I Was in the Same Jail As Jeffrey Epstein, I Know what Happend - John Alite talks Epstein Jail

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there we go [Music] today's episode um my favorite one John was super excited to talk about Mr Jeffrey Epstein the infamous pedophile horrible human um Jeffrey Epstein and I guess I'll let you take it away since you clearly have some thoughts well you know recently for the people don't know I did a radio show and I was asked about Jeffrey Epstein and I I briefly touched on this at another period but we really didn't get deep into it and on the radio show we really didn't either they just asked me you know why do I have such strong opinions of what happened to him and I said well first I don't think it's okay that any of us forget how many kids were affected by whatever happened to them on that island sexually underage and nobody else has been arrested nobody else nobody's names have came forward and that's not okay if this is going to be a justice system it's got to be one for all right and especially when it's crimes against our kids so I don't want to let that situation go I'm not going to be just old time went by and we forget about it like you know like this country is used to with everything with 911 or anything else that does not just disappear so I spent over four years in MCC where Jeffrey Epstein was so I know what it is to be on the 10th floor in those solitary confinement cells where Jeffrey Epstein was I know what it is to be a high profile inmate like Jeffrey Epstein was well actually he was probably the number one highest profile inmate in this country in probably ever I would think because of his involvement with so many people on all sides of the aisle and other countries uh and uh being he was also accused of being an operative whether that's true or not who knows so so what you saying what I'm saying he definitely did not kill himself that's a hundred and ten percent okay so so then what happened now what happened is uh our attorney general Barr completely lied to every citizen in this country when he said that he was going to look into the investigation and I believe he was in Texas when he said somebody asked them one of the media Outlets asked him bar did you look into this and he said yes I did and there was nothing there to look into so I dropped it and then the follow-up question was what do you mean there was nothing left there for you to look into and he says well I watched the video and no one entered the tier stop right there so would attorney general Barr said is all you people are too [ __ ] stupid so I can really abuse you abuse you all I don't want to sound like My Cousin Vinny abuse use I don't want and I'm going to insult everybody's intelligence but he forgets that a lot of us dummies that were in jail know the system and here's the system for the people don't know if a count is not cleared because he said two Gods fell asleep and did not do the count so they did not find Epstein dead until the next morning that's so [ __ ] insulting and laughable because if that occurs then they would they call they hit the deuces in the jail they try to contact the gods upstairs and it can't be one it's got to be two have to walk and do counts so I'll walk you through that when they do account they go into each cell and if somebody's not moving they kick the door or bang the door if it's if it's a dorm-like cell they they hit Iraq you're a bunk with that stick or the light and they make you move your foot or your hands because in the past there was dead bodies and they had to make sure while you sleep and you you're really alive not dead okay in these locked down cells there's cameras in a lot of the cells and his cameras on the Tia so when Barr said that nobody went on to Tia it's impossible because you need two guards if they fall asleep they can't because control downstairs calls up and they cannot clear the count in the building and if that is if that's what occurs they don't clear the count they hit the deuces because they think there's a hostage situation upstairs in that tier if nobody answers or they think the gods were killed so they cannot nobody moves they lock down the whole facility whether there's any movement at all in that Facility by anybody it's completely stopped they bring their what they call different depends on the jail itself what they call their unit special units and they'll call outside SWAT to come to the building with on enforcement because they're worried about hostages Prison Breaks and murder of the Gods Okay so so in your best opinion what do you think took place so I love how excited you get about this yeah I'm excited because it's he got caught blatantly lying but so if this occurs and they claim to be sleeping right they would come up initially and see that the sleep and wake them up and do the count right that didn't happen and they didn't the 911 tapes have disappeared because they only have to keep them for a year wait wasn't there also something that like the two guards that we're supposed to be doing something more asleep yeah it's impossible by coincidence both are like asleep or something like that it's impossible because they wake them up and tell them to go do it account but here's how they killed him so for you most likely wait can I tell you my appreciation you tell me if you think this is right yeah I feel like they they said between this time and this time we're we're not gonna come bother you basically you know the details more than I do we're not going to come bother you here's how you're gonna do it go do it and then he did it or no and then so so they they facilitated the act like I I don't I think that he didn't like when people say like he didn't kill himself I think maybe he was the one I think that somebody are they there is a system in put in place to help facilitate and look like he killed himself but it wasn't that's not really killing yourself you have when an inmate tries to kill himself let me back up which he did supposedly prior he's then put in what they call a toilet paper wrap right they took all his clothes they take anything he could kill himself with any kind of uh cover so he can't take the strings out of it and hang himself everything's happening he's in a Cambridge cell where he even showers in there they turn the shower on at whatever time there's a there's a mic