i overruled the guy go go go there no he was like the he's like the leader or something like that i i overrule everyone how come okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh here get these off me i'm a guard you know what before i knew it i was in handcuffs okay at this point i have no idea what was going on here i still don't know just uh pay attention to this guy in the background okay dr johann he's important later right now they wanted to know who i was and uh who told me to bring george and since no one actually did have to start uh coming up with more lies hey security basically this guy's your problems for no reason [Music] [Music] uh it was like um uh lieutenant night watcher or something like that lieutenant night watch lieutenant night watch a night watcher uh i don't think we have a lieutenant night watch here are you sure it was a lieutenant's huge lieutenant wasn't someone else yeah i don't know he was running or he was with him last night he was running around he was like building stuff so he told you this last night and you decided yeah so this guy wasn't talking to me this he sent in dr johann how's go get a d-class bring him that way didn't even know where he's going just said all right uh agent night watcher night launcher yeah he's online last night so you followed an order from last night yeah that's right we completely redund them today oh i i like doubt you know i when i make a man of promise i always follow through no matter what unless it's the same day yet and within a reasonable time frame don't do that yeah because that's stupid yeah i i i blacked out i got on i woke up early said you know what i'm gonna get this man out hey what's gonna happen to me you let me go um i'm going to have [Music] no no no no trust me trust me trust me i sat in front of that machine for like 20 minutes no need to do that how about this how about you and i yeah we uh you get these cuffs off me we'll go have a nice long talk wherever you want maybe cafeteria you get yourself a donut or something like that and everything's gonna be just fine you know my man dr johan i'm gonna tell you right now if you don't do that it's gonna end very poorly for you okay unfortunately you're gonna have to make this easier for me oh he made a mistake taking these cuffs off me no no no no no no no no no no [Music] i got the dog oh had to uh have a little chat with the uh server admin after that but uh yeah it's good to go i'm telling you right now i'm an innocent man okay i know what's it doing here oh i guess i was trying to handcuff this guy in a suit but once i was freed i would i went and got another man from d-class and uh tried bringing him further into the facility again but yet again i was uh stopped by these uh people now just asking me all sorts of questions why am i bringing this man somewhere who asked me to do this yeah where is the researcher joe who's going to jump in where's the researcher yeah dr johann [Music] i'm about to i'm about to piracy specifically okay i'm taking this guy too what the frick hang on i'm not getting my man there's a lot going on here okay you need to just trust me here let me take joking with me what do you mean there's a no need for the cops come on take these off somehow i ended up in jail again i tried to explain that this was just a big misunderstanding and that uh dr johann was the man they needed to arrest no no no you said dr bear and the doctor johan yeah you're currently giving me information type no type his name chat dr johan type his name your doctor johann i'm sorry i'm telling you type i'm telling you type type i type on your keyboard his name dr johan oh my god please type the name dude it's doctor johan oh my god please stop his name i'm gonna please type his name i'm gonna push you off all right how about you release me all right otherwise dr johan's gonna come down here and you guys are all gonna end up as janitors within 10 minutes okay okay okay look if you don't if you do not type his name checked i will imprison you forever listen to this i'm gonna tell you his name right now dr johann so yeah again that was being uh hauled off to the uh what i could only assume at the time was the prison in the facility again you guys were freaking out they uh i really wanted to know who told me to go get that d-class all right and hey i'll have to keep talking about dr johan but this joe guy has got a an idiot biggest idiot in the world right now doesn't know how to talk now now i gotta be with the guy that doesn't have a microphone it's fun hey good to see you i'm not communicating with this joke i refuse to read any of his messages and i won't talk to him i'll talk to you dr johann is the name sean you're being imprisoned for failure to comply with foundation protocol taking a d-class without having the researcher with you and get also feet damaged i'm telling you right now i'm innocent okay [Music] what do you think uh failure to comply with here no here yeah sure you wanted a d class to a researcher who doesn't exist okay don't even don't even bother listening to joking joking's got the brain of a rock [Music] print cancer dr johan that's it that's him there is no there is no there is no johan does mario the south okay can you please tell his name would you ask you type uh we we don't say talk say it type it dr johann no no no no no [Music] okay do you have a yeah i got a keyboard why okay okay okay cool no no no no shot shot shot shot press y on your keyboard press y on your keyboard and then individually press keys which consists of his name do that for me press y do that press y doctor johan shot press boy okay you've asked me like 30 times i feel like i'm going crazy here you guys keep asking me you are crazy you are crazy okay doctor johan can [Music] hey that's uh that's it that's that's what happened when i played a scp role play pretty good a good game [Music] you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 2,001,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, GMOD, SCP, 100 Days, Days
Id: TYXhdXQ8r0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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