I was Born Old, But Every Day I'm Getting Younger | My Incredible Story
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 2,628,522
Rating: 4.8518806 out of 5
Keywords: animated story, animated short stories, actually happened, storybooth animated, storybooth meet my story, meet my story, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, actually happened stories, stories, story, storytime, true stories, meet my storytime, I was born old, I am getting younger everyday, my incredible story, gerontologists are chasing me, I was kidnapped, classmates do not understand me, secret community, my superpower, shocked parents
Id: lPCyIz2rz7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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