inside the the room they tell them get up and shower and they turn it on whatever time they feel like turning on whether it's two in the morning four in the morning it's a nice shower he gets up if he doesn't get up they turn it off after five times yeah now control room has the cameras there's several places in that building besides control room if there's any kind of shortage anything goes wrong that they also have access to the camera work through the facility it's not just one control room only on the floor itself it has their own cameras also but what happened in my opinion is we get fed through a mail slot three times a day now you have inmates influxes of inmates that are moving in and out from solitary confinement throughout the Jail daily so in my opinion they brought in two operatives into solitary confinement and beat the set of them no put them in those cells whether those Gods most likely were two gods that they took off that shift and they probably had operatives there also right now they're set up because the whole jail isn't in on this murder you know they so maybe if anything the ward knew what was going on because it's got to have access to get these other gods into the into that facility they feed them through a mail slot they drug them when they feed them so his last meal is depending on when they feed us but 4 30 say is our dinner meal they drug them he's out cold the inmates are all there he's sleeping they have keys to their cells they let themselves out they kill them and make it look like a hanging suicide wait wait you said that inmates the other inmates killed them no other roommates are in the cell so later on at night when everybody's asleep they let themselves out they kill Epstein they let themselves back in that cell and the problem who's they whatever operatives they placed and although uh solitary so okay okay but oh I see now I see so so it's basically like like Hitman operatives so they they put them as like so you'd think that they they kind of like hide these guys in other cells as if they're inmates exactly and then but they give them the key because his daily movement every day from inmates in and out of solitary and without the whole jail right so then then they say okay so they basically Reserve let's say like a room or two to put these operatives in that are just gonna be like just hanging in there for the for the day and then they know that between three and six a.m Epstein's gonna be out cold and they let themselves out and they also have the key to the the other one and then they go in and then they how do you think they kill them didn't kill they kill them make it look like it's a suicide which the first autopsy he says no it's not consistent with suicide it's consistent with strangulation he was killed ladies right well they make it look like suicide but they choke up that that's something you know the strangle they snap his uh larynx now how do they get back out of that those cells when there's a movement whether it was a movement later that day but hold on who do you think these operatives have been sent by CIA you got to remember something let me give something for people that don't know when when Nixon was in office Spiro agne was the VP Gerald Ford was head of the Warren Commission he cleared everybody about the the killing of JFK when he clears everybody at JFK Gerald Ford never got voted in anywhere they arrest Spiro Agnew and charge him with a crime he's out as VP they plate replace him and reward Gerald Ford as the VP without being voted on by the public because of what he did for the warrant commission for them now he's the VP and then they go after Nixon and when Nixon gets impeached and steps down Gerald Ford steps in that's a deep State that's our CIA and there's no different here they got rid of him and later on in the day that same day or two days later or three days later those guys stayed in those solitary confinement cells and they shipped them back out like any other inmate walking in or out now to say that no one walked in that tear is the most ludicrous ridiculous thing because there's two counts in the middle of the night so that with these guys just sleep through a night and you can't sleep through a night even if they did with the dumb excuse boss said that no one ever came in because they would think what I said earlier it's a hostage situation the the gods were killed or an escape all three of those things makes them hit the Deuces locked down to jail hit all kinds of alarms and everybody's on the move to find out what's going on upstairs none of that occurred okay but then who is sending who's making this who's calling the shots from to the CIA to be those operatives like there's somebody whoever's calling the shop for the CIA the same so why would the CIA but why would the CIA not want uh Epstein alive because he has a lot of information information on how many of our presidents Senators judges Supreme Court judges kings and queens from other countries on Epstein Island fauci uh yeah uh Gates wife said yeah yeah remember he's hanging around one remember so they weren't just having pie and coffee with them I mean we know what was going on there so you know you got people going in the the powerhouses billionaires of this country and the elite are going there now if they're committing these crimes they don't want it out right but everybody else's case what was that the the um the guy just got convicted of killing his wife and his daughter they had him on the news every day they televised this his case why wasn't this case televised why is it Beyond close quarters why is it you know what's going on here that it's okay to for all these kids R Kelly let's use him as an example right single he's paying girls to have sex together paid him he didn't force them he didn't kidnap him he didn't do anything of course I think I think they were underage and he paid okay they came forward and they said but here's the problem is it because he's all Kelly and he's just the black man another black man that okay we can convict him for all this but any of these Elite oh we can't convict them so houses justice system Fair that's why I go back into you know when they want to say it's fair it's you're insulting all our communities there's nothing fair about this and the biggest one of the biggest sexual crimes and pedophile crimes in the history of this