I Was Born With 300 Teeth In My Mouth

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my name's Scott and for about 18 months when I was a teenager I had been in constant pain my mouth was hurting all the time I had experienced toothache a lot as a kid but nobody ever really took it seriously but then one day it was the worst it had ever been day after day week after week the pain just kept growing and growing my parents took me to dentist after dentist but nothing they did worked they tried all the normal stuff but none of it helped soon my parents were taking me to different cities different states speaking to every expert they could I mean it was kind of great because I got to see loads of different places California New York wicked places I would have never gone to in a billion years just a shame I spent all those visits in so much pain eventually our Trek took us to Georgia where we met a doctor called and I swear this is no joke dr. Brian pain yeah pain seriously it seems like he either really knew what he was doing or really didn't either way he came to a conclusion he told me I had a super rare condition and he told me I might actually have the world's most unique case of it how mad is that basically hundreds of extra teeth had grown inside my head nestled inside my jaw and gums and stuff most of them were found inside a sack that was nestled in a part of my head that I think dr. Payne called the molar region of the lower jaw something like that we had to get them out the surgery lasted for three hours I could have watched Lord of the Rings in that time but I was out of consciousness the whole time basically they had to drill down into the top of the lower jaw make a sort of window and then reach in to remove the sack there were obvious challenges that followed the process of ripping more than 200 teeth out of your face can leave your mouth kind of messed up I had to have a lot more dental surgery just to get everything back to normal ten surgeries in total for a long time even the most basic of speech became super hard for me that kind of sucked I was young it's hard to have friends when you can't even speak and your friends are your whole life when you're young basically had to learn how to talk all over again but it's good I got there listen to how good I am at talking now the doctors were kind enough to let me keep the teeth so I did what any guy would do I put them in a jar sealed the jar and I use it like a maraca in my band
Channel: Broken Heart
Views: 1,302,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broken heart, dory story, story, actually happened, story time, actually happened stories, stories, problems, storytime, true stories, drama, teen stories, life story, my story animated, story booth, storybooth, reddit, reddit stories, ask reddit, Teen Stories, born with 300 teeth, teeth, tooth, toothpaste, how to wash teeth, dentist, 300 teeth
Id: tlGdF0lcpbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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