country and not one person is locked up not one person's name is exposed yeah no yeah so you think it was two operatives that went in there in the in the night and choked him to death basically and then set up as a suicide it could have been one but I think it was still interesting it's easier to move them around with two people especially if they're hanging them who do you think knows for sure CIA if I say I think no yeah you gotta be careful well it's kind of obvious who knows if you you know because it's all those people that were there at that Island no no I'm saying who knows who knows who knows the actual what actually happened when he died oh well Maxwell she has a good indication it was do you think she girlfriend I was bringing everybody you think she knows how he died oh 100 I think she understands and knows what what happened but I honest think she's just as scummy as him well she is I would even say she's the worst she is borderline worse but she is but all the people that were there are worse or Worse Oh you mean on the island no I'm saying I'm saying not not strip outside the island for a second I'm saying when he died in the jail I mean like who knows who do you think knows how he died exactly I think she does but how do you get how do you convict her now I think she got 20 years how do you convict her to 20 years of facilitating all his sexual acts when you're not saying who she's facilitated with if I was her I would say well I didn't facilitate with nobody who who are you talking about why is this all so closed up if somebody rapes a child why is it why is it not if evidence because if you make a certain amount amount of money then that doesn't count you can rape whoever you want then you're good you're good to go oh your salary is over a mill let's oh and the mill is not enough it's a 100 Mil yeah that's enough okay so you you get to rape any kid you want listen just recently on the news a young girl eight years old had I believe sample 69 different DNA samples in her body from being child trafficked and no one's saying anything about it how is this okay I mean it just hit the news and that was it but that's not the only child there's a million kids here now because of what's going on with the situation with the borders or anything it's not okay that these kids are getting raped and abused and tortured and killed and separated from their families like this and people just ignore it and go about their busy day you know it's it's not right so going back to galane though so bar is really should be on a hot seat so Congress Wellies are not doing anything why aren't you calling them in and asking him what is he talking about that nobody went into tear that's [ __ ] impossible it's impossible well they well they might get around with that tape obviously yeah for sure but you know who gets rid of 9-1-1 tape it's a year old not for this case it ain't for a case of anybody else going hello 9-1-1 yeah domestic fight yeah okay after a year they dispose of that and this ain't never disposing it do you were you in the same exact cells like those exact yeah yeah I was up in no solitary cells what were they like very solitary not typical it doesn't listen you know people say you could be in a low uh uh facility um Alan would say Alan with Lowell would medium Penitentiary Island would uh uh a solitary consult cell in lock up it's the same it's a eight by six basically so with a steel little bird sink there and a steel toilet and uh you know you [ __ ] rack with a with a little blanket or a sheet and that's it that's just yourself there's nothing there um and it's the same you're on lockdown with a little mail slit in the middle of the door you got a little square window that's wide and secured with the it's not glass it's that hard thick or like kind of bulletproof fish so you can't break them uh and that's it you uh stayed at 24 7. you may get out a couple of days into another cell which is supposed to legally but you really don't and some of the cells don't have showers in them so they move you and shower you three times a week coffee it through to put your hands behind the doors the coffee some just depends on your your gel if you're Shackled uh what your situation is when I was in Falkenburg they would shackle me and actually keep one hand Shackled to the boss I was never afraid even when I was showered I'd only showered with one hand there's a foot shackle me belly shackle me on my hands on a telephone and I would get the phone once a month and both the ear and the mouth were on the wall so you have to talk and lean in like that white shackle so it depends on your situation Epstein being who he was and such such high classification The Whole World's looking after him yeah that just done is not going to happen it's just ridiculous and insulting to say he did but you know even if you weren't sure at First Once uh doj bar made those stupid ridiculous because he's never been to prison so he's too stupid and his arrogance and his ego made him say something as dumb as that that the gods fell asleep and he looked at the tapes and nobody went into the Tia so anybody that's been in prisons or any wardens of Prisons or any gods that really work prisons we all know that doesn't work like that you can't clear count how many people are on his floor you think it depends on different times how many people are in solitary like average well it depends on on that when you have it on my tier because there's a couple tears on you got an up a tier on uh 10. so I don't know 30. who are some of the other criminals that you were in that specific jail with and solitary with oh you did whatever I was one of the Russian bosses at the time uh of a political Chinese guy I was with terrorists I was with uh a guy zazi from Denver that was involved in trying to bomb I was with the Bryant Venus terrorist that was uh shot a rocket out of country I was with the another guy Mohammed Baba that was involved in blowing up the trains in uh it's a lot of terrorists he was he was the uh information uh propaganda machine for that bombing incident another terrorists I was with a guy from Philly during that uh uh incident I think was Rizzo was the mayor when they were finally bombing houses and stuff that he ordered so a lot of terrorism you get well you get to mix everything you get terrorism you get uh serious guys that were killing you got bosses from different countries I was with the Noriega and MCC in Miami actually it was the two of us on one floor Noriega was there for a while um that was back in I believe around who's Noriega the Panamanian uh General oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I read two big books about them actually so we were the only two on that floor at that time wow yeah so you get some different inmates that are you know you have bosses from different cartels um depends on the jail where I was at I had another guy that was head of uh um Chicago disciples How does it go when because you know in the movies you see like people they they ask or they don't ask like why you're in there for are you guys very open about it well it depends if you what your profile is a lot of guys that are high profile you know we know when you come in you know it's it's either in a newspapers other inmates already yelling it out this guy's coming yeah some of the guards are telling you uh even though they shouldn't be but they do um guys know each other from other joints were there ever situations where somebody like asked you or you asked somebody why they're in there for I don't I never read see in there you can go to the vents and you can yell and talk you can go to the corner door yell and talk you can go in the toilets you flush the toilets empty it and you scream because you can hear downstairs talk downstairs I never did that I hated doing that actually you know a lot of guys do they ride the door all day they're yelling at each other they're playing they're joking to pass time uh having conversation it's just I just never like doing that it's just not my thing but so you would mostly just like work out read and work out read run in place uh try to read a lot I mean you can read honestly if you if you get your hands on books because sometimes you could so you'd read the same book a couple times you'd read the Bible a lot anything to read because you can read a book basically in a day you're not doing anything read the same book that'll make you go crazy well the good thing about reading books and anybody that's been in solitary is to tell you your mind leaves the jail because you start getting into the store you know but you get like uh you read the book Monte Cristo was a big book that you'll read it was a long book and it was it was good when you got into it was almost like like you're watching TV yeah um but it's very the problem is it's very hard to hands on books you'll read them so fast and you can't get them and then you know there's none on the tears and you know you're trying to get them you're trying to switch with inmates and all the cells and so you know you'd have a runner that would come and bring food you'd ask them do me a favor give them this guy might book and get a book from him were you in jail on 9 11 no 911 I was in no actually I just got out I was jogging on an indoor gym and uh I thought they were watching Arnold Schwarzenegger movie actually oh wow and I stopped and I realized everybody was watching the same thing I'll go what the [ __ ] is this wait so did you notice any difference in like the security in jails before 9 11 and after or is there any difference there or no it's mostly just like airports and stuff even the airports because I didn't I went with Dave he had a company a private I was talking about Dave Gentile the ex-fbi guy at a company called protocol and we went to somebody the some of the airports to go through the security we were bidding them and I was shocked that the security sucked still yeah we actually got we got the passes you were around your neck so you can walk through the back of the Airport baggage we're walking everyone and no one question our passes it could have been fake we could have had a mate just walked around and this is after 9 11 so like where's the security um security sucks it's not what anybody thinks and that's why we would add a look at the scare you were trying to you know look at it at different angles where the weaknesses were yeah it's uh so yeah so basically the conclusion of today's episode is that you believe Johnny Leah was killed by up that you John a light believe that Jeffrey Epstein was killed by the CIA 100 not believe I know it is no and and I know that doj a thousand percent lied so when when they smile and look at the camera and they try to talk like this whole forcefully telling the truth if they lie about that they lie about almost everything and that's the problem they are not accountable to the American people like people think and they're so naive to believe they are they're accountable to that power and that money like every Empire through every country in every world and we don't talk politics yeah but I'm gonna say one thing it doesn't matter if you're left right or middle insist on freedom of speech that's what our lives are born and built on and all the sacrifices about and I really mean that I agree um all right well I think that was a very substantial in-depth view of and I challenge you attorney general uh bar bar yeah come on the show come on the show he won't no he won't he's gonna never come on because we have too much knowledge with this anyways uh thank you guys so much for watching a quick reminder like this video comment subscribe all that good stuff follow us on Instagram at Johnny light on Instagram for John felix.lavian on Instagram for myself thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys yeah you don't remember no John Galliano got canceled like 10 years ago why he said some very anti-semitic things when he was very drunk on camera really yeah we can talk about that next anyways much love to everyone thank you guys
Channel: John Alite
Views: 2,263,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffrey epstein, jeffrey epstein island, ghislaine maxwell, epstein, donald trump, crime, 60 minutes australia, epstein island, bill clinton, 60 minutes, epstein list, bill gates, mystery, news, inside edition, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, true crime, conspiracy, world news, theory, netflix, law and crime, law and crime network, joe rogan experience, huberman lab podcast, new world order, true crime podcast, illuminati, trump, murder, documentaries, john alite
Id: skl1JKM9Cvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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